Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 10 Sep 1874, p. 1

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WHOLE NO. 866 ' VOL. XVI, NO. 87.1 PORT PERRY, PROVINCE OF ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPT. 10, 1874. -- See eC ------ _--_-- : : ORT PERRY HOUSE, --_-- eT i re Hartly Ontario "Obaerner. HEN xB Yo 2181 ) P RS JENET'S FORTUNE Bowe to stop for bell-ringing, and [an; but none came. Slowly but Film PATENT, 80 MN) DRACGH * |JAS. V. THOMPSON, - PROPRIETOR. THE « And when Idue I shall leave my o Sniered SY Sing 0% Hal Shroatly perceptably the lines settled around south : . OTTAWA, CANADA, The above House is now most. comfort fortune to tho one who will use it to] parlor door, where Marga-|the pleasant mouth and the dark LITIOAL, AGRICULTURAL, |Transucts business with 'he Patent Office | ably furnished, and Guests are cared for in the very best advantage," smilin ret and Lettie waited in their taste |shadows crept overthe pallid face fag AND and other departments of the Government | the Home Style, Good Liquors and Cigars, : - » | ful afternoon costume, and walled |b i patel Copyrights and the Registation of Trade | also, first class Stabling and good Ostlers.-- from beneath her spectacles to see + Ay ut no sound issued from the pale FAMILY NEWSPAPER, Mok and Lg pling no Dawlins, Additions have been made which makes this ; J the young girls around her Smignt to grandma Leed's room. flips. : : pecifications, and other Docmen - | the largest and best House in this sectio , ' «She was i id fi 38 PUBLISHED) AR to secure Patents of Invention, prepared Gti Fare $1.00 hr : "of * Your fortune grandma? What beneath ged or pci) pes Suet Yoniler esd: The's was . PORT PERRY, on receipt of the model of the (nventi SRE Ano Ton Has will that bo? Phat old basket with | 20°0ath the white lace bordered ja faint flutter--no more, and she : Lot 5 " , : . | cap. il her hands. Wo x its horrid needles, and never ending clasped her hands. ould grand- EVERY THURSDAY MORNING, auctioneers. At the Railway Stéition, + Jig, Be knitting? If so you need not leave b A graeets) girlish figure half knelt | ma disapper before her eyes and tmtmte EE ett ET me PORT PERRY, J U S R B C E Vv E 9 | them with me. Jenet will : eside her, wreathing a bunch of ev- | never speak a word? T , use it to y P BAIRD & PARSONS. W 4 M. WILLCOX, " Every attention given fo the accommo: I D ® | bottor advantage than I could." ergreens into a frame for a mantle| Seecaught the cold hand in her rm on and comfort of guests. The table ant i - 3 5 2 or! i i TERMS.--$1 per annum, if paid in ad- Wi b t bar supplied with the best the Market af . A very large Stock of the following Goods for "Yes, Lettie, your right; and I'm nam on Sad ber Qs Tore Wied - 7d riod Slag: vance ; if not $0 wil Ie charged. a 3 5 forty Shells Liquors sug fhe het Lynnis gure I don't want it either. H'm ong y I2 the a nly oe. "Grandma ! speak tome! speak subscription taken for less than six months; of Cigars. Excellent stable and sl ac- e entered and clos the door | to your littl . ) and no paper discontinued until all arrears commodation, and attentive ostlers, = | what a fortune to bo sure. bof ith bi ye ittle Joust, Don't you hear are paid.siA oe D. B. DENISON, Broprietors. «4 use ranishin «Pll aceopt it grandma, and prize] 5 ne CH oer SPELL: me, Grandma? "RATES OF ADVERTISING. LICENSED UEEN'S HOTEL, ih sg : 4 it if you will only add your sweet "Grandma 8! op | Bat grandmahesrd nothing. The For cach line, first indertion ........$0 08 7 Q eontanted disposition. Teiwonlt bel * YY: bless my heart, jtis Austin |chillbessof detth- hud settled down Subsequent insertions, per line . 0 02 A CTIONEER PORT PERRY. : --come here, my boy.' and ev. he knel I h ) X U Ay < a fortune which none of us need ) ) oven as she knelt there the = Cards, id fas, fo ms i $ 50 FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO,| JAMES DEWART, - PROPRIETOR. 4000 1bs of my own Brand White Lead. dispise." And the fine gentleman came and | spirit fled and Jenet was alone. dressed to this Office, pre-paid and regester- | AND TOWNSHIPS OF MARIPOSA & CARTWRUET, ioe Suincnigr having ie 20 Barrels of English Boiled and Raw Linseed Oil. Jenot Leeds was the youngest ofthe Ive both hands to her in his de-| She understood it all when she "ed, will be at our risk, EGS to thank his many friends and the | tho comfort of guests and the accommoda- : a : nest ight. - arose, and sank back half fainting Advertisments measured by Nonpareil, public generally, for the liberal patron- | tion of the oa public, ee to A large Stock of Locks, Butts, and Screws. family and the plainest, She hols ¢ Janie, my little playmate, too!-- lin the arm chair near the bed e and charged according tothe space they ac- | age bestowed upon him for the past five years. | yv,lcome old friends and new to take part in . sweet fresh face and tender eyes; ? 4 ro ] ehngy nesr the ned. cupy. : Having now given up the business of | the hospitality of the Queen's. A larze Stock of all. kinds of but these pailed into uglyness before What a happy meeting! Clara) Janet, my poor darling I" Sens received By postion bang, IL teen in fbn, ig hal The Table carcfully supplied, Choice Ze» ' Tettie's black orbes and shining came down dressed for a call,| She lifted her head. Austip Bos- without specific instructons, wi insel whole time e busmess o ctioneer, | 1iquors and Cigars in the Bar, the Yard and : 3 1 cor vas leaning over her. anti fordid aod charged aiccodingly. No Collecting, &o. \ . © ang | Stabs Santi ee H arves t T 00 1 SS. curls and the blond loveliness of the 00 dor) se Oo come, bed wor 2 Norio Gi a advertisment wi en out until paidfor.| Tt will be my endeavor, by prompt and| The Queen's is conveniently situated a 2 S--Turni P 3 S.C belle Margaret. So she settled back : i ! CA lute phi yy alg ool teint allow nts ari A De ol a dunes ig HO? Turnip and Field. SCYTHES--Cradle and Grass. ba : a | gallantry 1 should feel obliged to not send me word to' night, and let and others who advertise by the year or [satisfaction to all who may favor me with JAMES DEWA FFORKS--Hay and Manure > tots nmoiigst voller To the oiMney i I preferred tk yp Afirs half-year. their Sales or Collecting. sa Eva ye : : corner, and waited on grandma, or|"5® #14 preferred that my iret | me share your sorrow EY" These terms will in all cases bel 2h giavgisted nd Blank South Por Nh a SPADES--Lonz and Short Handle. assisted the maid in the house work. | 11? should be i Hold SN ne YourAnslin oy strintly adhered to. * ree of charge. 5 4 - LY 1 picht. Wi 2 atter " Yes have x ey bani NC TOY mn Thee «Also Bill Stamps always on hand. y A SCLOANSRIONR TL SHOV BLS--Long and short handle. Once in a while she ventured out Foran rion Vo aug loiter br x have lust Abythrgive Job Department Arrangements can be made for sales ke, LN 7 torn b ty im the village, but so pleased to have it so, are you not, | This is no time or place. 1 missed s » Onserver Office, and at tho Standard 'PRINCE ALDERT, ONT. Aid lal otglekal 1851 do Ttetdlale 2 pe Tisptheviliage, His call lengthened itself into two yon as I have always missed y Phamplets, Hand Bills, Posters, DPro- nhs Port Perry Cy nahn By EZRA BATES, - iiglritioldleld Silo) i dolniplalctolaisie: seldom that people never observ-- Tsien lene yr cillinto two yon as I have always mi ed you, grammes, Bill Heads; Blank Forms, Receipt J] 7 Ti an > ' hours and during the time he told | but thought it your pleasure to re- a an h y W. M. WILLCOX, | The comfort of guests carcfully attended Put up mn the latest style and very Cheap. ed her. That made it unpleasant ia fii Hooks, Coch Doky Clpotuss, stags Hl [to. The Table and Bar well supplied. v J I Te lal oie pleasant stories and chatted like the | main athome. When your father © 3al . every style - 2 3. ! foe Tix oe' Bool brand and she stayed 4 8 loser. " ton cheno i oe -- ie Liquors and the best brands of CALL AND SEE MY STOCK. sf and she stayed at-home sUIL ClOSCr.y},5, of bygone days, but not once | came with a frightened face, and than any other establishment in the County. CROTHERS & WILSON | Good Stabling and attentive Ostle Ww T r ARRISH But on that morning while they: did Margaret or Lettie's name pass | whispered to Dr. Berne, I knew that w= ya Licensed Auctioneers for the COUR | Loo EZRA 7 7 Total t "+ | were chattering with grandma, she| his lips. | vou werein trouble. I came ot a 5 of Oniario, paig:osdiierioan dete roprictor. i mg Es os ll felt a deal of real discontent for the| When he wi ray he met them | once, ¢ : : home with them. i July 74 < rr rm hen he went away he me em | once, and Janet 1 shall not leave you J. BAIRD. I. PARSONS, oe NTT first timo in months--Clara Bos-| coming from the parlor with disap again: RE prepared to conduct Sales anywhere | EVE > ! g I again. : -» An Sabian R! AGRICU LT URAL worth, her bosom friend, was to pointed faces where they had been | She knew his meaning and did not wr pen: Portion. 'nlucing their Sales ig var von bv renine h Hs . + on NEL Eras, Der placing thee Sales 1g om Yee deeldedly one of the | i MPLEMENTS y given party that ovening and she |\aiting for him ; but he only lifted | put him away when he held her ay rely J st a ving te te Pa , J o oy '0 . : ops a in i om pest me le conntry Hotels in 1 £ a y cold pot BO. For weeks prepara- | his hat and then passed out. Then | close in his arms and drew her into Bo oS anion, Physiclans, 2 roi bas dg for all kinds of WHITEY & AND 5 tions had been going .on in their|spandma and Janie received a sound | the parlor. oe bonne. Agricultural Impleipente. we - NSION RAILWAY quite family. She had given up the |geoldi sh 1 , oS . ernipert x : tee ¥ Pog Pore: All orders addressed to @. Crothers, Epsom = nr proprietor, TIME TABLE No. 8. RE PAIRS : CY sb red fire aw wi ter 2 ak ii ii bi only Hor Moraes and Zusttie jpaniing du Office, over *Allison's Drug Store, Queen-st. P.O. will rec prompt attention ' hi ro 5 repatred Takes offect on Wednesday, the 25, April, 1874, -4 A 2 , money saved fora new win er cloak knew how to give, and the shadow of | with their, faces horror-stracken . JONES, M. D,, CORONER, | A, E. MALLORY, sy $ X * § 5 or f his yy LIE bey 7 yt T g ottie's oroen silk mi re- | 1; : vs ' 3 . EL Sn one nr Jas a nn one } 28 Trains ran on Toronto Time, which 1% | gg TCWG Ar toe that Lettie's green silk might be re-| discontent again fell on Janet's [saw Lim holding her in his arms WreCordor transieng be ivelers, and |= Minutes slower than Grand Trunk Time, PO Jie PRED x trimmed for the occasion and the |gpirit {hor tivad hend rosting-wesrily upon : : g Jordon. reshment . Naf wed we wd God wes a : 2 : . ; | 1 i y g we 3 « Pe RAT vers. Licensed Auctioncer, . Valunter, dc. The tule ib i TRAINS GOING NORTIL. bast dross Te 3 in > w ik Ah, that lod, Shenriess Be shouldier, snd the proud Lettie LT NOR the Township of Brock, Uxbridge, tiers, re : ; AL 7 ITH & view to better accommodating plain garnet colored poplin: with {What a story Janey could tell you said : BR WARE, Coronor for the County of | ; Seat, Thorah, Rama, Mara, Mariposa ape N, Proprictor. | Whithy Junction W a Dae) Ontario, Mari- | black velvet {rimmings. of disappointments, of happy par-|. «Mr Bosworth I am surprised." 3 i ) r ¥ # and Eldon, . -- a # right, and to further meet the : : Toa 4 1 Y ' er coucheur, ied trey B&F" Parties entrustivg their Sales to me ION HOTEL. rapidly increasing danand for the thr She had faintly suggested that she ties in which she had no share, of} "You need not be; this is my et 2 iy oh ond attention being given 2 NCHESTRR. Fobniva taking Reaper, might wear that, but the ery of dis-| moonlight rides, of joys and mer- | privilage now and forever." te sir interests, Ra tine : Sririsiss db 'a, « of - 5 . \ aa PHIL to of Nowbnrz, ont. 0 their intcre Ar JAMES I. Ii IARD, Proprigror. HYNEN Ciier Xower, may silenced her. riment. She had only that one com- | Three days after they gathered in Port nr sl Sunderland, Brock Bed accom oy li Fat Ap ; | : : Jeanie MINS, Ee. ¢ Go and wear that old poplin I" | forter, kind, patient grandma; for! the same parlor to hear grandma's ythe ro $ cavelers and guests, ran | As manufactured Brown & Patters 2 ill ¢ ve or § 748 Office Over Mr. Cu tore, GR ete a a > So or NH oh 5 3 30 | ive the Whithy 10 hy Ea) of | (ried Lettio from the clouds of white | now that Austin Rosworth had come willand testament rend. After some Residence at the house of th Philp, Ere v 1 gi | SLLTOY hggtins orks, and all | little directions it said: ~ sine ar in i , PHOS i. . . | REPAIRS for these Implements, billowy lace that adorned the green |the way was harder than ever. Ho, Sri tor Toe loved 1d y ATE =, 3 ED Auctic + Fownship 15, 1874 B30 { ) ille. *V. PREY ne A 1 ascorte ottie rtios 'And u y beloved grand daugh- RS. MCGILL wzeons, oo pe Apt 2 ly 1A Ri A gC E A C Y silk. 'You must be crazy.' came and escorted Lettie to parties," yinet Leeds, I bequeath the ke. Oilice a King sty [ra rm A GUA RE ITLL ve 0 4 «I should think so!" chimed injand sometimes chatted with grandma yoime's estate together ith my of Victoria, Residenco--Canaington, Brock, 7 5 i ni y - zai een vpened by Brown & Patter on | . ay k f t Ler Wal my "WAL WETLL, ML FRANCIS RAE, MD. | (ders left at this office, or at his residence CREENBANK, step on signals a son | Marearet, who was fitting a lace but nothing more--she did not catch entire stock of furniture and money » ; 2 ~~ | will be punctnally attended to. Debis col R. MCRAE, PROPRIETOR, tion with the G. AT PORT PER RY. berthe over the waist of a delicato| the goodnatured smiles he gave her amounting to ten thousand dollars.' : : NE iin a A erhyie, aodl rhs above otal as wdergons a thoroneh inks at ort Lorry rth tae | For the regular supply of all the above at | White satin. ¢Doyou want Austin from the sleigh as ho rodo away-- | Janets father smiled upon his as- J 2s made. lemember-- pepovation, wii 5 be toc ith ny nary 1OF JANA 2 ame pric they are n Tal . : x { ished and crest-- £ ors, Oshawa. WALSHE, the North Ontario Auction- Epi a ha 1: li OT.DEN Works. . All 1 SE Clea] ie Bosworth to think us a family of and Letie never told Ler how aften | tonished and crest fallen daughters. 4 OF, : Tai = a | ~N . 8 fol J sto! ~~ ; . i ¢ v f ' rhi RIN Simo 1 pet traveling public. Suict atten n paid to Managing Director Reaper, Cayuga Chief Mower, Plow Potts paupers ? Tt is to be a grand affair, he asked for her. | Tow as 2 mother's whim, Sho E._ MARTIN, M. D. S{mc00 8t., TWOA00rS | eee - the table and Comfortable stables Sees Land Sides, and all other repairs kept cone | ¢ inh eco 4 ; HE 3 : nel ale never desired it to be known.-- #U. North of thé Central Hotel, ata tly ha Pp kept con- | and Clara expects all who honor it| Alone with grandma, Janet asked I i : a : an v 1 n ) id. : NC. . werefore vo rere ignorant o \ aa Gshawa. han} 5, 1874. (PORT PERRY LIVERY STABLES, WM. JOHNSTON, -- their Jo to pay a oo for better Bingn as A WI fact thataho hoa a dollar beyond E. FAREWELL, LL. B, County Crown AFUE HCUSE, | : = R I Aczyt. | pect enough to dress respectably.--- she was so harshly dealt with. the annuity that I held for her. a i 5 member the place, E: t Nt rir ; ) Bodom a Tae HE D f eke a ©, Fast of Thomp- | Ty, js Austin's first appearance after| At last even the society of her aged | When, six months' later, Austin eupled by 3. H. Cochrane, Esq., Brock street, UTICA. i = cr N Trg \ 5 his E ban ti 5 1 surely y 1 md ras denied, and { her Janel Were x i ST Loss Y Henin ing A : on Raving established the - ; his' European tour, and surely you do | companion was denied, and in her and Janet wero married, her elder Whitby. TRS ; FOE. PROPRIE Having ished the above A v 5 ot \ 1 y IST OF DIVISION COURTS i J nls ) ® OPRIT C. M Kk ih Z 1 E, io be fully on on not want him to think meanly of us? | bed the old lady gradually faded pe ge to ray that he married ANGE TB Solieltort : jood accommoda.ions. Careful attention | PROPRIETOR we have lately appointed Ed. Walker, of Pholtenrs came ) Ov av and nir a wit be. | her for her money. ile knew better AR, oe 3 FOR 70g . to the requirements of travelers and guests, : Utica, as our Agent, who, with Pn aE but Janet was Ay nye Duy pad night ne sit pe and so did I. z aan Count y of Ontario, Thebarsupplicd with the best wines, liquors i Agent, H. 8, Johnston, of Port Perry, will | brave and no one saw them, side her with the knowledge that she | OMee--Simeoe strect, opposite the Post Office. FOR THE YEAR 1574. ante ine | TE hev x on yan ipa in) soliciting your orders for the | That nightwhen the two girls--the | Was beyond earthly help--waiting | o > 2 T > pa . errs eam rr rr N TE 0 Ng = 0 and C: i Sat, o Lor : ESR riosity od. YOUNG SMITH, LL. B., Barrister, At-} =~ 777 iii es TORT, | Prepared to furnish a gos, 1s a 11s BROWN & PATTERSON: |one in her dark beauty and wonder- | upon her, yielding to her childish uriosi VE atistled ey-at-Law, Solicitor in Chancery, Heil ]e | ct. 1, 1873. r i oy + varies i. shims. A Heys avorything ; . oer] A ary Babile, &c. a 2 EIT zz WHITRY. IL i Vv E R v R i C td bh A fully becoming array, the other all hi and shutting os or rytl ng) allatin, out in Daviess county, Office--McMiilan's Block, Brock street, = IA | 412 |S A. MASON, - PROPRIETOR. et M I delicacy, her fair pearly loveliness youthful and beautiful from beri. very plomont litdle town, ond yhithy. " TY a . n Moderate Terms. ONEY TO LO sit th eco tient ie hr i v py Ah Dany Er 3 HEE This Hotel has undergone a thorough re- C. MCKENZIE. g i enhanced by the pale purple colour | sight. ; ...|hasa good many pleasant people Port Perr: 100 2 old] | 4} 91 | 6l2z novation and been fitted up with a view to | Port Perry, Aug. 6, 1873. 31 tay of her dress-- came laughing into «Playing household angel," said Shs, y AMERON & MACDONNELL, Barristers | Sri deo' n| 7a leh the comfort and convenience of the traveling - oe Bo ug eng JB = EE | residing within its corporate limits ay Are uy Canning 5 i i ail 7 He UI public. Every attention paid to the » NG ip Sty MORTCACES WANTED. [grandma's room, a little shadop | Margaret scornfully. laud they cnjoy themselves very f s W > gaverior 3, 5 113 table and bar, while obliging and attentive © » 8 CF. E . ga ark > face ' : « Working for grandma's fortune |' : or ih Whitby. on fio |25! {15 115 table and bar, while obliging and attentive fw eb ded CHE wh der darkened her face and she found orking for grandmas fortune ily by havi okie » H. J. MACDONNELL. 2 Ostlers will have charge of the stables. 7 " : Subscribers have large sums of mon-(., i . I 0S kines, | Pleasantly by having festivals and 2. C, CAMERON, 7. BURNHAM, thy, Jane 20, 1570, AS IMPORTED | Ta EE 7, investment on it very difficult to keep back the of old shoes and stockings," Lettie mite society meetings, and all 'that A. HURD, Attorney at Law, and Solicitor i Ooh whee ie he \ 4 . Of Roo itios In his and adjoining Counties | lears. cruelly added. kind of thing = P. bE hancaty. Office in the Royal Arcade, | Gro. H. DartxewL, Junior Judge, NOW FOR FIRST CLASS = Rave funds on nd at ail timer aoe | - (Fine feathers make fine birds Doing her duty by the the faithful or 5 Port Perry. Whitby, Jan. 1, 1874. HENRY CHAR LES candep nd on getting their monay With the b Te ; ol oiaah aio he tate thts ptotier Last week some of oar citizens i ROR: im) eo . \ 1east possible delay. ut fine irds do not always sing the| W on L whohaa 12 ken three Jnoilic >| were ont at Gnltantin uttending the AMES LAMNON, Attomey at Lhw so ohn McDonald V/s, HH" Received a further supply of | WANTED TO PURDHASE, - |S\eetest, Janie, said grandina, after | less children into her heart and Alled¥ny ri murder trial, and' ane uver in lige. Ofce in Parish's Block, s OR, . | number of Mortgages for whic 2 they were gone. 'I know who is | the lost ores place so far as God per- |. i : ent, &c., Uxbridge. 3 SR! ey TENNANT'S XXX PORTER | Htagire OM rgages for w hich the high- Y 8 ; 3 ing they attended a festival that had an Sh xneidge. BARBIE DEALER! Cli And ALE in Stone Jars. Cr os aor tv Canon mar SoC ine ong iy the familys 1 kaow mitted,' her own heart said, and |) LG up for some purpose,-- : NEWGQASTLE, ONT. HENNESSY'S JULE maent. Hullding Society, the cheapest and | my little singing bird, Janie, and | steadily she worked on There way La LINGS, Barrister, Attorndy at ' | dN > NESSY'S JULE ROBIN & Co., and largest Mon stitutl p 3 yh ging , Janie, Aan YS > Buy There was a bie crowd present ra, Soflitor in busncory, Kory bul c, h gen, egg LI V BY RIGS. OTARD'S BRANDY. ' Bp Oba : * SPI Cot, Dai sho is dearer than a dozen fine ladies The first of May brought invita- Tonelhatve 0 ny ad onveyancer, ac. Uffice 0 4 : oR onions @ KENTE'S HOLLAND and OLD TOM nee i ) i i welast ball at Bosworthil ers es Taney Port Perry. scription of Marble Work, suitable for Cem- i and OL . Lands Bou Austin and Clara will como to-mor- | tions to the last ball at Bosworth |, « (how which one could see any y cteries, supplied at! short notice. Also ~~ W. H. PARK, Jr, | PORT and SHERRY WINE, Several ght and Sold. row, and he will tell us about his| house, and while the two elder sis--| oo) . re hs Sey W. Maurice © Peterhead and Aberdeen Granite. * 1 AS fitted up a Livery Stale opposite | Veral good farms for sale, , ; animial they expressed a wish . ho > y £ : 8 the Post Office, Port Peny, where first | ALSO Z@~ Agents for several first class Fire In- | travels in foreign lands, and you will | ters laid out the finery, Janet folded 3 | 1 TTORNEY-AT-LAW, Solicitor in Chan- Parties will find it to their advan- : y 0s 5, ice, Por pons i Es | ALD. WELLS' TORONTO ALE. surance Companies. Teg 3 sali i 2 i ii to by the payment of the small sum : Adin leery Fo Fai) tage to withhold their orders until called on id Livery igs can alway [0 Tr ALRERS Bete MALT sud RYE. nSollections made and a general ageney busi- be far happier than you would be up | the tiny missive and hic it away olen conts. he afor 4 "show fice h ; J lly from 9 a.m. to & p.m. | Y | ee er H. PARK J%., Propricto E transaction, at the house with dancing and con-|next her heart as a sacred bit of \ Office hours punctual im, bi J. C, WILLIAMSON, | _H. PARK Jz., Proprietor. with 2 DEBENTURES BOUGHT. Pha 2 ity Sede Sala) consisted of a mirror carefuly covor- Kinds of nosh anger cent, on ° Aaeent, {Dost Perry, Jan. 12,157 ed A general assortment of Teas, Sugars JOHN & DAVID J. and aston s of pape, hearing Rush sfirm,broad | og with » picee of cloth; purtiesde- ilowd Bo al Aroude Satisfaction guaranteed, and all work war- | RANCE COMP'Y Codfish, Oan'd Fruits, Fish, &c.,&c es y 'I suppose so, grandma, said chiography pon it. siving to ice" foal tn Office, Bigelow y ' ranted. WESTERN ASSS Port Perry, Sept. 8, 1873. Office in Mr, Ross' Ontario : Janet, and she took her seat by the| The next night grandma was very |, of 4 Ton : + el PORT PERBY. January 10, 1872. yr y » ) Buildings, ' ! y . Y | tront of the mirr naming + i y * o AF TET Pos Deis Cot 0 Port Perry. |fire and went on knitting with a|ill, and when Margaret and Lettic| ho animal they UE 0. N. VARS, L. D. 8. TORONTO. FIRST CLASS EE herman ee no Thencefnl fhee, fluttered in their guy dresses, Janet | 1h was removed and how beheld ren mein os | MONEY | MONEY ! i TAILORING : ws sun ie WE Ts rg Rt PoE Te cs 0 and asc - ren ae ... 1851. - fr " i id FS aN. est and as good us the best. Teeth filled ' Incorporated 851 | rumpled plumage and high spirits. | them out of tho room, Among those present on (he ovens with Sole id Sve. i Te exirunind MORE MONE Y ! Copital 8400.000 IRST class Tailoring in all its depart- §| Austin Bosworth had returned a +1 beg yom, girls, to have a little] ine alluded to wasn voung bridal without pain by producing a rp + apiial . : men's, hand d polished gentl respect for grandma--she is very ill] wonrlo ERE > in. Dentical Rooms--in Cowan's new wr b an andsome and polished gentleman, P! gre Hb 8 ¥Y UH couple, whose marriage had occur block, over "Atkinson's Tieng Store, Ring Le as Presigit.... Hon. John Medurrien, | AT HUGOE'S, PRINCE ALBERT,| 1ho undersigned has any amount of Money | #04 bad flirted desperately with to-night.' sameevening a Street, Oshuwa. Loans with the Trust and Loan Society of | Vice/resident. ....U: Magrath, Esq. 4 Jak male up the Soret peti 2 to lend upon Farm and Town Property, at | Lettie. ¢ Nonsence ; don't be a fool, Janet; | aq joined the Grane The bride x pp! . ui i Cf styles and at moderate 5 . ee { BOTS, S hr JOBN : 8 M WILLCOX, Tomato, fot way Aliotol of GURY INR) Sooper pr ed good fit nt Ter Unusually Low Rates of Interest!| ¢ Why Grandma, he almost pro- | anybody would think she was Cy-|wam't a Granger ly any means y i oN ! ! ) a .Grang 3 ans- A Ci ) 00. AND UPWARDS General Agent. | Remember the place, opposite Cook's Hotel, Loazs can bo repaid in any manper tosuit| posed to her! laughed Margaret ing.' and had always been twitting ; OF, She Town of Whithy,-ie been ap- ? = tie Gosrower. who was engaged to Leonard's ho ¢ I believe sho is.' be tend in rots iting her pointed On Mortgage Security on Town or Farm . : R. HUGOE. Als0weversl Improved F ; as conard's hope- ' usband in reference to his connec BO CTGIAL ASSIGNEE | Property. The intercstis only 8 percent.) THE ONTARI) PARMERD' | Prince Albert, April 2, 187i. 15] Loge coveral Improved Farms, and Wild) go, and therofore had no place| The reply eame in a violent slam | tion with that organizati ! OF LASS ol ee niaaoh 1 om gy 3 , cheap. Bon, P ply 2 tion with that organization. dor the county of Ontario. Any business | 10 GC TY oR yar ged, Loan Mutual Insurance Company. = Invest made in Municipal Deben-| for jealousy. 'More than one of the| of tho door, and Janel was aloro|was anxious to sce the "show," and 'entrusted to his charge will be car ly a tures, Bank and other marketable Stocks. « ompan licted that it 1d be| with her patient i f ndoto, i JOHN TAYLOR | i vow Ally orgsnivedand To I { GG A GE Apply to company predicled that it would. be her pauent, paid her ten cents for that purpose. tet ns 5 ay J x = 8 | Nov. 12, 1873. | 4 Tuition any 8 sow 5 ke JANG HOLDEN, match. The hours dragged wearily, and | Taking her place before the covered Yo RA he hgsiows HS and their contents, country School Houses | TAKEN TO AND FROM Hie STATION Official Assignee, Broker, &c. ¢ Don't count your ckickens before | overcome by her long sleepless | mirror she was asked what animal . art. g, n sop : 25 y CPCs = Remy HOTEL FOR $ a en a p-- Eon Orrice--Over the Dominion Bank, McMil- they are hatched,' called out grand- | watches, Janet fell asleep. she wanted to see. "The goat my Office hours from 10 g. m\ to 3 p. m. . Tow ah opportunity of doing so, either | The Subscriber is prepared to convey | 140s Black, Brock st., Whitby. ma from her pillow. Mr Austin| Two hours later sho awoke with a hyshand rode the night he joined : r TT r by applying to the Head Office, or to any of | Chests, Trunks, Boxes and every other de- Whitby, April 10, 1873, Bosworth is no fool.' start, and in an instant she saw that " CHAS. HORN V S undersigned--in consequerce of fail-| J 7500 \ivonts of the Company. Our rates | scription of Luggage to or from the Rail : ' : s the Grangers," was the reply. RJ. ' th ALE ing henlth--in desirous of retring from | ir) po found as low as those of any respon- | Station or anywhere around town. Ally MONEY What an old croaker: adread change was visible in grand-| Phe eloth was removed and curi- MEE he in Tustisate, he Hotel Business and offers sible Mutual Insurance Company in Canada. Onders promptly attended to. Charges ie Fu vay They were entering thoir chamber | ma's face, ' osity was gratified Sr ( , IIL h / te. ' ¥ : 5 : A ; Practice, Author ; Head Office--Opposite the Royal-Hotel, | moderate. : | across the hall, but grandma's ears| Like one in a dream she walked Si ies we mrad iss Tsay on Shoeln. Grad. FOR SALE ! Brock 8¢, Whithy . J, GOOX, ig, 4 Farms, 38.8 Poet Ie) were mot dulled 1 4 Ah to her father's room end awakened | "At High Falls, New York, the other day" ated Sept. 16, 1867. His Hotel at Port Perry knowr/as the "Port - L, PATmPANES In Port Perry, Jan. sty 1874, LYMAN ENGLISH > cloarly honed thot him a young lady while crossing a wag : co that he has | Perry House" : { : retary. ' a. * : > . knocked down by a ram, and the ne: -- a. nt Tort Perry, and is| The Hotel aod propiises Are large, con- ; R. RICHARDSON, g BARRISTER, So, ¢ Don't mind them grandma' whis-! ' Grandma is worse. Ido believe | the damaged damsel saw her lover: she in- mow Plepared to tron ul_sete, SEL oe "Bil tl ie ht bine lo MONEY MONEY | Re-appointed Tssuo of November, 21, 1866. 14 | pered Janet, who had waited to help her dying. You must go for Dr. ts ie Pononed youl thatthe paighy ly i Medical Hall [tion in town and is doing a large and in-} ' ' . ' Si CHR | them lay aside their finery. Berne. You will find bim at the] with the sex. : Tg of Mr Allison, will receive prompt attention. Sowing i 1p 16 ti torch SHEE TS hoa a Hates JMarriage Licenses RN OWWILE® CLEYE, 'Mind them ! them ! do yon think | ball. Go quickly.' . When they tried to Jorce Miss of . 'or particulars aj e proprictor of at 8 per cent in | 5 ndependence, . ; * The, Voterinary Stablos maybe fund the re TY Te on Real Estate. P IREereSt| Under the New Act. Office, lot 10, in the [ssuer of Marriage Licenses--Conveyancer I shall, Janet Leeds 2's She went back and sut there Speer will, she he rs {Lilly stréct, opposite Cossitt's Factory. TAMES V. THOMPSON, «. . PI ANUBD, (isteon Bock, 5 (Tomei Commissioner, &e. Next day Austin Bosworth came. | wearily waiting for something--for | 1a off, knocked the young man down, PortPerry, Oc, 28, 1873. Porf Perry, march 10, 1874. Proprietor | Port Perry, March 12, 1874, 13]. Brock, dug, 5,1874, ice--Manchester. He was too familiar with the old 8 sound a sigh from the dying wom- ide of him: mule, with te foot, on 'enh / 4 ~ - + * bd ~ ' . h 5 . - y "A. ) e . w- . { | - . . SM

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