Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 26 Feb 1874, p. 1

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som of wuiv & BTT BE hynny hid irorg to has wibiget edi bas evitosuia Shas] Lav waib ar Rr -- en L. HARNOEN, L.D. Bo ; ade Siveolhn ag Ben wibal sol ste Ry LITICAL,, = 1 (HA en Ln WORT PERRY, pe hoa mh flow -- x RVERY-FHUASD D4 8 bres bea ne 4 _ TERMS {mci IRE: fr ETAT iui. For each li ¢ iBertion . .$0 08 0 ong per ling , vger. 002 "Cards, under 6 lines, per annum..... 5 00 B&F" Letters containing money, when ad- v wie I Advertisments rece ot has 'without specific instr imtil fordid and ehasgod i taken ot un i 3 for advertisment willbe i ibe: ow rchants and@®thers ertise ear Of halfSyear. These terms will in all cases be strictly adhered to. -------- fl. Job Demtbert, *. Phamplets, Handi Bilis, Posters, Pro- Engl Bill Heads, Blank Forms, Recoipt coke, Books, Circulars, Business Cards, Ball Cafds, kc., of every style and 'olor, executed promptly and at lower ratés that any other establishment in the County. >, Parties from a distance getting hand So. printed can have them done to take with tan H. PARSONS. RS, JONES «& MALLORY, Physivians, Burgeans and Accouc heurs, Port Perry. Office, over Allison's Drug Store, Queen-st. R. JONES, M. D,, CORONER, | A, E. MALLORY, M.D.,C.M County Onitatio. \R. WARE, Coronor for the Cony oN Physieinn, Surgeon and Ag- eury ti : Prince Albers, Wren, MD, Tite of Newburg, ont. . Physidian, Surgeon & Accoucheh Port Perry. i= Office Over Mr. Currie's Store, "TR idence at the house of theItov. 8. Philp, Ben., South of the School House, Prince Albert. er rr--trtie] D* MARTIN & AER ASST, 3 MCGILL & RAE, Physcians, Surgeons, } &q, &e, Office dnd Rexidences,; King st., Ob Oshawa, WM. M'GILL, BGP. FRANCIS RAE, MD. M. F. MCBRIEN, M. Hospital, London, E «Ly lL S., Guy's Fhe ye RR. Oshawa, 2 FAREWELL, LI. B., County Crown torney for On tart yAttorney, Soleil and Notary ly LC Tu MAN L. Cliancery, Attorney , Convey oe ENGLISH, LL. B,, So ifaran OMce--Sim t, Of YOUNG SMITII, LL B.y torney-at-La Loli ba ae Tilak TE SE Notary Publfe, 2k Oftice--MeMitlar' s Block, Brock street, {5 Whitby. Cr RON Co Attopneys Council, Ontario. JSLI, Barrister RT Solieitars County |" es : Court House, Whithy. « _ 1 Med. MACDONNELL. As HURD, Ato at Law, a o Ofice inthe shies . M. c. CAMERON, Pa Cates of erry. TE i Allows: Th cya) olicitor Chinoory,! Con --Land fEinty do. Uxbridge. Oice 'in Parish 's Block, Uxbridge. of dns ory aucer, &c. 2 Po EL OC. N. VARS L. D. 8. peer inserted on all, the latest princi- ples of the art, niet as the eheap- | Eth est, and as good as the hy Teeth filled with Gold and Silver, . Depth, extracted Attorney a lary y Fable, .| Licensed. Auetione : BE" Parties nay Spay Rly o on ming Hh rr oft at ny jo gieavo | 108 ad 30.0 Jo Teg L500 dy Hors! Years Medion) oul fi ae (over Mr. Gordon's Store, JP ORT] CHAS: THORN, oo EMBER "of fie Vote cin Chicago, Hl . Dr. Thorn begs to annopince he in he has taken up his residence at Port Pérry, and is now prepared to! treat all cases entrusted to his'care in the most sKillfdl and scientific manner. AM ortiérs eft at the Medical Hall of Mr Allison; will receive prompt attention. BEF The Veterinary Stables may be found on Lilly street; opposite Cossitt's Factory. = NT SOLICITOR AND DRAUGHTSMAN, "orFAwia, caNaDa, ransacts business with the Patent Office No [antl other departments of the Government Copyrights Regist; Trade ks and ZB8 procul awings, i (other n NCCES - ecu of INE , prepared on receipt of the model of the Inv ention. i HH THT aettonecve. W. M. WILLCOX, LICENSED =| AUCTIONEER, FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO. AND TOWNSIHPS OF MARIPOSA & CARTWRIGHT, EGS fo thank his many friends and the public generally, for the libxral patron- age bestowed upon him for the past five years. Having now given up the business of Bailiff, 1 intend, in future, to devote my * | whole time to the busmess of Auctioneer, Collecting, &e. It will be my endeavor, by prempt and careful attention to business, to give full satisfaction to all who m avor me with their Sales or Collecting, Bi'ls draushted and Blank Notes furnished free of charg Also Bill Stamps always on hand, Arrangements can be made for sales &c., at the Onserver Office, and ut the Standard, Otlice, Port Perry. W. M. WILLCOX, Prince Albert, Oct. 25 J. C. PILKEY, FOR THE COUNTY 0: OULD inform the public generally that he has resumed the business ot Thanking his numerous friends n the past, he y strict attention to bmsiness and a constant regard to the i ests of lis patrons, gv wtillfortier gxtended patronage, Hh ft 5 4 uy ang Blank Notes fut. nit OF ON¥ARIO! som Po O05 ofTeft at the OBSERVER OFFICE, BLL vgiprouptly attended to. J. C. PILKE x Kpson, Hep Sept. § 9.0873. "CROTHERS & WILSON for the County of Oniau fd 'RE prepared to conduct Sates anywhere in the County. 1 Parties' placing "their Sales in. our hands may tely on the utmost attention being | given to their interests, G. Crothers is also Agent for all kinds of Agricultural Implements, « All orders addressed to G. Crothers, Epsom P/O, will receive prompt attention, Wm. Gordon, Licensed Auctioncer, Valuator, &e. OR the Township of Brock, Uxbridge, Scott, Thorah, Rama, Mara, Mariposa, land Eldon; ' ' ot their Sales to me st aftention being given without pain os. Déntica NY desiueing loo Cowan's » new block, over Atkinson's Drug Store, King 8 wa, #0 ot 1 nC D: WAID, : : UROBON DENTS a . P34 skill and care, warranted to give satisfaction or no charge, and at pricga which ff defy competition. 16¥;, Dealor dm all kinds of Jewel § Fancy wl 3 7 TN L gto. $i donee ig pa f RE J. wy fa Les] ~ jo 2s % Uxbridge: Byens, Witty Ca 3121218 REMOVAL, 1303) Hy Von AT 1284 of 83 srhir 3 3a 8 HE Subscribor would take this, 10] [1018 tunity Sf thanking bls 5 his num ul uk tomers for the 1 SE I ie hestowat 4 n hi ding the ? : years in ; i as DENTIST in 8 Bractibed ia and puofiaiiog in- di opp: Mananaalor form the publi¢' generally that he has aor H. Dastati, Junior Jug ge." removed his ofiééto Port Perry, over Mr. Yugo Jan, 1,187. '" an Currie's Store, whérd he will be happy to wait on all who @By! require his professional SSUER of Marriage Licohies I Lot 10, ia the 1st concession of Bloc] gaa (HATA Offict-- wival | Port Perfy, o. wasn. |LICENSED AUCTIONEER - to I. C. Pilkey, 'Ep- | [LIVERY RIGS PARK, Jr, H. » HY Hd up a Livery Stable opposite the Post Office, Port Perry, where first class aed can always be had on H. PARK, Jn., Prepigior. or Lael dtath 20 gol Hy Fi) MONEY TO LOAN | MORTGAGES WANTED. Te piace he have large sums, of anon- ®. vi placed in thelr hands for investment on mproved: F: 8, Village Properties, and other Securities in this and adjoining Counties mn the Jowest current rates of interest. As we have funds on hand at all times Borrowers candepend on getting their money with the iqnsly possible delay. "WANTED To PURGHASE, FY Ary nambper of Motengen | for which the high- t figures will bé allowed. Aurea porers for tha Canada IPer- manent Building Society, the cheapest and Tgrgest Au oy Institution th Canada. - Paid wh Ca ita $15 0,000. Insialments yo- payable Hn from 240 20 y yy Lands Bought and Sola: al good frermstror rile, 8 forwek cri] first class Fire In- ompanios. tions made and a geste] ageney busi- ansaeted. vw Z&~ DEBENTURES BOUGHT."@X. JOIN & DAVID J. ADAMS, {General Agents, Office In Mr, Ross' Ontario Buildings, "Port Perry. 3: Pert Perry, Oct. 1, 1872, {ONEY. 70 LEND! The undersigned has any amount efMones todend upon Farm and Town Property, at Unusually Low Rates of Interest! Loans can be repaid in any manner to suit the borrower. Tmjproved Farms, and Wild 3 Investment 1+ in Municipal Deben- tures, Bank and oth r marketable Stocks. MONEY! MOR The Subscriber Sn intorm all in want! of Money that he is prepared to nogutinte Loans with the Trust and Loan So of Toronto, for any amount of moncy from $400 AKD UPWARDS, Scewity on Town or Farm is only 8 per cent. | , and Loans pro- MONEY ! cured without tr JOHN TAY Lon. v. 12, 1873, A anchester, THE ONTARIO FARMER Mutual Insurance Company. | | | This Company is now fully organized and is | prepared to accept risks on Farm Buildings {and their contents, wol Houses |and Churches, Those wishing to insugeand thereby support a Home Insurance Company { have now an opportunity of doin cither by appl r to the Head Office, or to any of { the local Agerits of the Company. Our rates will bo found as low as those of any Tespon- [sible Mutual Insurance Company in Canada. | Head Office--Opposite the Royal Hotel, Brock St, Whitby L, FAIRBANKS, Ju., Secretary. WESTERN ASSURANCE COME'Y TORONTO. Incorporated.... Capital - $400.000. A831. President... Apply to Terms. Jaye HOLDEN, | C. MCKENZIE, Official Assignee, Broker, &e, | Port Perry, Aug. 6, 157 51 OrricE--Ov cr th Li n Bank, MeMil- | FTE = lan's Block, b Whitby. fotels Whitby, Ap er Ey MONEY ! PERE, PROVINCE OF ON bet of all kinds he Laid down in Port Perry. All PAINTS, OILS, &c., which wi April. Port Perry, Feb. 21; 1874. PORT PERRY LIVERY STABLES, C. M°'KENZIE, PROPRIETOR ubsceriber having now fully equipped ew and extensive Livery Siables with y of superior Horses and Carriages, 1s d to furnish first class by 1 LIVERY RIGS | On Moderate | RT CANADIAN HOTEL, PORT | HENRY FOY, PERRY = PROPRIETOR. I'he Subscriber having leased the above { Hotel has fitted it up in a style keeping with the rapidly increasing bu ss and prosperity of the Village and neighborhaod, and with direct reference to the comfort and convenience of the public. | Strict attention paid to the Table and the | Comfortable Stables and attentive N ther labor nor expense will he spared in making the Royal Canadian Hotel worthy of public patronage, Port Perry, June 16, 1869. PORT PERRY. THOMPSON, = PROPRIETOR. {248 X. The above House is now most comfort- ably furnished, and Guests are cared for in the Home Style, Good Liquors and | also, first class Stabling and good Os! | Additions have been made which mal his | the largest and best House in this section of | country. Fare $1.00 per Day. | Queens HOTEL, PORT PERRY. JAMES DEWART, - PROPRIETOR. As the Season for : \ ys pa] ; § STOVES dawns a close and the subscriber has on hand a Very Large Stock BALANCE be suited both as regards variety, quality and cheapness. 1 have also on hand a full Stock of all kinds of HARDW ARE, for my large Spring Stock which will arrive about the 1st of N. B. ial Oil by the barrel or'car- hia very cheap as I have several car-loads on hand yet which must be disposed of. Dealers will do Well to call before purchasing' elsewhere. The Subscriber having leased this excel- 'lent Hotel and fitted it up with a view to the comfort of guests and the agcommoda-~ welcome old friends and new to take part in the hospitality of the Queen's. The Table carcfully supplied, Choice Liquors and Cigars in the Bar, the Yard and Stables punctually attended to. The Queen's is conveniently situated a few rods west of the Post Office, JAMES DEWART. 1873. { | | Port ort Perry, Nov.11, AN LO-AMBRIC: AN HOT LL, PRINCE ALBERT, ONT. WM. BADGEROW, PROPRIETOR. The above commodious hotel hag been Temember-- LE ion- i Dae "COURTS, + Hoo 2 > TE PAL § + 4 WM. GORDON, + Hon, John MeMurrlch. + Sunderland, Brock. Vice-President 00.0. Magrath, Esq, Becretary ..... Bernard Haldan, Esq, THOS. H. 'WALSHE, _ Jk _ JAMES PRINGLE, ICENSED 'Atictiotiéds for. the, Township ad General Agent, orth Ona Sn bo i mth lo pd ip Se iCounty } Condi Uf 5 of Victoria, ce--Can: ton, Brock. | + 9 (i harsrir pg i Jock, |) Trapelers' Guide. demos Fe of ise, and z Wamp a PORT PERRY. R B. fein TIME TABLE. 0 ters, gy on Wednesday, the 1061 ir akin corma some | os SIMO INH X services, Lag, 2 Ns ay 3 193 2 oy % Private Funds,] All Dental 0, rmed on' the most hate Dios and warranted, -- Tolan on good Farms, is perce in- 'Poeth extracted i with the least | "ro ' possible ani d artificial teeth far-| gap an DYMAN ENGLISH, nished and warranted to give satisfaction. 60 'Banmisreny | ge. "3.5D, cor HT opiate TE Oshawa, i corty NGHAM,., Lop 02.03 i . Dali Port Perry, Octobe 18, 18181 1" Vovesiber, 21,1866. £0 14 R. RICHARDSON, PEERY piv: sion Cau N Port Perry --Depart . Prince Albert » do Whi i . lo 23 Whithy-Junction--Arriv: 7.30 . Plains BlaHofs Trains stop on Signal newly and and has ample accommodation for the re. ception of guests, It supplies a most con- venient poipt for Commercial travelers, Comfortable and roomy stabling and at- tentive ostlers: gig, HOUSE, MANCHESTER, J. TENNYSON, - PROPRIETOR, Having 'purchased the above Hotel, has) furnished the Bar with the choicest Yiguon nd cigars, Every attention paid to Stage $ to and, from Uxbridge call a. pias ie) 'Ostlers always in attendance. ep eeeeteinbe. 3 PATE HOUSE, it "th UTICA. ! LBL DAROE, PROPRIETOR. ENTRE HOTEL, wt CP ? BAINTFIELD, 'J. JENNINGS, - PROPRIETOR. General Superintendent, ® ongers Sounectons, AT HOTEL, Ea and Wi Wait by leaving Port Pores SEEE-ab a3) ~ » 3aAg BO : WHITBY. Through, 'Tickets fi + AL MASON, ~ PROPRIETOR. ! Los, I" "Phis Hotel hag undergone a thorough re- hac Foti =| novation/and been fitted up wh a view to' --from the comfort and of rane HEE public. . Every attention paid to the Aahaging Director, | table-and Bar, While obliging Far attentive B. R. KIMBALL, ' Ostlers will have charge of the stables, 'Whitby, June 20, 1870. tion of the general public, will be glad to' Boo g Jos CHRISTIE, ) GENERAL ADVERTISER. will sel the AT COST ! parties in want of a stove can ill be sold Gheap to make room . T. PARRISH. W..T..P, Le ather! ! FYHE Subscriber LT removed the whole - of his business to : . His New Premises ! , Built tor the purpose, in al PORT PERRY, Now presents to the public the largest and best stock of Ir INIFQU HARNESS SADDLES, wiirs, TRUNKS, VALISES, Aud everything in his line, the public in the He is determine other House in the ever offered to North Ridings of Ontario, ito scllas Cheap as any Trade, ZU" SATISFACTION GUARANT ing Lis customers for the es 1 ded to him during the past | eighteen years, he will do his utmost to merit a continu wee of the same. JOHN ROLP a 1 BOY SHEL 80, STATON AND FANCY GOODS EMPORIUM, FYHE Subscriber in tendering his hearty ._ thanks to Lis numerous customers their liberal patronage, would inform them and the public generally, that Lis stock has just been replenished with a choice si tion of Goods of the latest styles, neweso patterns and best quali hich he offers at the lv west possible figures at which such goods can old. In FI OLD JEWELRY; Chains, Ear-Rings, Finger-Rings, Brooches, &e., &c. Goldine and Fancy Jew elry i in great variety IN BOOKS: Large Family Bibles and every varjoty of Beautiful Bibles, Prayer Books, Hymn ks, &c., &e. All the best authors in Poetry, History, Biography, & A large and complete assortment of SCHOOL BOOKS. An excellent variety of Albums. In Stationery :--Ledgers, Journals, Day Books, &c., &c. A large assortment of Legal Forms such as Blank Deeds, Mortgages, Leases, &c., &c. Writing- - Books, Paper and Inks of the best quality. Fancy Goods in great variety. Berlin and other fine Wools. Everything on stock will be sold at the lowest possible figures, 'The best Sewing Machines in the Domin- ion furnished at prices which defy competi. tion. Ladies' Work Boxes. 1am Agent for the famous Instruments manufactured by R, S, Wilson of Toronto. -- Pianos, Organs and Melodeons, Violins, Concertinas, &c., of the best description. Remember the place--Allen's Emporinm, opposite the Ontario Bank, Port Perry. BEF" The Toronto Matt da aily and weekly --and the Toronto Grope--daily and weekly for Sale, THOMAS ALLEN. Port Perry, September 24, 1873. JOEN § MM. WILLOOX, I the Town of Whitby, has drops ap- pointed + : OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE for the county of Ontario. Any' business entrusted to his charge will be carefully at- fended to. -- Ll. John Mec Donald, , MARBLE DEALER ! NEWCASTLE, ONT. ONUMENTS, Tomb-Tables, Head- Stones of great variety, with every de- scription of Marble Work, suitable for Cem- eteries, supplied at short notice. Also Peterhead and Aberdeen Granite, Parties will find it to their advan. toge to witbhold their orders until called on by y J. C. WILLIAMSON, AGENT Satisfaction guaranteed, and all work war ranted, - ? January 10, 1872. '3 TOWNSHSP CLERK, : 4 Issuer of Marriage Licenses--Conveyancer. | | That 7 young and inexperienced. | of another opinion, for she went into r 1 to let her "| nice breakfast ready formy guard.] A 1 bl © "ARIO, THURSDAY, FEB. 26, 1874. - WHOLE NO. 839 S-- "HER DETERMINED CHOICE: ¢ REMEMBER, WIFE, I DID NOT COAX You." "Do you wish to speak to me, Mrs. Harvey ?" said Mr. Wentworth to his housekeeper, as he glanced up from the morning paper and saw her slowly and deliberately arrang- ing the sideboard, and wiping a few imperceptible specks of dust from the glasses, '" Ahem! ahem ! Yes, Mr, Went-- worth, if you please." " Well, Mrs Harvey ?' Io laid down the paper, knowing the good woman to be usually rath- er prolix in her speeches, but this morning she cimo suddenly to the point. "If you can spare me, sir, I should wish to leave your service." "To leave! And "Aimee--Miss Rochelle--so lately returned." 'Why yom sed' sir, when Miss Aimee was at school, and only here during the vacation it was another matter ; but now she has ¢ome to reside with you, and grown up lady.' 'What can have occured, Mrs Harvey I had hoped you lookedupon my houso as y our home.' ¢ Thank you, sir,' and Mis Harvey smiled complimeiit 3 and shall be sorry to inconvenience you; but oon coyrse Miss Aimee will in fu- ture keep the keys and give the or-- ders, and I never was used to have a lady over me, be she ever so nice; $0, it you please, Mr. Wentworth, I preter to leave." ¢ Certainly, by all means, Mrs. Harvey. And it was settled that the house keeper should resign her trust upon that day week, is quite a The pleasant morning room open- ed. by a glass door on is lawn, and trained around and ov ershadowing the panes, mingled a clustering rose and fragrant honeysuckle; but brighter and sweeter than even'they was the fair young face which peep- within. Then Ahen 'Aimee Ro- chelle entered, her hands filled with the flowers she had gathered. ¢ Ob, dear guardy !" she cried, 'I feared you would coax her to re- main I' ¢ What coax a woman, Aimee |-- is a species of argument I would not resort to with you though I fear the pleasure of your | coming home will be lessened until we can replade her, for Bridget is Butdont i trouble yourself about Mrs Harvey ; Bridget and [ shall go on famously.' If Mr. Wentworth did not sippréve of the coaxing system, his ward was the kitchen and begged Mrs Harvey make that day's desert, under superintend-- ance, some excellent cake, for which the housekeeper was justly celebrat- ed, and she charged Bridget to al- low nothing in the culinery pr cpar- ation to escape lier notice. And so the week passed on until the morning Mrs Harvey's trunks were all inthe hall ready corded and she--her hand full of fresh erispd notes-- was courtesying and smiling her way out of Mr. Wentworth's study. ¢ Ah, then, exclaimed the honest, outspoken Irish girl, 4nd may her shadow never darken. our doors again! Tam glad she 1s gone, Miss Aimee, it is yourself I would rather have any day for a mistress." «Yon won't find me a hard one, Bridget. But you will do me one favor? Please call me very early every morning, and we will have a and also, Ler ian. I do not wish him to discover the difference in our, housckeeping." ¢ Indade, Miss, and I willl Bel sure the master does not know . how little Mrs Harvey did after I had been here a month.' Oh--saving yer presence--she was a decateful old Jezebel I' Aimee rose early and breakfast was ready at, the usual hour, and with pleasure she observed' her 'achieventents- ¢ What excellent eoffee! And really Aimee, these bisenits are su- perior to Mrs Harvey's. Then seeing him take up his pa- per, she tripped into the garden for | py her morning flowers. ¢ Dear happy child'! cried Her- bert Wentworth. as; with a sigh; he watched her flitting like a butterfly from tree to tree. ' It only 'seemed the otyer day since he had led her away a little dying futher, who confiding the or- guardian glance over the table as| she listened to the praises of their}, weeping gir) from the bedside of her| and hope, tured I his face to the wall and then rosignedly fell asleep. Herbert Wentworth was at that ime a man of twenty eight. Now ton years had passed, and more than one silver thrcad mingled in- his dark hair, and the child had become a lovely girl ot eighteen, ' Ilow shall I bear to part with her ? thought Herbert. < How, en- dure this darkened home whea the gladdens it ?' Aimee returned with her flowers, but she had suddenly checked the cheery little song she was singing, upon observing the sad, grave smile with which her guardian greeted her. What is the matter, guardy ? Do you miss anything this morning?' she asked, glancing around theroom her thoughts riveting to her new duties. 'Yes, Aimee, my morning kiss. I think you have forgotten that lately.' 'This is better than a mortal's kiss, for the moon looked down on them all night while the fairies around and then hid under soft leaves leaving sweet, dewy kisses there for you." Herbert Wentworth opened his arms to kiss her but Aimee had fled away. Three happy but eventful months had glided by. The beautiful Aimee Rochelle had rejected lovers innu- merable. At length one, more persevering than his rivals, importuned Mr. Wentworth for the hand of Lis love- ly ward. The day he so dreaded had arrived his chierished bad tad expanded |, into a flower, and other eyes beheld its beauties, and other hands would fain gather it to transplant in their own homes. "This letter concerns you my child," said Ilerdert to his ward.--- It is from young Frank as he is call- ed. Ie asks my consent to address you, and my influence in his favor. He is wealthy; but you, Aimee, will not be portionless. The money your father left has been well invested, and when I render up my trust--" « Mr Wentworth," she exclaimed, never let the subject of Hong y be named between youl and me.' "What answer shall I give ?" said her guardian. ¢ Tell Frank Slater L offer." decline his "Pause well my dear; it is a most eligible one. He is of good family, bears an irreproachable name--"" "Do you wish me to marry this young man ?" She looked up at him, and as she waited his reply, the color of her cheek faded to an ashen whiteness. Yes, for 1 think it most suitable, and doubt not you will be happy." " Happy! do uot mock me with that word." Aimee clasped her raised hand as she spoke; then casting upon him one reproachful glance she hurridly left the room. Herbert Wentwort started. In those harsh, impetuous tones he hardly recognized the sweet voice of [aime nor in her wild desparing attitude her childlike gentleness. " What can it mean ?" he cried and after some moments of wonder-- ing thought, be slowely andoflech- ively followed his ward t5 her own little sitting room. _ She was not their ; but on the table was her open desk and spread were letters, as it hatily worn from their enclousures--his own letters which sbe bad treasured. He look-- od again. Thereiwas a small like: ness of himself. Aimee must have painted that from memory. "Oh my God!" ho exclaimed, "hast, Thou, then such ddep| happin- ess in stove for me ?" A white figure was slowly pacing tho gardenin ¢ the dark walk" as Aimee named it, and which she said she hated for its gloom. Aud now with drooping head and arms hanging listlessly down the poor girl sought/ its shade, « Aimee my, child 1" "Did you call me sir?' He raised the coldtrembling hands and held them in his own. - «Ig your old love and friendship broken that you speak to me with such formality." Tf--if--I marry Frank--it will be proper," she sobbed. . piness--the angel of my house P " «Then do you not wish Te toleave youl vf ENA Do I wish it? 'Would x Dah the blessed sunshine from my path? The blush returned to the fair F "You shallnotmarry him! Teannot | part from you my - darlin--my hap- « Aimee,' I love you too fondly' ror my own, epee, 430 ox thet ue 1 urge this marriage,' She looked up proudly and. brave: ly. «Aud Xs Herbert Wentworth, cared fornone but you in the wide world: And ali | when 1 | sunshine of her presence» nolonger| i i you decide. Before nit tn an old fellow whose hair and beard. are already tiniing gray." « Herbert, your are not old; you will never be old in my eyes, sud youare far handsomer than Slater--and--1I love you, dear Her- bert." She could say no more for isews closed her lips. And now when they speak of the old days of their brief courtship Herbert will gometimes.add : « Remember little wife I did not youl ' ra Aimee only laughs as she re- plies : "Ah! yes it was too had. compelled to do the coaxing." But Amy Wentworth never ré- grotted her choice, and a happier couple does not exist in all this fair broad land. i { I was rar ry How the Ladies in the States Lecture Tem- perance. The ladies in several cities in the States especially in Olio and Indiana have gone on a Crusade against the sale of intoxicating liquors. If they cannot prevail on the Saloon keepers to quitat once they proceed to carry their traps out of doors ; and latest ,eports show no abatement in the enthusiasms concesning the temperance crusade, which has enlisted leading people in various com munities. The saloon-keepers of Shelby- ville, Ind, having served written notice on the ladies that thev would hold them accountable for a loss «f business, am incorporated company with three hundred thousand dollars capital, was organized the next day to fight it with legal weapons. To saloons haye been closed in Muncie, Ind., and the druggists have voluntary signed the piedge not to sell liquor. The trafficis iti suppressed in Leusburg, Ohio, and & commitiec appointed to prevent opening of any new saloonsi The saloons are closed in Cedarville aun Georgeown, and the camp- aign is about to open in Dayton, Ohio. Talking Railway. . The Victoria Railway Conpany have peti- tioned the LicusGevernor in council for apsistence to build their Railway which is to connect with the Roronto and Nipis: « ing Railway somewhere in the Township of Reach or vicinity, with the Whitby and Poré Pe ry Railway in the same Township, with the Midland Railway, and with the proposed Grand Junction Railway should it be built at Lindsay. From Lindsagit is preposed to build the Railway northwards through the Township of Kenlon to the important man. ufucturing village of Fenlon Falls, thence in a north casterly direction along the valley of the Burnt River, past the newly-discover- ed iron mines in Snowden to Hailburton in the the Township of Dysart, in the Couuty of Peterboro ; thence in a cetion to a point at or near the confluence of the Des Moius with the Ottawa River, ' Further on the Petition scts forth : The Victoria Railway, on the other band would afiord the only means of access to the Upper Ottawa to the population which may bave facilitics for shipment by the Midland the proposed Grand Junction, and Bowmanville and Lindsay Railway via Lindsay, while the whale population of "the Western portion of the Province having railway communication to Toronto and Whitby ceuld ship via the Toronto and Nipissing, and Whitby and Port Perry and Victoria Railways, to the Upper Ottawa, the articles mainley contri-- buted from the Western Province, such as pork, flour, and other kinds of provisions bi geweral merchandise. Here follow the finaneial prospects of the affair, 'The total cost of the railway is esti mated at $20,000 per mile. From the june tion with the Toronto and the junction with the Whitby and Port Pery Railway, via Lindsay and Fenelon Falls to Haliburton, would he seventy-three miles, for which there is expected from the Municipalities: the amount of $3.600 per mile, and from the Government as lrereinafter $3000 per mile for the distance "from Wi to Port Perry and Fenclon Falls, aud $5000 per mile thence to Halibuiton, or an ave for the whole distance of $ 000 per mile % discount on debentures, or in round numbers about $7,000 per mile, The cliarter of the Company gives power to issue $11,900 per mile of bonds, estimated to pi e SI cash per wile, or $17,000 per dn Toe . balance of $3,090 per mile would be made general of the company for that For the section from Haliburton to cipal assistance, a not attractive vate capital] your petitioners that as it is through a totally minlabied district in its primitive state, that the Gov- of this. or any such Railway, must n for the sum on Spina or 5,000 acres of land per mile, ina strip of equal width along both railway to the Ottawa River, in Inst. section $360,000 in cosh Commissioner, &e. Office-- Manchester, phan to his friend's care, in tiust cheeks, which she laid pn Her- bert's Arm.' wa Riveravhioh is beyond the reach af muh a give to ps, h-casterly dir- | equivalent (oa total of §7,600 per mile es ds 0,000" up with the stock and credit, popeoual | orion A as ernment subsidy to secure the. cotmirucHome.sst ily amount to $9,000" permite pecubleimenh; 2 "Youre®'2 peitoncr x however, nl 1 indot constroc he said Bete

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