Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 3 Sep 1874, p. 4

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- Heart Disease. FIRST CLASS 2 Haurax, Feb. 10, 1874. * Mr James I. Fellows-- Dear Sir: In order that some other sufferer may be benefited, youare at liberty to give this letter publi- city. * FoR 3 In the winter of 1869 I was taken ill with isease of the Heart accompanied iolent i ic o of ; a which NT lolemt Material, Workmanship, Style became yy continued and Fit! ago when your Compound Syrpp of Hypoph- osphites was recommended to me. The use of it during a very short time enabled me to resume my usual work, and now Iam well fat and hearty as I would wish to be. L In Subscriber would return his sincere Yours very truly, W.FBANK COCHRAN |, thanks for tho very extensive and rapidly The heart being the great muscular organ ~ "opening business in requires vigerous force to sustein it. As Fellows' Hypophosphites restores the nearv. ous element, it will always jstrengthen the heart weakened through the loss of this ele- ment, THE INVENTOR. PORT PERRY; And would embrace this opportunity of as suring his customers and the public gener ally that as in the past so in the future will he 'strictly adhere to using only the best material, employing none but good work- men and selling at prices--when the quality of the Goods is cousidered--which cannot fail to please purchasers. Constantly on band lots of Boots and Shoes of my own manufacture. Call and inspect my Stock, 8a First block west of the Post Office RICHARD WARRINER. * Port Perry, Nov, 12, 1873, Perry Davis Panv-Kiuuer.--Its effects are almost instantaneous affording reilief from the most intense pain, It sooths the irritat- ed or inflamed part and gives rest and quite to the sufferer. It is ¢minently the people's friend, and every one should bave it with them or where they can put their hands on it in the dark if need be. : [SPECIAL NOTICE.] 1 FEN z L Oo rR X NG PAIN-KILLER 1 IN ALL ITS DEPARTMENTS, AT Internal and External Remedy ! SQUIRE'S Taken internally it removes instantly the | TAIL QR ING ESTABLISHMENT y it y most acute pain. Used externally it is the Lest Sky in the world. Its effect is al- OVFR ROSS' STORE, most instantaneous, affording relief from the PORT PERRY. most intense pain. It soothes the irritated JAMES SQUIRE, Port Perry, Oct. 30, 1873. cor inflamed part, and gives rest and quiet to the sufferer. It is eminently the people's triend, and every one should have it with with them, or where they can put their hands on it in the dark if need be. COLLINGWOOD AND LAKE SUPERIOR LINE In connection with the Northern Railway of Canada. Price 25 cts. per Bottle. PERRY DAVIS & SON, Sole Propritors, -- i -- BreAFAsT.--LEprs's Coco --GRATRFUL AND Coxrorring -- By a thorough knowledge nf the patural laws which govern the opera- tions of digestion and nutrition and by a care- ful application of the fine properties of well- selected cocca, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored be- verage which may save us many heavy a doc- tors' bills."--Civil Service Gazette. Made simply with Boiling Wateror Milk. Each packet 1s laballed--' James Epps & Co Homamo- pathic Chemists, London." Masvractene oF Cocoa.-- We will now give an account of the pre cess adopted Ly Messrs. James Epps & Co., manufacturers of Cietetic articles, at their works in the Euston Road, London" See article in Casss'l's Household Guide. Blacksmi IN ALL ITS Departments! OMPRISING the undermentioned First- class, Upper Cabin, Powerful, Side- wheel Steamers, Running between Collingwood, Sault Ste Marie, Fort William and Duluth, Forming a close connection at Thunder Bay with Dawson Road [Transportation Co., (Canadian Route) for FORT GARRY, And at Duluth with Northern Pacific Rail- way, for Moorhead and Red River Steamer for Fort Garry, Bem, Tickets can be obtained from W. H. MCCAW, AGENT, 'Watchmaker, Joweler, &c., PORT PERRY, A PUBLIC CAUTION. Ome A WATSON would embrace this oppor- + tunity of returning his sincere thanks to his many customers for the very liberal patronage bestowed upon him since com- mencing business in nn 1S PORT PERRY. And would now beg to state that in order to mect his rapidly increasing business, he has gdmitted a Partner into his business and has Each Potand Box bears the British Gov- M (o] Vv E D ernment Stamp, with the words *'Holloway's ? ' re To that large and commodious establish. | Fills aud Ointment, London," engraved thers- ment, in the " Y . nouncement because the New York Chemical Centre of the Village, |Ga (who pay nobody) finding. at lags Holloway's Pills and Ointment are neither manufactured nor sold in any part of the Unit- ed States, although they may .be obtained in i the B.N. American Provinces. It has become necessary to make this an- Lately occupied by Mr. G. U. White. | that toe Basse ise Seen 80 Exhoeed, Bax ae: The facilities afforded by the largely in. | fumed the title of :* Holloway uty creased premises will enable the i ou dow, id one wi boy their medicines to fill orders with the utmost dispatch. Eat oy hinys mde aysanjs; patch. | Tenis sO supply Exclusively the po of Messrs. . y & Co., of New York, with thei HORSE GHOEING "ilwars bills amd Omens 0 oulled It is presumed that from the large connexion Will be always a Specialty ! Messrs. Henry and To. have in the British Horéos Meousht to sablishiaent wit Provinces aud elsewhere, the public is very gl our es is] iment wi i likely to be imposed upon by unscrupulous bave their feet taken care of,and Shod upon 'vendors and others unless they exercise great such principles as will develop the foot, tend : caution to prevent their being misled, by find- to counteract deformities occasioned by im-' ini these medicines bearing a stamp with the ned by im 4 . j i] perfect Shoeing or otherwise, and secure the 8me bel Holloway and Co., 'New York, greatest ease to the horse in traveling, ion inna ble fi in the British P tens 5 ha Many respectable firms in the British Pro- th Work, Genial Blacksmithing, | vinces, who obtain my medicines direct from D pairs executed with neatness and here, have very properly suggested that 1 dispatch. should, for the benefit of themselves and the All work warranted and charges moderate, Dublis jasert thelr names in ihe papers, iba : nay n my medic 3 are of public patronage is respecttully | had genuine from them. " dtd solicited. The following is a list of the firms alluded WATSON & CO. Ht particularly recommend those who 33-{f | desire to get my medicines 10 apply to some of the Houses named :-- Port Perry, Aug. 5, 1874. --- ~ w= TO RENT HOUSE and Lot in Prince Albert, conveniently situated near the junction of Union Avenue and King Street. The House is new and comfortable and contains seven rooms. There is a good well ot water on the premises, with a pump in it. There are other necessary conveniences on the lot. Fences and all in good order, Rent, $6 per month, MRS, C. M. FITCH, Messrs. Avery, Brown & Co., Halifax, N.S. Messrs. Forsyth & Co., Halifax, N.S. Messrs. T. B. Barker & Sons, St. John, N.B. Mr. T. Des Brisay, Charlotte Town, P. E. J. Messrs. Langley & Co., Victoria, B. C. } Messrs. Moore & Ce., Victorin, B. €. Dr. John Pallen, Ch ym, B. Messrs. Munro & Co., Montreal. Messrs. J. Winer & Co., Hamilton, Ont. Mr. H. J. Rose, Toronto. Mr. A. Chipman Smith, St. John, N.B. Mr. John Bond, Goderich, Ont. Messrs. Elliot & Co., Toronto. " | Mr. J. Chaloner, St., N. B, Messrs. Hanington Brothers, St. John, N.B. Mr R. P. Priddy, Windsor, Ont. CHICORA, CUMBERLAND, § FRANCES| SMITIL. Proprictress. Apply to M. G. ROBSON, Prince Albert, July 29, 187¢. 3 names enter ee some ma © Mrs. Orpen, Morden, N.S. Mr. George C. Hunt, Jun., Fredericton, N.B. Mr. W. H. Thompson, Harber Grace, N.F.L. Mr. J. M. Wiley, Fredericton, N.B. Messrs. W. & D. Yuile, Montreal. The medicines are sold at the lowest whole- sale pet prices, in quantities of not:less than £2) worth--viz: 8s. 6d., 22s., and 34s. per dozen boxes of Pills or pots of Ointment, for which remittances must be sent in advance. Chemists and other vendors of Holloway's genuine Pills and Ointment may have their names insert: d in the local papers if they will please apply here-- li THOMAS HOLLOWAY. 533, Oxford Street, W. C. London, March 31st, 1874. WITH THE STREAM. The undersigned would thank his nuymer- ous customers for the generous and liberal patronage bestowed upon him in the past; and would beg to inform them and the pub- lic generally that he has ~ OPENED BUSINESS IN PORT PERRY, And that in the future his business will be carried on at Port Perry and Prince Albert He hopes by this arrangement and the in creased business facilities which he has thus secured to be able more fully to meet the wants of the rapidly increasing population of this highly prosperous section of country CHAS. HISCOCKS, 'Baker and Confectioner, Candies, Biscuits, Cakes, Bread, Flonr, Oat meal, Cornmeal, Lobsters, Sardines, Fruits Toys, &c. - WEDDING CAKES MADE TO ORDER! BQ" Tea f4eetings, &c., furnished on liberal Terms, A _Shops--Prince Albert and Port Perry. 4 CHAS. HISCOCKS. "Prince Albort and Port Perry, November 27, 1873. } "One Box of Clarke's B 41 Pills "Supred A Wop V 4009 '0 p Pav im 190 03 ope "ASLIHM '133u1s 3oous soiddng jo 0 HIMVIU AOVINEVD TVOILOVEd rs fd | pred 'NVAONOGQ . g fi < : ao WM. SPENCE, seem AND wee NGLES | ----AND---- BILL LUMBER sm OF CONSTANTLY ON HAND --JAND---- { CUT T0 ORDER AT ee 1 EATON MILLS, PORT PERRY. A) 3 port Perry, Sept 24, 1873, ALL DESCRIPTIONS|.T o-- ---------- UXBRIDGE CABINET AND ORGAN MANUFACTURING COMPANY, THE UXBRIDGE Cabinet Organ Embodies the Latest and best results of Inventive Genius and Experience--hence their CONCEDED SUPERIORITY |! Sell them the Cheapest! QUALITY AND VALUE CONSIDERED. Tue Is now is full running order. There Warcrooms are furnished with a large variety of the latest and most popular wares of the day, and upon examination, will be found to be very LOW IN PRICE. Comparisons invited. i Furniturg DeeartaenT Their Wholesale Prices will be found to compare favorably with any other house in the trade, they most resp ly solicit, an ination of their Stock in all their De- partments. IN THRE [NDERTAKING DEPARTMENT ! Everything is also complete. A good selection of Walnut, £Im, Butternut, Oak, Rose wood, Velvet and Cloth-covered COFFINS always on hand. We have also two FIRST- CLASS HEARSES with the necessary appendages, . Uxbridge Cabinet and Organ Manufacturing Co'y, ~ A. T. BUTTON, Usbiidge, July 22, 1874. 3ly MANCHESTER CARRIAGE WORKS! AND | General Blacksmithing ! HE Subscriber in returning thanks to his numerous customers for the liberal patronage he has received in the past, would now inform them and the public generally that ne has taken the Wood Department undér his own control and in future will carry on both the wood and iron departments, and is now prepared to fill all orders aponceted with either branch. | BUGGIES, WAGONS, and cvery description of CARR IAG Esmade in ,the Newest Style of the Best Material, and by First Class Workmen, B&F Repairs neatly and expeditiously exceuted. All work warranted and charges moderate, Manchester, May 1, 1874. W. C. HEARD. Ontario arriage Works! PORT 585. PERRY. HE Subscriber takes this opportunity of thanking his numerous customers for the T liberal and c ly increasing pat we bestowed Bipon him during the many years in which he has been in business. Increasing bpsipess having rendered an extension of premises necessary, '1 have MOVED TO PORT PERRY, Largely exteuded my premises and secnred greatly increased facilities for business and am now prepared more promptly to meet the increasing demands of customers and CARRIAGES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, CUTTERS, SLEIGHS, | BUGGIES, WAGONS, built of the best material in the best style and by first class workmen. Orders for Blacksmithing carefully attended to. Old Carriages repaired with neatness | and dispatch. Wood-work ironed and Carriages timmed for the trade at reasonable rates, Come and inspect our Works, to fill orders on the shortest notice, | . Christmas resents, The Subscriber has much pleasure in an- PHOTOGRAPH GALLERIES FOR ALL, AND PERFECT PICTURES} oF wit NIE & S00TT'S j Orposit Foy's Hotl, Port Perry. nouncing to his friends and cust 8, and ITH the view ofsupplyiug the great Ww Tame for their much admired Ph the Subscribers have--regard- the ppblic in general, that hé has y fillea his With a well selected Stcok of Fine Gold Jewelry, Gold Chains, Watches, Gold Rings, Lockets, Silver Plated Ware, Clocks for the Million ! Pipe Toys for the Young | ' ., &ec., &ec. And respectfully invites the inspection of] the above * Goods and by Selling a rearLy aoup article at as low a price, as he possible can afford, he is sure, that, after you have bought, you will go home with great satis- faction, { He intends to sell ata Low Figure, soas to clear out the whole of his Stock by the 15th January, 1874. GRATIS | | I--Come and get the Eglin Illustrated Almanac for 1874. All Goods and Work IN ARKARTE Ben, Please give a call. g JOHN DIESFELD, Opposite G. U. White's Carriage Factory. Port terry, Dec. 17, 1873, 52 CHEAPER THAN EVER W. H. PARK 18 SELLING of FURNITURE Of every description Cheaper than ever for Cash or Short Credit. eC] ee Ke Tere ® ° Undertaking Done on the SHORTEST NOTICE aud Cugap. BS Remember the BIG CHAIR directly opposite the Post Office, Port Perry. The highest price paid for all kigds of good Lumber. Business, Agent for Toupstonss and MoNUMENTS. W. H. PARK. Port Perry, Sept. 14, 1874. B@™ A good stout boy wanted to learn the | . less of fitted up their Galleries and introduced such Instruments as will at all times secure PERFECT PICTURES, Their thorough knowledge of every de- partment of the Art, acquired in some of the best Galleries on this continent, together with their excellentGalleries and superior in- struments, give them facilities enjoyed by few for producing those beautiful Photo- graphs admired by all who see them, By skilful hing the negati are ly the most handsome pl in| h cvery instance, Their Galleries are stocked with a choice aseortment of First Class Albums, Picture Frames, Stereoscopic Instruments, the Finest Chromos, and specimen Photographs in end. Brap visit our Galleries and inspect our Stock. McKENZIE & SCOTT. Port Berry, Dec. 10, 1873, 5 erat, made chief] tive herbs found tke Sierra Nevada mountains of Califor- nia, the medicinal are extracted there of Alcohol. daily asked, " What is the | unparalleled su TERS?" Our a she cause of disease, and the patient re- covers his health. blood prusiass a) a lile-giving principle, a per of the system. compounded possessing ait > VINEGAR Carminative, Nutritious, Laxatiy 1| Sedative, Counter-Irritant, Sudorivc, Altera- tive, and Anti-Bilious. . ~~ Drugyists and Gen. Acts, San Francisco. and cor. of Washington and Charlton AES VINEGAR BITTERS Dr. J. Walker's California Vina ters are a purely Vegetabio from the na- on the lower ranges of of which ut the nse is almost an por nwt! ast] Tlie of Vr3 er is, that AR Brr- ey r'enove They are the gi ect Renovator and Inv Never before in the istory of the world has a medici the remark: es of VINEGAR BITTERS in healing the ick of every disease man is heir to. They are a gentle Purgative as well as a Tonic, notin Con tion or Inflammation of less variety. the Liver and Visceral Organs, in Bilious ; Diseases. i A cordial welcome is extended to all to The roperties of Dr. Wa .x.~'~ Soper are Aperient, Di foretic, Jinretie, R. 71. MeDUVALD & Cf fornia, Sold by all Dragziits nnd 1 precuanarroN 1 TO THE INHABITANTS OF NORTHERN REACH THE PLACE TO BUY YOUR Dry Goods, "Groceries, Clothing, Boots and Shoes. Hardware, Tinware, - Stationery, Patent Medicines, &ec., IS AT THE Greenbank Store. GEO. FLINT. Greenbank, July 20, 1873. "re THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE. See Deuteronomy, chap. xii., verse 23 5] CLARKE'S (ASI FOLLUNBER | ree 'THE OSHAWA CABINET CO'Y Will pay the highest price, in Cash, for the following sizes of LUMBER | Delivered at their yard in Oshawa. ! [Square Edge Preferred.) «Oak or Ash, 1 in., 13, 2 in., any width. | Bulteruut, | in., any width. Jock Eim, 1} in. 1} in, any width. "Common Water Elm, 1 in., any width. | Basswood, | in., any width. ! « 1}in, 5,8, 10 or 16 in., wide. " 1§in, 12, 14, 17, 18, 20,0r 21, | in. wide. ; Dine, 1 in, 1}, 2 in,, 12, 14 or 16 fect long. | Maple, Beech, and Birch : ! | Fin, 1} in, 1} In, 1} in, i§ in, t 2in,, 3} in,, 5in., Plank. ! i 2§x2§, Square Scantling. | W. H. GIBBS. | Dresident. Oghe wa, Fob. 5 1873 | FIRST CLASS BRICK! PoE Subscriber is prepared to supply, and is constantly manufacturing, any quan- tity of First Class Brick, at his i BRICK YARD, | Port Perry, Dec. 24, 1873. JAMES EMANEY, THE SUBSCRIBER 'Has. now on hand a splendid assortment of 101, BT JIUT Ey % LAER A 4 Eavetroughs, Cistern Pumps, LEAD PIPES, &C. 'Which will compare favorably .with any in. the County both as to price and quality. Be, Job Work attended to with our usual dispatch, A. B. MCCAW. Port Perry, May 13, 1874, PUMPS! You can get the best and cheapest Pump in the Province At J. IRVIN'S PATENT. PUMP FACTORY, PUMPS! 0 am-- H Cistern Pumps, & complete Eo Alsqevery other description of Pump, at = ©, EQUALLY LOW,RATES! = = b: long ex 8 dn Pomp mak ing in the. largest factories in Canada and dich Stier SekScer hts son ent that be pogo Satisty all that wir All opders for any of the above, whether by mailorotherwise promptly attended to Sept. 29,1870 : OH IRVIN, Part Pay. 5 PORT PRBRY, | North of what was formerly Borelia. The Clay from which he, Bricks are manufactured { cannot, be surpassed in quality. The mixing, | grinding, moulding, and management of the Kiln are under the care and superintendence of thoroughly experienced and skilful brick makers. Parties wishing choice brick will find it to be to their advantage to supply themselves at my yard, NEIL McARTHUR. Port Perry, July 29, 1874, 32 | The only, le Distribution in the Emon splatie 0, 14 $50,000 00 IN VALUABLE GIFTS! To be distributed in 'sS D. L.. SII 10TH REGULAR MONTHLY Gift Enterprise! To be drawn Mo. ..iay, Sept. 14th, 1874, all) worth J each! , } Shiver Jewelry, &e. Nugaber of Gifts, 6,0. Tickets limited to 50, fAgen ke to Ha Ml presi Sue ro ots; Single Tickets, $10; 4 astoiplion oF he user oa ttn tut Prion A bisher of draw AL erally, that he has on hand 'Buch as Extension, i Kitchen Tables; Cloth Sofas, 3 ) nots, Stands, Mirrors, Straw, hy | Mixed, and Spring Mattrasses, &c., which i be sold as low as at any House in the RADE. - x ing. World Famed Blood Mixture, Trade Mark,--* Blood Mixture." THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER AND RESTORER, For cleansing and clearing the blood from all impurities, cannot be too highly recom- mended. or Scrofula, Scurvy, Skin Diseases, and sores ofall kinds it is a never-failing and permanent cure. It Cures old Sores. r Cures Ulceratad and Sore Legs. CuresBlackheads, or Pimples on the face Cures Scurvy Sores. MCTACCART'S LOCOASIN FOR PRSERVING AND KEAUTIFYING THE HAIR! AND RENDERING IT DARK AND GLOSSY. 3 As a hair diessing it cannot be surpassed | As a preventive for baldness it has no equal ! TRY! IT TRY IT! BEF 25 cents per bottle, . Manufactured by W. McTAGGART, Medical Hall, Prince Albert. TRY IT! ars the Blood tromall impure Matter From whatever cause arising. : As this mixtu pleasant t» the taste, and warranted from anything injurious to the most delicate constitution of cither sex, the Proprietor' solicits sufferers to give it at ial to test its value Thousands of Testimonials from all parts Sold in bottlos 2s 2d each, and in cases containing six times the quantity, 11s cach --sufficient to effect a permanent cure in the great majority of long standing CASES, BY 'ALL CHEMISTS and PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS throughout the world, Sole proprietor, I, J CLARKE *hemist, APOTHECARIES' NIALL, LINCOLN, ENGLAND. EXPORT AGENTS, Burgoyne, Burbridges and Co., Street, London, Xone and Sons, 37 Newgate Street Lon- don, Baitlay and Sons, 95 Farringdon Street Lon- on. Sanger and sons, Oxford Strect London, And all the London Wholesale Houses, AGENTS IN CANADA. Montreal --Evans, Mercer and Co., Wholesale Druggists. ul Lymans, Clare and Co, Toronto.--FEillot and Co Wholesale Druggists " Shapter and Owen, ! Hamilton. --Winer and Co, Halifax. -- Avery, Brown and Co, 074 SPANG, 74, T= Subscriber takes pleasure in inform- ng his customers and the public gen- a good and wel assorted selection ot FURNITURE Centre, Dining and Coleman As the classes of purchasers, (ERIAL, the Best Worksansuip, and at sven RIcEs as cannot fail to suit. Port Perry, Nov. 26, 1873 DAVIS & SONS! STHAM Capiver Facrory) PORT PERRY. T Subscribers always keep on hand (and are constantly manufacturing more) a large Stock of just such BUNA TUKE ! requires ; suitable for all All of Choice Ma- UNDERTAKING : Inall its departments promptly : attended to and charges moderate. COFFINS of all stzes kept con : stantly on hand. : SHROUDS of all sizes and newest styles. if CASKET OR BURIAL CASE : procured on short notice. : The American Style of : Hearse. Also an ordinary style : of Hearse, J. W. DAVIS & SONS. 49-1y Wood, Cane, and Hair- Chairs ; Couches in Repsand Damask 5 B Sideboards, Bedsteads, What. All goods delivered free of charge, ' Particular attention paid to Picture. Fram- Ri ns, Shrouds in all A and Gentlemen's wear. ~Ear- ings, Finger- nest and Latest Fashions, '| suit all. Goldine Goods, a choice variety. a and eyery, y oks' oe aiety of Hymn, Bujke'in JUST COMPLETED. AT THB PORT PERRY JEWELRY. FANCY GOODS, BOOK & STATIONERY ~ > EHrORTOR ER SPLENDID Stock of Fine Gold Jew- elry in handsome, Chains for Ladies' ngs, . Brooches, &c.. of the Fi Styles Fancy Jewelry to My Book Department! ¥ 4 = THE styles of li oe UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT | As, of Senos! Socks i verything is com, ig n for all good "selaotion of Walnut, Osk, Blo, Butter. hme the Stationery line. Day nut, Rosew Velvet and Cloth-covered ks, Journals, . Ledgers, Writing Rooks, Cofii » per, Ink and Bena, A y FOR * SALE, ACRES of Land, being part of lot 65 No. 29, in the 5th concession of the TOWNSHIP OF SCOTT. Part of the above property is cl For further particulars apply to: | pro-| : i i Ty prietor, ITY. 13+ JW IN, THouTsoN, March 17, 1874, . April 15, 1874, * / les. sizes. Napkins, " P 0 R T P E R R Y ONE GRAND FAPITAL RRIZE Clovis and Hat Sih rH ished fod hen The Daily and Weekly MAIL and GLOBE . $5,000, IN GOLD I! required, |. pape : SEL FR TwoPrl A FIRST CLASS HEARSE. SEWING MACHINES! SEE THE PRICES, (| Ton' Prices E26 BATEY! Jouy sown. ep mage ee Joan uty J 2] one snd Matched Horses | NB. All kinds of good Lumber taken in | Where else. Lal dh onon F Fino th ange for work. The subscriber is th ea. UCIOAY INSTRUMENTS --Pianos, Or / re beh complete Pump and Fire Engine, with Hose| , Horse ih "Si en Si pid ohorized Agent in this locality for the | 840s. Melodeon Vidling, C , &o., Paten| Lift Pumps at 50 centsper, foot. One Fine-toned Rosewood Plano, worth $550, | Whitby Marble Works. J.N. |Procured from the lost makers on the sh Common Log Pumps at ceuts p ; 3 Samii Sewing Machines, Worth (ith each. | Port Perry, May 13, 1874. 21 | At notick. % oi Orman mest amo Pay Sanit porlogt, $50 fo § ROOM PAPER: A choice lot of the newest styles of Room Paper just arrived from England--exactly her is wanted for our rooms. ae Every article in stock sold at prices which cannot be undeiiold for such goods Stock Come and inspect my Y Remember the place, Allen's Emporium, opposite the Dntario Bank, Port Perry. THOMAS ALLEN. : io use of the. » 3 V2

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