Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 6 Aug 1874, p. 3

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coi i -------- « aden FOUESCURRICULUA! ISBT : ACT OF 1869. : . i ; 10 == COLUMN. B= Brown Ross' Column In ind fatter of John Bentley : ; AT EH ALIN D Y "An Insolvent. ~. pr---- A. b it OTICE is hereby given that by ue N of the Power vastedein me as Assignee of the Estate and effects of the above named Insolvent, I shall offer for Sale by Public Auction! MILLERS HOTEL|, In the Village of PORT PERRY! On Tuesday, the Twenty-Ninth : day of September, 1874, . At the hour of Twelve o'clock, noon, AN the Estate, right, title and interest of the said Insolvent, and of myselfas Assignee aforesaid 1n and to that certain parcel or tract of Lana, situate in the Town- ship of Uxbridge, being the west-half of the east-half of lot number Nine, in the Seventh concession of the said Township of Uxbridge, County of Ontario, Also one-eight of an Acre more or less, being part of Village Lot No. 8, in the Villaga® of Epsom, in the said Township of Reach, in the said County of Ontario, | being composed of the South-east; corner of Village Lat No. 8, extending ™ from the North-east corner northwards on Brock Street 91 fect 4 inch, thence westward 60 feet, with new Cottage thereon erected. Terps and conditions will be made known on day of sale. ; JOHN S. M. WILLCOX, Assignee. Whitby, July ¥5, 1874. 31-9w -- COMING ! COMING ! COMING ! TAYLOR'S WillExhibitat PORTPERRY On Monday, August 10th. iY © to Ti Grand Eiblons Daly, Afeman at Tio, Evening at Eight MR. LL. C. TAYLOR, most vespectfully calls the attentfon of the eitzens country, to the fact that this of Port Perry and surrounding Was organized, equipped and furnished for the express purpose of travel: ing in the Dominion, and every attention has been given to procuring the very best Artists in the Profession, with the intention of making a 9 ° . Taylor's Equescurriculum Second to none. Every effort will Le made to please and amuse. While ymaking no show of wagons and used-up horses, our performances will be the best in the country. EVERY ACT NEW! EVERY ACT GOOD. pa~GO EARLY AND SEE THE GRAND ENTREE. wa The Best Clowns, the Best Riders, the Iandsomest Ladies, in fact the |: Best Circus ever in Canada. A. G. CAMBRIDGE, General and Contracting Agent. 2&5 Don't forget the day and date, MONDAY, AUG, 10Tu. ga For full particulars see Programmes and Pictorial Printing | TO RENT IMPORTANT DISCOVERY. THICK NECK AND TUMOUR LINIMENT. HICK NECKS can be be cured by the! : o ie Persons By i and Lot in Prince' Albert, os ots and Rheumatic persons by hey PRL rt cl 1 o Thick Neok of 'Union Avenue and King Street, The in owas without discoloing the neck House is new and comfortable aad contains 'or giving the slightest uneasiness. Removes SC¥¢D rooms. There is a good Well ot Noir all tumors with good effect, and will cure On the premises, with a pumpgiit. There 'll kinds of Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Head 1¢ Other nocessnry conveniences"on the . ache, Paralysis, Toothache and Corns. ot. Fences and all in good order. : Rent, $6 per month, testimonials can be t : A jure Rumer Of festimons MRS, C. M. FITCH, y Proprietress. W. D. ANDERSON, Port Perry, Ont. Apply to M. G. ROBSON, 4 Ang.'5, 1874. 33-3w | Prince Albert, July 29, 1874. 32 THE SUBSCRIBER Has now.on hand a splendid assortment of 'Eavetroughs, Cistern Pumps, LEAD PIPES, &C. Which will compare favorably with any in the County both as to price and quality. . 9&8, Job Work attended to with our usual dispatch. - Port. Perry, May 1 3, 1874, A. B. McOAW. 10. 20 CASES GLASS JARS, ALL SIZES, For Preserving *Scason, at JON I and 12 the for 8). > : Beautiful in Style, ES BROS. Another Triumph D eee (yee The following is the Seeretary's Oficial Report of the Kent County Agricultural Society's Reaping match, held at Chatham, July 15th, 187 CITATHAM, Ox7., Jury 167TH, 1874. k place near this town, on culuural Society, the fol- ached thereto, respectively, viz: COMBINED MACHIN factured by Me Forsythe & Co, ® { , of Combined and Single Reaping Machines, ay, 15th inst. under the auspices of the Kent ( named Machines competed forg with the resul of Dundas, took the King, 300 1bs when not. Brantford, took the when not. n., of Ingersoll, gy 3251bs when not. cet e & Step uson Machine, manu'ac d Prize. « Diploma. Cut, 5 feet. SINGLE } The Johnston) } Des tnred by the Bre Patte ufacturing Co., of maj \ ¥, took the F ver Medal. Cut, 4 feet 10 inches. ht, when raking, 3 y 3 e Burdick Machine, manufactured by A, Ia Yrantford, took the Second Prize, a Diploma. i cht, when 21bs, when not 2751bs The Meadow Lark * ine, red b) . 2 in. Dranght, when rakin viien not, 2801hs, The tollo: 1 Combiued Machines cor not awarded prizes, vi Cl ictured hy Jolin WV Cut 4 feet 7 inches. raught when not ! when rak | The © jinch. D | The Bu | when rakin 1 Stewart Co, of London. Cut, 5 feet 1 (11h , of London. Cut 4 feet 8inches. Draught, Sen & Co, of Brantford. Cut, 4 fi. 10 in-- i ne, 3101 ot Lereby certified as correc JOHN TISSMAY, See'y Kent Aaricnltaral Society. it, w All of whic | { i ns | This is another Triumph for the Johnston Reaper, as manufactured by the | Brown & Patterson Manufacturing Company, Whitby. | Comment is winecessary when it is a well known fact, that Johnston has competed it never jailed in le more can Farmers in all the trials in wh st £'rize over all others! | | | July 22ud, 1874, | | FORMAN'S New Store! | OPPOSITE FOY'S HGTEL, PORT PERRY. Is now open for the reception of customers, where he will be most happy i to meet with all his old friends and as many new ones as possible. The Stock is one of the largest in the place, and complete in all the branches of | DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, BOOTS AND SHOES, &C. | He would call particular attention to the large ot the Celebrated Lion" Brand Double Warp Lustres, at all prices from 20 cents & yard upward, rearty the Cheapest Goods in the trade. And a great variety of all kinds of Dress Goods--beautiful Striped Lenos and Lawn from 20 cents a yard, A great tv of the very best Prints | in the trade, The celebrated © Hoyles," ¢ Ashtons," and French Cambri Prints. -- | Japanese Silks from 37} cents a yard. Beautiful Black Silk 90 cents per yard, | Splendid Cashmere Mantles, Shawls, &c., voy low. The Cheapest and best lot | | of Hollands in the market. YAK Laces, Cluny Laces, Egyptian Laces, &c. | | Beautiful Watered Sash Ribbons in all the different shades. Ladies' Silk Ties in great variety, | Ladies' two button Kid Gloves, in all colors and sizes, from 75 cents a pair, and the very best for one Doliar a pair, (worth to-day $135 in the city of Toronto) A great var- of Ruftling, Frilling and Trimmings Gentlemen will find the cheapest lot of Tweeds in the Market. My previous stocks of Boots & Shoes sold while in Prince Albert, are too well known to be of that class not often found in stores to requ're my calling attention to them, allow me to say that the greater part of the present Stock has been manufactured to my own express order and for workmanship and material cannot be surpassed in the Do- minion. Ladies can here depend upon getting THE BEST, and at the lowest prices | possible--from 63 cents a pair for Pranella Gaiters up to $2.00 for extra finished, extra qual- | ity and extia sewing. To parties Building--I am now prepared to sell any quantity of Nails in all el different sizes, at prices as low as can be purchased anywhere west of Montreal, Any | quantity of Locks, Latches, Hinge 5, Coat Hooks, Glass, Oils, Pulty, Paints, &c.-- | Carringe-makers' Bolts, Nutts, Screws, ;, Rasps, &c. Spades, Shovels, Forks, Manure Forks, Hoes, Rakes, and a full supply of every thing else in the Hardware line. | GROCERIES ot every variety, Chovp, Cheap! PURCHASERS, BRING ALONG YOUR Cash or Produce. And get Goods at prices which will compare favorably with those of any house in the Dominion. i And now with many thanks to all my old friends and customers who have so kindly favored me with their trade for the past 22 years, while in business in Prince, Albert, T would em- brace this opportunity of respectfully soliciting a liberal share of publc patronage. An carly call from all in need of anything in my line is respectfully solicited, [AN 4A Ne T. C. FOR | | Port Perry, May 14, 1874. Taylor's Store, MANCHESTER. I= Subscriber would embrace the present opportunity of thanking his customers for 8 the liberal patronage bestowed upou him since opening business at: Manchester. and has Tiow much pleasure in stating, that having purchased the Store and premises, he will be in a position to further extend his business and offer still greater inducements to customers. My Stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, &c. Will always be selected with the greatest care. The entire satisfaction of customers both | as to quality of goods and moderation in price will always be aimed at. The Newest Styles of Dry Goods, &ec. And choice and Fresh GROCERIES constantly supplied and sold at such prices as cannot fail tc satisfy purchasers, : Manchester, Nov, 11, 1873, JOHN TAYLOR. I have now the pleasure of dnnouncing the NEW SPRING G00DS, NEW THINGS London, took the Third Prize. 'dozen of the best Josepuixe--Cheap., UP STAIRS. receipt of a full Stock of Rich in Quality, Cheap | Cheap! in Price In Ladies' Dress Goods and Trimmings, fee Jomvsron fearer {~~ Both in material and style. I have secured the newest. In SHAWLS, which will be a specialty this scason, I have a Beautiful assortment from One Dollar np to Twenty-five. A goud | Shawl is always FasiIONABLE. | Bonaet and Hat Material and Trimmings are well assorted. Full lines of Laces, Ribbons, Flowers, Feathers and Ornaments. A lot Rioh, White, Real Ostrich Feathers, ery CHEAP. In KID GLOVES, I have over twenty ) { | Hosiery in every style and price. Parasols, Sunshades and Umbrellas, Fine Prunella Boots. Kid Boots, Strong Leather Boots Millinery Ladies can have their Dresses made in the Best Style, without going out of the Store. GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING! In great variety, ready-made or made to order. By rar the best assortment of Cloths and Vestings in Town to choose from. White Vests, Shir:s, Collars, Ties, Gloves, Socks, and Boots in great variety. Silk, Felt, and Wool Hats. Straw Hats. Waterproof Overcoats, from $2.50. Summer Overcoats. Children's Clothing. Grey Cottons, White Cottons, Shirtings, Sheetings, Table Linens, Towelling, Table Napkins, Brown Holands, Dressed Hollands, Lace Custains, Window Blinds, Muslins, Netts, &c. The assortment is complete and all these Goods will be found - THE LOWEST IN THE MARKET, Field & iarden Seeds +. pen Hardware, Oil, Turpentine, Paints, Glass, Putty, Varnishes, &c. 'GENERAL GROCERIES. Hams and Bacon. LOW PRICES AND LARGE SALES FOR CASH, SPECIAL NOTICE ! NEW MILLINERY AND ' DRESS MAKING TO MY CUSTOMERS AND THE PUBLIC GENERALLY. HE Subscriber having received the greater portion of his FALL & WINTER STOCK BOOTS AND SHOES ! From the best manufactures, and being con- stantly making up work on the premises, he is now ina position to call the attention of the public to his immense Stock which for Variety, Cheapness, and Good Work. panship! Cannot be excelled in this or adjoining Counties. {lis facilities for purchasing, to~ gether with a life-long experience of the qualities of this description of goods, gives him an advantage over those who mix this branc { i Boots and Shoes being ¢ by them of minor importance, their ntion being principally irected to the selection of Dry Goods and i ries, it gives the wholesale dealer iv Boots and Shoes an opportunity sposi . > of such work us regular manufactur G " 0 0 D "5 article could not be induced to purchase on any terms, Let all, then, who are in want of BOOTS and SHOES, OVER-SHOES, RUBBE or in fact anything pertaining to a Fir Shoe Shop, give him a call, and he guarantees to prove that if a good article combined with the least possible ad- vance on C ny inducement for them , a sale will be cficcted. Being to purchs . determined that the wants ot the public shall , he has made be supplied in. this p dditions will THE FOLLOWING rl | Depa rtment ! | Stock is used, and for neatness and durability | 2 | The Subscribers beg leave to announce that they have Opened out, in connection with their other business, a New Millinery and and Dress Making Establishment, under the Superintendence of MISS GIBSON, Formerly of TORONTO, and would cordial- ly vite a share of the patronage of the Ladics of Port Perry, and surronnding coun- Dress Making and v= ° i | Everything got up in the | 1 | Latest Styles, At EXTREMELY LOW PRICES. Also one of the FINEST and BEST VARIED STOCKS of &00CGDS! In the County, IMPORTED direct from the BEST HOU: IN BRITAIN, and at Prices most satisfactory to the purchaser. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS ! In Black and Colored Alpacas. Striped Moreen, and White Shirtings, Black Continéntal Cloth for Ladies in summer months 8,000 yds Grey Cotton, Cheapest in Town ! OUR PRINTS Customers say arcorto the finest in Town. Call and see them. --------------------------p-------- Clover & Timothy Seed, Carrot, Mangel Wartzel, and Turnip Seed for sale Low. Land Salt by the ton, Plaster &c., kept constantly on hand. The Highest price paid for all kinds o Farm Produce. 35 cts. in cash will be paid for any quan- tity of good Potatoes. ' GIRLS WANTED, as Apprentices, to || learn the Dress Making and Millinery Busi- ness, also attend to Ladies' Hair Dressing and BROWN & ROSS, [on ow Cook gramme bs. cass work GE CUR 1E. . sh i gn experience in the busic Port Perry, EO 3, 1874, R Port PERRY. loess. Sr . - opens v rw A ERATE . So {is partic: called to goods of my own manufactur as none but the very best { will be found equal to anything that can be obtained in this country. The great pressure of orders has compelled the Subscriber to strenuously exert himself | to obtain additional first-class workmen, and | he expects shortly to be able to announce | that those cfiorts have been crowned with success, Men's Wellington Boots from $2.25 to $7.00. Ladies' Boots from One Dollar 10 | pe------------ Five I ars. Boy's and Girl's wear, in ve! , to suit all classes of customers. 1 2 pen, Wanied immediately four first-class Muslins, workmen, to whom constant employment "and the highest wages will be given--would : as ; Grenedines, | Cash forany qu ty of Hides and Tallow. | ; 7 : J. WRIGHT. Parasols, | Port Perry, Nov. 1,1873 10! Sr ------------------ Te | L . | eh | aht Prints \ T r AG ' COLLINGWOOD | EST OR, LINE Gambroons, LAK A PERI R &e., &c. In connection with the L | Northern Railway of Canada. mi Ls {f wheel CHICORA, CUMBERLAND, § FRANCES SMITH 5, Upper Cabin, Powerful, Running between Collingwood, Sault Ste Marie, Fort William and Duluth, Forming a close connection at Thunder Bay with Dawson ad Transportation Co. (Canadian Route) for FORT GARRY, And at Duluth with Northern Pacific Rail- Any quantity of good s can be ghtained from H. MCCAW, AGENT, makor, Joweler, &c,, Po banat, Bacon & Lard Jusr UorrLeren) AT THE PORT PERRY JEWELRY, FANCY GOODS, BOCK & STATIONERY EMPORIUM ! SPLENDID Stock of Fine Gold Jew- A elry in handsome Chains for Ladies' ilemen's wear, Ear-Rings, Finger-| On hand, Cheap for Cash or Produce. and G | Rings, Brooches, &e. of the F {and Latest ms. Fancy Jewelry suit all. Goldine Goods, a choice variety. | My Book Department! | Every variety of the mest beautifully ot | up Bibles from the large Family Bible down | to the small Pocket edition. Prayer Books | and ¢ variety of Hymn Books in choice | styles of binding, { My assortment of School Books is| always complete, BUT T E R ! pen. Albums for all! os v line, Day y thing in the | Journals, Writing Rooks, | Paper, Ink and Pen { The Daily and Weekly MATL and GLOBE | newspapers, : SEWINC MACHINES! The best out, and sold lower than any-! where else. IBY Musicar. Ixsrrusests.--Pianos, Ore} My customers my rely on get- gans, Melodeons, Violins, Concertinas, 0,1 . y . procured from the best makers on the short ting the highest price going for est notice, | 'ROOM PAPER! jos article, either in Cash or A choice lot of the newest styles ot Room ! , Paper just arrived from England--exactly rade, what is wanted for our rooms. |. Every article in stock sold at prices which marked on Goods on account cannot be undersold for such goods. . \ : of the high figure this article Come and inspect my Stock. 2 Remember the place, Allen's Emporium, . ; > (has attained in the neighbor- hood. and no extra price opposite the Ontario Bank, Port Perry. : THOMAS ALLEN. April 15, 1874. 17 HAIR WORK. | I= GRAIN. MRS. I.M.COOK, (CAS | (LATE OF LOCKPORT, N. Y.;) | EGS to announce to the Laides of Port| Perry and vicinity, that has opened | lan establishment, three doors west of the Obserser Printing Office, for the manu- facture of Chignons, Braids, Curls, Switch Combings, Bracelets, Rings, and raamentet] S H. CHRIS hair work of every description. She will

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