Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 23 Jul 1874, p. 4

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« ' considered incurable bas 4 ! Warranted the only Sure and Perfect Cure. + Diseases of the skin with entire success. -- have their feet taken care of, upon such principles as will develop the foot, tend *': to counteract deformities occasiol window in a stable makes a horsé's eye weak on that side ;a window in | front. Darts the horses eyes by the glare ; » window 'behind makes him Squint eyed ;& window on a disgonal line makes him shy when he travels ; a stable without a window makes na He sold the horse. old citizen of Detroit goes a unhurt the Free Press x 8 escape | from + frescoing the wheels of a express wagon with his brains.' Phebe Cousins doesn't dress like her 'brothers at the bar," says the Chicago Tribune by way of commencing an item. That's un« doubtedly true ; she dresses by putting on hexclothes over her head, while they don't) T! and, what's more, they can't, But what bus- ingss is it of the Tribune's, anyhow ? A lady recently applied to a fire insurance company for a position as agent. When asked what her qualifications were she touched her unblushing cheek. A delaware man arrested for murder, prov- ed that on that night and at the hour of the murder he was at home mauling his wife, and this fact saved him. A word to the wise, &c. A green-horn sata long time attentively musing upon a cone-bottom chair. At Iength he said, ¢ I wonder what fellow took the trouble to find all them ar holes and put straws around 'em.' SE { Pulmonary Diseases. Hinson Guicr, Nawrousbiam, Dec 9, 1871. James I Fellows, Bsq.--Degr Sir: We are receiving orders almost daily from the out-- ports for your invaluablp Syrup of Hypo- phosphites, and the sale is steadily increas- ing. I firmly believe that it has done more good than any medicine yet discovered in the cure of consumption, bronchitis, asthma, whooping cough and kindred diseases. It is the only medicine we have which cures these diseases by strengthening the nervous system, and as itis also called & sound chemi cal preparation, I predict for it a more ex- tended demand than any - other remedy in existence. © Yours, very truly. W. H. THOMPSON. le A Lzerosy.--This loathsome disease so long found a mastor in in Fowle's Pile and Humor " Curé. Sister Reed, Lady Superior of Hotel Dieu, Mon- treal, writes: -- % All those Lepers " who have used your remedy have # experienced a decided improvement, and "two patients affected with Leprosy have # been so far cured as to be let out of the # Hospital. (See special notice.) Breagrast.--Epps's Cocoa --~GRATEFUL AND ogPorTING.-- By a thorough knowledge of the matural laws whic govern the opera-- tiong of digestion and nutrition and by a care- ful application of the fine properties of well: selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored be- verage which may save us many heavy a doc- tore' bills." -- Ctoil Service Gazette. Made simply with Boiling Wateror Milk. Each packet is labelled--¢ James Epps & Co Homeo- pathic Chemists, London." Maxuractuee oF Cocor.--" We will now give an.account of the prccess adopted by Messrs. James Epps & Co., manufacturers of dietetic articles, at their works in the Euston Road, London" See "ificle in Cassssl's Household Guide. } [SPECIAL NOTICE] FOWLER'S PILE & HUMOR CURE. For Internal and External Use, For all kinds of Piles, Scrofula, Tetter, or' Ring-worm, Salt Rheum, and all diseases of the skin One Bottle warranted to Cure all cases of Piles. From 1 to 3 Bottles in all cases of Humors. This remedy has been used in some of the the worst forms of Scrofula, Salt Rheum, and Many cases have been cured by an outward application only; Hundreds of letters and certificates are now in the proprietor's po- session, which can be seen on application, N, B.-- The medicine is entircly vegetable in its composition. Tn all cases of failure, dealers are requested to refund the money. Buy of none who do not warrant it, as all dealers reccive back their money from the proprietor. Price, $1 per Bottle ; Six Bottles $5. » FEBBY DAVIS & SON, Genl Agt's, Montreal ersaayiiig PORT PERRY. The Subscriber would inform the inhabi- tants of Port Perry and surrounding town- ships, that he has opened a Blacksmithing Establishment near Ur. Thorn's Veterinary Btables, Lilly Street, Port Perry, where he intends to carry on Blacksmithing Busi- mess in all its departments, HORSE. SHOEINC Will be always a Specialty | Horses brought to oy establishment will and' Shod occasioned by im- perfect 8hoeing or otherwise, and secure the greatest ease to the horse in traveling, Carriage Work, General Blacksmithing, and all a) in executed with neatness and RS pr mae, share of public Puironage B sespeciiully SPRING: STOCK LUMBER! COMPLETE The Subscriber has now completed his . Spring Stock of New and Fashionable "TWEEDS, VESTINGS, TROWSERINGS, HATS, CAPS, GENTS FURNISHINGS, and everything in the ws AND em Merchant Tailor Line, OF THE BEST QUALITY AND NEWEST STYLES. These Goods will be sold at the lowest figures at which such goods can be sold.-- A supply of Clothing made up en the pre- mises of superior quality, and the newest style always on hand. Garments 'made up on the shortest notice and a good fit guaranteed. Ww. SHINGLES TRENBETH, Merchant Tailor, Queen St. Port Perry. April 2, 1874. ------AND-- OR NEW STOCK -------------- eel) Fern | The Subscribers in order to meet the greatly increased and still increasing. custom with which they are favored, have brought on a very much Larger Stock! than they ever before offered to the public. Particular care has been taken in the selection, ALL DESCRIPTIONS : ANTLY ON HAND so that in the quality of the COMSY. goods our Stock cannot be sur- passsed. We buy on the most advantageous terms «nd sell at such figures as cannot be under- sold for such goods. A full supply of choice ---- AND -- Fresh JMeats !? always on hand. Our Stock of Ce woe, GUT T0 ORDER is complete and of superior quality. We make TEA a Specialty and always select the best; and our very large sales of TEAS prove that our efforts meet public approbation. Remember the place, one door west of Thompson's Hotel. BONGARD & ROBINSON. Port Perry, May 20, 1872, WM. SPENCE, CONTRACTOR & BUILDER. PRE Lay 3, STONE-WORK, PLAS-| ' TERING, &c., in all their department exefuted in the best style, 1 Utica, July 15,1873. One Box of Clarke's B 41 Pills 8 warranted to cure all discharges from the Urinary Organs, in either sex, acquir- ed or constitutional Gravel und Pains in the Back. Sold in Boxes, 4s 6d each, by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Ven , 4 Bole Proprietor, F. J. CLARKE, APOTHECARIES' HALL, LINCOLN, ENGLAND. EXPORT AGENTS. Basmoyue- Burbidge snd Cb, Coleman St, 37 Newgajaat, Londo Sons, n. ens AT mim 13 Port Parry, Sept 4, 108i ~ Fis MR. SEXTON'S COLON, _ { Maylor's Store, BILL LUMBER MANCHESTER CARRIAGE, WORKS! General Blacksmithing ! LO ee turning thanks to his numerous customers for the liberal palo ne icy a would now inform them and the Bible generally that he hag taken the Wood Department under his own control and in future will carry on both the wood and iron departments, an 'is now prepared to fill all orders connected with either branch. the Newest Style of the Best Material, and by First Class Workmen, BEF" Repairs neatly and expeditiously executed. All work warranted and charges moderate, Manchester, May 1, 1874. W. C. HEARD. MANCHESTER. riber would emb the present ity of thanking his for THE the liberal patronage bestowed upon him since opening business at Manchester, and bas now much pleasure in stating, that having purchased the Store and remises, he will be in a position to further extend his business and offer still greater ons to customers. My Stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, &c. Will always be selected with the greatest care. The entire satisfaction of customers both as to quality of ne and moderstion in price will always be aimed at. The Newest Styles of Dry Goods, &c. And choice and Fresh GROCERIES constantly supplied and sold at such prices as cannot fail tc eatisfy purchasers. Manchester, Nov. 11, 1873, JOHN TAYLOR. Ontario Works ! PORT" PERRY. HE Subscriber takes this opporinity of thanking his numerous «customers for the liberal and constantly increasing utromuge bestowed upon him during the many years in which he has been in having an of premises necessary, 1 have MOVED TO PORT PERRY, Largel: teuded my premises and secwred greatly increased facilities for business and am now ad ™ sy iar to mest the increasing demands of customers and to fill orders on the shortest notice. CARRIAGES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, CUTTERS, SLE1IGHS, BUGGIES, WAGONS, built of the! best material i in the best style and by first class orien, Carriage BycqIEs, WACONS, sud every description of CARRIAGE made inf Mr 1g, \ Tn PHOTOGRAPHS FOR ALL, AND FERFEOR PICTURES NKENEIE & & S00TT'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERIES Opposite Foy's Hotel, Port Perry. the vi lying the TEE She Vio creasing he pat Photographs, the Subscribers have--regard-| less of expense--so fil up their Galleries Christmas ¥ Presents, The Subscriber has pas much pleasure in an- nouncing to his friends and customers, and the pubis in general, thathe has completely fillea his and introduced such Instruments as will at JEWEL Y EMPORIUM | all times secure PERFECT PICTURES, f Their thorough knowledge of every de- With a well selected Steck periment of the Art, acquired in some of the Fine Gold Jewelry, Galleries on this continent, together Gold Chains, Watches, with their excellentGalleries and superior in- Gold Rings, Lockets, struments, give them facilities enjoyed by| cov Silver Plated Ware, few for producing those beautiful Photo- Clocks for the Million 1 graphs admired by all who see them. Fine Toys for the Young ! By skilfully retouching the negatives the &c., &c., &c. most handsome photographs are produced in pectfu' inspecti f | every instance. oe Td pr Setting a ir Their Galleries are stocked with a choice aoup article at as, rice, as he possible | aséortment of First Clags Albums, Picture can afford, he is bu at, after you have | Frames, Stereoscopic Instruments, the Finest bought, you will go 'home 'with great satis=| Chromos, and specimen Photographs in end. faction. less variety. He intends to sell at a Low Figure, so as io lear out the hole of his Stock by the 15th January, 18 : BRATIS 11 Io Come and get the Eglin Tiugiuisd Almanac for 1874. All Goods and Work WarraxTeD | ¥en. Please give a call. g JOHN DIESFELD, Opposite G. U. White's Carriage ¥acory, Port terry, Dec. 17, 1873, CHEAPER THAN EVER W. H. PARK 18 SELLING FURNITURE Of every description Cheaper than ever for Cash or Short Credit. visit our Galleries and inspect our Stock. McKENZIE. & SCOTT. Port Perry, Dec. 10, 1873. 51 [pRocLAN ATION (1 TO THE INHABITANTS OF N ORTHERN REACH THE PLACE TO BUY YOUR Dry Goods, Groceries, oH Clothing, i es Boots and Shoes, ON "Hardware, inwa Undertaking _ Tinware, Stationery, Done on the SHORTEST NOTICE and eo Cupar. Patent Medicines, &ec., . p&y" Remember the BIG CHAIR 1 directly opposite the Post Office, Port Perry, 3 AT THE The chighest price paid for all kinds of Gre enbank St ore. ood Lumber. g _ he A good stout boy wanted tolearn the GEO. FLINT. Orders for ithing dto. Old Ci ired with and dispatch. Wood-work Ps and Catriages timmed for the trade at reasonable rates. pe Come and inspect our Works, Port Perry, Dec. 24, 1873. JAMES EMANEY. JOHNSTON'S Greenbank, July 20, 1873. ® and M, TS. W. H. PARK. Port Perry, Sept. 14, 1874. CASH FOR LADIBER THE OSHAWA CABINET coy, Age for P OR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE." See Deuteronomy, chap. xii., verse 23. CLARKE'S World Famed Blood Mixture, Trade Mark,-- Blood Mixture." THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER AND RESTORER, For cleansing and clearing the blood from all impurities, cannot be too highly recom- mended. fF - ARG REAPER, Awarded the First Prize at the Provincial Exhibition held at Tormto, 1870. We offer to our customers for the coming Harvest, two distinct Machines, which in styles and construction, embrace the latest ard most useful improvements of the day. JOHNSTON'S SENGLE Self-Raking Reaper, The "King of Reapers." The universal success of this Machine, bath in closely contested trials in the hands of the tarmers, warrant us in saying that, as a Self -Raking Reaping machine, it has more good ints and less defects, and has met with more success and less failure, than any Reaper Poroaatine offered to the public Cayuga Junior Mower, 'We were awarded the First Prize and Digoma, at the Provincial Exhibition, beld at Toronto, 1870, in competition with all the leading machines manufactured in the "Province and with our recent i , We jon and com- every unprejudiced mind, that we offer the bes. Mower to the farmer for 1871, built in the Dowinion. B@F™ Send for descriptive catalogues. Whitby, June 22, 1871. BROWN & PATTERSON. | Butera, 1 in, any width, 1 Common Water Elm, 1 in,, any width. parison with competing ; Machiues, 'we are satiified that such investigation will convince | M. 0. DONOVAN BE PRACTICAL CARRIAGE MAKER, PUMPS! PUMPS! - 0 O-- You can get the best and cheapest Pump in the Province At J. IRV IN'S PATENT PUMP. FACTORY, . PORT PERRY. mn Q SEE THE PRICES. Pous-A complote op and Fire Bagine with Hose EE EERE re _ Also every other description of Pump, at EQUALLY LOW RATES! | Olstarn srs : om rm with ron i attended to. "a orders for any of the above, whether by mail or otherwise prom VIN, Pot Pore. Sept. 29,1870. For Scrofula, Scufvy, Skin Diseases, aud sores ofall kinds itis a never-failing and permanent cure. It Cures old Sores. : Cures Ulceratad and Sore Legs, CuresBlackheads, or Pimples on the face. Cures Scurvy Sores. Cures Cancerous Ulcers, Cures Blood and Skin Diseases. Cures Glandural Swellings, Clears the Blood from all i impure Matter, From whatever cause arising. As this mixture is pleasant to the taste, and warranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate constitution of either sex, the Proprietor solicits sufferers to give it a trial to test its value. Thousands of Testimonials from all parts. Sold in bottlos 2s 2d each, and in cases containing six times the quantity, 11s cach --sufficient to effect a permanent cure in the great majority of long standing cases, By aLL CHEMISTS and PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS throughout the world. Sole proprietor, F. J CLARKE, Chemist, APOTHECARIES' HALL, LINCOLN, ENGLAND. EXPORT AGENTS. Burgoyne, Burbridges and Co., Street, London. Newberry and Sons, 37 Newgate Street Lon- Will pay the highest price, in Cash, for the following sizes of LUMBER Delivered at their yard in Gshaws. [Square Edge Preferred.) | oak or Ash, 1in., 1}, 2 in,, any width. Rock Elm, 1} in. 1} in, any width. Basswood, 1 in., any width. $5 1} in,, 5, 8, 10 or 16 in, wide, ws VN I VI TE 0 or 2, in. wide. ~ Pine, 1 in, 1}, 2 in,, 12, 14 or 16 feet long. Maple, Beech, and Birch : {in, 1} in, 1} In, 1} in, i} in, 2in,, 8} in,, 5in., Plank. 2§x2§, Square Scantling. W. H. GIBBS. President. Oshe wa, Feb. 5 1873. Coleman don. Barclay and Sons, 95 Farringdon Street Lon- don. Sanger and sons, Oxford Street London, And all the London Wholesale Houses. AGENTS IN CANADA. Montreal --Evans, Mercer and Co., Wholesale Druggists. " Lymans, Clare and Co, Toronto.--Eillot and Co Wholesale Druggists " Shapter and Owen. Hamilton.-- Winer and Co. Halifax --Avery, Brown and Co, WITH THE STREAM. The only réliable Gift Distribution in the country. $50,000 00 a e undersigued would thank his numer- IN VALUABLE GIFTS! ous customers for the generous and liberal To be distributed in patronage bestowed upon him in the past; and would beg to inform them and the pub- lic generally that he has OPENED BUSINESS IN |PORT PERRY, DD. L. SINBE"S 168TH REGULAR MONTHLY Gift Enterprise! To be drawn Monday, Aug. 10th, 1874, ONE GRAND CAPITAL 'BRiZE ie of Gus, 6,000. Tickets limited to | Candies, Agents wanted to sell Tick to ne CTI vue enty-five Lo = Cor Goramen, Lobia Baines, en Fate WEDDING CAKES MADE TO ORDER! irculars containing a BM" Tea Meetings, &o., furnished on ageoription SF the "Hainer of Li artigos ad | liberal Terms, Air > Port Perry, Sf AIL eh cretion | Shoppes Alben Poti MeO nn at, > RESa, Patt. | Prince Albert and ud port per, i, ) 1874. 8 E A SON. 1874 Daily Line to Rochester | Commenang on or about April lst. PORK FORK PORK "NORSEMAN, > Master | Port Hope at 9 o'clock for scam o'cl - ahs Vin SIE ome and' SMOKED HAMS, :--Will leave Charlotte (Port of| SPICED ROLLS, Rochester) at 9:p. m, exce) LARD IN LINNETS, when she will leave at 2 p. m. for Brighton: LARD IN LEA Dealers in Stock will find this the cheap~| Boston, | HEADS, TERT, 2x0 x» SMOKED JOWLS, estand most expeditious route to HE Subscriber rn auaniy of the For further particulars, address above products on hand, at XO Hope. | Lowest. Market Rates. or C.F. oupmeLEEyE, Et, Sdachostor i A di. & A cordial welcome is extended to all to| P! nia, the medicinal are extracted the of Alcohol. The question is al daily asked, "What is the cause of unparalleled success of VINEGAR Brr- TERS?" Our answer is, that they remove the cause of disease, and the patient re- ers- his health. -They-are-tha.great blood urifier and a Fiegiviog prneinle: t Renovator and Never before Ho the No without the use 4 pel of the Sysiem. oye) ks history world: has a medicine been mpouns 8 jhieny ng the renmrkable Taney of Yiiuoas] Brirass in h the ok ok f VY es is heir to. They tive a8. as ik as a relieving Cones ation or Inflam the Liver ee isceral Organs, in Bilious iseases. ve, Nutri uretio, olor Irritant, Sudoritic, Altera Anti-Bilious. COCOASINE FOR PRSERVING AND BEAUTIFYING THE HAIR AND RENDERING IT { DARK AND GLOSSY. As a hair dressing it cannot be surpassed ! As a preventive for baldness it has no equal | TRY! 17 TRY IT B&F" 25 cents per bottle. Manufactiored by } -W. McTAGGART, Medical Hall, Prince Albert, DAVIS-& SONS! STEAM Oasiver Facrory! PORT PERRY. TRY IT! HE Subscribers always keep on hand (and are constantly manufacturing more) a large Stock of just such > 7] > FURNITURE ! As the community requires ; suitable for all classes of purchasers. All of Croce Ma- (ERIAL, the Best WorkmANsuip, and at sucm RICES as cannot fail to suit. UNDERTAKING n all its departments promptly ttended to and charges moderate COFFINS of all sizes kept con. tantly on hand. SHROUDS waoanfl ewest styles. CASKET OR BURIAL CAS: . : procured on short notice, } The Amotican Style of} : Hearse. Also an ordinary style : © of Hearse. i J. W. DAVIS a sows. Port Perry, Nov. 26, 1873" 9-1y ey Ya Just foramen] AT THR PORT PERRY JEWELRY, FANCY GOODS, BOOK & STATIONERY EMPORIUM ! NEAR THE TOWN HALL, And that in the future his bi y in . 35.000 IN GOLD I! carried on at Port Perry and es' BROCK STREET, WHITBY. ™ Te 34 mmmacis , |e hopes aie araagement wd LH and G " B + i ve creased b les whic! thus Ten Prizes (emacs secured to be able more fully to meet the | 80d GOOD Assortment of Buggies constantly on hand made from the best Material --|q. op Matched Hi orses | wants of the ly oil y rapidly increasing population Work mado to order with Regions and Heel, Particular attention paid to re- ans ae ad Ht ood Finan, wort $a of this highly prosperous secticn of fo My B 4 '| pairing. FS 4 $Eamily Sowing) one CHAS. HISCOCKS. ap Bln fo No ae from fom the large aka Bible down a Gold Chains, ] worn I &c, i and Sonfotmer, a Pocket edition, Veter ip th sia) on i oo styles of binding. My assortment of School Books, is Bo Aime for all 1 ums for al very thing in: y tine,' 'Da Boone Ta org A nd ' RY "The Daily and Weekly MATL and GLOBE 'newspapers, on Lugs ahsl Hh sili jo eer a Dood SEWING MACHINES | out, and er than ---- dest 2 ny: Musicar, InsTRUMENTS. Pianos, Or- ROOM PAPER! 2 choice lot of the newest styles of Room Paper just arrived from England--exaetly: what is wanted for our rooms. pon article in stock Ad at Sins which omar e pre Allen's Spor, opposite the Ontario HOMAS Kili, Port Pery, April 15,1874. ° Le ssl Ea pp Ein).

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