J | i 4 i A ah = 3 ' ,. THE FOLLOWING GOODS Muslins, Grenedines, Parosols, Light Prints, Gambroons, &e., &c. Any quautity of good Bacon & Lard Onbiatid,. Cheap for Cash or Produce. PI Ase omminnin of onion, oe must without delay of their intention to be ex- "| amined, - | to be held at the Town Hall. Manchester, on TEACHERS' EXAMINATION! COUNTY OF ONTRAID. Teachers' Certificates|' Will be held in the Town of Whitby commencing, Be At 1:30 p. m,, for Second Class, « | On TUESDAY, 21st July, 9 a. m, id Third Class And MONDAY, 27th July, at 1:30 p. m, , for wedi $ Class. i notify the Inspector Certificates of good character must in all cases be sent in, and those writing for 2nd and 1st Class, are required to furnish Certi- ficates of success in teaching. JAS, McBRIEN, Taspector P, 8, Co. Joke Ryrtlo P. July 7, 1874. g - 3w pc Ml ALE NE ST COs ied To School Trustees Ngee is hereby g given that all School Trustees within th TOWNSHIP oF REACH, 'Who may desire to have their School Assess- ments placed on the Collector's Roll for the present year do make their application to the Clerk previous to orat the meeting of Council FOR Monday, the 10th day of August next, other- wise such assessment cannot be placed on such Collector's Roll. JOHN CHRISTIE, TowxsHiP CLERK. . 30-bw Reach, July 16, 1874. * MONDAY, 20th JULY, or Ta 2 ; ARE PAYING : 2 hus x 0 SA a MR. OURRIE'S COLUMN. VY CHOICE YELLOW pay BWIA EER. IN TUBS. UXBRIDGE CABINET AND ORGAN oe THE UXBRIDGE Cabinet Organ Embodies the Latest and best results of Inveative Genius and Experience--hence their CONCEDED SUPERIORITY 1t is the intention of the Company not only to make the Best instruments, but to Sell them the Cheapest! QUALITY AND VALUE CONSIDERED. D EPARTMEN T Tue Is now ix full running order. There Warcrodms are furnished with a large variety of the latest and most popular wares of the day, and upon examination, will be ound to be very LOW » PRICE. Comjarisons invited. Furniture Their Wholesale Prices' will be found to compare favorably with any other house in the trade, they most respectfully solicit an exipination of their Stock in aif their De- i | | { Has now on hand a splendid assortment of Eavetroughs, Cistern Pumps, T.EAD PIPES, &C. Which will compare favorably with-any in the County both as to price and quality. gan. Job Work attended to with our usuai cispatch. - meth A. BE. MeCAW. Pore Ports May 13, 1894, MANUFACTURING COMPANY. COLLIN GW 001 LAKE SUPERIOR LINE| In connection with the Ronen Railway of Canada. OMPRISING the undermentioned Firs- class, Upper Cabin, Powerful, Side wheel Steamers, CHICORA, CUMBERLAND, § FRANCES SMIT. . Running between Collingwood, Sault Ste Marie, Fort William and Duluth, TO MY CUSTOMERS AND THE PUBLIC GENERALLY, MHE Subscriber - having received greater portion of Lis FALL & WINTER STOCK BOOTS AND SHOES ! From the best manufactures, and being con- stantly making up work on the premises, he isnow ina position to call the attention of the public to his immenseStock whieh for Variety, Cheapncgs, and (ood Werk- ; yA Sun : Forming a close councction nt Thunder Bay with Dawson Road 'Dfinsportation Ce, (Canadian Route) for FORT GARRY, And at Duluth with Northern Pa Riil- way, for Moofhead and Red River Steaner for Fort Garry, pen, Tickets can be obtained from w , H. Mic@AW, AGENT, Watehmaictar, Joeweter, &c., PORT PERRY. 174, the --------- {Cannot be excelled in, this or adjoining 9 | Counties, His facilities for purchasing, to- / p 1 gether with a lifé-long experience of the qualities of this description of goods, gives him an advantage over those who mix this STRING HE Subscriber takes pleasure in infom- i hranch of the trade with others. Boots and mg 'his customers and the public gn-1{ Shoes beipg considgred by them of minor erally, that he has on hand a good and vell | importance, their attention being principally assorted selection ot directed fy the_gelection of Diy @ and Guoecrics, it dds be the Whois e dealer it partments. . IN. THE UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT ! A good selection of Walnut, Elm, Butteruut, Oak, Soe Everything is also complete. We have also two FIRST} wood, Velvet and Cloth-cov ered COFFINS always'ol hand. OLASS_ HEARSES thy the re appendages. 8 5 Uxbridge Cabinet and Organ Manufacturing Co'y, A. T. BUTTON, hey July 22, 1874. 3ly TFORMAN'S [ew ~ OPRONITE FOY'S HOTEL, PORT PERRY. kinds of Sih: . Boots and Shoes an opportnity of disposing (of such work as regular of the {article could not be induced to purchase on any terms. Let all, then, who are in wang] of BOOTS and SHOES, OVER-SHOES RUBBERS, or in fact any thing pertaining-t a First-Class Shoe Shop, give him a call, and he guarantees to prove that if a good article combined vith the least possible ad- vance on Cost is any inducement for them to purchase, a sale will be cffected. Being determined that the wants of the public shall be supplied in this particular, he has made arrangements whereby kly additions will FURNITURE Such as Extension, Centre, Dining nd Kitchen Tables; Wood, Cane, and Hair- Cloth Chairs ; Coches in Reps and Damaik ; Sofas, Bureaus, Sideboards, Bedsteads, Wiat: nots, Stands, Mirrors. Straw, Seagrass, Mixed, and Spring Mattrasses, "ke, whieh will 'be sold as low as at any "Hous in he Trape, All goods delivered free of charge. Particular attention paid to Picture Fran- ing. be made, nll, J hs LYLES OF GOODS appeal iregcived re- 'Pularly, 'giving* Fatlitio nx "ptrchasing x] ng FASHION ABLE ARTICLES equal to those refiding in our large towns. Your attention 'lis particularly called to goods of my ow manufacture, as none but the very Stoek is used, aud for neatuness and durability +f willbe found equal tony thing Shaky be : ad inthis countey. : 1 1 The great pressure of orders has LT {lie Subscriber to strenuously exert himself obtain addiflonal. first-class workmen, and | he expects shortly to be able to announce IN THE ree UNDERTAKING - DEPARTMENT: | Tonal, wl Out, Bun, junds That thon efforts have been grywed with 3 ja J Bosewood, elvel and Cloth-casered; Aes Wellington B from $245 wl} Shrouds in all styles and sizes. Napkins, HE . Ladies' Boots from One Dollar. to Gloves and Hat-bands, furnished fiee vhen Fit ollars." Boy's and Girl's wear, in 2 y required, every variety, to suit all classes ot customers, Is now r the rece) on of elciomers ar hese b will be most hi A FIRST CLASS HEARSE. "Ben. Wanicd immediately four first-class "to Te tiki his old recap Tohds ind ag mw: , new po as possible. appy JOHN Nom, [aud ha to hol consunt Smployment ; i ; . Stock is ono of the largest the place, and completo in all the branct.es of N -B. Ju ¥bdeag gopd Lute 4 3 none Soaks sewed 3 wore My customers my rely on gel-| . ber goon, G Goh, HARDY. ay, 20013 AND SHOES, §€. EA Agent iu this locality fie} Cash for any quantity of Hides and Tallow. He would D paroutir ot the 'Gelobrated + Lion" Whitby Marble Works. J. WRIGHT. ging the highest price going for Donble o Warp Latreg, st ui pa wt pricks I oh 20 on a yard d gwar, gt. ih Chapt | Pe Boy ay 18, 1871, "g1] Port Perry, Nov. 1,873... 7 18 "this article, either in Cash or "Trade, and no extra price J " amarked on Goods on aeeount of the high figure this article thas siaiged, in- the neighbor- Sid nos and Lawn A A great variety of the Be al the trade, celebrated " Hoyles,'; © Ashtons," and French fo punese silks from 374 cents. a or Beautiful' Black Ato at 90 cents | Hi Mantles, wis, &¢., very Tow. The Cheapest and lot "Hollands in ra) Y, Laces, Cluny Laces, B, tian Laces, &c, Wi ies' Silk Ties | atered a in all the diferent shades, vari es' te tton ki id Glo wor for one Dn na , (worth to-day $1.35 in 'the eit: ly | great vars Joby o 2 iin, Bein ws hopin of T Gentlemen will find t ot Trews sold 'while' i hot oy ert Shr ane ar od hor wor work a or and material cannot be suvpassediin the ond upon getting THE BEST, and :at the lowest, bel for Pronclls Gatters ia $240 for extra finished, esumqual 3 Lo wl dor patty of 'of ai 2 oo pat 1 ks, Glass, Oils, Put oR Pilon, tote, Sh iodo Shovels, Eh ks of Boots & Shoes Ror ak found in Forks, Hoes, Rakes, &c, and ital supply of every ing dos the Hevldware GROCERIES ot avery vaticty; Cheap, Cheap! .? vd 2 1770 PURCHASERS, BRING ALONG YOUR Produce pia ad got Goods at prices which Seidl veeatang of is " the Dutalion "now with many thanks to all my old Hondas Si have sokindly favored their trade Ly She re Apes while hi Prince Albert, T would ems Bun 5 citing % liberat An i Perry, May 14, 1874. Eto de te eee se T.C. FORMAN. k Jin all colors and sizes, from 15 oats a pair, and the very of Foroulto, HAIR WORK. . (LAgE OF Teor. ai vA EGS to announce to the Laides of Port Perry and vicinity, that has opened TAILORING IN ALL ITS DEPARTAENTS, AT SQUIRES [| TALORING EST an establishment, , Lp % rs, west of OvVFR ROSS' the Obserser. Printipg_ Office) for fhe mafiy- PORT P facture of Chignons, Braids, Curls, Switches, 3 Combings, Bracelets, Rings," find-Ornamental Do. | hair work of every . descr ption. .. also attend to Lier 'Bair' D Rowing Be lois 2 "a wo, b she has had long: experience n; ness. mis | in to tid any part of the anythi ng to or he rson On uy account bs 6 written Ly myself for the same as T will not after this; date be, responsible: 1 any debits dontracted hy apy one in my ac-| order has hy ant. py one oh from gis crating. wy wife, count unless my written been|{ For gaa ly to the ---- on given for ths same. the premises, : ROBERT SPINKS. YAMES V. THOMPSON, Cartwright, July 1st, 1874, 28.1m Port Perry, march 10, 187¢, vy an Both in material and style. ble newest, Mr. Worthington's Columny I have now the pleasure of announcing the receipt of a full Stock of NEW SPRING G00DS, Beautiful in Style, Rich in Quality, Cheap ! Cheap! in Price, In Ladies' Dress Goods and Trimmings, there are many NEW THINGS! 1 have secured In SHAWLS, which will be a specialty this season, I have a Beautiful assortment from One Dollar up to Twenty-five. A good Shawl is always FasuioNanLe. Bonnet and Hat Material and Trimmings are well assorted. Full lines of Laces, Ribbons, Flowers, Feathers and Ornaments, A lot Rioh, White, Real Ostrich Feathers, ery CHEAP. In KID GLOVES, I have over twenty 5 | dozen of the best JosepuiNe--Cheap, Hoffiery in every style and price. Parasols, Sunshades and Umbrellas, Fine Prunella Boots. Kid Boots. Strong Leather Boots, Dress Making and Millinery UP -IS'T ANT RS), Ladies can have their Dresses made in the Best Style, without going out of the Store. GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING! Ceilih - In gfeat variety, ready-made or made to tder. By tar the best assortment of Cloths t|and Vestings in Town to choose from. White Vests, Shirts, Collars, Ties, Gloves, Socks, and Boots in great variety, Silk, Felt, and Wool Hats. : oy $r50. '8 Clothing, Cottbns, White: Cdttons, -hirtings, Sheetings, Table Lincns, Towelling, Table Napkins, Brown Holands, Dressed Holland, Lace Curtains, Window Blinds, Muslins, all these Goods will be found THE L IN THE MARKET. mr Field & Garden Seeds gen Hardware, Oil, Turpentine, Paints, Glass, Putty, Varnishes, &c. aT i| Low PRICES AND - LARGE SALES FOR CASH. i Opa, Bacon. | GEO, CURRIE Fatleny, 1012, 1874. Nets, &c. The assortment is complete and SEED STORE. I have now on hand and arriving, a choice variety of FIELD & GARDEN Seeds! COMPRISING IN PART TIMOTHY, CLOVER, TARES, PEAS, BARLEY. OATS. Flax, Western Corn to sow broad-cast, the most profitable Feed a Farmer can have. Turnip, Carrot. Beet, Cabbage, Cauliflower Cucumber. Melon. Onion. Peas, { Raddish. Flower Seeds. And a choice variety of Lawn Grass ! &e., &c, «co "| Clover & Timothy Sead, Caro; Mange! DRESS MAKING Department ! ' The Subscribers beg leave to announce that they have Opened out, in connection with their other business, a New Millinery and and Dress Making Establishment, under the Superintendence of MISS GIBSON, Formerly of TORONTO, and would cordial- ly vite a share of the patronage of the Ladies of Port Perry, and surrounding coun try. Everything got up in the Latest Styles, At EXTREMELY LOW PRICES. Also one of the FINEST ood BEST VARIED STOCKS of GOODS! In the County, IMPORTED direct from the BEST HOUSES IN BRITAIN, and at Prices most satisfactory to the purchaser. * SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS ! In Black and Colored Alpacas. Striped Moreen, and White Shirtings, Black Continental Cloth for Ladies im summer months 8,000 yds Grey Cotton, Cheapest in Town 1 OUR PRINTS Customers say areorto the finest in Town, Call and sce them. Wartzel, and Turnip Seed for sale Low. Lund Salt by tie on, Plated" oy {B. WORTHINGTON, =: ~ : 1 PORT PERRY. J / | " Port Perry, Mareh 12, 1874.