Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 6 Aug 1874, p. 1

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A TAA a 3 3 3 § C A 25 % RS m-- BY PORT PERRY, PROVINCE OF ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 6, 1874, - a a WHOLE NO. 862 Forth Oataria Os {TUT A WEEKLY POLITICAL, AGRICULTURAL, Axp "> FAMILY N| EW PAPER, 18 pn ED' AT 0 PORT PERRY, EVERY THURSDAY MORNING, BAIRD & PARSONS. TERMS.--$1 per annum, if paid in ad- bir if not $1.50 will be charg d. No wabscription taken for less than six months; and no papr discontinuad until all arrears are pai #{'f8s or ADVERTISING. For each ling; first insertion $) 08 Subsequent inv rtions, por line . 0 02 Cards, under 6 lines, per annum .. 500 eT Tadtors containing money, when ad- dress d to this Oi we, pre paid and reg ster- ed, will be at cur nsk Advertism nts measured bv Nonpar.il, and churgyd uccording to the space they ac- cupy.; vu Advertisments rece 1 for publication, without specific instructons, willbe inserted antil fordid anl charged wiceo gly. No advertisment will be taken out untis paid for A libsral discount allowed to Merchants and others who advertise by the year or half-y car, REF™ These terms avill in all cases be strictly adhered to. Job Department. Phamplets, Hand Bilis, Posters, Pro- grammes, Rill He: ds, Blank Forms, Receipt Books, Checks, Books. oR Business Cards, 1 Cards, &e, v style and color, executed A A wb lower rates than any other establishment in the County. Parties fiom a distance g tting hand Vills, &c. printed can have them done to take ome with them. J. BAIRD. HL PARSONS. Port Perry. $ iu over Alifson's Drog Store, (ueen-st. =. J Day CORONER, 3 © nails Ontario. D® BRATHW Sie art Derry. R. WART, Caronnr for the County oo Di tari, - Physicim, goon anl Ae coucheur, Prinea Albert. poof Now'y m& \econe \ Oshawa, MART:N, W.D. Sime rth of the Cental Hotel, Oshawa. YMAN Chaucer. SN Atiorie Gshawa. Ofico--3imeoe street, opposite the Post Office. G. YOUNG Ar I ani Insalv tornev-at-1, Qilice--Me Niary Fil te, Ou 2 IN & Counc, Jn M NCD INN of ' M. Cy, CAMER Pa at Taw. an 1 Solicited m che Royal Area de, A. TTURD, A in Chancary, Port Perry. Main 3 Uxbridge. JEN BILLIN 33, Bariier, 1 t Law, Solicitor in Cn ui Notary Cublie. Conveyancer, «ec. ille rR Sore, Port Poinrs Astorn -y W. Maurice Cochrane, TTORNEY AT-LAW,S. Biel in Chan- cery Notary lic, &e, &C Office iis, puactually' fiom Ty m to 5 pan. M Hai + .eoaa ut 8 per cent, on all kinds of A security. Office, Bigelow's ltoyal Arcade, PORT PERRY. O. N. VARS, L. D. 8. EETH inserted on ull the latest prince ples of tho art, nad as chap as th: chonp- ext, and as good as the best. Teeth filled with Goluy and Silver. T eth extracted pan by producing local unz:th esin. Dontical Room:--in Cowan's block, over Atkiusou's Drug Store, King Stroet, Oshawa, JOAN 8. IM. WILLOK, F the Town of Whitby, has been ap- point d OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE for the county of Ontario. iy busin ss ents to his charg: will be car fully at teaded t n Bigelow 8 Block, a divin Offices hours from 11a. m, to3p. m. CHAS. THORN, Vs. EMBER of the V terinary Institute, Chicago, Hl. G11 Melalist for the i sation on Horse Practice. Author i Egsay on' shoving. Goudn- BURN TAM, Olerk of, he T irl Divie J Ye 'Unece Dr. Ayr fo: annAwno: that he taken _" Nis rv sidence at Port Perry, and is now prepared '0 treat all cases entinstod to his care in the mt killfal and tific manner. All orl rs left of the Medical Hall of Mr Allis ti, Will resi. ve pfo@ptatt ntion. The Veterinary 8 ables may be fonnd on Lilly strect, op sosite Cossitt's Factory. Port Perry, Oct. 28, 1873. | of Victoria - G; Two doors has| I wor [HENRY GRIST. PATNT SULCI'CR AND DR UGETSM: N, OTTAWA, CANADA, Transacts business with the Patent Office and other departm ns of the Government Copyrights and the Registratig of Trade Marks and D signs procurid. Drawings; Specifications, and other Documents n. cus sary to secure Patents of Invention, prepared on receipt of the model of the Invention Auctioneers. W. M. WILLCOX, LICENSED \UCTIONI '0% THE COUN Y OF ONTARIO. AND TOWNSHIPS OF MARIPOSA & CARTWRIGHT, LR. usny foi. uds and the public geneeall v the dibs ral patrons ag. bestowod upon him for the past tive years. Having now give 'on up the business of Bailiff, I int.nd, in future, to d.vote my whole tim: to the business of Auctionecr, Collecting, &c. It will b: my end avor, by prempt and car ful attention to business, to give full «at stiction to all who may favor me with their Sal :« or Collecting. Bi 1s draughted and Blank Notes furnished fooe of charge. Ald Bill Stamps alwavs on hand. Arrang ments can be made for sales &c., at the @esenver Office, and at the Standard Office, Port Perry. | EG) to thank his W M WILLUUX, Prince aitmit, Albort, Oct. 25, 1873 TERS & WWW Ldeénsod Auctioneers for the County of Gutariv, ie Sal sm oon Homost aft option Lieosnsod iTOR the Hoga Pownshin of . Ren, andl Eildon, Py Partin catranting th ire Sul stem way eclv on th tout oy 0 Hy Kivi n to theirint rots Wi Godin San ' (Us fui 4. WASNT Town-hip Lana an County Ord rs Iof: at tus iH, oc at bis will he punctaidy att nd dite D It Cl Pected in Gani mor oth ewis ond prompt remittan es mde Romomi -- Andie, the Noth Cita du tion- IST OF DIVISION counts 1s FOR THE souaty of Ontario, FOR HIE YEA INT. Z BURNHAM. Junge. Ger H Danses Whithy, Jun. 1, Tanjor Judge. 1874. Ne Donn ol DE YE BEY nae nue NEWCASTLE, ONT. Vi ONUMENTS. Tomb-Ta H. ad- YL Stones of gr at va with ved ry de- scription of Marbl: Work, suitabl + for C m- 5 supplicd at short notice. Also P terhend and Aberdeen Granit BES™ Parties will find it to their John * advan. byt ? J. C. WILLIAMSON, AGENT Satisfaction guaranteed, and all work war. ranted. January 10, 1872. MONEY! MONEY! MORE _MONEY! The Subscriber wo veal intern, all in hl of Mon'y that ix prepaed to negotiate Loans with the Ten-t and Loan Society of Toronto, for any amount of meny fiom $100 AND UPWARDS, | Herien wo 8 curity en Town oF Farm | erty. The intr stis only 8 por cent. No rib Charged, and Leans pro- cur d witheut d lay. On P JOHN TAYLLR 12, 1873. 4 HOTEL FOR SALE. he undersign d--in consequences of fail ng houlth--in desirons of co tiving from he Hotel Business and off rs FOR SALE Tat Pot Parry known as the © Manchester, Nov. Pon p The "Hot I and proraises are large vou nt and in eapitad order This hot] veenpi sth - best business loon. tion in town and is doing a large and iu. erasing busi 5 For particulars apply to the proprictor 01 th premises, "AMES V. THOMPSON, Pur. Percy, march 10, 1874, Proprictor " {and Church 5 ¢, con- |. por PERRY HOUSE, PORT PERRY. JAS. V. THOMPSON, - The above. House is now ably frnishe the Home Style PRCPRIETOR. most comfort. nd Guests are card for in Good L quors and Cigars, also, first cluss Stabling and good Ostlirs,-- Additions have b-en made w the largest und best Houre in this see tion of Day. country. Fare $1.00 per )ENIsoNs onion hich make: this hr HOTEL, * At the Railway Station, PORT PER RY, Every attention given to the accommoda- tien and comf rt of guests, The tab: and bar supplied with the best the Market of fords, Choice Liquors and D B DENISO the best brands Jof Cigars. Excell:nt stable and shed ac- | commudation, and attentive ostlers N, Proprictor. a PORT PERR ¥Y. JAMES DEWART, - PROPRIETOR. h= Subxeriber having las d this excel- TH lent H 1 and fitt d it uy » with a view to the comfort of gn ste and the accommoda- tion of the g meral public. will Ye glad to weleom: ol the hospitali The Tabl- iends and new v of the Queen': carefully supplied, ? Liqnois and Cigars in the Bar, the Yard and to take partin |. 8 Choice Stables punctually attended to. The Qu sis conveniel ntly siwated a few rods west of the Post Office JAMES DEW. AKT. Port Perry, Nov. 11, 1813. 'A NGLO-AMERICAN HOTEL, PLINCE ALBERT, ONT. By EZRA BAT The comfort of gu sts ear The Table and Bar well Choice Liquors and th Cigars, to «fully attendcd supplied beat brands of Goud Stabling and attentive Ostlers EZR. i! A nglo-Am an Hol \ BATES, Proprictor. | July 15. 1874. i YT NION HOTEL . UES ER' 14M VRD. Preprievonr 1 cis Cae (un! attontion cfteav bars and gusts Lest 1 apors and | wi both CREENBANK ILM LAE, PRGPRIETCR eaten bot hi nderrone a thoronsh ater. ond has boon fit dup with a viow th ateit nd conv ni nec cf ihe trav ding phi Strict att tien paid to phot wnil the d Comte table stall 8 | ¢ nl L 25, 187 YALE HCUSE, ¥ UiiCaA J. DATCE PRCIRILTOR. i dwith Good stalling 4 LBION BCTEL, 4 WHITRY. A. MASON, = Prep « undergon: mn fitted np ny nice pli fabs nmadan ions Ci monts of dravelos 1 gu sx, west win x, liquors RTETCR a thorongh re- with a view to! ef the travel ng | pid to the and atientive o ataliles, cv Marriage Act. Port Perry, July et, 1874. THE NRY CHARLES having' been re. appoint d Marriage License Ageni-- (ter sixteen y oars duty) ce utinn x to fur- nish Liconses as herctofor. --at Port Perry. NOW FOR FIRST Be LIVERY WwW. I. I AS fitted up a Live the Post Ottice, Poot Po moderate terms, CLASS RIGS. Pal RF, Jr, Stable opposite y, where first te to withhold their ordors notil called on class Livery Rigs can always be had on W. H PARK, Jr., Proprietor. Port Periy Jan, 22, 187... o _ WcSTenV ASSURANCE CuM.'Y oF "POON, Incorporated........... ve oro. A8BL. Capital - 8.100.000. Presilent....... Vice-President. =eerotary .... . JAMES +... Hon. John McMurrich. Magrath, Fsq. Bernard Haldan. Esq. PRINGLE, General eral Agent. THE GNTARID FARMER °° utu.l Insuri nce Tis Com and th ir cont Company. av is now fully organized and is se wishing to insure an therely support a Hom Insurunee Company Lave now an opportunity of doing so, citha Ly applying the local Age nts of th Comp will be found as low as those ible MutuaMusumnce Com Had Of Brock St, Whitly the H ad Cfice, or to apy oi any. Our rate: of any pon: pany Ti Cavads. --Opposite the Royal Hotel L. FAIRBANKS, Jn, 8 cretary. MONEY | MOREY | V ONEY 77'0 LOAN wt ats L on Boal Estate por cent interes $. A. HURD Port Porry, March 12, 1874. 12° till 9 o'clock of the following 'morning. ar fl attention v CIRCUL dE House 20 Barrels of Koglish THE R SAW JUST RECEIVED! A very large Stock of the Rllowing Goods for Furnishing 4000 Ibs of my own Brand White Lead. Soiled and Raw Linseed Oil. A Lirze Stock of Locks, Butts, and Nerews, HOM > | urnip and Feld. 10 K---I!lay and Mavure. Port Perry, July 7, 1874 - | on Wedn Apri, 1870, ran en Turontn Tn whieh is cower ta Grand 1 vonk n fon Por as Tor ddndsady LDEN, Jennging) Lirector te bho onl Bester JAMES | | | | | | Ps ny Li Vi.Y STABLE", PE SRE CoM RENZLE, PROPRIETOR IPIAT U TPE S1hseriher hn be va a su 1repured to fu LIVERY RICS = On Moderate Terms. [CKENZI ive Livery Sty ith Horses and Carriages, i=h first cass Port I'erry, Avg. #, 1574 «5 AS IMPORTED 3 HENRY CHARLES H** Received a further supply of TEMMNANT'S Aud ALI) in Stone Jars, HENN OTARD'S BRANDY. | RENTE'S HOLLAND and OLD TOM. ! PORT and SHERRY WINE, ALSO ALD. WELLS' TORUNTO ALE, | WALKER'S Extra MALT aud RYE. WITH A general assortment-of Teas, Sugcrs Jodiish, Can'd Fruits, Fish, &c.,&c Port Porry, Sept. 8, 1873. FIRST CLASS PA rN, IRST class Tailoring in all its depart m. bts, \T HUGOE'S, PRINCE ALBER' Work made up on the shortest notice i the latest style. and at moderate rates. A zood fit guarantecd. Remember the place, opposite Cook's Hotel. R. HUGOE. Prince Albert, April 2, 18714, 15 LUGGAGE TAKEN TO AND FROM THE STATION AND ARUUND TOWN. The Subscriber is prepiied to convey | Cheats, Trunks, Boxes and every other de- | ori tion of Luggage to or from the Railway staticn or anywhere around town. All} rders promptly attended to. Charges moderate, J..COOE. Port Perry, Jan. 1st, 1871, Professional Notice, R. WARP would embrace this op- portunity of informing his fiends and he pub ie gencrally, that partics. wishing is services will find him at Port Perry "om 10 o'clock am, Gl 7 p.m, and at is residence, Prince Albert, from 7 p.m. A G IMPLEMENTS | A large Stock of all kinds of Harvest Tools. SCYTHES--CradleTand Grass. SAD ES--Lonz and "hort Handle. SHOVELS egy lala) Ishii! 100 Put up an the latest style and very Cheap. CALL AND SEE MY STCCK. W. T. PARRISH. -Long and short handle. | \0inldlCTlolRIs) RICULTURAL AND REPAIRS stantly on AGENT. Bem, R member the place, East of Thomp- son's Hote Having extablished the above Agency as to be we have Utica, as our Ag nt, H. 8 wing now fully couipped Thad upon yon, soliciting your orders for the coming sei Ot, Land. WM. JOHNSTON, 1, Port Perry. liy la presented in North Ont v appointed Bd. Walla ment, who, with our pr Johnston, of Port Per son i OWN & PATTERSO) Son thin at least au adeno is had been leclare, and it is very much to Le who A LITTLE FOOL. who called her so. telling. ever dreamed bf calling yi believed that tie spoke as one ~hould know on this subject. had not yet been reached, it v time of broken hints and seer zeneral felicity, Florry walked air, and forgot that it was the clouds melted under wd let her down to hier earth with a rude thump. It was the day viven in Blackville to commemors ome event perfectly uninterest the world at oe, cery least importance the Blackvillians. Blackville was a very For very much ville scented so'itudes it w and the corks, vi pon r of ie. Dennis © wholeshme fear of his ne cach in decent restpaint, io, fo wise discompose hier. She set-- be likes 7 ol led herseit and her flounces, gave af "CREE Ne will | nal toss to the frizzy wilderness Ol, il it suits him, T've i ~urmounting her little head, and h Posie)" was turning back her fan- parasol, looked veould sayin answer. Lach ¥ RE Ber with much the air with [one of the thice knew quite well | which a traveler, stranded among | What had beei meant by his being HOEY 10 LOAN ! MORTGACES WANTED. "uh 1 lae Ty A foie p nd on ge Hi their money with the east osu seribers have large sums of n in their oss inves mer Farm, Village Proper ities tits and acon ing 0 Vries of interest, As wl oat all times Lorne ble delay. WANED TO FURCHRASE, ny Dumber of Mowcages for which the high XXY PCRTER' Es figures will be allow, , Weareal nt B JULE RUBIN & Co, and De up Cantal § Linfrom to Lands Bought and for the Canada ding Socieiv, the cheapest Institution in Canada. I years. Ss appraiser. Reveral good farms for sale, surance Companies, Collections nis ade and a general agency busi- ness trans Z0~ DEBENTURES BOUGHT.~tiy, JOUN & DAVID J. ADAMS, Office In Mr, Ross' Ontario Buildings, Port Perry. vert Pegs, neted. General Agents, Qet. 11, 1872, Tustalments re-payable Sold. 44 Avents for several first class Fire In- savages, ous customes, fell under which Florry's eyes | her color rare; | w hereupon Florence Reed was the little fool, and Julia Willis, her cousin, it wa You can Judge uetween them if you like; it is « story that will not take long in the Fiorence--or Florry--for nobody her any- thing else--Ilorry Reed was not in thedenst what one would call a beau- but then she had the softest eye and the sweetest lips in the world. to that effect heurd to The two had been lovers for quite the rel hund-pressers, of stolen kisses apd on i not her native element, till one unlucky day of "celebration ie but of the n the eyes of though little place. ts inl ahitants were men and women like other people avd measured the universe ou the Black: yard=stick after the orthodox almost a sin to profane with the clatter of hard- ginger- "and o in a rmall country town where a iborholds So all eves were fastened on the stranger, when at aovather late hour, she made her appearance on the ground, which in might observe their barbar sated them a prolonged examination, wd Adela, nd recucing bor weight at the ra' of a pound a day. But then shew: ot a bit of a heroine; an army « ittle brothers and sisters to after to left her no in for poetry writ vhile Blackville &th ugh as befor rated, an iv Wh crit place, hi a bracing mountaid : ir wich force Jeuple 0 eat in spite oi themsclver Florey, | occupied with smi rocks and stockings, did not lo her pretty color of roundness, an if there were sometimes tears in th. "auflest e ea!' ud i on the © sweetest ips! why, tap is only what s hafipening every duy toeyé" wd lips that are neither soft no; sweet, No, Florry had no notion of sit ting fora picture of despair. Sh awhile ; lovers in the bud, as we had a stout little heart of her ow may say, and everybody knows that ~ brave asic was warm, and what ho ba 2 the sweetest part of the ever the trial she "grinned and Lor whole blossoniseason. "The practi ie mewmphorically speaking: ws cal common-place of declaration tare in bestowi «oon her a pair dimples, having pat the grin sardor ic out of her power. It was ver hard, very provoking, very cruel « Charley, nodoubt, but still itwa Charley, and she was not. going 1 make an ontery against Lim. Th: was Florey 'sway of looking at, ther are such people row and then ti medley of a world, But her cousin Julia, Fred Willis sister, was quite of another mindi- Julia was a young lady who ha opinions and liked to speak them.- She considered fhat Charley Denni was behaving himself in a weak, wicked wird alte ui manner, which Florey was ann 1 resent : and this quite apart fron hier plan of making a mateh betwee her cousin and her brother, for Juli and proper fashion. it predical was honest. Soshe hd The festivity, beginning with an | no merey for the truant Chavie, wation, ended with a picnic in a abusing him as often and as open! rove just outside the town, a mag- | as Florey's réserve would allow, tii vificent'maple grove, whose violet | ope day the barrier broke down an let the full tide ot her wrath over. ~ Fred was describing a party of the previous evenirg, at which neither sweep Florey were there tamether, as they | fj je girls had Leen present, AT were everywhere. Lut unfortun- \ . : ely for BI Miss Adu Brent] t1suppose that Miss Brent wa wu i Tih 0 (L}Lp fy re ape | a HET AOR BEL Tera ns, lite 27 sald So Naf ond wt CT wid wed en ep | VAS there als Yuligw Dit7t was to nse. the Sm y ady Ww not Black [Julia w he "n 5 : i ne ; illchor Shc miciiromit J, pronoun of censure in referring te AY ITH w view tu letter accommodating iltchorn, ie came from a much \dela ¥% rie WE North Oninciv, Mari cirtown, a town which would] 5 , posa and Land to further weet th eturied up its nose very high 'Yes she was there, answered | rapidly asing domand for the t poo hile Blackville, had it hiip- Fred and laughed to hime-elt for a wned to ke aware of ils existence at | moment Then, aloud, * The fool : h re Ci tiow Tanne thts. of Rh A For which reason the Bluck- Cpr d A tikes of himsclt Fanuing ) " de s uatweally looked with ad- with that gi e aiid As manufacturcd by 1 : Patterson, ic awe upon it and all that per + And what can he ce in hor x- Hj His tigi ral Works, and all a todit Miss Adela, then | cing, claimed Julia, * She's no beauty, REPAIRS for these Topic ments, sinst arrived among them, | certainly. A id A C E WN C ¥Y an event second only COb, as to that, she's pretty event commemorated enough, said her Lrother--mascu- Has been opened hy Brown & Patterson ; i oy She was J preter fine and feminine eyes are apt to see AT ROR PERRY in all their own girls there pres-{ is matter ditierently-- but as out A | I )R | 1 I ik R iy «ent, Lut she was wholly unlike them, Jivtle flirt us overl vy, Friend oe bi Ag Lh of all They hie 08 in dress ny style; in TE 0 Nerlevill find himself Me ond of pki RAN they are sold at the | was something new, and iff novelty: i 3 Seng , Works, AN Lpais for the Johnston fol hig hats di ABOVE LY tie suring one of these Lm y is the greatest of all charms any-, 1 Reaper, Caynga Chief Mower, Plow Points, hot nt) Iv | | . much mis | Land Sides, and all other repairs kept con where. it centtiinly is not. the leas And serve hima Julia, with vicious Why serve him rv fexpectedly putin Fioy spirit than was usual voi ' herve un- with more rer rofl for ce. Why should anybody object to Charley waiting on Miss Bron, it served right, and each Knew that it in Fred's presence, so Julia could on- y a Iy look the pins wd needles she The first of the natives on whom | - a Li . longed to speak. lier glances chanced to rest were f red ] and Charley, and she vouel - Lut the moment Fred was gone ale idemniced herself for this torced c.emency. She pounced down on Flore) d never leit ber tll Sle sn who had alveady mentally inventor { had wore ed lier into tears ind Coin ied Ler as pretty, lut "deplorably j less ion. 'Then she paused, huli in Without styie, regarded her anew, Ltriumph, halt in pity. . with amused compassion as a "girl Now, dont Lea goose, Florey,' who could actually blush for Leing she smd, sootiingly, tapping the ui looked at. of flushed chee not hidden in ta AY Chunar dilnat hush hehe yilinpel aula, GR theres fo fines Do htc otis ry, he i worth crying about, I'm sureit isi : oe ith oe hie h have Cluitlerilonni= Hiaasen i ating 3 als Rut Miss Brent reply to this, but she lied rhea was a young lady not easily asham- wid set some stitches rather Dlindly ed, and it the very evident tion in the handsome savag certainly neither to em: offend hier. manner in which she received advances later, else the two 188 Buen, nor have been missing HONEY T0 LEAD! The undersigned has any amount of Money « lend upon Farm and Town Property, at Unusually Low Rates of Interest! Loans can be repaid in any manner to suit the Lorrower, Also several Improved Farms, and Wild Lands for sale, cheap, Investments made in Municipal Dcben- tures, Fank and other marketable Stocks. Apply to JAMES HOLDEN, Official Assignee, Broker, &e. Orrre--Over the Dominion Bank, McMil- Ian's Block, Brock st., Whitby. | Whitby, April 10, 1873, i 2 was proposed, so that Florey her cousin, Fred Willis, than her. the way and, especially ry greatly feared it. MONEY To Loan on goud Farms, at 8 per cent in- terest. (Private Funds,] Yes, that was it. admirva- s black eyes affected ber in any way it was nor That was plain trom the his would not have made so rapid an wequuint- when, Ly-and-by, astroll throug h the grove was obliged to put up with the escort of a necessity considerably more sgreeable to him Oh, what a cloudy ending for a day that had begun with sunshive! Florry wondered pitiously, when, | look, with! which he had said it,--could this be the same, this abstracted individual | who had to keep rousing himself out of some revery over--what ? Flor, in the embroidered frock on her lap But itislacky Master Harry, to. whom it was destived, was not counoisruer in fine needle work, els it is to be teared that that cotton rore-spriy would have been a thor in his side as long as anything re mained of it. 'Depend upon it Florry, Julia, atter a pause, of him it you only v A man that don't know his ow mind better than that. Why, [ « Lelieve it's a full month since | set his foot inside this how e--l« that ured to Le out and in till 1 ww c rick at the sight ot him. 1 only went on Julin with enersy resumed nea wail aa Id think se wish,' he wonld come again, just once, ju the festival ut an end, they drove to ree how much ditierence it make buck through : the 3 evening |, 4nd I declare, she broke «f wuether, could this be the same Charley who. on that same road only | pic, she faced, Ait there le ny a tew hours before haa said--well, it' ix not so much what he had said as. | Well, the--what 0 may call him abruptly, looking out of the windos this minute opening the gute !- near when you tus about him, sw enough. C hurley really was at the gate,nn atthe gate we will le Tmpoli enongh to leanne him while we o plain how he came there just in th. New brooms nick of time. sweep clean, and Miss Adela's floun- | ces and frizzes had swept Charley quite away from his moorings, Ina It is a very common rural custom to "improve the shining hours," ti. full moo, not indeed as "doth the LYMAN ENGLISH, week she could turn him round her little busy bee, but after a f:8hio Baruster, &c, | littleyfinger ; in another he had gure as agreenble, ifless industri ur Oshawa, | completely deserted the softest eves pach Juck, with his chosen Jul Ye November, 21, 1866. 14 | and sweetest lips, as if that and ido him, bowls along the open coun. OHN CHRISTIE, many a like speech had Leen Lui py roads at a pace to bo settled " TOWNSBSP CLERK, empty air. his own tasts and the powers of hi ver of Ma Licenses--Conveyancer | 1f lorry had been a heroine she|horse. Now, the Blackville moo SRY rings. Liveue &e. ¥ would probably have broken her: being just at present at fall, a jollit Office--] Leart, hate taken to writing poetry ' cation of this kind bad been arranged w the morrow eveni cord ngly took an early opporiun vy tomke sure of Aden Brent Bat, if Le truth must Le told, Miss lela was crowing rather tired of isrustic hom: g+. Added to w hich her owing CL aa ian wd Just come from tow ntrsee Ler, wit will easily Le perceived tl at arley s chane es Were nut so FA od + he fondly in inal The pair apd} in the Porch watching Lim as # approached, aml fidul ing 'amments which, it there and Charley any iis cars tingle. Oh lit is us father Nouh intends ra Visit" pemar od Me, Waiter, Vilmington when Charley's "ark," Be oluer had dere catiy dubbed Hs carringe. drew ap before the mate. an I to leave Jou to a ieteq-tete, Adela." ? oh for mer sake no! an- wered Adelhy le is such a we, -- (i vley)--tie would say forever," So Charley w aited for Mr, Wil. nington to go and give him a aniee to mane known his errand, \t lust it became evident that he did at intend gong, sind Charley could decency wait no longer, pen- «his subject with in into iu emark pu tiie fineness of the weatlh 3 ry "Good weather for creen things" wonchalantiy observed Me Widming- on, witha gli ance at Charl iy, easily ly for the ea rot crop," eturned Charley, with an cqnally chk at his new ae juain. ances perfume! locks which une toubiedly did berry on the aubarn. After which little exchange of civ-- dies, Me Wanicion ied into e priviey of su Lesao ce, and Charley proceeded to make his re- Juest. "Well. T dov't know, replied diss Adela lanzudly playing with ver fun, "that sort of thing apt is o be tiresome, don, you think so?" {Charley who had no thought that | tv any thing Olacr sort of thin tires company, remuine pecchless, while suc resumed, © [ Lome in his fom atenid von must excuse we this | time--but I ds say . Mr Denis, | Miss Florence Wells ould be ha Py | to wo if you asked her, | The blood rushed | face at this last pi pad hie took his leave ing that he we I exer fondly that tie Lu es into Chariey's ol" politeness wardly vows er not ail tuture for said lie to him- J Sle muy sneer bat she's not halt so nice ax FF Torey eid tike away tho frizzes and flounces and 1 do Lelieve not half so pretiy. = Florey indeed!" hikes, Habe | CWhatit I were to ask Fiorry 2° Lis reflections went on, it Lis so long ¢ Leen ner her. nsweet tempier- Ive hula mind to Aud in the end be did risk it. . And now as he has waite | wate guite lon zs enonwh, Lim in and sce how he fi doors. Jut then she's sn ed Hi the thine, risk ic." a the wiil let ed within we It was an linterview. Charley felt adsnrdly Neit: er equal to constrained Florey nor Learing the burden of conversation. Julia conld thave done it well enough it she had chosen, but she wold not, 8) they were meaning sremrhs intersper- cdowith mach bacer hush than the {well regulated sociely admits, | | Itis quite a while since I was rere," blundered Charley after one i thee panes in sheer di of Anyihie Letter to say. "I wonder what you are ere for 10 "retorted Jaiinwanble wo Keep we while Viorry stitched as if 1 'or dear lite. Charley could not answer very well the wradh Hot Knowing what else to answer held his tongue, fulia had wo scruples to hold Leis vhich moreover at the best of times was apt to Lean unruly member, so he said in her down right way : "TI supposo that Miss Brent has aud enough of vou and given you eave to remember via a intarices last," This hit the ease so « it lefr Chasloy aw o say fi himself, Perceiving nis Julia laughed in scorniul tri- unph, and rising from her seat add- «ironically. "It ix hard to have to lose the leasure of your society now that it as grown such a ravity but T have tly that ale wont ant wm engacement se I hope yon will excuse me." With which parting quib and a whisper in passing --, e firm Florey!" = she left the room, And we can't do Letter than follow ier. ing proceeded to fulfill her gemeni--the rummaging ot a <est of drawers, up-staivs--Julia vho guessed Charley's errand well uh, waited for him to make it aown aad begun. But never wely had a sing ule nroposal for a vive 'aken ro long while in asking 'nd refusing 1" Ecaetly iow lonz she had to wait Julia could not teil at avery long time indegl meawnr~ i i her patience. Just as the last "dof that was giving away, she nh tle outside door close, ving to th: window henars' head bobbin ween the tall hollyhock, un less time than it (ages he wis in the " of we 2 prover bet, should have madd six-vensod ik

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