Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 3 Sep 1874, p. 2

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"4 ment. Ilad dud S---------- - vext $3,824 and oon decrensing§162 0 vach year; this ixa large amouny and 3 th fntario fibsertr £4,320 next your $4,258, next 85,986! for rafming the corporation parties ill lmye to scratch. But the re- _ sources and vitality of the villaged ive abaudantly able to meet all its obligations without much crowding. ! That is if economy be exercised in| future. We were amused during the clec- tion contest on the by-law to wit- HESs the angry feeling displayed by some of the advocates of the by-law One of the members of council no fir af been for the des-- perate efforts put forth by the mem lost his veason as to tell us that the| . OBSERVER was influenced by un-| terdof the Council and other officials a | v 1 worthy motives in opposing the by- | the by-law would have been budly law and furcher ie would make us | defeated ; as it was it was really de- | ior for if. | foated had it not been for a mistake| 1p, the first place we would | in the timoat the west polling place say that our single and only motive At b o'clock when the east poll was |, opposing the by-law, was from closed there was a majority of ong la sense of the duty as public journ- | all over against the by-law ; but the alists, which we owe to the public | west poll ket open twelve minutes|y ij (}a¢ duty we shall on all, oceas longer and in that time the officials he brought in two votes for the by-law, ; The by-law for the issue of $5,000 more debeninres on the credit of the corporation of Port Perry was voted on by the freehold electors on Satur- day Inst and created quite an excite. sions fearlessly perform with perfect | * Hh gy to the amount required any price and poor disconsclate editors are | "not in general alone but in particular, a mere "A Little Nonsense Now and Then! THE GRANNY IN Is Relished bythe Best oi Men.' 3 PR 4 'PERSONS, i Joseph--Mayor of the Ia these days news are not to be had at at their wit's end for something to keep the ink flying, Our readers will excuse us for taking a large portion of oursspace this week on a notoriously worthless object;w. promise in future to give the croatuee a wid: bertl these columns, None dislike more than we do every attenipt at scurrilous writing but we have to fight the cowardly ring with their own weapons { Albert, Gieb, John, Uri men. J § John, a-Nottry "Census comn sioner, in the service of the Mayor. Dunean, Sceretary of Ste. Harry, Finance Minister. Neddy, the Standard Granny, Commissioner of private Works, ~ n Two werks ago the crew got up some stolen worthless trash without the Spectators, ge advantage of even being founded on fact, Time 1873. © 17 while ours to-day is true to the very letter, Place--a room in * Bivelow's As 8 3 ende." " recitalof past events, There has hothing transpired doting the past week in Europe of the slightest interest to Canadians. The civil war in Spain is rapid hausting the national resources and spilling {deed which Spain can badly spare. The cunning Bismarck is throwing his protecting shield wand the Spanish const ; hut like the merest hire! i08 he works for his reward. The West India Txi2ad of Porto Rico is to change owners should th men, I'm gad to ineet you hero! some bills of special negeney which look a little dark trom any wiers, but where Lsit, have to be hawaii led on this occasion; Iaguisitive friends of the Op-ks Carlists be suppressed. This splendid Island whit to oppose our will-- ¢ will go to fadderland if the Yankes don't object, The Chinese and Japanese are selling off rebels aa 8 our thon aud dy i= sag . asty who ever Hirenten to drag one coveted civie clinir Jom under us. Toereioel the functions of his cnanother world and with him our ; one cf these was broug'it in by the # Reeve at eleven minutes past 3 and inditierence as to whom it may please | their gods as fast as they can find a market or whom it may offend; we wish to and investing the proceeds in cannon? shot offend mo onein what cver course |and shell to civilize each other with, Enter OpserveR receive! with a flourish of growls. Uriah --Your Worship let's now with this vote the poll closed. This gave one of a majority in. faver of the by-law. Thus the by-law is in-- we conceive it to be our duty to] pursue in the interest of the public; | but if' parties are foolish enough to | -debted for its splendid majority of wet offended or take the pot they | 'one to the superhuizi efforts of the may as well nurse their righteous Council and other officials combined indignation for those who may have'! with the diversity of time atthe two <ome little regard for it, as we are polling phces, occasioned, no doubt, certainly not amongst the number. -- ! by the difference of Jongitudo te As to the impotent threat of making | tween McKenzie's Livery office and the Town IIall. Doubtless the time at both places were correct--we are certain it was correct at the livery | stable office. After the close of poll at the east we walked leisur Iy MPU very likely itawas about equal parts | #0 the west poll und after Faiting of both and we carenot to analyze there some tive minutes we saw the 3 i the Reeve ermine tearing down the bill like a very Jehn. neither spar-| ing whip nor horse-flesh and bearing us suffer we feel terribly alarmed | and scoveely know whether to at- tribute the silly display of the would-Le Nero to rage or insolence' | it; for we know it can affect us no | 1 the sound more th oi the passing bee which lias Leen deprived of its Turkey is taking the advice of the men to work thé hour of ten & Bas Jepmc ot blood : in peace prepare for war." She oq gone and 'as we have liftle is getting several fom plated frigates builtin' chance to worry out the patience of England. | the OBSERVER We hud better proceed. Our sturdy and sedate mother, good old; py yop Tiappy looking like a very Britain, swings around her anchor above the Sinloek Tor his pound, exhibiting under current of national treachery and fraud considerable trepidation, with hair and under the upper of ultia montanism and on ent Wd out of breath, priest craft ; she smoothly rides nomolested iarry -- Your Worship this safe and unannoyed by the storms and stvifes of and comfortable retreat, 5! is fount-- faction. . ain of justice and source of ali that's On this side of the Atlantic there is Nile ly vould napfuct in legislation is new. about to be invaded by some repre- throughout the province during these times contat' vo of the nether world, some of quiet and repose. But the matter of menial servant from greatest moment here or elsewhere is the Sti 5. harves This is where the principal. His Worship--May good profect interest concentrates, compared with which | us. all visits are but g passing breath, | Cur Governor-General is starring i the river home. Fair. The Manchester S ptember Cattle Fair, i { Urish--Well your Worship lest | - | Your claims on such protéction may ! along nv triumph the Rev. Jerry Orser. We laughed at the race, at what we believed to he a useless exmenditare of horse flesh and of well directed effort, expecting it was all iu vain, believing that it was now 'mora than ten minutes past 5, the time the poli should have been clos- ed, but faint heart never won fair lady, and as Joseph neared the goal he applied the long oats' with in- creasing frequency and in increasing quantity and was making time at about a mile a minute when he ar- rived and finally carried 'kis man from the buggy to the town hall at exactly 3:11 by the time of theother poll and the village time, and had his vote entered in favor of the by- law, this gave a majority of one in favor of the by-law and tie poll was So tiie Reeve, by the skin of closed. his teoth, the skin of his horse, and Jerry Orver, saved the by-law by one. We rememler of reading in some book of the sun not going down fog a whole day in order toailow a fighter time to whip an enemy, so the. dif- fevence of time bLewveen the two polls gave Joseph time to whip his adversaries, and carry the by-law. Of course if any one deemed it worth while to relate aguinst the by-luw it would be found to be utter ly worthless; not worth the paper on which 1tis written for the obvious reason that the west poll was kept open eleven minutes ailer the time. It may by that Joseph, who carried his reverence, Mi. Orser, to the scratch altogether out of time, may plead for the correctness of the time at the west, in which case the east poll time will be asserted to have been too fast, a circumstance which would invalidate the by-law none tho less. Now, however, that the fight is o'er we can but look calmly at the results and count the cost. Of course the result don't kill anyone, ail may easily survive theshock. We would not have troubled ourselves in oppos- ing it. directly or indirectly, were it not for the principle involved and in Je interests of the rato-payers. We believed, and believe now, that the Council, by the manner in which they threw this by-law= in the .face of the rate-payers were simply offer- _ing an insult to the intelligence of "the ratepayers by demanding their names to a paper for $5,000 without deigning the first word of intelligeat explanation or showing why the loan is necessary. "Under such circum. ay, that.were the by- or five dollars it should be pai | The only {Show of Fat Cattle, Driving Horses and But- [ ter will be held on Wednesday, Sept. oth. . ¥, I It would be amusing were it not | The energy of the promoters of this fair lias | never been suffered to lag, notwithstanding to | that the Manchester Cattle air is one of onr sting. too redienlons hear the selfish ones rave wien the OBSERVER Lap- | most widely known and best establishiod in- stitutions still its promoters spare neither money nor labor in addi ng to its importarce That these ! fuirsare of some importance to the village | will be readily admitted, but that they are of | vastly morc importance to every farmer in pens to run up against them in any | | | fiheir hobbies: how thev will rate i he of their hobbies; how they will rate | and increasing its advantages, all Every idle village Lounger will the paper and with it connected join their lazy pates in heaping ve the simply because we fearlessly expose | this section of conutry will be doubted by no | i {one who considers the advanta; Doubtle | long enjoy a-beaefit we a proach upon whole concern they | se- | cure to stock rais rs, when pt to undervalue fraud and spoil the little games of Lit nd eerton ie kon: urtics may anscruplous tricksters who seek to! 01 we ean sill our cattle if thee we no | fair. Such may be the fact but why is its? | Simply because the buyers know that they, | can find a ready market af the fairs for all { they buy, orf they buy to elanglter the give a mnch higher price than they other wise would do, the know tha ive near the value of the {fatten on their stealing from the { public chest. Making a Fortune. Y | PETTIR v2 Tov Toot SHARON, | rule the prices and privat When Geo Brown, the Grit Cab-| unless they Simply because finirs bayer 3i- inet, was in Washington trading off | mal they will not get it, it will be kept till et, wi is r 2 x | the fair. But let such fairs cease and then our manufacturing interests with | the loud st crower aga'nst their importance the Yankees; the columns of [wilt be found to have materially changed lis the Globe were fairly reeking {mind ou fairology. We hope to see the fair {on Wednsday next all that the promoters Tots mscives and send day by day with the most BEF ve reason A F int attacks against fof our farmers come the i ci gi their fock- There is the morai character of Dr. Sangster, first-class Buyers on Land. Parties s | George to see whether that which | single driving horse which can "get up and ct. We hiope to se thy and mali some Toronto man tried it on with | «who suppose that they ave. got a . x 1 co™ better be on the ground and bri appeared so easy for him to give [5° hid ihn Te Sl fh v ) their 2.40' with them, The show of sing { A [would Le as easy to take. This ap- | w good Butter mn 1 drivers will doubtles ng now isquite an art, both important aad highly profitable | superior butter maker is both honorable and i pays and doubtless h's fair danght. uring interests lots of his cotempor | ers will show their skill in this department ies at home were putting him in a | Weaneniay nokt and se} = | those who carry off some prize. We expect way to make a fortune. Ie values | to sce a ca,ital show of Butter. There are the wounds given to him then at prizes offered for Driving Horses, Fat Cattle $230,000 or $19,000 from each ot} * Butter. (See Posters.) twenty-three publishers. He does | the thing very cavalierly, Le simply | | jears to have been George's harvest, | d to Le distingnished asa | While be was turning an honest penny in disposing of our manufact- Greenbank Fair. The Greenbank September Fair and show lef Fat Cattle and Butter will Le held on ed ones telling them to drop him a { Tuesdny next, 8th inst. cheque for the amount of $10,000 | writes a perfumed note to the favor- Situated as Greenlank is in the centre of to staunch his bieeding wounds and | a fertile district of country owned and farm.d he will let the matter drop at that. by intelligent, industrious and well. to-do We fear however that George would | farmers who have lots of stock to dispose of have some difficulty to float the stock Jand felt himve wore, noting bets cuip- f bis lit 2 y | ble indifference can prevent them of his libel gains were he to throw it fairs: recipro- | from on the market. George will find | cally beneficial to themsclves and the that printers are not the most like. | village. But such fairs are not of spontane. ly men from whom such sums may ous growth they require to be trained. Such be collected. | fairs are made of the stock that are offered Sve i | and the character of the buyers who attend. The Beecher Scandal. This nasty casg has gone another step but | "40dance of the best buyers in the'province. but made no progress "either way. The | 2Me MeBas ui toe Cottage Hobo! io doing white-wash committee have done their work fs pari. well but fittle ean bering Jython but done it as clumsily, as could beimngiced | the aid of those most interested, the farmers, their document has more the appearance of Prizes are offcred for fat Cattle and Batter, the pleadings of a hired advocate than the | SCF : result of dn impartial investigation The Left out in the Cold. committee from the fist appeared determined on a verdict ofacquittal by whichever means they might reach that end and they have done it; but no one oat of their own ring | pays the slightest attention to the. verdict ; the uncertainty as to the inuocence or guilt! Gen's tonr through this province; of the accused is at cast as great as evor.-- the name of that city like that of the town of Galt has been omittes effect this cooked - doenment bas i from the programme, and both the many who wavered be- guilty, while Gi town of Galt and the city of Hamilton bave wisely determined not to ask having capital The city of Hamiltom, the most ambitious of all ambitigus cities, has been snubbed by the blunderer who ih we | aver a scarcity of Plenty. of good stock will secure the regular] '{.of Private Wor ! | , coli Well, ax 1 was eaying, 1 [Woft, we. say itmight be looked for | not be quite sufficient. for the emer-- CHL 10 jut: on | the press under such circum ta geney Pll stand forth toe your (ho retw Lit would at least do justice to it protection if there is only one even fupstin in the But what do we find that dele 2 should he smell of brimstone. mans de » So I iooked | t, the Port Perry Stondarddo? An ad- airy out for number ou ly fricods jseme FRA Sant TOT Was x : Narey-Uriah 4 pluck s to be NO sian a rtiscment was sent to him (it was sent to nited bat had He. seo hi YS 3 Bry gut or ind repos: | ug and no doubt to all other papers in the mired but had he seen whit nol amongt the mud boneath. In very des- province from a notorions firm in Montroal afrighted me his courage like mine |p ora I clutched the bot am of the P= When the advertiscmo nt came to us we would have Leen found in the fees set boatand to make sure of my hold © sunk | grew. the worthloss thing inte the sory of his . The muster of mon, [0 hs tito hoe timbors gud gelumd to | pals we kivow it wase Toe from Iogin a Sih v | bostd con'dwhile watching the struggles of to end, a snsee and trap to the simple. Ca sters which [ telieid the nn | my:Indp find " { i h 5 Sp | ha | my lndy foi nds [colnmins wore filled with the adv rtiscmonts Ji on : he i Bros id --0 § Mandy, you lic | indie mr rchints und w (is dike noth Jn the savers wha¥e bs nr Warship no} he dos not lie, for | neither oid no: worl tis: what we tuor in the earth beneath, and then once he tells the truth, Go on, Neddy. Helt satisticd was palming off a lie on the the fiendish crin and horrid rispin ing voice resembled noth man--hbut kL Li hear the sound =Waons., the Standard ti: Ni riod Jie we auolther vivaim redoed i Apron i Kuter Nedd ny, comm birin S--\e powers stes, both seated on a Chiesne: Usa | His worship cleared the talastiad. and got down than if stairs mueh bothered with th R006 ! Lie had eps, i ti : nity fe fed tor self-proservation--the fir-t of nate --pe L to) strong foe in fair promise of the Mayors dee | and quick ws thonght he plunged ic k to be amongst | heath the table and founc a sais re a nuisance, | treat between the logs of Albert. | The worthy Danean was as u-nun: | taging a snooze ad knew noting o (of all that was granspiring. | * . J, ' i Uriah, on hearing Neddy's ben | ful voice and peopi | saying that he had only heen unde: the table picking up a scrap of paper | thes hastening to the door overhau | the sand being comme il faut on Scripture, he told his Worship to | come back,it was only DeaconNeildy, | the commissioner of private works, with a ducid pretty=wench, another proof of his refined official tust astride of Baalam's Ass. This impious speech grated bu roughly on his worship': pious ear, and he, in righteous indignation, sharply rebuked the impious daring te ble Baalam thus in vain by naming in one breath the worthless, granny and the noble prophet. ) Hero bis Worship delivered a lec. ture ou 'Scripture history "for the bencfit.ot Aldermen in Uriah in particular, tein, Chesnet the city. His Worship-- - 5 * Faithful and prog commissioner s, L hope I see you. You're welcome to onr august assom- bly ; if all onr fuithful subjects Had performed their duty as you hat done for this young and i ng which strayed aroumd State, our portion of the Life. Grit per capita would have made drew the programme of the Gov-| Reac each, our grondam partners, wince nd had given her treasury ot fearful squeeze. - And that's not all, how much easier would it have teen forus fo defond hy Note ta ares of our worthy Nott'ry cen commisicner of the state who, hy cause he kuew his. biz, enumeraied our populatior exactly and got it uj a change in the programme but to grin and bear it and try if possille to live over it. : ee ___ = % Belling off at Cost. --~We refer our x advertisement of Messrs iii anfancy. then, gow widens ! to its true figure, 1,585, though the banglers of the following year, ha | ing neither {16 Tear nor love of corporation kefore their eyes, so depopulated us that we struggel around the 1400 ; but your office wy wi od & Ross which will be found in an. tos; but Si 3 Smo Goods of all discription cst price in Xi rity ling . cok. They want all the Barely, Ona'. | wheat they can get and will pay the: b cash. (See their dlvertie. ¥o Su a i Your Wouship, - 1 move 1 virtuousish- commissiond ! A Ir wri he hoard du exten. hat we may be privilogeit th lig: An that on | ten to the duleet sounds of his charm. ry wprede | g out beheld his! | well known grin, came creeping oul | of Uriah for taking the name of no- general, but "Shem that Ned, 'S awn isonly aworthless] fing Voight ITT; grinder' bel, whielt vivals in . Let him report; stating "at 1 vous indances and | unl what circumstances he has ex. | office | ih thepesnlts past dnd prospective, ! {© Bix Womhip--Uriah, T have heard yonr | 'move and can well appreciate your admi.a- zrindstone. 'tion for and encouragement of the finer. arts as practiced by ome NGIdv, Dut here are three all nar akin, all gifted alike by nature for {pertor displays of oratiorical powers, -- Vhich shall fist proceed. Neddy, his bro-- ther or his victim ? Aldermen all. --Let's hear the Granny first. The Granny having been permitted to His Wor-hip--My taithfal alder orate from Cuddy-back, stooped forward to commence his bogging pte He did not 'quire to take oft his bat the hurry of the ride nad disposed of that as clean as the 1anctions of hig office had his polar hair -- th his resplendent voice began Phe: salghy it to wlhichi one #0 relatethis acts of omission and commission faithiul Albert has ready raieil 5), Be Honored masters, the ditiicul 8 and dangers of my offi-e as commissioner of Pri- vate works are such as f give you an example + Mayor is familar with the facts, but Albort and "others were not then within the state-- Sank, supposing that the duleet sounds he heard wer 1 by "his master's mrp upen a hors:'s hool, began to howl in unison, Uriah--Gt out-Sank, you brute! You can't both sp: ak at once. { Uriah whisp red to Sank with the toe ot his boot, and sank subsided, (had he booted both he would have don: right) and the Lanny. proceeded. 1 . Some tim 450 in the performance of the functions of my om "al secured as I supposed, two splendid ims aud hurricd off | with thom to sen to make my capbure sure. | This was on a Suna: Uriah--Your Wors $0, | | His worship--We cannot keep the fellow | to the truth unless we muzz'e him, but let | him go cn and bel : just what, yon please | of all he says, he never tells a word of truth | to me 3 | fierce objections that I have otien wished he were translated and happy i, don't let Neddy te n-- Let him go on, 1¢%s hear bis Sun- | day scrape ont, | ominate such rank hypocracy, | an | Isto be Deacon in | j church, and to have him exercise the fanc- | tions of such office on Sabbath days is past! (all bearing, one of his superlative | The Granny procecd«--Well, 1 wath d my Ind fi nds battling with death and Cheand thom ery for he i | CalcbemNow, N ddy. thers von lic again have your font (un sh stil! John--0 no ths rieht enon Lbut th ar: nt lis | denting stp bid thei, phic, w HMecmanoth ras ! ith bins GF conrae A nach bis b fore, but t win Kewping | Pwithoih reg, | Hix Wor to lif, a | still by | found in th Cp: Nh mv Borne wont did 1h div win thicone be resian din disgust, whit brought you and J apt) apply the swaid of x Jee very short and leave thy own resonr es st I for ene decid diy © 1 ping, as I do, tal tly roend offic Carproach ane insult to th xt and 1 for on would fan disp nse with | His worhip--Faithfal Ald. roan, I SYm- pathise in yon, disgust 2t the fond thing, but this our gineplot is ent off who then shall the mean things of state and act as seape-geat for our oigan ? Albe whit is it at host bat a --Let the agen go to ---- retched | rag ent'icly out of tune, apparently in the Inst stag s of an incurabl: quinsey, while | the vi Mice of commissioner of private « blot npon our fair escutcheon, an excresince which casts its black shadow on all one best concerns, a moral parasite upon the state, Urinh--T move, your worship, that we give ittle to assist poer Noddy now in this kis dificu ty, bis very wretchoduess pleads for | him, but with this lel's cut hint off forever, ive in future only to the worthy poor, waorthl sc | let's gi and let imposters such as he is work or ) starve, a Neddy, thankful for small mercies, made his very best bow, turned his Chesnet and trotted out of the hall still bearing bis pre- cious freight behind. > ---- The Slaughter of the Innocents, Be [ The slaughter of the innocents sword of justice Is overtuking them by the score in every direction and from present appearances it would seem as if the whole Grit vote may be 'exterpated ere the &word of kerntingy has been sheathed. If such is the way in which they have stuf ed therolls in days gone Ly 1 ix little woudler that ai went of externyini tion: lus, wore. v i ; Inommron, Ang 27-The Court, of jon of the voters" list for this town erduy bufore his Honour Judge against them, X ¢- tthe Dist, i te Ren up ageinet a Snag. On Thucalay inst avths steamer Og mah on het onl wan trip trom Port Perry 0 scows infow, by some m ans or > OY 13 REL nd rove 8 hol th ng a 'magnificent ottom he unoiled gudgeon of! nelodeous grating of | font of it wl grass, continues 'with unabated fury; the for n, when | Clear Grit. votes were strick | The officers Sud 1 wh king end semi and th erection are being hurvisd ons wl s e= ory speed. "The wood work of the WM. Cliarch is in the skilful hands of Messis wo & Wietter " who always give a good accountof themselves by the superiority of thoiv workmanship, the spire on this fine, chi his hastening wards, This ted will Lie. an en ¢ alone but to this! vet on of country and an evidence of the Tiberutity of the promoters of the scheme, Mr. Courtice' new harness establizhinent is being prised with vigor: the rocf is now being puton. Cray Mr. Davls, too is specding on tho splendid ¢ addition which he 1e putting to his . corner block, 3 The fine new block now in course of er- ection by A, Loss Esq, is fast being pushed upward, " 4 Heard & Reynolds are building quite ex- | tensively and preparing largely increased accommodations for carrying on their busi- ness, $ The commodious building now in course of | erection by Mr Leonard is being hastened to completion, ¥ But the grain stores and Elevator now Peing completed by Geo, Currie, Esq, is by fa the most important erection now going up in the village. The elevator, wo are pleased to observe is nearly ready for woing into action. We predict for it a mngnificent and prosperous business, + While't of the elevator will be benefitted by thi had almost said public work--th. i 1 whole community will be indirectly bon fited toa | con iderable extent. 3 We notice our friends, Ross, Gordon | Christian, Shaw, Brown & Ross wad Worth- | ington arc looking as fierce as can be de- termined on an active grain campaign, Christian's head-quarters will be at Man- chester, the others will do battle at the Port. Ee The Standard Granny Running a Muck against Fair Dealing Merchants. ex in rec It might reasonably Lave b that any paper published in the Connty of Outario, where our merchants are famed for square and honoravle dealing. Conducting a fair and Jegitimate busin and waking use of the columns of the local paper to inform "the public what they are prepared to do both as to sales of wmerchan- Hurrying ons ] -- So In Paget Perry on Tue "I'he wechanics in our town A Gertrud 8 infant 'bees and the buildings nowi ii ios. und 21 d fall Coroners, Justicessof the Peace, and all i ---- The Markets. Osserrver Ofrice, Sept. 3, 1874, Fall Wheat, , «oes 81 15t0 $1 27 Spring Wheat 3 Obto 114 arley 080to 080 a. 0i8 to 052 "yr Peas'. 510 0 a | § tork.. to 701 : Butter to 025 Ap iggs . to 016 : DOMNON IGHTNING AOD COMPANY ! 4 a vag tec CacoUNA, July 7, 1873. 1 HEREBY CERTIFY that the Lightning Rods erected 'on various parts of the Toronto University last summer during my absence, and which as I understand are now crected by Messrs ROBSON & CO., were care- * fully examincd by me on my return, I consider them of good quality, . exposing sufficient surface, possessing ' the adyantage of having both rods ir and, points, protected from rusting, by being galvanized, and in all respects suitable for the purpose, i °° HENRY H. CROFT, | Professor of Chemistry, University College, Toronto - \ The undersigned are offering \ o aminer Prints, At Cost. 7 OTICE ; : : N : Is hereby given that i - County of Ontario, } the Court of Assize, gt TO WIT © i Prins, Over and Terminer, and Genor- ol Got d liv will be holden in and for utarto, in the Court House 8 ANNO {.inens, At Cost. the County of in the Town of Whitby, on September 28th 1874, At the honr of 12 o'clock noon, of which Mon ay, ¢ notice and gov. dise and purchase of produce, and from whoin the press reccives its chic f advertising su! {community and doing au injustice to upright | apd honorable men, What did th Stern dard prvi? -- ul o Bee onsale < Sod over thie tore of omc link tothey sald goods a chia | Senn bh the mem nt ol 4 dv ris mone to Land al fn « vlad sticks itn Lis oun. ex » cura dite] Kiows illy in ont he ak and confi | | [ t. Totit. whil the 11 . thor boner, or a gu {may be tak on inif 4 cut of tl can vr aliz er concern Here is the got of Sis a g 60 worth «Tail snd om 5 to 100 poy Cont chap | Donzi or at r vi: rood van | ¢ Tt boarsthe stim of hnnbnge Fofit, still Maudy <n ith th id a of makin But von in tl [know tht by, he le thing Ii --l'our Mandy yo <i ops. | | ay | The | Un , of | worship. my (hi fand on- [ng SUoover tie geaator part of The ec out | Britain and the corn producing, connie of sconsiderable and ig] 1 appar tow to be almost sure of | my us fuln ss must | re ion, From alinost every quire favombl ; +t hoacet fast for thee ore xpnin d what . fone own fi hls Hy to gotan ex- ; iE stimu- CLCOIEE CS ma nd adds io Uie st nnd Lappiost {of profits to the gon md wealth of 'the com- | i > I munaty Thi ofa rich bicssing Pik don . knowing that our n share th antics of Nature, Fone nedssom th good Ly fier | and | to th jst mili x will this fent of f nr be grin rs fifteen mitiions the funda yicld, In 1873 sh d to buy from abowid os much As cost her $12,000,000 this a ters sev vy prospect of hor being wll poodace vi flour which ste nee send | broad what to the value of § L090 or leven 000 60: The Loudon Daily News rays :-- The conclusion can hardly to be drawn that not only has th: danger of a sorions aggravation of the present commer- cial-d pr osssion which would have resuitod {from a bad harvest in present circamstan- cosy been avoided, but a result so good has been ouvtained that a great stimalous to a revival of trade will propably be given, | Pir€ wheat harvest of the comet year of | 1874 offers unalloyed cause for congratula- | tion. Seldom has a fortunate event ocenred ata more critical time or come so fully up to the highest expectations which the most | i could have indulged in before | and. The Loudon Standard says :-- > ' If the weather for the next few days is good we shall have one of the most plentsfol harvests with which we have been blessed many years. In any case the great abun- dance of foreign harvests would s 'em to insure a cousi lerabledall of price. There is_bow- ever, one important point to be borne in mind as affecting the mater vere under considera tion, Ttjs that the stock of the. old home grown wheat is believed to Ue entirely ex-- hausted while little surplus stock is supposed to exist in any other country. If this belief is well founded the crop of the present year will enter into consumption earlier than us ual, and there will be little or no old grin, the improvement of the flonr, In other | words, the present year's crop will have to feod the world for & longer period than other crops. Consequently it will need to bs cone siderably larger then usual f there is to bea marked fall of price, OF THE BARLEY CROP CF 1874. : Just yoar--from 15 to 20 per cont preatere-- | !the average weight is good being nearly 9 ! {1bs Ta color, quantity und condition it _cannct be excelied, 4 y In the state of Now York the average is about the same as last year but the yield is wreater and the weight superior, More than halfot the whole yi. 1d however, is dard +moky. As a ho Tonk, | bows ef, throngliont the States the high price of sed oy, last year caused theayeiage sown for: © prosest year fo be limited to a comsidyr- + WARDROBE! @9 ) to mix with i at firstas is ordinarily "done | = This crop in Canada is much greater than | Faptiste Cloths, : At Cost, i ern themselves accordingly. NELSON G. REYNOLDS, Sheriff, ¢ 0, | Shorts Office, i Wiiithy, Anenst 26h, 1874, 35 Re-OPLNING vy Hiery, OF THE ! 1k . At Cost. HIE Proprietor of the Wardrobe wonld > 4 intimatecto his nume icnds that i a rasols, his plaice of business is again open, ' and the public will find it to their advantage to see his Gogds and At Cost, iE PRIOES i = Jaa : - yy 5 , ofan pcteing ewhere as be bas a + TST Blots and Bom dogo Block wich will be sold at 4 4 nels. Ti AN ! or Cashor Produce. He is detormind to No no-accounts All may dep ud on nz thew vy best valu: for theirmoney -- net the fo Jowing prices j-- Print. worth 170, now sold at 124c, CON At Cost, Ad Rl winged! weeds. bres Gods woith 200, now sob Hi 'i weed al $8 Pp Kind tany price, AT Cap, A lnige lot of Boots and 8 fudein, . ) Semis hans Wot odo M u's Pound : . AF CNT, Wom ns' dg, a voy fin at fiom lot « Sliugh- 20 ects per Ib. 1 ay best Hyson Toas for 8c. Cuniants . tow Pork from 9c per 1h, in Plain Figures and lin to do beaten dither in We are paying pen it this will © Sal be a . 25¢ per 1b, Cash, Zon Come along with your Cash A. W. ROBERTS, Aug 20, 1874, msdn' bt of 126, Canada iw the Shunly Court ob fof the teh J Ontasio : PEIME DAIRY Proyine of Unt Connty of Cn 3 IN THE MATTER OF | Albers We! Of the Vi Ci y of Ii gten Roberts, ge of Pont Poy, AN INSOLVEN? Th: undersizned has fil din the office of this wrt a Dead of Composition and dis xoented by his cred tors, and on othe 28th day of opt ber next, be ly to Zacheus Burnham, * E~quire, Lee of the sad Court, for neo utioma- tion of th discharge thee hy fiectod Port Perry, Saturday the August, A.D, 1874, pli 32ua day "of A. W. ROBERTS, ' by Prosper ArMsTRONG Hupp, ! y 36 bis Attorney, ad ltem. | PREPARED 0 FILL ORDERS OR | Choice Brick. "BE Subscriber as on hand art js cons i sEantly mann facturing large quantities of the very best quality of Bick at his Yard North of Borelin, now: Port Perry. These Brick have been carefully examined and throughly test-d in all thefr stages both as to material. mavafacture, drying and real ex- crllence ax durable brick, by Aaron Cameron, Esq, of Oshawa, one of the most skilltul b icklayers and reliable contractors in the Province and pronounced by him to be as OW PRESB : As are made in the Provirice, : | Ovders filled promptly ax agreed on, : i 4 1, NEIL McARTHUR. "Wf, an 8 Port Perry, A # 'ree = hb ak : bacon nd Suga Led FOR SALE. COAL! Ro JUST TO HAND - 800 Vous of Coul 1 etre _ 250000 Ls. Barks 100,000 buy. Oats, 0C0 hus, Wheat. ~ ed -. AM prepared to supply all the Black- JU iths in this part of the country with CHEAPER. 7 hese Than ft'enn'be gbt anywhere else. For which the Highest Price AME ment Aya I thing thronghont Seve Coal, Bbw) ed erat puide stimight for and Ally xten hy - 4 general ng rougl on . ; ? aly witli on the Dunk. Weare ple ow. the States wercvor the buirkey fs of good BER. Also a quantity of Shingles for Sale, y wat that thie wounded craft soon weight the color is bad and in those, States APEit to J.J. SHAW BROW oo from thé effects of her wound and is again on where the color is good the weight is very BE Tv LRA. 1 & ROSS. duty. interjor. Port Perry, July 15, 1874, 30-3m Port Permy., - ' . -- - iis Vik » Fook 4 i ¥ 3 % sides, constantly on | V0 Paid, delivered ut RHR og »

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