Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 6 Aug 1874, p. 4

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Tarry's frock 'was one Phin fo which the whole universe was wai ing. « Ah!" said Julia, exnltingly. a: she advancediy® revenge is swe! let the _moialists say. what they like! Thr seen you, I dou know when, v th snch a nice colar. Well 1 hope you've sent Mr C Denis properly about his bus ¢ N--no," sail Florey, with an in- creas of the nice color. ¢ Nol', repeatel Jul'a looking donbefulty at her, "what do you mean by © « No?' What have von e+ Lim, suvely ?; 'I--1've promised- to marry him,' answered lorry in a voice Letween | laughing and 1 ying. Julia dropped into the nearest seat. " Well, von are a little fool!" she when she could find Ler to Was she rot 2 Bat then, yon on she loved him; a poor excuse, no doubt but the only one the historian can find. Dr. Howe's Pirrsrierp, ME, . Follows, During the past two yiars 1 wr Compound Syrup of Hy po- i fair thongh a somewhst xeven Testimony March, 1872. ve given phosphite tri in my P uctice, and am able to speal i i of its off cts. In restoring rom cmaciation end th vr diphtheria, (it bas dom Tec usiantly recommend its us wonders. in a'! aficctions of the throat and lungs. «1 5 voral cas s consider d hopeless it ha nl the patien «fast recov ring Rupes --'1 © form, Ji 5 this com he cured in m David Sinp- fy that my Si ween tronbicd with Scr It es um Humor for seve ral y hoi co fin d to her Load.-- sithas boon ro lea that fam ofthe tim: not he Las Feen nnaer the N w York snd Boston Sut find we took twe bottlos of Fowlx Pile and Humor Cure which wholly cured Lor, i IE SEL VICES. SU N DAY MrJchnston, At Thom, atl At 1:30 a. | 0 p.m. d 5 po. Lm. In the Town Ir « as Thom, ¥ ireh.--Rev, & Philp, At 10:59 a, Pan, Ll 1 Rev. Mr. Kinley. At 2 ni. uk m. MANCHESTER, P.M. Churel,--Rov, T,Amy. At 230and 6:00 veoh Knowle vern the md | acar = : f wll Si d with a delicately flavor Fd = & Co Yer: @o= --+ We will now coms adopted Ty manner rs of works in the Scu article in [SPECTAL -- Ey FOWLER' § PILE & UHOR CURIS, For Tnicrual ax 1 ity Use, Warrantcd the only Sure and Perfect Cure. Scrofula, Totter, or! Lull diseases of | ttle warrant a to Cure all cases pH From 1 to 2 Bottles in ull cases ed in some of the | Salt Rheum, and tire v been ened by an outward BUCCENS -- £ sion HE can N. B--1 b in its composition. Iu all cases of fail Tors are roquestod to refund the money. 1v of no not warrant it, as all dealers rece their money from the proprictor. Price, 1 per Bottle ; Six Bottles §5, PERRY DAVIS & SON, Geni Agt's, Montreal een on application ine is cnticcly veg table THE Subscriber is prepared to supply, and is constantly manufacturing, any quan- tity of First Class Brick, ut Lis BRICK YARD, PORT PEARY, done,' then--never promised to go with} ty Loads our Hunt Trudy of Ittoes and | proprictor's po- | COMPLETE (ree. The Subscriber has now completed his Spring Stock of N oN TWEEDS, VESTINGS, TROWSERINGS, HATS, CAPS, GENTS FUR ISIINGS, and everything in the ienres at which such recds can "be sold -- up one the pre- aud the A supply of Clothing made mises of superior guality, newest style always on Lund, Garmer ts made up on the shortest notice and a good fit g toad. WV. TRENBETH, Merchant Tailor, Queen St, Port Pury. | 0 | --------n------ The S meet the 1 ------ IN 4 fhe [] Subseribers in order to greatly increased apd | . jsll ine custom with no ng | which they are favored, ni | brought ona very much Larger Stock! ND . o of than they ever before offre to the public. Particular 'care has been taken inthe selection, of the Le sur- $9 that in the quality | Mock cannot seid. advantageous terms wand sell at pits: Ve buy on the most gach figures as cannot be under sold for such aids A full supply o choice E'resh JFleats for on hand. Qur 'GROCERIES! complete Ntock of ie and superior prality. We make TEA [3 Specialty and always select [he best; and our very large [sales of 'TEAS prove that our cliorts meet pubic approbation. Remember the place, one door west of 'Thompson's Hotel BONGARD & ROBINSON. Port Perry, May 20, 1872. 22 WM. SPENCE, fiti & BUILDER. RICK-LAYING,STONE-WORK, PLAS- TERING, &c., in all their departments, in the best style, Utica. July 15,1873. * North of what was formerly Borclia. The Clay from which the Bricks are factured cannot be surpassed in quality, The mixing, di d t of the an ag Kiln ace under the care and superintendence of thoroushly expuricnced and ekilfal brick makers. Parties wishing choice rick will find it to \b2 to their advantage to supply themselves at my yanl, NEIL McARTHUR. Port Perry, July 29, 1874, One Box of Clarke's B 41 Pills 8 d to cure all discl from A the Urinary Organs. in either sex, acquir- ed or constitutional Gravel "nd Pains in the Buck Sold n Boxespds 64 cach, by all Chemists and Patent ne ¢ Soli: Proprietor, F.J. CLARKE, 'ARIS' WALL, LISCOLY, ENGLAND. EXPORT AGENTS. : Bumorne- Burbidges and Co, Coleman St. yi and Sons, 87 Newgafe St, Lond m So on tiny on SI on St. Louden re "aon a 'CANADA. Co., Whole- Tosi 4 f, Clare and Co, t and Qo.; Woolas Drugs 32 FIRST CLASS BOOTY & MOEN Material, Workmanship, Style and Fitl! HE Sub c iber would return his sincere thanks for the very extensive and rapidly d on bim since "opening business in PORT PERRY; And would embrace this opportunity of ax nring his customers aud the pnblic gener- ily that as in the past xo in the fatnre wil w strict,y adhere to wsdng nly the bes naterial, employing none but good wor. an and sellingat prices--wh n the qualit: f the Goods ix considercd--which canno tis to please purchasers. . Constantly on hanc lots of Boots an shoes of my own manufacture, _Call and inspect my Stock, @r First block west of the Post Offi RICHARD WARRINER. ew and Fashionable These Goods will be sold at the lowcst! SEXTON'S COLUMN. _ COLUMN. MR. LUMBER! LATH " s ~---- AND ---- Merchant Tailor I ine,! N ©F THE JEST QUALITY AKD NEWEST = S1YLES. SHINGLES ! ----AND-- BILL LUMBER eee Fees ALL DESCRIPTIONS "has taken the Woed D parte it under his own control and an faiuee will cae CONSTANTLY ON HAND ---- AND -- CUT TO ORDER --AT -- \ \] AHIR MILLS, ml "UXBRIDGE CABINET AND ORGAN TIE UXBRIDGIL Cabinet Organ Embodics the Latest and best results of Inveative G nius and Expericncc--hence their CONCEDED SUPERIORITY ! VALUE CONSIDERED. D EPARTM xT QUALITY AND Tus Is now is fnl' running order. ] latest and most popular wares of th + day, and upon examination, will be found to be very LUW IN PRICE. Comj arixcus uv fod. Furi URL . Their Wholesale Prices will be fonnd to compar. favorubly with any other house partments. IN INDERTARING Di Evervthing is also complete. 2 good selection of Walnut, wood, Veivet and Cloth-covered COFFINS always on hua. CLASS HEARSES with the nccessary appendages, ERE : MENT Elm, Battogunt, Ouk, Rose We nave also two £4aS1- mo -- Ramana Ra ---- Uxbridge Cabinet and Organ Manufacturing Co'y, A. T. BUTTON, 3ly Uxbridge July 22, 1874. MANCHESTER CARRIAGE WURKS AND General Blacksmithing 'vous custom rs for the lil tian sad tae public gu rg HE Suabsc.iber in retuzning thanks to his uy ho bins rec iv din eine past, wid iow ing patronage uy tint he y on bo'h the wood anl icon depactmicats, ali wov peepar d to fill all o.d rs coan ctea with either branch, BUGWIES, WACO«XS, and every description' of CARRIAGE mad in B st M trial, and by First Class Workm on, the Newest Style of the BEF R pairs acatly and exp ditionsly ox cuted. All work warranted and charg s moderate, Manchester, May 1, 1874. WwW. C. HEARD. B80: Ix Ontario Carriage PORT HE Subscriber takes this opponunity of thanking his num eral and constantly in reasing aconag: boseow donpon in in which he has been in business or using busin «having ¢ mdepe of premises necessary, 1 bave " HIVE ny Pre ro "4 : ro 1 i Larg dy cxtend d my promises and sour deathly hon nsed fi thi axon an now propar.d ro promptly to moot the dnersing doaoads of enstomers and to fill orders on the shortest notice. [ iy CARRIAGES OF ALL DESIRIPTIONS, CUTTERS, SLEIGHS, BUGGIES. WAGONS, bnilt of the bh st mat-rial in the host style and by first class workm on. Ord rs for Blacksmithing carcfully att nded to. Cld Car ir d with nentoess and dispatch, Wood-work iron d and Carriages timm 3 for the trad at roasons able rit s. Com and inspect one Works, Port Perry, Dee. 2, 187 PRACTICAL CARRIAGE MAKER, BROCK STREET, WHITBY. 0: GOOD Assortment of Buggivs constantly on hand made from he best Materia! A Work made to order with ncatnsss wal d xpatch, Pactizuar attention paid to re- PUN Ps ! PUMPS! Pr () ---- You can gt the bes and cheapest Pup in the Provi ce At J. ATELY I NX> PATENT PUMP FACTORY PORT PERRY. S50. THe Fait omplete Pump and Fire Eugine with lose cents fre foot. ts | ah cents per fot, Cistern Pumps, a sary Pump, irom 83 up 10 $8. Also every other descri) of Pump, at iy EQUALLY LOW RATES! Y iving bad lony experience 1m Vnimskine in the Inrgegt fucteries in" Ca adnan! theUn. ed States, He fu seriber feels contident that he can pel cily satisty all that wil fuvo= him 'witn a eall All orders for any of the above, whether by mail or otherwise romps attended tw, JUHN IRVIN, Port Perey. Sept. 29, 1870. : 3 ---- Port Perry, Nov. 13, 1873, % Port Perry, Sept 24, 1873, re R---- ' It is the intention of the Company not only to make the Best Instrumente, but to | Sell thom the Cheapest! There Warerooms are farnished with a large variety of the in the trade, they most respectfully solicit an cxamivation of their Steck in all their De-, Chrvo~ellias sor Clan The Subscriber has much pliasur: in an- noun: ing to his fricnds and custom rx, and th public in general, that he Las completly fillea bis ' "iy J-WILEY EMP UM! With a well select d Stegk of Fine Gol't Jw. ry, Gold Chains, Water os, Gold Rings, Lockets, Silver Pluto Ware, Clocks for the Million Fine Toys for the Young | &e., Ke. &o And respeetfn'ly invites tl the above Goods and by Selling a vBALLY Goep article at ps low ap as he possible cnn afford, ne is sar, thet, aftr yon have tought, you will wath groat satis faction, Hint nds to sell at a Low Fignre, so as tol ar out the whol: of his Stock by the 15th January, 187 | GRATIS !'! '--Come and get the Eglin Tiusteat d Almanac for 187 All Goods and Work WaeraxTen ! pen, Please give a call JONIN D Opposit-G, U Whit "x (4 Port terry, D ¢, 17,1873 CHEAPER THAN EVIR W. H. PARK 18 SELLING FURNCEE RE for Cash or Short Cr. dit. yi ndecrtnki ing inspection of ¢V Of every descrintion Cheaper than ever PHOTOGRAPHS FUR ALL, AND PFRFFCT PICITRES. SICURLD AT x NK°KEMZIE & £CCTT'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLIRILS Orrosn Foy's Hotl, Fort Perry. ITH the view of supply'sg the great \ d mind for thar much admird Photcgraphif, the Subscribers Lave --regard. Logs of cxpens --so fitted up their Gallerios and intrcduecd such Instruments os will at all Bue & «ure PERFECT PICTURES Their thorcugh knowledge of every d - partment «f the Art, acquired in some of the best Galleries on {his eentinent, together with their « xeclon Galleries sud superior in struments, give thom facilitick «njoyod Ly fw for Jrreducing those boantitul Photc- graphs admired Ly all who se thom, By skilfully icfouching, the no gatives the mort Lands me phict graphs are produced in vy instun.e, | Their Gall ries are stecked with a choice assortin nt of First Class Albums, Picture | Fram x, Str oscopic Instruments, the Kin, st Chremes, and specimen 2uotographs in end less vari ty, A cordial welcome is extended to all to vinit our Galleries ana inspect our Stock, McKENZIE & SCOTT. 10, 1873. Port Porry, Dec. 1 JROCLAMATION 1 NORTHERN REACH | THE PLACE TO BOY YOLE Fry Gods, Gocertes, tothe a. Booms and hes Har Finware, ware, Statio: ery, Done on the SHORTEST NGTICE a) . | Cumar Pate: t Vedic os Se, ! ber" the: BIH 1 AYE aint > i s AT FHE site the Post Gti, Port Pony, VE a mn St price good Lumbor, Bad" A good stout boy wanted to fearn the Bu iness, | Agent for Toussroxes and MoxpsexTs. W. H. PARK. Post rey, S pt. 1. LLL BE fT JUAW. CARREY OLY Will pay the highest price, in Cash, for the following siz n Ozhawa. Deoliver +d at the [Square I Ixh, 1 i, 0 Oak or 3.2 RButterunt, 1 in, any width, tock flat] tn 1) inc any wlth, Common Water dy Line any width, Basso, Lin, pny width "in, 5,8 1900 06 in LJ 1}in. 12, 14, 17,18 21, in wide Pine, 1 ing 1}. 2 in, 12,1 or 16 f ct long Maple, Beerhy and Birch : io Nix tin x tantity, Ils uh hin, 1d in din id in, --nfficient to' fl tap ur ewr int oe Lai, Plank, ge at majoty ofl fl BY ALL Scuanthog W H G'bBS. I'resilent. Tao aly abe walt oo tiloauon in the $60,050 UO IN LEE stnhuted in STI HE «RM NYHLY puid for all Kinds of Gree dan'y tov, GEC. FLINT. Greenbank, Jaly 2), 1873. 2 ¢ | OR THE BLCYD IS THE LIFE" See Douteronomy, chin. xii, verse 23 CLAKKE'S Wo:ld F md Flocd ixtnre. Trade Mark,-- B ood Mixture." THE GREAT BLOGD PULIFIER AND LESTOLER, For ¢l ansing and cl-aring the bloed from all impuriti & cannot be too highly rocom- mend d F cre fula, Scurvy, sors ofall Kindsatis a pormanent cure, It Cur sole Cues Ul (Cur sBlackh Hy wo Cures 3. nevy So . Cures Cancereus U Cures Blood and S ex Glandual Sw Clarsthe Blowd Lema From what vor caus Ax this mixtar Ski : Dix ases, novor-failing and und + Legs. isu the face. Matter impure arising is pleasant tthe t cm anything wonstitniion of ix, th itatial to ttiis value, | Phon ands of T stimonials from all pasts. Sold in bottle cach, aod iu ns 8 CHEMIS 8 utd PA tire Sol: proprictor, FJ C1 Ali KE. APOIHECAN HALL. LIN OLX LXPCRT AGEN Burgoyne, burbridges and Co, Siret, Londen N wherry and Sons, ADOLS Chemist, ENGLAND Coli man | Str. et Lou- 3TN wuats don Bar lay and S ns 93 ringzdon Stroot Len- don. Sang or and sous, Oxford Steect London, And aid the & whoo Whol sul Houses J ADA LCo, Whol wale] it i sand Co, 3 } and i Whol sale Diuggi-ts v it rand Cw on Hamilton --Win rind Co, Halifax -- Av ry, Bown and Co, ihe ok. ny rial stom ain th cially, Oa 20) Ke ns that he las on hand a good and wo assorted seloction of F URNITURE YH 1 > 3 2 4 AW Dd 4) a + 1 Such as C ntr, Dining and Tobe drat¥en Men Bw, Suite Ty Kitch n Wood, Can, and Har UNE GRAD ACTA ReIZE Cloth Li ~ in Reprand Dowash 80,JJ)s IN GOL211 Sofas, Boe ans, Sid Loads, B dstends, What A nots, Stands, Mirrors, Straw, 8 ngiaxs, : 2 SREENBACKS! Mixid, and Spring Mattrasses, &c, which JA nl Oue | Frum} y 1 Dory Carriig 4, sated Horses id Gol LChane, 3 Number of J 5, whom ih S| Ito 'rl fle WeKOLE, TH -- th; description tl o her information bation, wil he ent to hy hin gihm All ietlors mst be by 3100 to Main al Lu b. SINE, Box 6, nx nm Ww Fira St. Cineinuti, OU, 187:. SEASON 1874 Daily Line to Rochester! Commence ng on or abcut April Ist. THE NEW LAKE STEAMER "NORSEMAN/ [R. CRAWFORD, Masten | Will make her roguine trip on tuis ronte, 1 aving Cobourg every morning at 7:0. and Port Hope at 9 o'clock for Ro host on- noting there with the New York Central W and Eri: Railways for all point« East, West, and South, 3 Lerorsing :--=Will 1 av. Clanlote (Port of Roch stor) daily at 9 p.m. xcept 3 tuanings wien she will Levent 2pm fa 8 iy D al rx in Stock will fia l tins toe extund most Sep to Bo ton, Albany, New Yi 5 For fusther a « dress & CRaw ORD, Port Lio e. or C.F. GILDERSLEEVE, Kugston, un rou y Part of the abov will be sold as low as at any House in the Trane All goods d livered free of charge, Particular att 'ntion paid to Picture Fram- ing. IN THE § Pian, Ev rythivg is compl to. 1 k ep on bend a good select on of Watnut, Usk, Ling Batt r nut. Rosoweol Velvet and Cloti-cover.d Coffins, Shrouds in all styles end «iz 8 Napkins, Gioves mind Hui-bundy, fucnished fice when required A FIRST CLASSIEARSE, JOHN NCTT. NB All kinds of goon Lumber tak nin exchange for work. 'Tue subsoriber is - ony uuthoriz d Ag nt in this locality for £ She Ly Marble Works, Port P roy, May 13, 187 J oR AL o~ ACRES of L ni pr of lot 09 No 29, in the oh « licernie n of the TOWNSULP OF SCOT projeriy is chard, pacdcabesapply to th K & For futher pri 10, pro=- | March 47, 1874. La perfeer Renovator Ton, Dr. 3. Walker's pry - cgar Bitters are a purely Vegetabio preparation, made chiefly from the na- tive herbs found on the lower ranges of tle Sierra Nevada mountains of Califor- nia, the medicinal properties of which are extracted therefrom without the use of Alcohol. 'The question is almost aily asked. "What is the cause of the leled success of VINEGAR Br Our answer is, that they remove the cause of disease, and the patient re- covers his health. They are the great blood purifier and a life-giving principle, and Invigorator of the system. Never before in the history of the worll has 2 [medicine been qualities of VISEGAR BIT oo 4 hig hod sick of every disease man is heir to. are & gentle Pargative ns well as a Tol 4 relieving Congestion or Inflammation of the Liver and Visceral Organs, in Bilipus Discases, The properties of Dr. We axu~ VINEGAR BITTERS ave A perient. Iingiuretes Carminative, N 5, Laxativ iuretic, Sedative, Counter-1 tant, Sudoriue, Altera- tive, and Anti Bilious. RN. TI. MeDONALD & CO, Drugrists and Gon, Arts. San Francisen. and id of Washington nnd ito by ail Drugsists hd Dialers. lifornia, MCT GC 2RT'S FOR PRSELVING AND BEAUTIFYING ry A A THE HAIR AND RENDELING IT ) Gi ONSY t cannct be surpassed T for Talcn ss it Las no Asa Lair dics AS A prevent, squal ! rey " BE 25 TRY '1'L TRY, i a0 GART HE Solscrib re always keep on cond ars con tantly mansfactoring more) an So kof wtsuh v f 4 F ! i { fy . As the community vognir <3 suitable for all is J rs Al of Choice Ma- OLEMAN-TIP, und ut sven all its de sondal to: partm nts promptly nd Claas mod. rate COFFINS of all siz 5 kept con sntiy on Land + v8 Yo: of all sizes and now sistyl 3 CASKET CR BURIAL CASE : : proecarcd on short notice, BRAY Seta ned in ordinary style : DAVIS & SONS 7 49-1y i TETL STR ZAM. und asagned would thank his numer- oc the on rons and liberal pitonag betowod upon him in the past; and would b i inform th mand the pub- lic ven dy that he ins CPENED BUSINLSS IN 2) t vi) i) X. PP ny D i R And that in the future his business will be carried on at Port Perry and Prince Albert H. i ne mnt and the in s which he has thus futly to meet the : eagnddly incr using population of tais higaly prosp.rous section of country CLAN, HUSCO. KS, Bakar and Confectioner, Candis, B's , Cakes, Be ad, Flonr, Oat mal, Conm al, Lobsters, Sardines, Fruits Toys, & WEDDING CAKES MADE TO ORDER! I" Ce Mee ings, wid, furnished on Lilwral T.ros, _Shop.--Prince Alb rt and Port Perry CHAS, HISCUUKS, Pein AIL rt and Post Prey " SCHOOL TRUSTEES, i Th ous cu tom oy Sot psi of F i Wi my d sive fo Live thei wont placid on th pr osont your do nko th irapplication to the Ci ork pr viens to erat the meting of Coun=- v bohobb a Sod rlaad on Snaeday, 15th net next, othorwis Arsoniment: not be placcd encwdh Collector's Roll, HU WALSHE, Townskip Clurk, 31 Brock, July 21, 1874. ' bh 1 1 | | » { 4 - F ¥ { 3 + | | | * | | | y » » -~ ©

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