Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 18 Jun 1874, p. 4

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~--Errs's Copoa --Grar A By a thorough knowledge of b ws which govern the opera~ 'tions of digestion and nutrition and by a care. Sulamlieation of the fine properties of well- . gelected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our Draka tables with a delicately DE Rarorid a ; which may save us many heavy a doc- Me Clivil Service Gazette. Made simply s Wateror Mille, Each packet James Epps & Co Homowo-- lh Chemists, London." Masvracrone of Cocor--4 We will now give an account of the process adopted by Messrs, James Epps & Co, manufacturers of Gietetic ticles, at their works in the Euston Road, London" See article in Venvily Household Guide. © 8 Ponto] COMPLETE ! AT THE PORT PERRY JEWELRY, FANCY i QOO0DS, BOOK & STATIONERY EMPORIUM ! SPLENDID Stock of Fine Gold Jew- and Latest Fadhio Tan suit all. Goldine Goods, a on to the small Pocket ition. Books and every variety of Hymn Books in choice Bruit The Subscriber has now completed his Spring Stock of ew and Fashionable elry in handsome Cha ¢ Lad i WW f 3 D S | y My Book Department! ) and Gentlemen's wear, Ear Rings, Brooches, y variety of the most beautitlly got up Bibles Jfrom the large Family Bible « TROWSERINGS, ATS, VESTINGS, iPS CENTS" FURNISHINGS, und styles of Uiading CAPS, CENTS FURNISHINGS, an My assortment of School Books is everything in the always complete. pen Albums forall! i ag : Every thing in the Stationery line. Day | Merchant 'Failor Fine, Books, Journals, Ledgers, Writing Books, a Paper, Ink and Pens, oF THE The Daily and Weekly MAIL and GLOBE T > 7 newspapors, BEST QUALITY ID NEWEST ori Ry STYLES. F "f Eid 3d Those Goods will be sold at the lowest % 1 s can be sold. -- ut which such ge : up on the pre- quality, sud the newest ¢ always on hand. SEWING MACHINES! The best out, and sold lower than any- where clse. BE Musican Ixsrevxests --T ianos, Or- gans, Mclodeons, Violifis, Con procured from the best makers on oe Sh est notice. ROOM PAPER! A choice lot of the newest styles of Room Paper just ariived from TI --cxactly what is ed for our room Every article in stock sold at prices whic nl capnot be un d for such goods Come and ir g ny Stock, Remember the Allen's Emporium, opposite the Cats Bank, Port Perr; THOMAS ALLEN, Port Pery, April 15,1874. Garucents made up on the shortest notice and a good fit guaranteed. W. TRENBETH, Merchant Tailor, Queen St. Port Perry, April 2, 18 firm "Tor it assist the n Aveny HORSE shire Jock ; MARKHAM.) Elliott, h. re MR. SEXTON'S COLUMN. LUMBER! L-A TH! AND SHINGLES ! AND or Iteach, and proceed to Camp- land, and remain all 3 Dow to Jenning's in all night. i i to Lis own stable, , 8th con, R and remain all night, | cd' to Hq s Hotel, um to Lis own ad romain Gil Me "The Sa! meet the greatly increased still increasing which they custom with moining. | years it1930 gs; is wm Mont- He was | are favored, have brought on a vervanuch Ge pI COC LT ! than they ever | the pablic. "1 k & bien taken i go that i goods our be str-, passsed. We buy on the most advantageous tern sefore offered to 1 ular car n 1 ihe selection, f the [6 the Gh =i and oc ke HULL 3 oy Ss «hl Bl EY fl HOM SON, A full ¢ supp ly ete on hand. hens - Our Stock of YOCERIES be 3 as and of superior nelity. sovereign prize at Drymen em ui | We male EA Lorse in the West country, dur' w priresbred 2 was bred ucd 1st prize at Dry- . men show of ( Lorscs, when all the Specialty and al ways select | best puro-bred mares in t country were shown, Grand-dam was got by Me. Favlund's horse, lomond, whose dam gain- ed the first premium at Carlisle, Dumfries, Annan, Belliston, and the Hyland Society's prizeat Glasgow. Doxsr Craxriox served mares at Model Farm, Balmocul Castle, Scotland, in 1872, The Marquis or Lonseis 5 years old, best; and our very large les of TEAS prove that our forts meet public approbation, Remeniber the place, one door * 2st of Thompsons Hotel. stands 17 bands 1 inch high, with immense substance, stands on good feet, with fine = action ; he w by J Nicol Flew! ng, Bxq., of Knockdon, Scotland. ~Tug Marquis or Louxe was got by the celebrated horse Od Campsie which was well known to be one of the beet breeding horses in the west of Scotland, Od Campsie gain- ed the Fife and Kinross premium of £45, two years in succession ; and nae Highland Society's first prize of £30, and gold medal i a of retiring from ; gained the Shotts and 3 | Whitburn Society's premium for four years successively ; the fifty pound premium for the County of Ayr, and the Glasgow prize of £10, for two years in suceession. The Manquis of Loses dap, a pure Clydesdale mare, which gained the High land Society 'aflvst prize. at Aberdeen in 1858 ; the second at the same show in Edin- burg ; first at Dumfrics ;' fist ab Stirling ; first at Shotts ; first at Paisley ; first at the Open Show at Johnston, and first as a brood mare. ab the Hyland Society's *{show at Inverness, TBRMS--To insure a foal $11 ; to be 1st Feb, less or the season, BONGARD & ROBINSON. - , May 20, 1873, 22 T0TEL FOR SALE, . undersigned--in cdongequence of fail- id T0 ORDER |PORT PERRY. Port Porry, ORE E ALL DESCRIPTIONS, Vein lc CONSTANTLY ON HAND ) AND AT IXTOVY MILLS, BILL LUMBER ~~ MANCHESTER CARRIAGE WORKS! General Blacksmithing 1 rp YHE Subscriber in returning thanks to Lis numerous customers for the liberal patronage hie has received in ihe past, would now inform them and the public generally that ne has taken the the wood and iron departments, aud is now prepared to fill all orders coanccted with either branch, BUCCIES, WAGONS, aud every description of CARRIAGE wade in the Newest Style of the Best Material, and by First Class Workmen, BEF Repairs neatly and expeditiously executed. All work warranted and charges moderate, Many tngtes May 1, 1874. W. C. Taylor's Store, MANCHESTER. Og HE Subscriber would embrace the proscnt opportunity of thanking his customers for "the liberal patronage bestowed upon him since opening busi at Mauchester, and bas now much pleasure in stating, that having purchased the Store and premises, he will be in a position to further extend Lis business and offer still greater inducements to customers, \ My Stock of Dry Goods, (Groceries, &c. Will always be sclected with the greatest care. The entire satisfaction of customers both as to quality of goods and moderation in price will always be aimed at. The Newest Styles of Dry Goods, &c.. And choice and Fresh GROCERIES constantly supplied and sold at such prices as cannot fail tc satisfy purchasers, Manchester, Nov. 11, 1873." ARD. Ontario Works! PORT HE. Subscriber takes this opportunity of thanking his numerous customers for the liberal and coustantly in ¢ bestow : bus "Increasing business having rendered an exte of premises necessary, 1 have MOVED TO PORT PERRY, | Largely exteuded my premises and secured greatly increased facilities for business and am now prepared more promptly to meet the increasing demands of customers aud Carriage in which he has been in oud Departme ut under his own control and in future will carry on both | = Ld : i i : FHOTOGRATHS FOR ALL, AND PERFECT PICTURES SECURED AT "KENZIE & SCOTT'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERIES Opposite Foy's Hotel, Port Perry. RES, the view of supplying the great demand for their much admired NN Christmas Presents, The Subscriber has much pleasure in an-- nouncing to his fricuds and customers, and the public in general, that Le has comple ely fillea his EWELRY. EMPORIUM | less of expense--so fitted up their Galie ries and introduged such Instr ill at all thoes secure PERFEC iS Their thorough knowled; With a well selected Steck of partment of the Art, acquired in some of the ine Gold Jewelry, best Galleries on his continent, t lier 41 go] with thie excellentGalleries o d superior in- struments, gi them - facilitic vd by; few for producing those beautiinl Photo- nived by all who see them, ilfully 1ctouching the negatives the ¢ photographs are. produced in : ' ? And respectfu'ly invi the inspection of the above Goods and by. Selling a reaLLy Goup article at as low a price, as he possible can afiord, he is sure, that, a you have bought, you will go Tome 'with great satis-- faction. He intends to sell at a Low Figure, so as to clear out the whole of his Stock by the 16th January, 1874, GRATIS |! I--Come and get the TMustrated Almanac for 187 are stecked with a choice assortment of First Class Albums, Picture Frames, Stereoscopic Instruments, the Finest Chromos, and specimen Photographs i in end. less variety. | A cordial Welcome is extended to all to visit our Galleries and inspect our Stock , McKENZIE & SCOTT. , Deel 10, 1873, 51 lin | Port All Goods nd W ork WakraAxTED ! pa, Pl <a call. X y JOIN N DIESFELD, Opposite G. U. White's Carriage Fa Lt Pott} Ler ~ y Vion . -- Procranstien 1 feves ¥ i is hi TINT anib rR ad i NG k TR ARK W. H. PARK IS" SELLING Y TErIVYTY 4 i FURNITURE Of gvery description Cheaper than ever for Cash or Short Credit, TO THE INABITANTS OF NORTHERN REACH THE PLACE TO BUY. YOUR | Dry Goods, ) Groceries, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Tinware, Stationery, ne ert akin Pe [to fill orders on the shortest notice, CARRIAGES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, CUTTLRS, SLEIGHS DUGGIL S, WAGONS, built of the best material in the be and hy first class workme | + Orders Blacksmithing c ittended to. Old € s repaired with neat {and dispatch, Wood-work ironed a timmed for the trade at reasonable rate | pea, Come and inspect our Ww Port Perry, Dec. 21, 1873 JAMES EMANEY < ~ oa pei SHUI) ae - 3 Ro | JI 10 ihe RN Awarded the First Prize at the Provincial Exhibition held at Toronto, 1870. We styles au offer to our customers for the coming Harvest, two distinct Macliines, which iu ! construction, emu stand most useful wprovements-of the day. JOHNSTON'S SINGLE Seli-Ralking Hieaper, The The universal success of this the farmers, warrant us in saviy points and less defects, and h eretofore oflered to the public, "King of Reapers." Mac hoth in closely contested : ind Rk ng macl 5 in the hands of r Reaper We wer Toronto, 1870, in compot and with our recent im parison with competing N every uaprejudiced mind, that we off Dowinion. B&F" Send for descriptive Whitby, June 22, 1871. and Diploma, at the Provincial machines mannfactur y challenge is Leld at e Province sstigzation and com- ration will convince the best Mower to the farmer for 1871, built in the italogues. BROWN & PATTERSON, PRACTICAL CARRIAGE MAKER, NEAR THE TOWN HALL] BROCK STREET, WHITBY. 0 GOOD Assortment of Buggies constantly on hand made from the best Material -- Work made to order with neatness and despatch, Particular attention' paid to re- PUMPS PUMPS or ----- (] A Wit--e ' You can get the best and cheapest Pump in the Province At J. IRV IN'S PATENT PUMP FACTORY, PORT PERRY. ---- -- SEE THE PRICES. Roses ¥ Poup--A complete Pump and Fire Engine with Hose oupling complete for $25. Prony a Lift Pumps at 50 cents pe foot. Common Log Pumps at 40 ceuts per foot. Common turned suction Pumps at 35 cents per foot. Cistern Pumps, & complete Pump, from $3 up to $8. be Also every other description of Pump, at EQUALLY LOW RATES! - Huving had long experience in Pump-making in the largest factories in Cavada and petiuica States. the the gr rs feels SE that he can perfectly satisfy all that will vor w All orleye fir apy oo the above, whether by mail or otlisewie Ea to. Sept 24, 1873, IN, Port Perry. Bop 29, 1870, ' 3 i Je, it has more good | W. I, ( Done on the SHORT!ST NOTICE id Patent Medicines, &e., ber Hl TYG CHAIR 18 AT THE the Pot Chi Perry. t pei kubsof - Greenbank Store. goo stout Toy wanted toTenrthe gro. Mase dnd MoyeaesTs, w. BR. PARK. SAY. | MBS TONES NI-WORK, PLAS- all their departments, trie, IS THE L y chap, xii, vor Will pay t following Blood frm ily recom- , Vin, any v As this mixtur and wartintod | to the mos deli of either wrers to give Ogu va, Fol 5 5 i all pacts, 5 Burbridges and Co, London. Newberry und Sons, 37 Ne 'wisnte Street Lon- | got, | Ba relay and Sons, don, Sanger and sons, Oxford Street London, "And all the London Whole He Houses, Cole man 95 Fay Photographs, the Subscribers have--recard. | | ingdon Street Lon- Ss Ut _-- a aro a Calif Vi preparation, made chiefly from tive herbs found on the lower Le Sierra Nevada mountains of aot nia, the medicinal properties of which are extracted therefrom without the use of Alcohol. . Tho question is almost * daily asked, "What is the cause of the unparalleled success of VINEGAR Brr« Our answ cr is, that they remove sease, and the patient re- covers hi ete They are the great blood purifier and a life-giving principle, a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the system. Nover before in the history of the 'world has a medicine been compounded possessing the remarkable qualities of VINEGAR Brrrkes in healing the sick of every disease man is heir to. ey are a gentle Purgative as well as a Tonic, relieving Congestion or Inflammation of the Liver and Visceral Organs, in Bilious Dixeases. The pi pr roperties of Dr. Wan VINEGAR BITTERS are Aperient, Di Carminative, Nutritious, Te Sedative, Counter-Irritant, Sudo) tive, and Anti-Biliows, ness it has no AV LIT TREATY TRYITY BEE™ 25 cents per hott] \(GGART, r Hall, Prince Albert. FEY Sel Lun pon hand urims more) =f such FL ' BY J suitalile for all Croce Ma- wil at sven sand URIAL CASE : ¢ . DAVIS & SONS. $100,000 00 Whole sald; Dot | yr 21008 IN VALUABLE Gi i 17 To be distributed in Yo Dyviaaioh ! my \ PORK | DD - Xa - 5 I EN aptor and Oy Be $iTH § NUAL Hamitton, meant oo | Gift int een] ! 4 sod Tobsdrawn Satur, Jats 1 caus MEDICINES i ONE GRAND CAPITA | warm IND ; $10,000, IN COLD 11 TS HIS IND OMTMENT. | 8 3,000 IN SILVER! | 1 bavefor a considerable time past considered it to be my duty to advertise the public of the atish North" American Provinces against from unpriucipled dealers niedicines wing from New York, and s bu, s and Matched Horses oy er-Mounted darness wor th $Lotd 5 my ld Holloway's Pills and Omnitment, "in which much ingenuity bas been displayed in pa them off as my make, deed to atte vices to w The; y Two gion, Horses, &e. worth $30) each ! Two Fine-toned Bie vw od Pianos, worth It is very difii Dt to conmer: te the no 10 Family Sewing hie 1500 Gold and Sifver (in ail) worth Gold Chains, Sitv or-wa Nutnber of Gifts, 10, 3,000 ps or Agents wanted to sell 1 whom fib ral Proj miums will Lie pai Single Tickets, $23 Six Tickets, $2; Twenty five Ty ory; Who lenis fra so Cireulars contnining a full list of prize io medicines sold by this description Ree id Compuuy are palmed off upon the public as | other information in reference to the Distei- WY" Holloway's Pills and Ointment," so that bution, will be sent to any one ordering them were they to injure Lalf the community no All letters must be ages ae dt Main Office, D. SINE, Box 86, 101 W. Fifth se Cincinnati, O, 30 chines, Jyorh $100 each, 'Hunt Wat £5, that a ne Ww s heen adopted by them, and with o ba 0 Pe deceived by spurions imitations y to A Dood tan by the nme of Holloway is rel employed by the so-called Chemical Company Like ts $10; Twelve who lends his name for a smai in New York, these compounds, but would Sonsiderably damage the reputation of | 'my make. As it1s not at all necessary for this Crew to 1874. SEASON, 1874 Je rany SEpense Ji ihe solo of their produc. 5 ions, orto a very limited extent (trading as Daily Line to Rochester! they do upon my name), they are in a position CH 1 to offer them ata very low price in Canada,' Commenang on or about April 1st. . where they are purchased by a few Wholesale Houses that I ean name, and will name here | after, if they continue to vend the same, " i The following are the nimes and addresses N O R S E M A N> of some of the Houses who get my medicines will le CRAWFORD, Matus ious hore siren i 1 e her regular thips on this' route, leaving Cobourg every morning at 7:30, und in Port Hope at 9 o'clock for Rochester--con- My. 7 necting there with the New York 'Central Messrs. Lanerrey ry Co. Victoria, BB. C. and Erie Railways for all, points East, West, Messrs. Moore & Co., Victoria, B. C. South. whi jy Pills and jaro are sold at the lowest Rerunsina :--Will leave Charlotte (Port of * SH Det prices, in quantities of not Jess ' rth--viz,, 8s. 6d., 22s. 34; Rochester) daily at 9 p. Fi except Saturdays dozen boxes of Pills or pots of tient, er When sho Will leave #0 2p In, Sor fiigliten Nish vemliimices must be ont inadvapce.-- cale it © cheap- These medicines are not sold in the United | estand most expeditious route to Boston, Siates, | Albany, New York, sc. Ea Pot and Box of my prepamtions bear For further: particulars, address ritish Government Stamp, with the words * R. CRAWFORD, Dretionay s Pills and Ointment, London," THE NEW LAKE STEAMER Forsvin & Co, Halifiy, T.8. Bankai &' Soxs, St. Johu, N. B. 3 Brisay, Charlottetown, P.E, 3. p Port Hope, (Signed) THOMAS HOLLOWAY. or C.F. GILDERSLEEVE, 533, Oxford Street, W. C., Kingston, Losdon, Nov. 27, 1873. 49-6m faced effrontery caniion the public against | i Maneh ster, discredit would fall upon the fabricators of Avery, Brows, & J0a Halifax, N.S. , N.S ! a ) BACON, COX, FPHE Subscrile bas any quan tity of the * above products on diand, at Mar et i ates, ce HRISTIAN, Lowest "One Box of Cis Ke, Ss Ey il 5 I warranted to' cure all discharges from the Uriy Organs, in cither sex, acquir- ed or constituticual Geavel und Pains in the Back Sold in Boxes, 4% 6d each, by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors, Sole Proprietor, I", J CLARKE, APOTHECARIES' HALL, LINCOLN, ENGLAND * EXPORT AGENTS. Burgoyne- Burbidges and Co, Coleman 8, London, Newlierry and Sons, 37 Newgate St. Taiion and Sous, 95 Faringdon 81. Louden, Sanger and Sons, Oxford St, + Léntion,' © And ail the London W! holesale H AGENTS IN CANADA. t Mon'real --Evans, Mercer aud Co, . Whole~ | sale Druggists, " Tymans, Clare and Co. Loronto.~Lliott and Co., Wholesale Diug- ; gists. « ° Shapterand Owen, i Hamilton --Winer and Co, Halifax~--Avery, Brown and Co. - tee (OUTFITS Cash wages, sin Bent FLEE Addr i 23-4w] Employimen Your homes or ravellag. The work is congen 1, HA , und pays: tha aly fuyiht ver before offercd.-- an 4 complete outlt c! viel £3 Not RA St Std Sven,

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