Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 30 Apr 1874, p. 3

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Sr BHI EA tp Dep! in Pie, * In! Ladies' Dress Goods and {there are many a - ho Bert t ik: agile Both in siaterial and style, I have secured the newest. In SHAWLS, which will be a specialty this season, I have a Beautiful assortment from One Dollar up to Twenty-five. A govd Shawl is always FiamonanLE. , Bonnet and Hat Materisland Trimmings 8 to 16 cents. : Full lines of Laces, Ribbons, Flowers, Feathers and Ornaments. A lot Rioh, White; Real Ostrich Feathers, | are well assorted. ory CHEAP. In KID GLOVES; 1 have over swenty .dosen of the best Josikpiive==Cheap. Hosiery in every style and price. ls, Sunshades nid Jab Fine Prunella Boots, Kid Boots. :Btrong Leather Boots, Tempe, Dress Making and Millinery OP STAIRS. ean have their Dresses made in the Ladies Sest Style, withou? going out of (he Spee. * i NOTICE! |= Mammoth Wardrobe An Immense Stock of Beautiful Prints, fast colors, in paice from AND Department ! Cottons and Steamlooms, the best' value in the County, we live in. of such extensive variety that all my patrons can be suited. My Stock of TWEEDS ! AND READY - MADE Ghana = Oe -- ¥ : GENTLEMEN'S ob CLOTHING, Somethisigsuperb really worthy the attention .of the 'Gents of] f cheapness, and beauty com- bined. Boots and Shoes! 5 | As vanal, the finest Stock ,in Tawp. y . Complete, And 'my TEAS o Specialty. ; ¥ All to be rod st Cash Prices | Form ISS ro fA BQN coro ly tnvite a share of the patronage of the Ladies of Port Perry, and surrounding coun-- Yr. Latest Styles ! Also ope of the FINEST and BEST VARIED STOCKS of GOODS! In the County, IMPORTED direct from the BEST HOUSES IN BRITAIN, end at Prices most satisfactory to the purchaser. Hats and Caps i rosicrisne = Striped Moreen; #nd White Shirtiogs, Black Coativental Cloth dor Wadies jn " summer months . A host of themsel ves--neatness, | 6,000 gis6rey Cotton, y Highest: price paid for ali 'The Subscribers beg leave to announce that PEAS, they have Opened out, in connection with their other businesy, a New Milline . ry and Dress Goods, plain and (ancy, and Dress Making Establishment, under the Supcrintendence of Everything got up in the At EXTREMELY LOW PRICES. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS ! Oheapest in Town } OUR PRINTS Custamprs say aveorto the finest in Town. Coll and nee Shem. J dp) Dd do CLOVER, TARES, BARLEY. OATS. Flax. : Cloves & Timothy Sood, Curtot, Mapai | Wowie, and Tupi fod fo we Lar, Heo we, he | have now on bad snd aitoing, sshoios ._ vatjety of e EY Vi. ih n [ bs. COMPRISING IN PART TIMOTHY, 1ghee IPE TLR EEN P of tht cdlebrated Cotton at 12% cents per 86 inches in width, ses New Dress Goods » d ein? es Black Lustres, extra ue, om 75 cents per pair, ockery! A full range. Western COrn to sow broad-cast, the most profitable Feed a Farmer can have. Turnip, Carrot. Beet Cabbage, Cauliflower Cucumber. Melon. Onion, Peas, Sa Raddish. Flower Needs.) And a choice variety of p : 2 fo ! A + v 35 cla, ash will bo paid fox aay ~ VORTING PORT PERRY. Kinds of Produce. * A.W.ROBERTS. | Port Perr, AY RO shking. Folanoy 18 lbs SUGAR FOR $1. Frah Teas from 30 ets per 1b. ATI ) Pairs new Bootsand Shoes|, our funds for a few days more gcEe-NEW STORE! one of the largest and finest ' | Dry Goods, Grocerie 1874. ort Perry, April 15, AT pe ---- | t | ve 00 y Bort Perry, with a. | ai dap so Bast of Alison's Dp Seog BEC i Jobs! and look out for the Grand Opening of shoes, &c., in Ontario. Fhe Subscriber has just roturned from Dominion, which will be sold Cheap as the Montreal wi Cheapest for Cash. the s, Hardware, Boots and th one of the finest Stocks in the T. C. FORMAN. Prince Albert, April 22, 1874. a i DAVIS SONS Jos Bor NAF GROCERIES! STEAM Ospino: Pavrontl PORT PERRY. HE Subscribers always keep on hand (and are constantly manufacturing more) a large Stock of just such FURNITURE! As the ty requires; suitabl for all classes of purchasers. All of Croce Ma- | reRiAL, the Best - WORKMANSHIP, and at sucE Prices as cannot fail to suit. UNDERTAKING : Inall its departments promptly : : attended to and charges moderate. { COFFINS of all sizes kept con- ; « stantly on hand. s EF bors OBS of all-gisegend i. LL CASKET "OR BERFAL CASE : + procured on short notice. . : The American Style of . Hearse. Also an ordinary style © "+ of Heatse. i J. W. DAVIS & SONS. Port Perry, Nov. 26, 1873 49-17 | CHEAPER THAN EVER Plaster, Salt in bbly, Salt Sacks. a Seed Barley ; 'Seed Peas . Seed Oats. Rchnigr W. H. PARK FURNITUR bg al . & é in fi) Wn Se RUN" Undertaking ! QTICE and directly opposite the Post Office, Port Perry. The highest price paid for all Lids at Paty SE) ow ' Por Peery, Marek 12, 1874. ) and suit all. PORT PERRY EMFo A elry in handsome and Gentlemen's wear. Rings, Brooches, &c.. test Fashions. a SPLENDID Stock of Fine Gold Jew- | Chains for. Ladies' | Ear-Rings, Finger-| of the Finest Styles| _ Fancy Jewelry to Goldine Goods, a choice variety. My Book Department! Every variety of styles of binding. My assortment of School Books is always complete. Albums for all! Every thing in Books, Journals, Paper, Ink and Pens. The Daily and Weekly MAIL and GLOBE | newspapers, SEWI Musi0an od NGC where else. the most beautifully got | up Bibles, from the large Family Bible down to the small Pocket edition. Prayer Books and every variety of Hymn Books in choice | the Stationery line. Ledgers, Writing Books, pe TE 7 ITO MY CUSTOMERS AND THE PUBLIC GENERALLY, having received the MACHINES! The best out, and sold lower than any- InstRuMENTS.--Pianos, OF Day gans, what is cannot Come procured from the est notice. ROOM PAPER! A choice lot of the pawest styles ot Room Paper just arrived from Englapd--exaetly Remember the place, Al opposite the On Violins, Ci best makers on wanted for our rooms. , &o the short- Every article in stock sold at prices which undersold for such goods, and inspect my Stock. k len's Emporium, tario Bank, Port Perry. A THOMAS ALLEN. \ | Port Pery, April 15,1874. GREAT AUCTION SALE TONY. POPRRTY PER RY. PORT PERRY 1 On Tuesday, 5th day of May, There will be sold by Public Auction, about TOWN LOTS ! Situated on and adjoining Union Avenue, Sexton, Major & Huard's Plan As laid out on Village of Port Perry. of that pact of the TERMS.--One fourth of the Purchase money down at the time of Sale ; the balance in three equal Annual instalments, with Interest at cight per cent. pL i Every Lot Offered Will be sold to the Highest Bidder ! Sale to Commence on the property at 1 o'clock, p. m. " Plans of Property can be scen at the Law Office of P A Hurd, Bigelow's Blosk, Port Perry. W. WM. WILLCEX, » Auctions JEWELRY. FANCY, port Perry, April 7. 18%. auifle jeloneny HE Subscriber greater portion of his BOOTS AND SHOES Counties, E pce Wh of t e with others, Shoes being directed to the selection of Dry: ¢ Groceries, it gives the wholesale dealer ' and Fit!! FIRST CLASS BOTY SHO TE ed any terms. Let all, then, who'are ih wi of BOOTS and SHOES, and he guamntees to prove article combined with the least possible vance on Cost is any inducement for | determi be suppl arrangements whercby wee Iya be made, and all NE 8 FALL & WINTER STOCK OF ! From the best manufactures, and being con- stantly making ap work on the premises, he is now ina position to call the attention of the public to his immense Stock which for Variety, Cheapnpss und Good Worke manship! Camnot be excelled in this or adjoining His facilities for purchasing, to- fi nce. of the oods, gives o mix this e tra Boots and considered Ly them. of migor importance, their attention being pringipally Goods an it Boots and Shoes an opportunity of disposing 17] of such work as regular manufactiivers of the article, could not be induced to pu se op OVER-SHOES, RUBBERS, of in ict anything pertaining to a First-Class Bhoe Shop, give him a cally that if a good ad- to purchase, a sale will be effected. Bein od that the wants of the public shi ed in this particular, he. bas mada dditions wilt or GOODS as they appear, will be received ve. gularly, giving facilities for purchesing FASHIONABLE ARTICLES equal to those Your attention LF & | good Lum! posing ove lutge Flowhe 0 ted tol d ret his bi s particularly called t0 goods my own Noam ad ont boy vated olen | RR EL ne dt ply | BTL ens diy aid Bt Agent for Tousstoxss and MoyupENTs. |increasing patronage bestowed on yk PR RL at Sop. Ths 914 W. H. PARE. 7, opening busipges fa a ut cane ay ort Perry, Sept. . 3 . "The great of ord et AT [pi rennv; [Ror 25 conts por Ib paid for any| INSOLVENT ACT OF 1869. {auiag ba spportTnly SE 2 He a ae: wie spoon yy SRY sod tor ' -- as in the past go in the future will quantity of good Butter! | SW TRU okey adhe to ing ealy the best el os i pa IS 18 . By LAZIER, . . and amploring none bat 600 E ey Cash for all Kind of furmers| gus il bt Ao ror jn ibn | Sar oh fae produss. i ot Moje, of io). Somat om band 3 . of Hoots vd) pam Wabi Rt the j of fle "on hand lots of Boots' | Ce | SEER RES pla Wn : ) v wi | \ .t gale ife Ben requested to tyle their aims before me Call and inspect my Stock, : - pn Spends SrA PL \ | within one month. 265 First block west of the Post Office. |" Cash for puy quantily. of Hida 8. J. CHRISTI AN.| EDWARD MAJOR, CAL) WARRINBE 1 ae og wan Mapohegter, March &,187¢ ' tn sr r, April 1,1874 kai os py 13, 1873, sid y fo Jor, Kon 20535 EE [3 ¢ SERRE 8 J } : % ah 1 ' a

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