-------- rT", ; thade bad worse and the riding found | twenty-seven other like generous souls vot- Calinx Succeeds the Tempest's Roar. | the Council which will require to be: s¥hion it/W8s too late thut they had|ed with the Government and against the : 5 amendment. The majority against the s {amendment was only six and had the house Even then the eloctors kept COMPAT-|, uy; yy would doubtless have camied ;| throughout the province raged fierce | atively quiet expooting that for very { ; in ail charity it can scarcely be expected {and fast on Monday last. shame Mr. Paxton would not again | that in the housa or in the province any more et RY, JAN. 1, 1875. "We world take it kind if parties indebted to this office for sub- , job work or otherwise yomil the same i hou ©. "putting us to the trouble an Sh pute of employing a collect or. The several sums are so small that it would absorb a portion of the amount to collect them; we would there- fore esteem it as a favor if 1 would remit without called upon. Certain con- Vemiiaced changes in this office er it Bestar? that our accounts should all squared at this time. e-- More Elections. Now that the muuicipal elections are over and the din of war has ceased the contestant longingly . casts his eyes around for a spot to rest from the strife when the sound of 'another conflict reaches his ear and he is warned to sdjdust his arm- our for another fight--the Parlia- . mentary contest. Within the town ship of Reach at least the comming struggle won't rage so fiercely as the one just past. By some, municipal elections are regarded as of little or no consequence as compared with par liamentary elections, but those who' jump at any such conclusion have not weighed the matter very accurately. While we ure ready to admit the desirability, nay indis- pensability of wise parliamentary legislation we are not propared to admit that wise municipal legisla- tion is of minor importance. Ex- vellence in both is a sine qua son to the prosperity of a country. But itis the Parliamentary elections with which we have now to grapple and while we are deep- ly interested in the general result we are specially in that of our own riding, and it is that for which we are immediately responsible and to whieh we must bend our energies in order to return the right man. Mr. McRae and Mr. Paxton are betore us seeking our suffrages to return them to represent ns in the next Ontario parliament ; asking us to place in their bands the highly smportant trast of assisting in the management of tho affairs of this og aaah Leh T No other candidates will offer for our suffrages in the present "contest and we must take one of the two and we can take only one. 'The general intelligence of the conniry is the best possible guaran- tee for the right and proper use of the franchise asd were {t not a pub- lie duty devolving upon us as jour- nalists we certainly wouid refrain from offering a word of counsel in the matter. In the first place the franchise is not the exclusive prop- erty ofany individual, it is simply a public trust confided to our keeping and to be exercised for the general good and for the general goad alone. The unfranchised, the female por- sion of the community, and all under; sage have as much claim on the di- ection in which the franchise shall be used as the holders of that trust bave. On the same principle as the vepresantative is bound to legislate for the general good the custodians of the franchise aro boand to use that trust for the good of the many. The man who regards his vote as a; ehattle with which he may do as he Plopass whotbher to satisfy his: om 'whim or sthermiso is totally - ignor. ant of the first principles of the "have [advertising all direct Government advertising n fearfolly'sold a second. time.-- present hi ments. Now, however, further for- bearance on the part of the electors who will faithfully and honestly re- present the riding. While Mr Paxton,s blind subser- whole career is enough to condemn a far better man, we leave that in the mean time and refor to a few of hisbad votes just as they happen to come to our mind. It must be fresh in tho memory of all that when the municipal Loan Fund indebted- ness was arranged and the proceeds divided, 820,000 of that money ought on every principle of right and justice to have come to. the municipalities of Whitby, Reach and Port Perry ; about $11,000 of this money should have come to Reach. But Mr. Pax- ton had money irivested in that road and a company was found just silly enough to offer to buy the concern ata given price if the money coming to the municipalities were thrown in; and Mr. Paxton so far ignored the right of his constituents asnot only to stand and see them diddled out of their just rights but to assistin con cocting the scheme which robbed them of $20,000. Again when the Roman Catholic Brotherhood applied for an act of incorporation Mr Paxton and the Government with whom he works said by all means you shall bave it and hurried it through accordingly. The Orange Brotherhood asked for a similar act for their ineorpora- tion but what did Mr Paxton and the Goyernmont whom he serves do? they weat into 2 game of make be- lieve, they passed the bill but in. structed the Lieut. Governor not to sanction it and thus burk the measure and he did so. By this silly dodge Mr. Paxton expected to deceive the Protestant Brotherhood and secure the support of his Catholic friends. It would be diffi- cult to conceive of anything more mean and contemptible. : Fe Hs countenance and support given, to the fraud by which some three or tour hundred dollars of the money of the province was paid by the gov- ernment to a band of howlers to howl down opposition candidates is well known. 1t werealmost needless to enldkge on Mr. Paxton's unfaithfulnessas a representative, his complete disre- gard of the public interests and his utter unfitness for the reprosentation of North Ontario. His support and | assistance in all the waste and plunder eonnected with the Model Farm and Agricultural College by which the Province has heen dis- graced and many thousands of doll: ars worse than squandered, his refus- ing hard working sons of teila amall pittanve when called on 8s witness es in crimminal cases ; aneh witness- es must leave their work, leave toeir home if there family sbould starve and go and dance attendasve on the courts and get not one cent for it; but with the same breath in whieh Mr. Paxton voted that the poor man should net get one'cent for all his time and trouble at these courts he vated $121,000, one hundred and twenty-one thousand dollars to pay the fat and sleok.overpaid officials of these same courts, - Again when the Government in the most unheard ot tyranviesliman- ner passed an act ordering that all works of the government as well as fr. Lavdor moved the following ment to this most meanly ty- Paxton." os = driven back. inion. with If for a trust which he | men could be found so utterly destitate of | tion from the rule ; the struggle for had so shamefully and [persistently | the slightest glimmering of honor or fair| pg givic chair was hand to hand.-- betrayed during the past two parlia- Play. But time would fall us in following . Paxton in his unworthy course ; the worst acts of the Government had his hearty, If th . ' i 7" | support. Their extfavagant expunditure, ® the presen bas cased to be a virtue it becomes | py. intrigues, Timber Limit tenn] coveted chair. them now to tell Mr Paxton to stand | wich all of which the intelligent electors are asido and make room for Mr McRae | familiar. i In Mr. McRae, Mr. Paxton's opponent, we| of t1,6 Globe were uusparing used have a man of honorand integrity, a man whose past acts in every public sphere in t 4 x ._ | which he has mover are proof against attack viency and servile voting dgxipg his sod aiiind & strong guarnti that by elect. "Pity the Sorrows, &o. Mr. Paxton's supporters in the north ern part of the riding are be ginning to get awfully nervous over the murkey prospects which sur- round their candidate. A Beaverton Correspondent writing to the Globe from the battle field makes a fearful whining over the deplorable condi- tion of things in the Grit camp. Tho correspondent says :--* * * * the Conservative party are work-- ing like beavers while Reformers are not as yet stirring themselves as they onght." The big salt tears roll down the Globe man's cheeks as he bowails the naughtiness of 'some parties who are secretly circulating slanders calculated to damage Mr. Honest souls! the Globe man would not fora world circulate slanders against any one--certainly not! the Globe nover does anything so wicked as promulgate slanders, O! No! not at all! not know that the groundless charge which he now brings against the Conservative partys a malicious slander manufactured out of 'whole eloth either by himself or his corres- pondent. Parties opposed to Mr. Paxton have enough truthful charg- es to bring against bim without hay- ing recourse to fietion. Go on boys! you are played out, Government support and popular) defeat may now almost be regarded as cause and effect ; certain defeat is almost sure to follow any eandid- ate who declares in favor of the Government either Local or Dom Poor Roses in Center Well- ington is a case in point. and Dr. Orton contested the riding of Centre Wellington, Ross very in cautiously, and we thinklunwisely declared in favor of the George BrownGovernment,and theDr.Oppo- sition to it and as usual victory rests opposition eandidate. The Dr. gained the seat by a major-| ity of 127; that isout of a vote of] 393 Dr Orton got 290 while the gov" ernment candidate Ross got 133.-- The support of the Globe and allegi- | ance to the present government is more than sufficient to crush any man. the The Standard Granny in id a St of We are exceedingly sorry to learn that the shock given to the over ex- citable nerves of theStandard granny at the defeat of Mr. Wright nearly proved fatal by bringing on one of] his ordinary hysterical develop- ments ; the shock was of a nature calculated to alarm his friends and Blow Breeks fearing results at once administred a gallon of soothing : syrup and applied a plaster a yard | | ¢ to the largest development} connected with the out |Of the granny's corporation. This 'however is to be kept quiet lest it should injure his prospeets. of re- election to the Private Works De- partment. ---- Manchester Fair. The Manchester Jantiary Fair of 1878 will be held on Wednesday, 13th inst. The pro- moters of these fairs hisve reason to be proud Does the Globe ey Mr Ross The contest for municipal honors the several municipalities in The city of Toronto was no excep- r t of the After a contest of unexampled se- verity in which the poisoned arrows Mr. Medcalf was elected by a major- ity of 450. In the town of Whitby the contest ing him we shall sectire one who shall prove | for the office of Mayor was between faithful to the trust confided in him, one who| G. Y. Smith and the present occu- will treat all questions on their merits and| pant, J. H. Greenwood. The ¢om- neither give a blind support nor blind oppo- sition to either party, one who will legislate for the good of the country and will neither support nor oppose measures in consequence of their coming from one or the other side of House, but will treat all measures purely on their own merits. batants were in no way particular neither ag to the weapons they em- ployed nor the use they made of them; finally, however, Mr. Greenwood brought his opponent to his * knees, doubled him up and spoiled his pros- pects for at least another year. The people declared by their, votes that Mr. Greenwood should be Mayor. * In Whitby township there was a sort of tussle, the Grits did their lit- tle best to unseat the present Reeve, but found him too strong for them, he drove them all ignominiously from the field. In Reach the contest was long and sanguinary, but the choice of'a ma- jority of tha ratepayers finally settled on A. W. Ewers, George St. John, James Holman, Joshua Dobson and Peter Christie as the corporation fathers for 1875. The rejoicing at Manchester after- the victory was equalled by the Grit howling at Prince Albert, over the defeat of their candidate, Mr. Wright. Mec- Donald, Cleghorn, Sharrard, Heard, Holman and a few others of the most stupid, outrageous and unreasonable Grits who had for weeks past "been stirring heavenand earth to eloct Wright, and some of them had been trailing from house to house pad- say, their defext as the Manchestorians did with joy over their victory. We far in burning Mr. Wright in effigy; baod!ed with a steady hand, and we| us, p, Ireland, late of the Boyal Rou are pleased (0 know that there is snf- Port Perry, met with a seriots, and as ficient legislative ability in that Council to grapple successfully with | snooting and retursing home about five in| any question likely to come before that body. - gx The Grit Dictator took Mr, McCord| Ourreaders will please remember that | right side, grasing bt keeping, at least it is in tow and pitted him against Med- | Monday next] 11th inst in the day on which { hoped, outside the ris. The services ofr. ions for | assembly of Ontario take place throughout ai the province. The nominations for North | cw won one jghiexpect from the serious dah 'on Monday. We hope to see such an inter know that the wound hough very severe is dling their trash and urging on the people to vote for Wright ; theso, we came as mad with rage over think, however, tbat our Manchester friends carried the rmuatter a liltlatoo Serious Accident. - BE "a 5 588888 cocs@oo~o s8z88sgses as possible, fatal aident on New Year's day) Mr Jreland and ome others had been out the afternoon he wa riding on his sleigh and his loaded rif 1d actoes bis 1ap ; Wtle (no e-- passing along the rile slipped while . ulling it back the tiger struck the edge of {that they Nominations and Elections. eh er hous 28388 i = g bers of the 1 Jones were at once sured, the charge. ex~ to be - possilie and the patient cared only p for generally and leftin a much better con- tracted as faras » Mink Hue, Pr 2 we bye Ontario will be held at Sunderland at noon | nature of the wound. We are pleased to yor 'Blight, near Raglan, . extremity are forced, in Ti manifested a will secure 8 Iarge tumout, | Bot considered fatal; ut it is almost impos the * Superior probabil A . ALLEN, A - sible now to tll the exent of the Jory. pel them to pu Lo pe me Ttios, Deo, 30, 1874, piv adn 13w rmatir of orm, they ave not without thee fn | Barely Bacaper the Asylum. | * rr Pei utcied condition. | 4GRIQULTURAL IMPLEMENT fluence. The Monday following that, the = ed within the y years, in which the patentees and m had unlimited confidence ; 80d hig not discover their mistake until the sent out and put into A certain candidate >r municipal honors having been badly dfeated in the late 18th inst, will be election dayand parties will have to stir around unless they mean to be caught napping elections got so fearfuly excited over his The elections on this occasion will as we | defeat that in his confsion be rushed to stated in our last, be conducted on the prin-| Toronto for some purpse or other, some ciple of the ballot. The system being mew | people surmised that it 'as to bunt up law in this province there is considerable specu- | gat he had gome. Be tat as it may the a us 10 its requirements, ita police had their eye on im and he may working, aud its difficultics. We would again say o our readers that there is nothing | thank his stars that his perurbation did not get him nabbed and taken > the asylum. difficult or complicated about it as far, at ee ---------- Saintfield Montly Fair. least as voters are concerned, Of course the voting shall be done at the polling places --- The Saintfield regular Mothly Cattle Fair will be held on Tuesday, 1% inst. The throughout the several municipalities as be- promoters of these fairs desere the hearty support not only of the farme: but of the entire locality, for they do n« only create and sustain a ready and activenarket for all surplus stock which farmers ny have to sell but encouraging a genal stir and business in the locality. Prizebritl be con- tested for at this fair for Genal Purpose teams and for Single Drivers. retty keen competition is expected in both lasses and parties who suppose that they lve got a firat class driving horse had bette take him along and get the shine taken oudf him.-- (See posters.) _-- ---------------- §&5™ Our readers will uote wit pleasure that Dr. Sangster has consented tdelivor ja lecture in the town hallon the ening of Tuesday 12th inst., subject * Hoes and Hero Worship." 'We promise the community a ra treatin this lecture. The sut ject is a higy pop- ular one and those who know auhing of the Dr's powers as a lecturer will ov betoo HE Subscribérs have "I Rooms' 'on Perry Bt, North of Mr, worthless, "This, off, must necessarily | Gurae.t Stor Where Sample Machines of involve immense 8, and expense --if of the Manu~ not absolute loss--t sealers and farm- ers. Nomiachine, be offered in the més: thoroughly tried in thy fully proven, % Now, the "Buperior}, its and coveted double-fo oughly tested in the fi years, with all the lead, tured, and it is the than seven thousand fas oot dy 1 5 Ty tacturers are trying to imitate it, in the, of holding thereby their otherwise fll ade. There may be some merits in thy, feeds ; but it is certainly unwise, to s8)cast, for any man to try the experiments pimgelf by purchasing an untiied mad The Joseph Hall Manufa8, Company rat ere, Soper' ween J Thursday, Jan, 14, 1875, that it will give the most p E.W ILL be sold by Public Auction, by the Messrs, J. 8. THOMPSON & BROS, at MAYFIELD FARM, their entire Herd or Ck Re = SHORT HORN CATTLE! 40 FEMALES AND 7 MALES; Of which abott one-third are of recent im. portation, and Choice Show Animals, in fine condition. © "MAYFIELD?" in i] Is about a mile-and-a-half from: Whitby. Lunch at eleven o'clock. Sale ut 18 o'clock, noon, under the su, ce Joseph Hall fackusing Company, Oshawa, will be kept The farming communi invited to call sud re and its merits : A SORNBON, +. JOHNSON. i {Port Perry, Dec. 30, 1874. eee. PUBLIC SALE OF . First then, all parties whose names are on SHORTHORN TTLE the Voter's Lists are entitled to vote. The voter shall as heretofore go farward and ask to vote, the deputy returning officer shall * then ascertain whether the namc is on the Voters' list, and when the name is found if any of the parties concerned wish to have the voter sworn the voter will as_ formerly have to swear or affirm, as the case may be, (but if ho refuse to swear oraffirm the vote cannot be taken). The voter shall then re- ceive from the deputy returning officer a ballot paper with the names of the candidates printed on said paper ; the voter will at once take bis ballot paper into one of the com- partments provided for the purpose and shall without allowing any one to see him place a cross as in the following diagram to the right hand side of the name of the party for whom he wishes to_vote. At his residence, in the 9th d Whitby on Friday, 1st inst, Mr. Barne burger, in his 84th year. > In Port Perry, on Saturda; Chas. Paxton, Esq., aged 47 months. The demise of deceased was 1 McRAE. . 1. Philip McRae, Mara, X Farmer. i sud- glad of an opportunity of hearinghim.--| go pan une . Up til d- | Mr. J. R. PAGE, of Sennett, N. Y. PAXIUN Let us give him a full house heel de. pected y-four IL | Thomas Paxton, Manufac- serves it. (Sce adv.) hours before his decease he was, $1 ap- turer, Port Perry. The mark as above to the right of Philip McRae's name shows that the voter wishes to record his vote for Mr McRae. The vot- er having placed the necessary cross fairly on the right of the party for whom he wishes to vote he will then fold up his ballot so as to conceal the mames of the candidates and the cross he has marked the paper should be so folded as to show the deputy i officer's name on the backhe shall at once de- liver his ballot paper into the hands of the deputy returning officer and walk off. This is all that is necessary for the voter to do. pearance, hale and hearty, On day he and some others went out hunting excursion on Scugog, way féeling unwell he found it n return reaching home at quite ill and Drs. Sangster waite were called 1m, but WM die. ease continued to progress and gon of the following day Chas, Paxtoffsa away like asturdy oak overthrown hanicane's blast. Thus within twelh,g hours from the first manifestation o [5 tack was carried off one than whom Hy: in the locality appeared to have alr prospect of long life. He was in the, of life, stout and healfhy; temperate habits, of & cheerful atid kindly dispo tnd the cares of life, if he had any, sath Jdyon him. His frank and genial m Wear's fox- h. the to felt §&~ The Missionary meeting inonnec- tion with the Prince Albert Clrcucf the Methodist Church of Canada was he in the Methodist church, Prince Albert onuesday evening last. The meeting was nco call large but it was highly interestiz Stuart Bruce, Esq, discharged the dutiof the the chair, with good effect BR. Mr Vendusen' was the principal peaker and Miss .Bongard eldest daughtenf our d A. Bongard, Es carri- ed off the laurels as being the most ccess- ful collector ------ =~ ---- GreexsaNk Fam. --It will be seen the posters that the Greenbank Month] Fair will be held on Tuesday 13th inst. _rties should not forget that a good supply mar-: ketable cattle, active buyers and a failyrn- out of people are what good fairs are my of. The buyers are all right let the peop18 the Going Back on Them. The time bas gone by when Globular abuse no doubt he did ingn!t tion of resentment. 'The contest in Port Perry was well contested and resulted in favor of Messrs, Bigelow, Jones, Shaw, Kellett and Currie; Mr. Wan, Jones, of the firm of Jones Bros. polled the highest vote ; respeet paid him by the electors.--- Mr. Jones will prove an important acquisition to the Conncil and a vig- ilant protector of the interasts of the rate payers, The election of Mr. Bhaw was also a step in the right direction. Oar Scugog friends took matters cooly and put in the whole council by acclamation. ---- The Connty Council, The County Council for 1875 will be composed of the following mem- bers :-- Donovan and Ray, Whitby town : Bickell and Campbell, Whitby town- ship. F Guy and Luke, E, Whithy. Cowanand MeGill,Oshawa. Ewers, St. John and Holman, Reach. , Bigelow, Port Perry. Platten, Sougog. 4 Gillespie, Brethour and ' Shier, Brack. 184 Gould, Uxbridge Village. Poasby and Packer, Uxbridge. 'Bmith and Rowland, Scott. Proctor, Thorsh. % Tho above is the personnel of tls men whom the electors' have com missioned to transact the business of the corporation of the County of Ontario for the present year. Sinai st the Cm many of the goud 40d txue men o the past have again eered goats a but they ought not to have marred the victory by any such manilesta- this was a well merited tribute of | rid say the city is quiet and no unusualdem- | of 8 pleasant entertainment apd hand ¥ and' persecution tended to damages man rest. er a ee w.a0b.00 the. willame |. jv TwoT wey INV THe Deceased followed agricultural J 0 SEPH A contrary effect. The concentrated malig- Instailation of Officers. suits till a fow years ago when he rénte A 4 J nity of the Globe was brought to bear against Sir John A. Macdonald and he got elected ; against. Mr. Wallace, and he too was elected. Dr, Orton came in for his shar of the abuse fiue farm in Whitby and came to resid Port Perry where he became a partner ii firm of Paxton, Tate & Co, of the' Port I Foundry, Asa villager he was highly! teemed. When a vacancy occurred in The officers of Prince Alrt Lodge, No. 183, Port Perry, ye duly installed and invested on M-- day 28th ult. Manufacturing Company | OSHAWA, Would take this opportunity of and of course he got elected, and now Mr, W. Bro. Emaney W. M. village Council last year he was elected the Farming community of this section | of Medcalf, Mayor of Toronto, has got a life| ~~ «¢ HurdI P.M. he pouituts aganat his own deaive; he WTAE fiat Shey ate _propaton ny Agricultural Machine ht { be Joseph Hall Manufacturing Works, Oshawa, on the Bro Dr. Ware S, W. Bro. Roberts J. W, Bro, Bolh Treas. Bro. Willcox, Sec'y. lease of the civic chair in consequence of the Globe's most malignant opposition, Of course a few over sealous preachers had to have their finger in tho pie, and their blat- ing only tended to secure the object they no ambition of public honors ; and this yea would not allow hjmszlf to be put in no ation. The terribly sudden and unex; 1 : removal from amengst us of one so much Bro, Ledingham Chaplin. teemed has cast a gloom over the face of Bro. Mincks T. ciety and called forth the deepest sym; ranted against, Mr. Medealf 's election. } The W. M. appointed Bro.Allisgof the entire community for the mourn Any oae desiring an important position |S. D., Bro.Marsh J, D., Bro. Jewetand bereaved ones. in the gift of the people ought to get into a J. G., rumpus with the Globe and get him a raving, no other recommendation will be required, the position will be secured, - Favorable Terms. eh, e * Champion COMBINED REAPER and MOWER, HE CHAMPION SINGLE MOWER E CHAMPION SINGLE REAPER. 0AD-CAST SOWE, : DErrrs: SCERS and SPOUF SNER'S SULKEY HORSE-RAKKE. RESRING MACHINES, &0, 11 of the above Machines are acknowe ledged to be AB A=BTAD Of any other eaper Ss, Mowers, Sowers, &c. In the Dominion, wishing to purchase wil] do : lithhold their orders until "3 id i oe Foner noe woo Toven. TOURTH ENTERTAINMENT There are few stations in life in Which 18 connection with the ee mera VO) Of the Ascension essary and more productive of good than be- PUBLIC LECTURE ON a Ap Importent Question. The. Gmad River Sachem says ;-- " The assessors of the 'Town of Peter- boreugh this year, served Messrs. Nicholls & Hall with a schedule, (Op the schedule they arere down for $2,500 of Income. IntheAss- essor's Roll, the item arag placed at 25,00 and the Clerk levied fhe sate op $25,000. The Mesars: Nichols & Hall refused to pay for any larger sym than appeared om their schedule, apd the Collector seiped their gouds. They them put the sustter in the Court of Queen's Bench for seilement tween the teacher and his pupils, and noth- 10g bas a greater tendency fo add to the general comfort of the school and facilitate its progress than reciprocal feclings of love and respect, On the oflier hand when the pup'ls lose con in the teacher, when they fear but dislike him the schoo becomes 8 temporary prison and the pro- TUESDAY, 12th INST. gress of ghe pupils is scarcely ifat all percep- open at 7.30 and Lecture to com- tible. The government of the school is -re- 8, Alain, 15 cts. to test the power of thecouncil to. collects |FAWedas4yrannioal, and the rules ato vio- : : as the amount was not on their schedule | 136d 84 frequently as possible ; and when at The 'case will be an important one and|all obeyed it:isonly with the worst possible ilk bo Saiitied mich anxiety by Assessors|graco. 'When such feelings qbksin a footing Councilors." in any sohool ie sogner the ties of teacher Wi way the case ; THT et re i i portance of the utmost accuracy in filling | for all concerned. On the contrary whep up $he slips. --Ed Op. «| the teacher loves his pupils, and the pupile | of th Ober o . He took the first prise bev cones nd ch hee nh. i EB, ee, Spain as a Monarchy. erthe school becomes a pleasnré 40 all con- fod aa, Guelph--keeps him now for The Spaniah nation has passed throggh [cerned apd the progress of the pupils will be| of Brock." P/4® Lot No. 18, 4th con. | another change in agein drifting Tuto mon- | greatly facilated. When yuch a plessant| Service; ong gopjgr, archy. The entire Republican army have | state of things exist it should not be broken | pr | joined in proclaiming Alfonso, Prince of the | uP but the connection between teacher and - Asturias and eldest son of the lately de.| Pupils should be continued from year to| | throned Isabella, Klug of Spain. year. | . ! Panis, Jan 2,--The despatohen froin Mad-| We sreled into these remacks on learning "roes and Hero Worship," 1 be deliversd in this connection by DB. SANCSTER,| In. Town Hall, on the evening of 2-Iw et BT ST BOAR! i ie Province of Ontario, ber having recently mes Main, Esq., of Comyn Main og, Sulolk Roar, Lonstrations have occprred. Alfonso is ex-|somo presontation which 4he pupils Peoted-to arrive shortly with ;» number of | of School Bectign No. 15 (Saingfield) gave to | prominentadherents who accompany him. | thelf sorthy teacher Jast week. At the close | The genetal deeling in the capilal contippes |.of the school for the holidays the pupils in favorable fo Alonso, andit is said hat «| vited their teacher (Mr. Layghlin) to the squadron of Government vessels has sailed |"honse. of Mr Scott. where they presented him {| OY fast, between Albert eee Bg 0 aT SHOW ROOMS ! a Company's \ hortest Notice and the Most {