Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 21 Jan 1875, p. 2

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A pr The contest in North Ontario re- suligd in. a defeat to- the friends of! | economical governmeuti-- ntest was not protracted but it masdstermined;no one willdeny that the Conservative hosts had the best of ihe campaign," they routed the enemy at every encounter and from Jan appearence nothing short of a _mericai.or an unusually generous »precipluation of the auriferous dust "could turn the scale in favor of the 'Gru. Again und again assur- "ances came from the fur North that 'everything was hopeful and that the North men only waited an opportu- ity of sweeping down on the grit anks on Monday and driving them from the field by weight of numbers, The northern men asserted that the Conservatives having selected a stan- dard 'bearer from amongst them de- serveditleir support and they would show their appreciation by the swebping majority their candidate wvonld receive. - - But as the day ap- proached the northern hosts began to waver, certain influences were "hiroughit-to-bear and deserters might _ be seen slipping into the enemy's ranks and falling into line; aud when tbe stiu ;gle came it was found that, the majority of the morthern men bad turned their weapons; against their best friends, and thas, showed that ef their many virtues gratitude was by . mo meaus largely developed. : With the exception of Mara and Rama the otber portions of the Rid- ing did pretty well, sufficiently welll at least to have elected the opposi- 'tion candidate if Mara and Rama had done anything like their duty; but no one dreamed for a moment that those two townships which on every principle of right and justico oughtto have given a hLand- some majority to the .opposition candidate would give a 'majority of 41 against him. The village of Port Perry gave a large majority (112) for the Govern. meant eandidate, and they certainly wrought like beavers to secure this result; in fact it was amusing to witness the desperation with which this majority was secured. One of otr village luminaries got hold of a party who did not wish to vote Grit, and was dragging him into his cutter with the view of taking him to the poll by force when a by-stander in- terfored and with difficulty rescued the innocent captive trom his over- zealous captor. The captor felt in- digpant at the loss of his prey and -said1o his captive as he released him 4¢ Well, you shant get the beer!" Angther .worthy being determined to plank a plumper for Paxton mark- ed his ballot for Paxton and then tore McRae's name off the ballot paper and returned the paper without ; of course his superlative zeal cost him his vote as it spoiled the ballot. The township and village of Ux- bridge poured an jrresistable force into the field who by a majority of 218 declared in favor of Grit rule.--- The good people of Brock did their duty like heroes and made a gallant stand. The result over the riding is high- 4§-encouraging and proves what the Conservatives could have donennder difforent circumstances. Any one wall conversant with the working of ign must be aware of # strength of the two addres other journal would have "an opportunity | This one transaction of the now po- sat him down like a harp unstrung The O'Donohoe, an inveterate Grit driven from the representation of E. Toronto in the Dominion Parliament. 2nd, Debenture Crooks routed from ie interests of thecountry before party- . ee eomerriier n 'Whistling to keep his Courage, up | the patent.medicine men are only too glad 15|and grinned in trying to swallow = sympathisers, ByTuesdayhaving ral- ied w tel 5 Jats on aie 58 tries A ' cc = 4 Toronto audience the better causo the Globe with his anal ing when referring to the | modesty, turns :his attention to the Globe's Silver islet slander, said that| Oppssition expressing the greatest anxiety as to who may be leader of ot proving that matter in a court of |the party. Weadvise him not to law at no distant day. Mr. Mac- dougall says he will bring a civil action against tho propriztor of that paper, but for himself bo would bring a criminal proceeding against him, and if the charges were estab] lished against him, (Mr. Cameron) he would resign his seat if' elected. -- From Under the Cloud. referring to the then approaching election BAYS t-- tor attended to without his intérfor ence and the chances are that his advice won't be asked. : a re About as Reliable as Usual. The Standard granny makes his scribblers say, in the last issue of that reliable sheet thatthe County Council would meet on Tuesday, 19th inst. ; and in order to give weight to the canard he dares to attach the name of the County Clerk to the cheat.-- Neddy ought to know that while he may have no regard fot truth, and it is not ex- pected of him, the County Clerk is not in tuat predicament ; people place reli in whatever appears over his signature, and be sides being an audacious traud it is rank im- pertinence to seck to make the people be- candidate." We congratulate our South Onta- rio friends on their splendid victory; their vote on Monday last proved their devotion to the best interests of the country and their determin ation to put down oligarchical,clique tyranny. They havesaid by their votes that in future they shall be cely prepared for such a ping m late elections exhibits. misraled this province for the past four years,. The dear, dear Crooks, a member of the Government, whose European feats at Provincial deben- ture selling have given him a notor- in favorof the system it certainly hag not the manly ring aboutit of stepping forward and announcing the name of the man of your choice. The Ontario Government in the | matter of getting up the ballot papers in East Toronto. came up before the Assize court i for postponment. Mr Cameron ol iety not likely to be soon forgotten been given for delay. has been routed have as completely blundered and heen as necedessly extravagant 38 they have been in almost everything they have touched. ¥n the first place the printing of the names of the several candidates in different! colors is a perfect burlesque and causes a large additional expense to tho country. Kenzie withdrew the record an litically dead, and soon to be buried thos the case burst. Crooks, cost the province $240,000 ; in this transaction, however, the members of the Government were equally guilty with Crooks, and the men who support the Governn.ont are far trom being blameless. The 0O'Donohoe, chiet of the Catholic League, has been completely diror- ganized and driven from the-constit- uency of East Torontoby Mr. Platta man as much superior to O'Donohoe as the principles he advocates are superior to those advocated by O'Donohoe and his political party. Poor Thompson fell a vietim to Grit trickery in West Toronto.-- Crooks, the model financier, foolishly believing that he could unseat Mr. Cameron in East Toronto eame out' for that riding and chose Thompson as his succossor in West Toronto, put down Bribery and Cor. ruption, we have lots of Mcney- ever-memarable The printing on the|" hae proposition the back of the counter foil is on a X agents. par with the rest of the.expensive By the humbug of dif- ferent colors for each candidate each blundering. ballot must have a seperate impres- sion tor each candidate. In the ballot papers for N. Ontario for in- instance each ballot paper had to tion proved it to have been ti.e most ccrra re-election and here is the result -- receive four impressions Lesides the Losnos, Jan. 16-The neve of numbering, and consequently mak- ing the expense to the county four' times as much as it ought to be.-- Had the farce of different. colors been avoided and 'the printing on the back of the counterfoil dis pw OF! A - | system of gaining an election. but the people wanted to have some-| oo. which, by the hy, . thing to say in the matter and told, serves no useful purpose--for every 'Wrong as Usual. by their votes on Monday that they = a five hundred dollars the ballot pap- wanted no grit dictation so they left ors now cost they would have cost Mr. Thompson at home and elected 4 4 but one hundred and oqually secret; his opponent, Mr. Bell. There was . : MEE . . |but this would not have been in, mush weeping In: the Grit vamp Io keeping with the ex nsive bunglin Toronto, on Monday night. Speak id ; Spe ghing bra of our thrifty (?) Government. We potof grief Wil you' Nave esen the ceriainly.do not understand the tem" tears of the Grit rullers over the| ik i » 1 slaughter of their tools. Goarge per of ihe country it such a Eros Brown refused to be comforted, ho |De Bot set up when the enormous, unless expenditure among the Grits of this city, as was not expected by them. ---- N. 0. E. D. Agricultural Society is stated take place on Thursday, 21st inst, regard either knowing the source whence comes. in connection with this ballot farce eomes before the country as will make ministers glad to adopt a cheaper system. The absurdly expensive machinery will have to be simplified and cheapened to a very large extentor the whole system will be abandoned. There is no mortal necessity for one fifth of the.cost. A ri A New Departure. Standard Neddy has gone into the patent Medicine line with a vengeance, ; ; Societies knows that the amended Act and wopt like another child. The victories in Toronto are, 1st. of the electoral division societies to be hel p.m. in each and every year. bungling to the contrary notwithstanding. Loyal Orange District Meeting E. Toronto, where hé expected to figure as Grit representative in 'the Ontario Legislature, avd 3rd, the expulsion of Mr. Tompson from West Toronto, who was trying to figure in Crook's shoes as Grit re- presentative in the local House for| The Standard proving to be a rather shaky that constitneney. The positions | concern Neddy has betaken himself to the of these men have been filled with doubtful occupation of patent medicine ven- dor. As Neddy likes, if possible, to make a few cents on the sly he contrives to spunge |}; off some of our merchants by inducing them to stick thelr respectable advertisements in Officers were duly elected :-- Bro. Robt. Tavin, D. M. Bro. Jas. Parks, D. D. M. Bro Thos McKee, Chap. Bro Thos McConnell, Treas. Bro Joseph Cook, Sec'y. Bro N Hazzglwood. D C. esteemed D, » Bro. Wm. Spence, and men and true, men immeasur- ably above their opponents in every particular and quen who will put the ith Bro, pence is speed; bie wt Corners. God Save the re le To the Editor of the Osssuvar. Messrs, Cameron, Platt and Bell may safely be trusted 4vith the coun- try's future. 'Well done, Toronto! of miraculous cures. The way Neddy works it is & caution ; he goes to the patent-medicine vendors and gets a lot ofold patent-medicine Almanacs which and legislate for this village it -may not out of for me to call their attention to give away, Then he slips around the Place fst 16 1o gi. | merchants telling them that he is. abod® to publish an Almanac and begging them to consid point especiall give him an 4 Ad." aud be will faseet 36 10 | poe sont of ar pein y The" Toronto Globe of Tuesday © on 'Some queer faces, he squirmed hadi Willing to Accept the The orgs Daily Yt of Saturday Agricultural Society met in the Town H last, a Grit sheet of the most advanced type | worry oyer it he will find these fat (7 {" OnMonday. the eal. question at issue, will be. Shall the Reform Government be voted out and the Tories placed again in power ?..- In voting for supporters of the op- |" position you express non-confidence in a i i ound diem and Liberal Government, which oe outlay and services rendered. can lose two seats without clipping its to be wings.materially, but-which should receive paid Me Thom So55 nuts Wer wired to your support for its careful administration of Society. publi¢ affalrs. © If you wish a continuation of govd government rally round the Reform Such we admit to have been the real issue and the conclusion a legitmate one, that all the votes cast for Conservative candidates were © expressive of want of confidence in the Government i? but the "fiser" was scar. tion of want of confidence as the result of the He was not aware that Toronto was about to come down with The case Toronto on Friday last when Mr McKenzie renewed his applicatigh jected, as sufficient grounds had not The Judge concurred in this view and Mr. Me- Come Alor'g, John and help us to Major Walker, the father of tlie above got into a fine mess cither by himself or bi It will be remembered that after being elected to the Dominion Parliament at the late elections for the Dominion House his election was protested and the investiga election held for a long time so much so that the Bench took time to consider wheth- er or not Walker should be disqualified .for Walker's Qisqualification received here this afternoon, created considerable excitement that result «The lovers of pure elections unite in expressing their ap proval of the just sentence passed on ike " Gallant Major," and the voters of London by a vast majority for Meredith on Monday next, will show their abhorrence of the Grit Neddy and his scribblers have again been playing at double purposes ; in the Standard ot the 7th inst. the Annual Meeting of the and in Jast issue the meeting¥s announced for Wed- nesday 20th inst. Ofcourse neither notice iDufferin-Bart. » will do either good or harm for no -one wil Everyone pretending to the slightest glimmering of kmowledge of Agricultural ,of| Frontenac--Gsaham .. 1872 regulates the Annugl general meetings on the 3rd Wednedsay in January at 2 o'clock Neddy's The L. 0. District Lodge met at Port Per- ry, on Tesday, 12th inst, when the following The brethren learned with deep sorrow of the severe Sooldeny which had befallen their was pas the BO ol Sm i of the Bt ly ere og the i oa Toe of the nd eT A Mek Wi the put at sitive trict Meeting should be held at Victoria Dean Sin, --As the time is drawing nigh when our new council will take- their seats || a very important matter that of appointing officers; I think, Sir, they should be careful | Perth a) Annual' General Meeting. { 'The Boardof Dircctors of the N. 0.E. Sunderland on Wednesday Jan'y 20th at | at noon--Present the President, 1st Vice, ' Pres., Treasurer, Secretary and" Messrs Glen- denning, Miller. Sharrard and Netherton. On motion the sum of $60 was ordered to wl oh the Secretary, being $26 for Postage other cxpenses and $40 for On as $50 was ordered to be id to the Treasurer for postages and (Hompeoy © Tapes ands lamp for The adjourned. The Annual general meeting was held at 2 p m,the Pres. in the chair, The Secy's report was submitted showing the amounts expended on the several depart-| ' ments in way of prizes. On motion the re- port was received and adopted. The Treasurer's report was then rend and on motion was received and adopted. On motion ten minutes were allowed. for t paying in their fees, In all Bi members paid their subscriptions. The Auditors, report was submitted as fol- lows :-- To Balance from 1873 . 8467 33 had been instructed to procure fox the use of lieve that the Clerk did uot know when the | such a sweeping condemnation of the Grit | io AmoRRL reed from 200 0 | the Council. represented by a man who will seek | Council should meet by promulgating a bur- | Government, Dominion and Local, as has > Boat offi ' 32 Chas Edgat complained of haviig a sheep | 80 : i in the complete | To Col'd from Gatesau | worth $6 killed by dogs. the country's weal in preference to |lesaue overbis signature. bom dons this; tine 0 63 tn up an a spend Toe Batlot Ballot. Siacomitiare of the QSomohe Jor Hh or. Sui = re oe 3 ve onl hi h & i e ot. r es made a dem: r whic . mons and Crooks and Thompson |for the $2051 65 i i -- he alleges to have lost in consequaice of 18 Susifs party who puteliase snflisient The ballot system introduced iuto | Local and electing in their stead MrPlatt,ond By pd Premiums. ..............0 $767 25 gests hi d f his having leen sold support to maintain them in power y Rent for Grounds . ++ 150 op | Sheep sud 3 hasses of Vis bating ih aval the minorits with o rod. of [°F 1Mte elections stripped the poetry | Messrs Cameron and Bell. Our friend of the | utncey on Ground. 68 10| 7 pan Dery. lip on Sudvaleths minority WIL B. rod of hole thing and rendered } Advertiser scarcely expected so disasterous a) Printing .. 48 00 | 4nd the costs amountedto $37.90 b that the iron. Success to South Ontario but of the whels ting an = defeat when he declared the issue. W Telegrams and charges on Bilis 6 45 | (5uncil tendered him the balance $2.10. > ! Joction a rather tame affair; in| iret when lsdeclared the Issne. NeWol- Wor constables... 550. 21 00 i 10. -- the elec ! der if our cotem will advise his friends to re- | Judge on Turnips.... 500] Mr Harper complained of having two . The Capital Redeemed. fact it almost savors of moral cow=| . : t Entertaining Judges . .. 39 55 | sheep worth $16 killed by dogs. . Tou 2 sign. Expenses for Concert 21 20| On motion an order wasgranted fe $10.66 w 3 ga ardice to have a fellow slip in behind y mes i Bandiy,, ave. oanis . 30 00| Apaccount of $20 for wood furnibed by The capital of Ontario has been ainst Orooks and thé Mail, Prizes for plowing . 107 00 Geo Devitt to an indigent, Coggin, as laid a screne and place a cross ag: { ig! handsomely redeemed by the utter : 3 -_-- ! See's, Disbursements and Salsy 60 00 | op tha table, also an account of $20 fom Dr. y the name of the man of his choice, | 3. Crooks the celebrated debent~ Tread, " . . ow > Wate for medical attendance on Mn Wilds expul om that city of every- .. | Mr, Thompson, open C oe 3 | and famil ot sion from iy i y 58 then fold up the paper and have|,.. .ojjer supposing that the Maj! | Balance in Treasury. ... ...+ 111s. 6715 07 Mr. ohh nade sation i tars ing in sympa 7 with e little 3 Bs i is jib. thrust_through_a small hole} ag tread on_his..corns.applisd fo Be es) by Ying greats, the potty tyrants "who have into a box ; whatever may be urged the codpte for a gnothier. also The meeting then resumed when the fol- on lowing officers were duly elected : C. Marsh, Pres, D. McKay 1st Vice-Pres., IJ Gould 2nd Vice-Pres., T C Forman Treas, and R P Har- man, Bec. ~The Directors elected are T H Glendin- - | ning and J A Campbell, for Brock. A Pil- key and M N Dafoe for Scott, Wm Eateman for Scugog, 8 Netherton and L Burnett for Reach, James Sharrardand J Chapman, for Uxbridge, The Auditors are I J Crosby and J. Baird d On motion the next annnal meeting was appointed to be held at Port Perry. Hearty votes of thanks were given to the officers On motien of Mr James Graham the thanks of the Society were ordered to be forwarded by the Secretary to the several paities who had made donations to the Society during the past year. On motion the meeting adjourned. S-- CTUPILS ADMITTED TO THE PORT PERRY HIGH SCHOOL DEC. 8, 1874. Ella M Yarnold, Prince Albert and P Perry. Effie McCorquodale, Woodvilleand P Perry, Arthur M Beal, Columbus, {| Henry Harper, Manchoster, Clara B Willcox, Port Perry, George Bigelow, Port Perry. Nellie Nott, Port Perry. Maggie Sullivan, Section No 5 Brock. Emma Johnston, Georgetown, Grace B Burnham, Port Perry, & LJcnnie B Jewett, Port Perry. ilena Harper, Columbus. Minnie Matthews, Port Perry. James Waston, Port Perry. Levi Cliff, Section No 1, Scugog. Amy Hagel, Port Perry. Emma Kersten, Port Perry. George Dowswell 8 8 No -- Uxbridge. John Platten, Port | Perry. Robert Sinclair, Cannington. Franklin Patterson, Port Pury. Members Elected. G. 0. Addington--Deroche ............0n 0 Brant, North-- Finlayson. 0 Brant, Southb--Hardy... 0 Brockville--Cole.... eens 0 Bruce, Nerth--Sinclair. 0 to | Bruce, South--Wells. . Carlton--Monk .... Cardwell--Flesher.. Corpwall--McIntyre -----O OO HOOOO NINO OOD NOH HHO HHO IO Dandas--Breder. . Durham Rosavear. Durham--McLeod. ... Elgin, East--Wilson Elgin, West--Munroe. .... Essex,South--Wigle.... Essex, North--Patterson, it Glengarry--Grant........ Grenville, South-- Frazer. . 1d | Grey, East--Lauder. .... Gery, North--8cott. . . Grey, South--Hunter, Haldimand--Baxter . . OOOO OOO HOODOO. OD tt Ot bt mt © OO Hamilton-- Williams . .. Hastings, East--Appleby. . Hastings, North--Beulter "Hastings, West--Wills, . Huron, East--Gibson Huron, West--Ross. .. Buron South-- Bishop Kent East--McKellar Kent West--Coutts. . Kingston--Robinson.... . Lambton East--Graham .. Lambton West--Pardee Lenark North--Mostyn. /Lenark South--Code........... Levd and Grenville North--Merrick,....... ML Leeds South--Preston .... G sugesrseeonnnotrt be to excessively bitter pill which the |}, bis # new Almanac." Well some to. get tid | the person whoever he may be, should be ; | oft him and others forthe:fun . of - the thing listen" to his prayers. The newly fledged medicine vendor supposing that he had got up | a big thing printed off the few advertisements he got and stuck them between the leaves of | nis old patent hedicine Almangosand strut. ted forth with ll the airs of Cu in bis new dollars in taxes that the ' them again and look out whom 'they a one man A word to the wise man of good, sound judgment and a man that will not be led by any person but |p, will do his duty fearlessly and without favor Think you a Jasge land holder being assessed for four or five, thousand dollars only when | he shonld have bean twenty thousand, thereby saving the land ewner at least three hundred / should have had. And I hope our city fathers will not allow such tricks to be. practiced on 0 lip that important office in the future. No doubt our new council will study the. inter- ast of the people this year and let it not be| se i paige a } Prescott--Harkin omo~000OS eo ai ns Ae Brook Coundil: The Council of Brock metat the town 11, Sunderland, gn Tuesday 19th insti 5 Members elect all present. The Clerk took the declaration of the several 'members and the Council was organized by the Reeve taking the chair, Mr R Edwards is Treasurer, Mr T H Walshe is Clerk ; Mr E Edwards. is i TE: lot is one of the best village, The House is' nearly new, well got AL 2p with every Residence. on Lilla Port a good.cell fou collector for the. "North late and 3 John Barker for the South.' . The council appointed Mr Lond i" Audit or and the Reeve appointed Mr 8 Baid, On motion the council adjourned, t m-- FS REACH COUNCIL. . The members elect of the Reach Council met at the town hall, on Waissaday 20th init stlpm, ape ; "!he Clerk took the doctamtiohs and the Council was organtved by by" "he Reeve taking the Chair, Applications were wd or {he several of fices at the gift of the' Council. Mr McGregor, Poor Commissioner, asked to be relieved from that office, The Clerk laid on the table sis copies of| Harrison's New Municipal Manel which he that portion of S. Section No. 8 whi lies without the boundaries of the corporsion of Port Perry and adding the same to gction No. 7. . Mr. Corsan presented a petition frox the ratepayers of that: part of Section lo. 8 against being joined with section No, Mr Corson opposed the change as fargs No 8 was concerned, Mr Holman moved that the nge sought for by Mr Wright be granted any that, 8 Section No 7 be ro extended as to iflude the north half of lot 14 in the 3rd onl and all lot 14 in the 4th con and that poi 14 in the 5th con. south of the Grave and also all of lots 15,16, 17, 18 and the 3th con. lying south of the grave and not included within the boundaié of the corporation of Port Perry and thatay-- law be now passed by this Council for that purpese, Mr Dobson moved that the motion biaid on the table till next meeting of Counc The yeas and nays being demanded ea, Mr Dobson, nays, 8t John, Holwan, Chrtie, Mr Nicholls a Trustee os 8 Section N11 asked to havea portion of Section 10 ten from I0 and added to Section 11. On motion of Mr Dobson furtheractionn the alteration of School Sectiohs was deferd till next meeting of Council. On motion the Council adjourned J! Monday next. We had almost overlooked the fact--} we should not do so by any mcans--that Council appointed Mi Forman Auditor the Recve, in his wisdom, appointed Gordon os second auditor, ' What next? J -- a What a Wonderful Discovery Perry Davis' Pain-Killer! It not of cures the ills of the human family, but is | 80 a sure remedy for horses with colic, of the worst cases ; and for spraius, galls, &c.,i -- never fails--try it once pany each bottle. ally. -- Kenton County (Ky.) BIRTH. In Cartwright, on Friday, 15th inst, the, wife of Mr. Edward Bryans, of a daughter. MARRIED. In Port Perry, at the residence of J. Davis, Esq., on the 19th inst , by th: Rev. Thom, Mr. Alex. MeAlpine, of Lindsay, to! Miss L. A. Davis. At the residence of the bride's father, Por Perry, on the 19th inst, by the Rev AT Fer- guson, Mr James Isaacs, to Miss Nettie M A Jones, daughter of the Rev. Geo. Jones, all of Port Perry. DIED. = In Reach, on the 3rd Com, .on the 18th inst, Jane Caroline, beloved wife of Chas | Payne, Esq., aged 64 years. The Markets. Ozgerrver Orrice, Jan. 21, 1875. . $1.00 te $1 00 086to 090 100te 100 037t0 040 068to 0170 800 to 850 025to 025 014to 015 050to 060 050to 0.75 D. CONBOY, MAKER, MAIN STREET, UXBRIDGE ! Reaen, On! ae (11156.) gg g dam Jan of| gggydam by € £ 8 g g dam by Strathmore, (6517). . in| B8BEBEE dam by Emperor, (1974). ad| TERMS--For grades $2; Worogn iret $5. WM Reach, Jan. 18, 1875. has never been known to fail<in a cure /¢ Pinedale, Jan. 2, 1875. Carriage & Sleigh y four ca] of choice fruit trees. . FOR SALE. MARA. | a Lot 14, in the 6th con, 100 acres,--50 A I re§--00 acres two miles from Also, Lot 12, in the 11th com,, 200 acres, Lot 12, in the 12th con. 200 acres. 8.4 16, in the 12th con. 100 acres, All first-class Lots with small clearings. RAMA. Lot 16, in the 3rd con. 200 acres, Lot 15, in the 4th con, 200 acres. 8, 16, in the 4th con. 100 acres, tion on the Northern Railway. HE Subscriber offom for Sale Ves prosent "P apartments on the ground floor and four up stairs, There is on the ises a good|! well of excellent water oF a thrifty young Orchard For particulars apply to the subscriber, | rt he PTE Lands & Fa . rm . is the Jo Well timbered, and convenient to Rama Sta- Apply to J. HAM PERRY, WHITBY, hitby, Jan. 13, 1675. a 32m J.oxd Charles! A lam im por by Rem by Bir Wii, (i800 i. Epsom, In the Province of Ontario. HE Subscriber having recently purchased Esq, of Trafalgar, County of Halton, his Imported Suffolk Roar, under one year old. He took the first prize at the Provincial Exhibition at Toronto, Inst fall ; 1st at London, 2nd at and 2nd at Guelph--keeps hi Service at his place, Lot No. 18, 4th con. from James Main, Brock. Service only one dollar at service. IMPROVE YOUR STOCK. aay 'well bred Durham Bull, 'Will stand for service, this season, 1875, at his own stable, lot 8, 8th con, Reach. PEDIGREE.--LORD CHARLES, red and white, calved Dec. 23rd, 1873; bred by John Miller, um ; the Property of Wm. Stovin, dam' Flora 'the 2nd, by Prince of Bourbon g fam Flora by Nichol, Pred Lo Baron of Kids- BEST BOAR! amilton, | Now for HENRY PRITCHARD. 2-tf Service only $1. JOSEPH wis. h, Dec. 9, 1874. STRAY HEIFER: white, JOSEPH PRYANT, Jan, 7,1875. . Any party giving su a8 Wilead to their recovery JAMES KIRBY, . Directipns accom Soli by aruggints gener THE BEST BOAR IN THE COUNTY, 1 T= Subscriber keeps for Service at his place, lot 24, 14th con. Reach, a firt 'lass Thorough-bred Berkshire Baor, pro wunced Ly competent judges, the BEST JOAR in the County. 0-2m AME into the promises of the subscriber, Lot 7, in tue 1st con. of Reach, in Sept. A YEARLING HEIFER--color, red The owner is requested to come, ve property, pay expenses and take her , otherwise she will be gold t« pay ex-- 2-3w | STRAYED SHEEP. YED from the 2nd con. Reach, about 3 16th of July last, 4 Sheep and 3 , They have a piece cut out of the information be suitably Reach. 1 E, lot 2, 6th con. a WHITE ST: aly prosecuted according to BENJ. Waaoxt, D 28, 1874, © k -- D from the premises of the Sub- , some time 3 years old, Any hide such information as will lead tol recovery of the same will be suit- led and any ny poser Jeiaining | the having been eugaged he FOR THE HE Subscrib oun J SOTERE AL "| ra CHAMPION SINGLE _NOWER, THE CHAMPION SINGLE REAPER. BROAD-CAST BOWERS: and | POUT DRILLS, WISNER'S SULKEY HOREE-RAKE. ot THRESHING MACHINES, x0. Sema All of the above Machines are -- * ledged to 748 a+BEAD Of any other Reapers, Mowers, Sowers, &C. ° eimai In the Dominion. Parties wishing to purchase will do well to withhold their orders until they have ED OUR MACHINES. E. WALKER. H. 8, JOHNSON, Port Perry, Dec. 23, 1874. 52 PREPARE FOR THE HOLIDAYS Evety Delicacy of the Season in abundance of the best lity iv g ™ lowest possible: BROAD'S PORT PERRY. Go to BROAD'S for Choice Meats of every description. At Broad's you will get pure and genuing Eiquors, Drandies, CGI, WINES & WHISKYS! of the best Brands. Every variety of Groceries Good and Cheap Oysters !' Oysters! n Can and bulk--Fresh and Cheap ab BROAD'S, ~ JAMES BROAD, _ Port Perry, Dec. 16, 1874. sr HOHDIY Holidays 1 W. H. MCCAW, JUST RECEIVED One of the Largest and Finest WATCHES! That has ever been offered to he publi - WALTHAM, En ey | Me Ps Uta or, United Bintes Weboh Soil Keys. Wedding Rings, ae Foc gs «| io ans ind. 7 wall 3 EN . GOLD AND SILVER 2 = © +s ) J Fours, sphere at last, stick to your cure-slls and ONE THAT PAYS TAXES. tor the good of society dose yourself freely. Port Peny, Jany 18, 1875.

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