" first insertl 0 fo ent bain, per line and others } ke, Books, Circulars, : a ey Cord, &o.y of every style and 'olor, executed promptly and at lower rates "than 'any other establishment in thie County. = Parties ftom a distance getting band ~ Jade ADVERTISER SW * under 6 lines, per annum .. » Advertisments receive C illbe inse: without specific instructons, will 'antil fordid and charged advertisment will be A liberal discount fyebr. ' wi adhered to. Pa Job Department. Billa, Bi i Bille, outers, Ei Business ames, Bill Heads, Blank Forms, Letters containing money, when ad-| ROR ressed to this Office, pre-paid and regester- Sl 'ed, will be at our risk. vy apa i ertisments me § | 2} d Kp win according to the space they. 'cupy. : ac- ried aiccodingly. taken out until paid for. allowed "to Merchants who advertise by the year or These terms will in all cases be -- 2) ND DRAUGHTSMAN, ANADA, ' on, p del of the Invention. T affigneers. Beals Pp! age bes No Jo. enti caref] iy Seif or Collecting. ey. | - 11 Stamps al ements can SE liways on hand. . W. M. WILLCOX, Ibert, Oct. 25, 1873. Nm. Gordon, i done to take ore i do in uk are Hom dep the Township of Brock, Uxbridge, ie wic H. PARSONS. | tt, Thorah) Ramg, Mara, Mariposa * don, bi . aa 5 3 Parties entrusting their Sales to me : ~ Protesstonal caros. ly on the utmost attention being given SOE y St Sh i WM. GORDOY, R. JONES; per, Physician, Sunddriand, Brock. 1, Surgeon, at et THOS. H. WALSI Office, over Aliso. Residence--One door jan Church. 3 RI Coronor f¢ Danio, bhysicing, 8 cougheur, A over Nott's Furniture Store, corner Office Queen and Perry Streets. hours from 9a. m. to 12 7M. denice, the dwelll eo, Paxton. Pad > fo M. R. 0.8, G , MOBRIEN, MD. M Re ney: pital, London, En Oshawa, ! N C. Aine Central Hotel, Oshawa. eee B., County Ci E. FAREWELL, a Barrister, Atto ntari Attorney oar ¢ Public. Office late! tor, Bolloitor 8. H, Cochrane, Esa. Brock sf : Wi hitby. TEA, Ld) , Bury ALSHE, the North ng requis occupy FRANCIS RAE, M.D. Simcoe St, Twod ENGLISH, LL. B., Solick A yy C & Te Oshawa. Ofjce--Simcoe street, opposite the Post has " MITH, LL. B., Barristed} OG licitor in Cha 'amd' Insolvency, Notary Public, &o. Omce--MoMillan's Block, Brock stree 'Whitby. MACDONNELL, AMERON & Law, Solicitors hy and Lin Shices + Court Ho 'Council, Onta . Whitby. M. C, CAMERON, P. 5 Chancery. Office inthe ~ « Port Perry. A N, 8 0 kinds of good security. Office; Bigelow's Royal Arcade, SEY PORT PERRY. 37 O.N. VARS, L.D. inserted on all the nei lot 5k the art, and aa cheap 88 and as good as the best. Te with Gold and Silver. Teeth 'without pain by producing 1 "osid. treat, Oshawa. < f Brock, Thorah, h Ontario ; Mariposa, JG RIST, Bith tho Patent' Office' of the Government W. N Al ILLCOX, | bar; sup] fords. . Choi. Liquors and the best brands of Cigars, [cellent stable and shed ac- Tea Setts, PERRY. SON, ~ PROPRIETOR. | e is 'now most" comfort- |} WIT PERRY, with the best'the Market af i AUFIONEER, JOUNTY OF ONTARIO.| OF MARIPOSA & CARTWRIGHT, EGg#nk his many friends and the Pherally, for the liberal patron- upon Hii for' the pst five years. H w given up the business of d for publication. | H&Ee..q in future, to devote my to the business of Auctioneer, thie com 'tion of t] welco) e my endeavor, by prompt and on jo business, to give full all who 'miay favor me with ¢ Bi ughted and Blank Notes furnished be made for sales &c.; server Office, and at the Standard ed Auctioneer, Valuator, &¢. DEWART, -~ PROPRIETOR. riber having leased this excel- and fitted it up with a view to of guests and the accommoda- general public, will be glad to d friends and new to take part in lity of the Queen's. able carefully supplied, Choice anctually attended to, west of the Post Office. ry; Nov. 11, 1873. LO-AMERICAN HOTEL, PRINCE ALBERT, ONT. By EZRA BATES, omfort of sts carcfully attended e Table and Bar well supplied. e Liquors and the best brands of Stabling and attentive Ostlers. EZRA BATES, Anf-American Hotel, Proprietor. ly 15, 1874. } I ERI HOUSE, MANCHESTER, A. TENNYSON, Proprietor. Revere House is' decidedly one-of tha | nd most eomfortabie country Hotels in ince andis situated in A most con- t position for the traveling publie.-- 10 aud from Uxbridge, Utica and Ep- il here daily. ; Suliseriber, since hecoming proprietor. ENSED Auctioneer for the Pownship hi Mara & Rama in | m| ete., in the County ictoria. Residence--Cannington, Brock. rs left at this office, or at his residence be punctually attended to. Debts col- in Cannington, or otherwise, and ul the premises "thoroughly" repaired If spare neivhier labor nor expense in " ng the Reve» House a comfortable trent Dome} travelers, and for the re- fr@nent of guests. table 'and bar supplied with the best thparket supplies. ' . Ja stables and nttentive ostlers, TENNYSON, Proprietor. { MBhester, Aug. 5, 574. | pt 'remittances made. Ontario Auction- RS. MoOILL& RAE, NICHE SORE 187 OF DIVISION COURTS | ; ro FOR THE , FOR THE YEAR 1874. 'r -- Oct 2 | Sept 9 1) I 11 Ggo. H. DartNeLL, Junior Judge. Whithy, Jan. 1, 1874. WHITBY STEAL MARBLE WOR 3 J. '& R. WOLFENDEN, IL J. MAC HURD, Attorney at Taw, and; i =. Maurice Cochrane TTORNEY-AT-LAW, Solicitor No Public, &e. panieanly ified to at 8 per © "Pentical Rooms--in Cowjinew lock over Atkinson's Drug 8 janie YS asain and Retail deal Also, Agent for the Scottish Grahitg Also Building Stone cut to order. § JOHN NO Whitby, July 29, 1874. ounty of Ontario, ION HOTEL, CHESTER. JAMES T. ARD, PROPRIETOR. ARIO, THURSDAY, JAN. 7, 1875, i FR OER Sen Hy ' 'they' obs accorded Guests are cared for. in | liberal stip to-their Wants to merita co tylg. Good Liquors and Cigays, | attending' matlé which makes this | 12 fo Every at jon given to the accommoda- | Silver Plat- tion and 'confprt of guests. The table and and ive ostlers, } LA D, B. DENISON, Proprietor, {Cruits, gti rea To LZ Q™™ HOTEL, Cake Baskets, ' | PORT PERRY. Butter Coolers, Gongs, Napkin Rings, Tea Spoons, nd Cigars in the Bar, the Yard and | Table Snonns fleen's is conveniently situated a|Tea Knives, JAMES DEWART. |Dinnct Knives, -- | Tea and Diner Butter Knives, (§6 Again wishing you the best compliments of the season. I remain, Very truly yours, Port Perry, Dec. 24, 1875. new Stock of ° fogs iat ots Sleighs. Hall Pendants, Larger sizes got MONEY TO LOAN! | { FILE Subse JGRAPHS | FOR ALL, AND PERFECT PICTURES 'accommodations. Careful attention bar supplied with the best Liquors and | anchester, July 15, 1874 3 e above hotel has undergone a thorough | vation, and has been fitted up with al veling public, -Suict attention paid to le table and the bor, Comfortable stables d an attentive ostler. © Z. BURNHAM, Jupaa. to the requirements of travelers and The barsupplied with the best wines, and cigars. Good stabling. Foreign and American Marblef tles, Monuments, &c., Dundas St, Whi! Agent, Port y.. MARBLE DEAL NEWCASTLE, ONT. ONUMENTS, Tomb-Tabl Stones of great variety, wit scription of: Matble Work, suitabl eteries, supplied . ab shiort" nof Peterhead and Aberdeen Granite se Parties will find it to | tege to withhold their orders by . - 4% . ~| Satisfaction guaranteed, and or EB. of ti& "M Ghicago, Tu. "Gad ination on Horse Essay on BEE Dr. Thorn begs to announce taken residence at Port 4p bia to treat all cases Ee All orders I e il feceive pro Cossitt Port Perry, Oct: 28, 18737 |; of Money that he is preparg ne Loans with the Trust and '§ s | Toronto, for aay adyan. lied 0 J. C. WILIFISON, ' AGENT. ork 'wars January 10, 1872. yo LBuyr A ep The Subscriber would intfpll in'want Greenbank, March 25,1874, v TICA. J. DAFOE, PROPRIETOR. MCKENZIE & SCOTT'S he requirements of travelers and guests. | PHOTOGRAPH rs. Good Stabling. . , Orposit Foy's Hotel, Port Perry. PS A | +» ITH the vie be, Sermo OTTAGE HOTEL, W ITH the view of supplyirg the great p] 2 Suhserihe Per ws | Pagtoprapinthe Silvie 6p iF card R. McRAE, BROPRIETOR. {and introduced such Instruments as will at | all times sccure PERFECT PICTURES. Their thorough knowledge of every de-- + partment of the Art, acquired in some of the Ew to the comfort and convenience of the ore Galleries on in, continent, together with their éxcellentGalleries and superior in- struments, give them facilitics enjoyed by few for producing those beautiful Photo- graphs admired by all who! see them. By skilfully retouching the negatives hott rank I es are stocked with a choice assortment of First Class Albums, Picture Good accommodadions. Careful attention | Frames, Stereoscopic Instruments, the Finest guerts, | Chromos, aud specimen Photographs in end. liquors : 168s varicty. 'A cordial welcome is extended to all to ies and inspect our Stock. AEF HOTEL, WHITRY. A. MASON, - PROPRIETOR. This Hotel has' undergone a thorough re. novation and been fitted up. with a®view to 'the comfort and convenience of the traveling public... Every attention paid to 'thc table and bar, while obliging and attentive | Ostlers will have charge of the stables. 'Whitby, Jane 20, 1870. NOW. FOR FIRST CLASS 3 LIVERY RIGS. Ww. H. PARK, Jr,' moderate terms. ; W. H. PARK, J., Proprietor, Port Perry, Jan. 22, 1874. .. TORONTO. Incorporated. .......conee «A851. President... . Hon. John MeMurrich. of | Vice-P 5 Esq. rd Haldan, Esq. McKENZIE & SCOTT. Port Perry, Dec. 10, 1873. PORT PERRY LIV ribers have large sums of mon- in their hands fr investment on ey plac other Scourities in thy, at the lowest carrent have funds on band candep nd on getting east possible delay. d adjoining Counties of interest. As we cir money with the Any number of Mortgages for which the high- est figures will be all bbe 2. High Wearealso appraisers for the Canada Per- up Capital § 000. Instalments re-payable Pert Perry, Oct. 11, 1872, Loans can be repaid in any manner to suit. the borrower. ' Also several Improved Farms, and Wild T.ands for sale, cheap. Investments made in Municipal Deben-- tures, Bank and other marketable Stocks. Apply to : JAMES HOLDEN, Cc. MKE HE Subscriber. having now fully 2 LUGGAGE a es with . a Supply of superior Horses and Carringes, is o his new and exieusive Livery Stab) Li Vv ER Y R! CS| AND AROUND TOWN. On Moderate Terms. Port Perry, Aug. 6, 1873, --_-- 1 scription of Luggage to or from the Railway TAILORING [= I | fitted up a 'Livery Bisble jeopéelts 3 the Post Office, Port Perry, where first x loti ov all ite' departs class Livery Rigs "can always be had on IRST class Tailoring hoy Tt Gopa AT HUGOES, PRINCE ALBERT! Work made up on the shortest notice in the latest styles and at moderate rates. A teed. ber the place, opposite Cook's Hotel. WESTERN ASSURANCE COMP'Y x Prince Albert, April 2, 1874. Official Assignee, Broker, &r. Osrice--Over the Dominion Bank, MeMil- lan's Block, Brock st., Whitby. Whitby, April 10, 1873, TAKEN TO AND FROM THE STATION Hy The Subscriber is prepared to convey Chests, Trunks, Boxes and every other de- T0 ALL! | AT "IU Akl | INDEPENDENT ELECTORS | 4 fiw yours since a Boston divine than! ingimy ears and friands for the very} » . : ; Situ tho wanes havanoy SOUTH RIDING 1IEEL (0 5, rome : ; OF ONTARIO! ; 5 i | . Onesie Tuam ey viowlees. of saps the room to be joined likewise. The J port trom many strong friehds of both political moment the two latter entered the BB | vartics, [ have accepted the Nomination unan- | room they were surprised to sce the imonsly tendered me by the Liberal-Conserva~ P h i ¥ tive Convention/®f South Ontarion, and now diving Yerive {is spleatil Jansom be to announce myself as the People's Candi- of a new and bright half dollar from date for the Riding at the forthcoming election [the bands of the newly married ofa In politics T am a Liberal-Conservative ; my : +. | views on public mattér§'are' Liberal and Pro- Skates, gressive, and whether under'the Soslgoaivg of onservatism or Reform, T am an advocate of | the ha couple, bade th adi ht Liberal measures and Liberal principles.-- PPY De them adlen; Bells, Holding these views, I will, if elected, take my was called upon to unite a jolly old and just as they were pronounced man and wife another couple entered bridegroom: Qu eminent: divine immediately thrust the money' into and at once commenced his duties in performing the marrfige rite for the seat in the L Neither did our ZT Agents for several fist class Fire In- | cally and socially, Port Perry. | yest in assisting to promote the general good of our common country. Under thes circumstances, confidently ap- | \ peal to you for your suffrages. : | 1 now find that the Nominations throughout 3 | the Province have been fixed to take place on : ° ' the 11th, and the pollinz on Monday. 18th Jun- > !uary. Within the short intervening time it The undersigned Lia any amount of Money' | will be searcely possible 1 to lend upon Farm 'and-Téwn' Property, at | should desire to do, upon. the electors person- | Unusually Low Rates of Interest! |?!ly: for me to call, as It will be my endeavor, 'however, to gible at public Meetings to be held throughout the Riding. when my views upon public matters may be tained. , Trusting that they may b will meet with your cordial approbation an more fully ascer-qy e such as | Dave Your obedient servant, a N. W. BROWN" Whitby, Dec. 22nd, 1874. 1-3w Now for the Holidays ! HE Subscriber would inform his triends and the public generally that he is thor- oughly prepared to supply the wants of all An Illinois debater "had "em in everything pertaining to | Station or anywhere around town. All Orders promptly attended :to. Charges J. COOK. Port Perry, Jan. 1st, 1874. T. COURTICE'S MONEY . [Private Funds,] To Loan on good Farms, at 8 per cont in- tel i Capital - $400,000. LYMAN ENGLISH, November, 21, 1866, 14 WANTED 1 " JAMES PRINGLE, ! General Agent. HE ONTARIO FARMERS . | -- "| intial Insurance Company. «| This Company is now fully organised snd is| RCHASE; Promissory Notes, both and yet to become: due, ac. 5 te J. W. Davis ov | Factory, QUEEN STREET, and Churches. Those wi thereby | hd to accept Hiske on Far nildir ev ir outania, bitty School Houses Thisse wishing to insure and MRS. L. M. COOK. by support a Home bod HAIR DRESSER, , Carls, and Comb Iry Manufactured. 's -Farnitire Ware oorner Port Perry, Nov. 18,1874. + Port Perry, ct. 18, 1874. Everything in the Bakery and Confectionary" Fine Fancy Bread'and Choice Con- fectionery, and_he has not forgotten his g friends in providing for them an end- less variety of the most attractive PREMIUM SADDLERY WAREHOUSE EY Removed shawa, To HIS Port Perry, Dec. 16, 1 y and nnpledged. Piepared to accept and assist | romaining couple. Being pronounc- Toys, in the maturing of good measures, no matter : from which side of the House they may eman- ate. In the same way I shall use my right and i Statin Temp. freedom to oppose all snch legislation as [ may ot and pulled out the same amount, consider of a character detrimental to the in-|an equally bright half dollar and Side Brackets, | terests ofthe Province. While approving of many of theacts of the present Govercment, there are others, such as| | : their action in the removal of the Model Farm {ound astonishment upon theinsigni- 1,2, 3 and | to Guelph, and the giving cut of large cou-|ficant amount and remarked : | tracts without tender, I could not approve.-- 4 light Chanda. | The views of every straight-forward man must . be opposed to the latter course, in the expend- liers, _ | iture of public money. . Ontario, and its favorable situation for such an institution as the Model Farm and Agricultural College, did not, in my opinion receive that consideration to which they were entitled at to order, 7 he Hands of the Government. Inte representative, I respectfully submit, use his position as your representative, in the House, or that influence which he should have possessed with the Government in pressing the just claims of this Riding for that institution. then said. With respect tothe surplus in the Provincial WW. T. PARIRISH Treasury--stated to be some five million dol- omer = ® | 1ars--I should be prepared to vote that well- considered and matured railway enterprises, | mer man five times! and on such having in view the opening up, settlement,and improvement of the country should be aided therefrom, as well as other works of undoubted MORTCACES WANTED. public utility calculated to benefit the public ¥ m---- at large. * A Liberal Immigration policy should have groom thrust his hand into his pock- presented it to the divine ; whereup- cagions is five dollars.' The interests of South | ¢ You married | the last old couple,' said the indignant bride- groom, * for fifty cents, and now you dare to tax me four times as much because we are a young coupled The good divine placing his glasses several inches above his nose, looked the young man tull'in the face and discount to the trade I' way to the door. in from 2 to 20 years. true Canadian. Lands Bought and Seld. Tn conclusion. T may be permitted to add barefoot. Several good farms for sale. thet all my interests, and associations, politi-| The greatest can but blaze and are centred in South Ontar- | Ghd 4 ; io. where T was born and reared, and where I pass away. ad gol ns im LL and a general agency busi- io} o % 1 t if >. ase + DEBENTURES BOUGHT.-SX a | o Hpbby-horses ara dearer tion of your representative in the legislature of | JOHN & DAVID J. ADAMS, |= province, 1 ou will always find me prompt | What a barber mustn't do--Lather General Agents, and alive to the wants, as well as atentive to lis wife. Office in Mr, Ross' Ontario Buildings, the Interests of the Riding, while doing my a rich uncle. for strange lawyers. him through all right. ainly will. somebody else : "Those who in quarrels interpose, Must often wipe a bloody nose. " . a turns the cran stove ?* NEW BUILDING, 'Cabinet = his rooms over Corrigan & Campbell's Store, Port Perry. , Newest. Sty Workmanshin, and a perfect fi PORT. PERRY. | First-Class smber next. 1 All indebted may 'have the running | By atiending to the above the trouble and . them in time "be waited 'on. by an DR. MCCLINTON his oftioe Th es the th day yi! Novembe: will please idedly the" best «ch come: and apy. whio may not be. prepared to pay o matter arranged. copost : hen well to) expense of sending a collector. will be a- arranged ; voided any 'who have not settled by that considerati come and examine the machines. JOHN PEARCE Port Perry, Dec. 1, 1874. Saintfield, Oct 28th 1874. Fad 4 ae tan cite his interest. - # i our whole graspin' sevin , | pumpin' th ! 9 jclap." #5 Vino went all the W Atlanta. On 'h solemn with. the wight of gathered wisdom, and said If the world is 28 big t'other way 'as it'isthat it's a whopper I", (A inmauon his pocket, and then, cangratulaiing #1 man and 'wife the youthful bride- aon the good man looked with pro- ' My customary fee upon such oc- "I have never married you but this once, while T have married the for- occasions duty demands a liberal Suffice it to say that the remaining four dollars and a half was forth- ; coming; and with a smile the bride fmproved Farms, Village Properties, and [my support--believing as [ do in its geeat itn- | dn arn Look ah portance in promoting the settlement ef, and groom oo le nearest times Borrowers | adding to the wealth of the country. My best efforts, I need scarcely state, should mm be directed to the healthy promotion of the Head-wai pe ber: ead-waiters-- Barbers. WANTED . Td PURCHASE, Manufacturing interests of the Province. 1 heartily retain, and hold by those senti- ments of unabated loyalty to anr gracious manent Building Soclety, the cheapest and | Queen, and attachment to the British Institu- | ment. largest Monetary Institution in Canada. Paid | yjons which should animate the breast of every Silence'is the fittest reply to folly. Cheap living--Living on excite- A bootless enterprise -- Going A kick out of doors is better than A wise man may keep hjs own counsel, consequently he has no jobs Tt must make a man feel mean to | pay an old 'debt bétause he is going to die, and then have the doctor pull A Georgia 18 sy from' Cassville to is 'vetlirn 'he looked The people of Few 'Hampshire are not proud, but sgem perfectly willing to allow the jenitor of the State-house to sé the baseniént ot that styugture for a hennery, and: he is accordingly doing a thriving, buse ingss in tho poultry line, ~ a A Chicago alderman. tried for three hours to remember George Washington's last 'name but he couldn'ttdo it, he anid ke "knew it was George and teat the "man' had something to do with the Mexican war but he gouldn't remembpr sthe rost. eu An Indiana man bet $10 that, he could ride the fly wheel in a sgw- mill, and as his Widow paid the bet she remarked : " William was a kind husband but he did'n know much about fly wheels." : ' A man whose wife hung herself in his presence, on being asked why he not prevented the tragedy repli- ed: "I cut her down three times Jast weelt-and-I-cun't-bo-alwaye cutting ber down." : There are thirty or forty different kinds of relegion in this country, and it worries the celestial entry clerk immensely to have peaple tumbling into heaven in such' sing- ularly assorted lots. -- Brooklyn Argus. George Whitfield was once, in the early part of his life preaching in the open fields when a drummer at- tached to a recruiting party hap pened to be present, who was deter-- mined to interrupt the pions work, and rudely beat his drum to drown the preacher's voice. Mr. Whitfield spoke very loud, he therefore addres- sed the drummer iu these words: "Friend, younnd I rrrve the tivg greatest masters existing, but in dif- ferent callings. Yon beat up for volunteers of King George, tor the Lord Jesus Christ. In God's name, HhEne cor' 16k IRLEIZI R260 both, and we nay both rget recruits in abundance." his speech had such an effect that the drnmwer went away in good Lumor, and left the preacher in full possession of the field. . WarerprooF Boors.--A corres respondent to the "Indiana Farmer" says: "I have stood in mud and water two or three inches deep for ten hours a day tor a week, without For sport go to Texas. They panthers there thirteen feet d (long and exteedingly vigorous ; and if you have no sport the boasts cer- Lines--not by Tennyson, but by That farmer understood human nature who said : "if you want to keep your boy at home, don't bear to hard on Phe printers when he when he arose and said : "Yes, gen- Dainties 1 | tlemen, Waterloo, was the bike kind of a fight, but Washington FOR CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR'S |whipped 'em like a wink I" A Covington man died and they | The effect of castor oil is to soften put him on ice. but he awoke in the night and yelled out: "Why don't| prevents the water from entéring." you putsome more wood in that A wicked man in Davenport, being on his death bed, wished to consult some proper person regarding his future state, and his friends sent a Toys. ] Toys 1 Toys || ire insurance agent to him. for all, Cheap and Good. Come, Boys, and CHAS. HISCOCKS. An agricultural paper says that J kind words will cure a cow of kick- ing, but many prefer the old way of mauling the critter with a fence rail TAILORIN G until her heart 18 broken. 9 cursing on the Tailor. Toledo papers announce that there is plenty of work in that city, 'bat 4 carefully coficeal the fact that said | *E® Paper displayed dudatity. } work is sitting on a bench in front of a coal stove and wishing it were guaranteed. | spring] such, oo i When a boy is sitting on the sunny | the\Apgel Gabr' then send wide of a horse-barn, waiting for his him @ marked ros the pa father to cows Homo and "lick" him | Boston Globe. NRE Ho ' you might talk astronomy to him| George Francis Train for four straight hours and not ' ex- tee . © A Bowell mill git] this other said to a dirddtor Who Wished" consent to ® 'reduction' of Wages « Before l'dida it Pd see' you'd To'phi-et feeling any dampness or having any difficulty ir getting my boots on or off. If you would be equally" sié- cessful, before wearing the boots gite the bottoms a goud coating of tallow and coal-tar, and dry itin ; then oi] the 'uppers' with castor oil, abou one table spoonful to each boot ; then oil them twice a week with" castor oil, when one tespoonful will be su ficient. It the weather 'should bé rainy, or yon are compelled;to work in water during the day, wash your boots clean at night, hold them the fire until quite warm, and ofl them quite wet, and you will have no trouble about boots getting hard and shrinbing up so that you cannot get them on. If the leather should: become red, give them a coat. of or, dinary shoe-blacking before oiling, the leather whie it fills the pores and A There has been a separation be- tween an up-town lover and his' sweetheart. She presented : him- with her photograph, which he, on bis bended kneps, swore he world always wear next his heart. = While making his last Sunday' evening cal he pulled out his handkerchief from his pants pocket, when lo !'the phd-' tograph fell at his lady's feet: : « §ho* says he is either a liar. or else hiya heart is not in tle 11 kit lace --B%. change. oF att Jiord Dufferin thinks that a Chi- publishing a bogus. interview. him. Chicago, your lordship,. is '% city in'which the papers are capable. - ot publishing a bogus interview with - votes for Governor of New in - witht. -