Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 29 Jan 1874, p. 1

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CATE ta -------------- ap------ ay en AND GENERAL & i bot ym) VOL. XVI, NO. 6.1 THURSDAY, JAN. 29, 1874. I. , oo ren : 4 * : vofession 2 t Now ron Fest CLASS Si 0 = poi - oh orth Ontarie Obzeruer. » a ea us. i : HOW 1 NEARLY LOST HER. |ties of her larder before him; two * I shan't lt you read ome word of t ; but A WEEKLY mm Al 4 Mandy. Midge is-voming up tae Jolly girls who laugh from morning [I think I would go to Landon, if T were you POLITICAL, AGRICULTURAL, DENT IS i 4 Y. morrow,' said my hostess, lifting her till night, and another girl so pod ee Maly ites, myst) w- "Clam : eyes from a letter she had found |°PAYMing that no words can de- FAMILY NEWSPAPER, 18 PUBLISHED AT PORT PERRY, fi giving J Te TERMS.--$1 per x suman Begin ¥ance ; if not Stso-will Te ¢ arged. % subscription taken for less than six months; and no paper discontinued until all arrears are paid. 1 RATES OF ADVERTISING. For cach line, first insertion ........$0 08 Subsequent insertions, per line . . 002 Cards, under 6 lines, i annum ,.... 5 00 ay dresg: an ed, id he at our ris! "Advertisments mensucid by Nonpareil, and charged according to the space they ac- cupy. Advertismenty received for publication, without specific instructons, willbe inserted until fordid and" charged aiccodingly. No advertisment will be taken out until paid for A liberal discount allowed to Merchants and others who advertise by the year or half-year, BEF" These terms will in all cases be strictly adhered to. when ad- regester- Job Department. Phample ts, land Bills, Posters, Pro- 'grammes, Bill Heads, Rlank Forms, Receipt Books, Checks, Books, Circulars, Business + | Cards; Ball Cards, &c., of every style and olor, exceented promptly and at lower rates ¥ Rhian dng other establishment in the County. 1 Parties from a distance getting hand bills, &c, printed can have them done to take Hiding with them, J Ba. bas prot: ans RS. JONES & MALLORY, Surgeans and Accoucheurs, H. PARSONS. wl guy Physicians, Pozi Torry. Office, over Allison's Drug Store, Qu R. JONES, M. D,, CORONER, County Ontario, R. BRA [ON R. WARIS, Coronor for the Ontario, Physician, Surgeon edueheur, D! RS. MCGILL & RAF &ay G0, Ugo IWAITE, ! Port Perry. County of and Aes Prince Albort. 18. M. ARTIN & DEGRASSI, Lindsay. a Osawa, "arn, mn. FRANCIS RAF, MD. i MEBRIEN, ALR. (LS, Guy's ait, Loudon, egland." The lye R. ~ Oshawa, Solicitor, cupicd by 5. it * « H. L. HARNDEN, L.D.S., Surgical and Mechanical Dentist, Of Twelve Years Experience, tsi over Mr. Gordon's Store, * Queen Street, PORT PERRY. RESIDENCE--PRINCE ALBERT. October 29, 1873. CHAS. THORN, V8, EMBER of the Veterinary Tustitute, A Chicago, Ill. Gold Medalist for the best examination on Horse Practice, Author of a First Prize Essay on Shocing., Gradu- ated Sept. 16, 1867. Dr. Thorn begs to announce that he has taken up his residence at Port Perry, and is now prepared to treat nll cases entrusted to his care in the most skillful and scientific manner. All orders left at the Medical Hall | mioderate LIVERY RIGS. W. H. PARK, Jr, AS fitted up a Livery Stable opposite the Post Office, Port Perry, where first class Livery Rigs oan always be had on terms, dt W. H. PARK, Jn, Proprietor 5 Port Perry, Jan. 22, 1874. JOEN §. M. WILLOOX, F the Town of Whitby, has been ap- pointed OFFICTAL ASSIGNEE for the county of Ontario. Any business entrusted to his charge will be carefully at- j tended to. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS ! REPAIRS of Mr Allison, will receive prompt attention, B&F" The Veterinary Stables may be found on Lilly strect, opposite Cossitt's Factory. Port Perry, Oct. 28, 1873. N, / OTTAWA, CANADA, Transacts business with the Patent Office and other departments of the Government Copyrights and the Registration of Trade | Marks and Designs procured. Drawings, Specifications, and other Documents neces - sary to secure Patents of Invention, prepared on receipt of the model of the Invention, auctioneers, J. C. PILKEY, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OI' ONTARIO! 0 OULD inform the public gene ly that lie has resumed the busi s Auctione for their lileral patrorage in the hopes by strict attention to busine 'onstant regard to the interests of his patrons, to secure a still further extended patronage. Sale Bills drawn out and Blank Notes fur- nighed free of charge, All orders addressed to J. som P.O, or left at the Port Perry, will be promptly o Thanking his numerous frie! oo Pilkey, Ep- fe ended to, i C. PILKEY. 38 Epsom, Sept. 0 TANTHERS iy WILSON Licensed Auciionecrs for the County , of Ontario, | | pa RE prepared to conduct Sales anywhere [ the ales in onr hands attention being is alzo Axe nt for all kinds of Agricultural Implements, | P. 0, will receive prompt attention. FH ww and Attorn, . Sh Council, Ontario. A. €, CAMERON, P AMER AMON, Attor in Chancery, Cony Txbridge. Oili A. HURD, Attorney at al Solicitor « Lf Chancery. Office In the Royal Arcade, Port Perry. BILLINGS, OHN Law, Solicitor in Chanee J rister, Attorney at , Notary Public, Ross Store, Conv eyancer, &¢. Office ov Port Perry. OC. N. VARS, L. D. 8. i all, the Tateést princi- Fa bry ke) as cheap the cheap cst, and as good as the LEE Teeth filled with. Gold and Silver. "Teeth extracted without pain by producing local anmsth- esin. Dentical Rooms--in Cowanés new block, over Atkinson's Drug Store, King Street, Oshawa, URGEON DENTIST, Uxbridge Village. All Dental Delis ie with ARIS, hae, Am a pied at plicss Ww ation jy Baie all Kinds of oe J ely, Fancy a ~H, P. Gréggs, Port Hope; he Tn Whitby; Jos. Gould, Esq. Ea zm. Licensed ex the Township of Brock, Scott, Thorah, Rama, Mara, and Eldon, RES" Parties entrusting their Sales to me may rely on the utmost attention being given Gordon, Auetioneer, xbridge, Mariposa to their interests. WM. GORDON, Sunderland, Br W. M. WILLCOX, LICE, SED AUCTIONEER AUCTIONEER, FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO. AND TOWNSHIPS OF MARIPOSA. & CARTWRIGHT, EGS to thank his many friends and the | public generally, for the liberal patrons ! age bestowed upon him for the past five years. Having now given up the business of Bailiff, 1 intend, in future, to devote my whole time to the busimess of Auctioneer, Collecting, &c, It will be my endeavor, by prompt and careful "aftention to business, to give full satisfaction to all who may fayor me with their Sales or Collecting. - Bi'ls draughted and Blank Notes furnished free of charge. Also Bill Stamps always on hand, Arrangements can be made for sales &c., at the Opserver Office, and at the Standard Office, Port Perry, W. M. WILLCOX, Prince Albert, Oct. 25, 1873. THOS. H. WALSHE. ICENSED Auctioneer for the Township of Brock, Thorah, Mara & Rama in North Ontario ; Mariposa, ete., in the County of Victoria. Residence--Cannington, Brock. Orders left at this office, or at his residence will be punctnally attended to. Debts col- Johnton Self-Raking Reaper, All orders addressed to (. Crothers, Epsom / Valuntor, &e. |) ROBT RL 23 BART 293 i J ITH u view to to batter accommodating W the Farmers of North Ontario, Mari posa and Cartwright, and to further meet the rapidly ine ing demand for the Cayuga Chief Mowes, Plows, ¥ ning Mills, &e. As manufactured by Brown & Patterson, of the the Whitby Agricultural Works, and all REPALRS for these Imple ments, AN AGENCY =-- Has been opéned by Brown & Datterson AT PORT PERRY, For the regular' supply of all the ahove at 'the same prices. as they are sold at the Li HOLIDAY PRESENTS, 7 Commotion and turmoil on ev Elections for Councils allover Expenses and taxes for side Jute Vote for the right'on But. one; thing is cé Netth ther peace nor conter I'll show you a choice Much better by far tha hand, e land, walks and Hrects, Fan cs, we don't wang dead boats | orl my kind wang don) Sika ent on monéy de; ni; lot of Christinas choi n often appears, EO A Stock most complete i in commodities fine, Especially putchased for holiday time; Cruetp Plate, Silver, Tea Belle, and Taskets, Trifle Dishes, Toast Rack, and splendid Ci askets, ElegantMustard Mugs, Goblets and Cups, Hall and Table Lamps and good Driving Whips. Tn Knives for the kitchen and dining halls fine, The best in the market in every line; In Cook, Parlor and Box Stove no end to the Tot; I've Tea Lots, and Kettles required for the cot ; For comfort and beauty these cannot be beat, And tis is the reason 1 mean to compete, The place for the things best suited to taste You will find is in my Store, then come with all haste, For everything's here for presents 80 Tare; Look all around you hut be sure to be there. Then I wish you good chee 4 /| thing like it Mr. Grant Be happy, Port Perry; Dee, 17, 1873, TAILORING IN ALL ITS DEPARTMENTS, AT | Works. All Repairs for the Johnston Je oy Cayuga Chief Mower, Plow Potts, | ind all other repairs kept con- | pid on hand, WM. JOHNSTON Remember the place, East of li son's Hotel, Port Pervy., Hay as to be fully we have late Utica, as our Agent, Agent, H. 8S. Johnston, call upon y ui, solicit coming seasoi esto lishe I the above Ag :«d in North Ou appointed Ld. Walker, of | ho, with our present of Port Perry, will! your orders for the | Gilli Sos & PATTERSON, i EE MONEY 70 LOAN | MORTCAC 8 WANTED. al the lo Lands eval and Sola. good farms fc le. Z©~ DEBENTURES BOUGHT." JOHN & DAVID J. ADAMS, pEN General Agents, Office in Mr, Ross' Ontario Buildings, Port Perry. Pert Perry, Oct. 11, 1572, John McDonald, MARBLE DEALER ! NEWCASTLE, ONT. A ONUMEN Tomb-Tables, 4 Stones of great vari scription of Marble Work, suitable for Cems ctetics, supplied at short notice. Also Peterhead and Aberdeen Granite, BES Parties will find it to their advan- te ge to withhold their orders until called on by Head- v, with every de- J.C Wikilakson, Satisfaction guaranteed, and all wi A war- ranted. January 10, 1872. Q2RYINB |AS IMPORTED ! HENRY CHARLES Hs Received a further supply of '3er TENNANT'S XXX PORTER And ALE in Btone Jars. HENNESSY'S JULE ROBIN & Ce, and OTARD'S BRANDY. KENTE'S HOLLAND and OLD TOM. e. R» | Port PERRY HOUSE, | the Home Style. - | Port Perry, Nov. 11, 1873. d cigars, Ev attention to ig 2 ga ery ol di SQUIRIYS TAILOFING ESTABLISSMENT OVFR ROSY' STORE, PORT PERRY. JAMES SQUIRE, Port Perry, Oct. 30, 1873. W. BURNITAM, ie ofie Third Divi- + sion Court. On ws Block, pore a Office hours from 19 a.m, to 3 p. m. FS ates HOTEL, 30Y AL CANADLL PORT PERRY HENRY FOY, PROPRIITOR. The Subscriber having leased the above Hotel Dis fitted it up in a style in keeping 1 increasing business 'and nd neighborhood, t reference to the comfort and of the public, Strict attention paid to the 7 Comfortable fable and the Stables aud attentive 2 will be g ian Hotel w it Port Perry, June 16, 1869. Pe . PORT PERRY. JAS. V. THOMPSON, - PROPRIETOR, The above Hous most comfort- cd, and Good Liquors also, first clas: ling and Additions have heen made w this the largest and best House in this section of country. Fare $1.00 per Day. ably furni. ' 5 ENS HOTEL, PORT PERRY. JAMES DEWART, - PROPRIETOR, The Subscriber having leased this excel-- lent Hotel and fitted it up with a view to the comfort of guests and the accommoda- tion of the general public, will be glad to welcome old friends and new to take part in the hospitality of the Queen's, The Table carefully: Liquors and Cigars in the DB: Stables punctually attended to. The Queen's is conveniently siwgted: a few rods west of the Post Office, JAMES DEWART! Choice | supplied, Bar, the Yard and A SLO ANERIIAN HOTEL, PRINCE ALBERT, ONT: WM. BADGEROW, PROPRIETOR. onl (above, comodious hotel has been new! ts and <4 ample and Tue) for in Te- ception of guests. It supplies a most con- venient point for Commercial travelers. ro) 2 r through' the rest of your days, contented, take care of your ways, > g Be sare you are right and then go ahead, Forme, I am ready to pléase you i indeed. W. T. PARRISH. 1 Yucathor! FEE Sul of his bt he having removed the whole 88 10 His INew Premises ! Built tor the purpose, in Pp NE PERUY. Now presents to fhe public the . best stock of' HARNESS SADDLES, WILDS, TRUNKS, V.ALISES, And everything in his line, ever offered to the public in the North Riding of Ontaro. He is determined t other House in the { [§ largest and cll as Cheap as any ZC SATISFACTION Thankiy N GUARANTEED. Lis customers for the liber] support wded to him (during the past cighteen years, he will do his utmost to merit continuance of the same, JOHN ROLPII. June 18, 187i. = Port Perry, 1 JEWELRY, BOOK, STATIONERY AND FANCY GOCDS EMEORIUM, UI Subscriber in te uks to his nume I tionage, wing Lig hearty us customers for would inform them I weradly, that his stock has Just been replenished with a choice Selec= tion of Gots of the latest styles, newest patternsand best quality which he offers at the Io west possible figures at which such goods can bekold. In FINE GOLD JEWELRY; Chains, Far-Rings ' Finger-Rings, Brooches, &e, ke Goldin and Fancy dewelry in reat ¥i IN BOOKS: Large Family Bibles and every variety of Beautiful Bibles, Prayer Books, Hymn Books, &c., &e. All the Lest authors in Poctry, History, * Biography, &c. A large and complete assortment of SCHOOL BOOKS. An excellent variety of Albums. In Stationery :--TLedgers, Journals, Day Books, &c., &e. A large assortment of Legal Forms suc ¢h as Blank Deeds, Mortgages, Leases, &c., &e. Writing- Books, Paper and ole 2 the best quality. y Goods in great variety. Berlin m pri fine Wools. Everything on stock will be sold at the lowest possible figures, 'The best Sewing Machines in the Domin- fon furnished at prices which defy competi: tion. JLadies' Work Boxes. Tam Agent for the famous Instruments d hy R. 8. Wilson of Toronto.-- ble and Tomy ig and at- tentive ostlers, ; i HOUSE, MANCHESTER, J. TENNYSON, - PROPRIETOR, | Having purchased the 4 above Howl, has { furnished the Bar with th Pianos, Organs and Melodcons, Violins, Concertinas, &e., of the best description. Remember the place--Allen's Emporium, opposite the Ontario Bank, Port Perry. ag The 6 Toronto MAmL-- daily and weekly --and the Toronto Grose--duily and Feckly for Sale. THOMAS ALLEN. Port Perry, September 2, 1873. ' beside her plate at the breakfus table. ¢ Dear me! how glad I am!» Brooks from the opposite seat, ¢ oh aunty whata name! Mandy Midge! (Gracious me! did you ever hear any. "Mandy echoed Bolle Brooks. Midge I'. cried her sister. ¢OHh| dear, dear ! Midge!' I,as a stranger, kept silence while the old lady took of her glass- es and looked rather reprovingly down the table. '1 don't see anything so curious in the name,' she said. ¢ We always called her Mandy for short. She was christned Amanda; and the Midges are a first-rate people--good family ; and she's nice little thing --a very nice little thing, indeed.' 'Little Miss Midge!" laughed Fena. ¢ Oh, how funny!' Young folks see fun in a good many things, it seems to me' said Aunt Morris: ¢ But I hope your done langhing at Mandy.' There was silence on the subject but down by the river bank after a while the girls began it over aguin. ¢ Mr Grant--think of it. Mandy Midge. 'I can imagine her. Mandy Oh! It was Belle who said that-- Belle who was always laughing and gig- gling over everything. And then Lena began with little squels of laughter peculiar to her. '1 do wonder what she looks like.' I, a young fellow of five-and- twenty sat between the two girls. I had my portfolio and pecils with me, and a volume of 'Little Women,' which Belle was pretending to read, principally because some one had told her that she looked well with her eyelids cast down, What idotie things we. said to to cach otheras we. sat under the trees on the grass. "Little Women?" T reading the title. ¢ Miss Midge, all of them I The Misses Midge. Then with my pencil Twrote on a fiyleaf ¢ Dedicated to Miss Midge. ¢ Iusterate it," cried Belle. And then T drew a three-leafed clover, and a little woman standing under its shade with a big hoop and a big waterfall. And it 1 scribbled -- 5 « Little Miss Midge stood under the Waiting for some one to help her ov ¢ Mandy Midge stood ona bridge, screamed Lena. ¢ What rhymes with ¢ Nothing but Midge,' cried Belle. ¢ And she heard the frogs holler "Mandy Midge" added 1. The ab ued verses were all writ- ten down. Another pictur BuUppose. under 'lover, ) ud alittle wom- an standing on a bridge, with a frog twice hersize on the rock in the river below Ler, added and ¢ illustr- ated by B, Grant," written beneath. And then the sun veuched: the .{ tree,and we wanderedaway and spent the pleasant. day together those two giggling girls and myself. It was so easy to be a wit in their estimation that I become a sort of peripatectic jolly joker in the course of the afternoon, and quite fitled the margin of © Little Women" with jests and puns, mostly awakened by the name of the unexpected guest. On our way home: Bello vowed high price, for my first production. sa ys, we'll "make it over jointly." There was neither sense mor wit >| would bring me. Lena. Miss Midge, Mr. Grant. younger lady in some airy white dress, with roses in hair and at' her bosom. oge creature, the most bewite most charming | littlé angel. had said a word to her. to and from Uxbridge 1) F200 Thgiibvar vile purity whit, ibe i KS CLL a nan. 7 | WESTERN ASSURANCE comp ¥| . asf tke this oppor prompt remittances made. Remember-- ALSO . habia hai, 0 - o y x - : : TTT r 4 hits ny oR oun | WALSHE, the North Ontario Auction 1 p. WELLS' TORONTO ALF. pn HOUSE, ticugs natal at 5 ' TORON TO. * es. Gog the past Ton WALKER'S Extra MALT and RYE: ; "oF FReOIR ove hv ilar) ene years in ofiesion MONEY CUB a al wie : 3. DAFOE, PROPRIET() incorporated... senttser 1851 as DE in this local HA 7d vo [Private Funds, . | A general assortment of Deas, Sugars, | a Good lui G areful Ly d i", t 1 - $4.00, 000. % fornr the | public "general "he has |p, 1, good Farms, at 8 ¢ in- apital ; pm Rie, Tor. fur, quer. Mr. | {0 Cou 0° #8 per <I) Goanen, Can'd Fruits, Fish, &oa&e. Ah rE Capi x pina nes os fobs 3 hr rt Port Perry, Sept. 8, 1873, and cigarer Good Stabling. 4 1 i's 1 / | Prossdent. Hon. Jobn NeMurrich, dervices. AnnisTir, &0., TIT | OrOtary s,s ors re ---- Esq Brdti Devt hyn on bl TARA te as, MUSIC LESSONS! ! PW atin HOTEL, rat me J) THESE JAMES PRINGLE, rind Dn ant ye SAINTRIELD, & 2otolie) Gif onsral Agn RS. E. M. PRINGLE, Prince Albert, wis Reesibls appospuce; sind petfiolgy teeth fur- UGH desires to state thatat the énrnest so- | J, JENNINGS, ~ PROPRIETOR. oe a nr Y {citation of Srluds. he has Sguoed to give : AT pr ----" NT. 2 nilds COT) Music Lessons e homes of several pu N 0 Port P ber 15, 1873. TAKEN 10. AND FROM THEISTATION living at a distance from Prince Albert and AY Tie nd || Agents. Wanted Everywhere. ph i Fg Oo oe SP AROUND 1 Town Bl ook Bot yo wholly. occupied: ee WHITBY. OT 70 Suu ous... i wouls eased fo hear from those who 1 5 ik "The Subatio is onepiad to convey Tay wish to receive Music Lessons at their sm, A. MASON, mormon NEW . ™M AP td Chests, T! 'runks, Boxes grange other de- | hom is Hotel has un ergone a thorough re- a scription of nen the Railway "Rides, ib Mey novation and been fitted up' with a view to wll Station or anywhere around town. All RS. % 'M, PRINGLE, i cquvenionco'of the tiaveling Dominion of Canada. Orders prompt attended to. Charges Puck Aw public... Every attention' -pmid to the| ' Prchit from two hundred to. three hundred moderate, Music pupils niwyd received at my oh table and bar, While Shligiaz an attentive | dollars per month, Permanent employment Size ot Marriage Licenses Office-- J. COOK, |dence, Prince Albert. - | Ostlers will have charge of the stables, TROY & 0, ; Lot 10, in the 1st concession of Brock. ' Port Perry, Jan, 1st, 1874, 'Nov. ¥, 1813. MRS. E.M.P. Winthy, June 20, 18704 ' 32 King St. East, Toronto . ~ - 'Oh'gunty |" shrieked pretty Lena asked | that she would keep the book for ever, and that when I became a cel- ebrated artist, she conld sell it at a And then wo quarrelled about .the authorship of the poetry, and I set led it by saying, as Captain Cattle in anything we said, and I for one knewsit well enough, dut I never guessed how I should rue the day, or {to what grief that idiotic jesting ¢ Miss Midge, my nieces, , Bolle and . We bad entered the. dining-room | by the long French window; and stogod suddenly before two ladies. Dear old Mrs. Morris in her white lace cap and black sills dress, and a She held out a little dimpled fiand th frank greeting, and shelooked up at us withthe darkest and most beautiful eyes] ever saw. . She was altogether the' loveliest hing,' the In'aword 1 was head over hoels in love with Mandy Midge before 1 A visit to the country ; a kind old . hostess, delights in setting the dain - herlittle fat kiands, and saying-- scribe her, with whom one is de-- lightfully in love--who can picture | anything more pleasant ? Sure of my welcome, I prolonged the visit toa length ovly warranted by a life long friendship ; but I pre- sume that had I even felt less certain that 1 Wasmot: trespassing, I could ly. haxe per d myself to leave Psion while Miss Midge graced it with her pr 1 was received kindly, and i in the woud plighted my vows before the altar, lo the dearest little woman in abi ¢I meant to have told you of that hole' said a gentleman to his friend who, walking in his garden, stuthb- led into a pitof water. «No matfer' said the friend 'I have. found =e. ey -- Anold,rough clergy man ones took for "his text that pass ¢ of the Who would voluntarily turn his back on Paradise ?- But at last the time came when Miss Midge found it necessary to re- turn home. In twenty-four hours we must part, and before they were over, 1 had resolyed to tell her how I loved her I felt assured that she did not dis like me, and I hoped everything. How I followed her about that morning. How I watched for an opportunity to speak to her alone ! At last it came. The Noontide. train brought to Dinglewood two yound men who were glefully hailed as Hurry and Sam by the Misses Brooks, and who greeted those young ladies so warm- ly that I set my heart upon either Belle or Lena. Miss Midge, having true feminine instincts, slipped away by herself: Belle and Sam were soon tete-a tete | on a garden seat herd by. Harry and Lena rambled down a green lane, Mrs Morrig was heard i in the kitchen prob- ably awakening the cook to a proper sense ofthe importance of dinuer, and now or never was my chance, I found Lena in the library, and I took a scat at her side. Then 1 found It impossible to speak. What to do, I knew ; but how to do it--I hesitated ; ¥ looked at her. 1 saw her color rise to her cheeks. Then she took up Belle's work-basket which stood mcar, There was a book hidden under its over- flow of zephyr worsted, She drew it forth T saw she was confused. I could not be sure that the confusion was pleasurable, Did she tear to have me speak lest she should be obliged to refuse me, or that she felt all that 1 felt for her? To gain time 1 gasped forth-- " What book you reading, Mudge 2 Shefopened it and turned to the title page. ¢¢ Little women,' said she. A sudden recollection of the day of her ar- rival flashed upon me ; an awful knowledge of the absurditics which that book contained turned my whole face crimson. With my heart beating furiously, 1 I strethed forth my hand aud tried to shat h the volume from her. '" Please give me the book," Liz pA It was too late. I saw her splengid eyes dilate--I saw her check grow pale. She grew. strangely still as she turned: the pages. ¢ Pardon, Mr Graut,' she said ¢ I desire to cxamine the illustations. T hey do you credit; 50'do the marginal notés. You are quite 3 genius inthe comic line. A second Cruickshank or Leech. Charmiug! Would you like to see?' She handed me the book ; between us it dropped to the floor. 1 sat staring at her in speeckless agony as she quietly glided from the room. I did not see her again before she left, was it are Mis: 1 gasped. -- ains in Wales to the London market, "land Pi 1 "I said in my haste all men are liars." Looking up appar- ently as if he saw the Psalmist standing before him he said; ¢ You said it in your haste David. Ifyou had been here you might have said it after mature deliberation.' Two or three cattle disappered one night form a large herd that was being driven from the mount- and it was supposed they had been stolen. Five days atterward the stray cattle appeared at the place in the mountains from which they had been driven having traveled in re-- turn to' their first love, at 1éast 150° miles. The incident is not merely a verification of Scripture, that the ox knoweth his owner as well as the ass his master's erib, but it is a com- plete repudiation of the proverbial libel against the intelligence of that patient and useful animal. -------- " Dear old Aunt Sarah," said a said a school girl, don't see very well, and last Sunday she was buz= zing around getting ready for church, looking for umbrella, specs, overshoes, and last, but not least, her prayer-book. The latter she thonght she had by grabbing some- thing oft her bureau at the last mo- ment, but. when she got to church it proved to Le my musical box, and the old lady iu trying to find the place in this uncommon book of prayer, touched the spring, and it went off in fine style to the tune of €O, Jim Along, Jim Along, Josey. ama Arrecrina Ounrroary.-- Another old citizen of Illinois is prematurely "In life's great game of as the aged minister tear= erved in his funeral dis- course, " Le has thrown down his hand, which, p to say, brethren, was equal to four aces and a queen, Las surrendered his chips, drained his glass to the dregs And, what is most remarkable about it he full force of the impropriety of keeping her rat poison in her ot did not. seem to strike the old lady until about the time of the inquest, A Cut this Ont, no more poker," fully ol ermit me Le walked out." Every person should understand how to treat a flesh wound, because one is liable to be placed in eircum- stances, away from surgical and veterinary aid, where he may save his own life, the life of a friend or a beast, simply by the exercise of a little common sense. In the first place, close the lips of the wound with the hand, hold them firmly to- gether to check the flow of blood until several stitches can be taken and a bandage applied. Then bathe the wound for a long time in cold water. Should it be painful. a cor. No one could discover me at the dinner! hour, and she tock the half-past thre o'clock train that afternoon. ' What is the matter, Mr Grant ?" said Belle, with a serious face, as she came to the corner of the varandah, where I sat alone that evening. * I know you feelawful about something and cau't take any comfort; 1 guess, you know.' ¢ What do youn guess 1' asked. ¢ 1 found ¢ Little Women' on the floor, wide open,' said the girl with a quivering voice, ¢ and I saw you rush out of the library and go into the woods. And I saw Mandy's face, dear girl, when she wentaway ; and I see yoursnow, and its my fault for leavity the book about, apd 1 am sorry.' Belle was a jolly little soul, and I pined for some comfort and I told her all. When I ceased, she put her hands into mine and said-- ¢« Don't feel so bad, jet. I'm sure of that.' But as for me, I thought of cold lead the She wrote a letter to Miss Midge, and it | was ungramatical and full of schoolgirl slang and not so well spelt as it might have been, it said what 1 did not dare think of say- h 4 told the whole truth about that absurd | It will all come right | jresponlent says, take a pantul of burning couls, and spinkle upan them common. brown by hold the wounded part in the smoke.' Ina few minutes, the pain will be allayed, and reedvery proceeds rap. idly. In my case a rusty nail had made a bad wound in my foot. The pain and nervous irritation was se- vere. This was all removed by holding it in the smoke for fifteen minutes, and I was able to resume my reading i in comtort, We have often recdbmmended it to others with plike vesnlts. Last weck one of my men had a fingernail to pair of ice-tongs. TL Uecame vory paintul as was-to have been «expiot- ed, Meld in the sugur smoke for TWenLy minatés the pain ceased and: promised speedy recovery. : {si TEBE The wise saw concerning angels" 'visits has boen provéil unting by a 'modern instance at Cartotown TIL: poison all night I gi fs not os where Mrs David Angle was on- the' > 29th ult., visited by three little Ang- Belle wags feud prophet. ols, who' were: net ie How nor' far: between. J} alow, rt scribling, and it wound up thus-- ade But you know we did not think what | we were doing. And we all liked you the minute wo saw you. And he is' so 'dwfally in love and so ashamed I think he'll die~ "And he's ever so nice. And I did it all-- 'askéd lin to draw'the pictures and made the | verses myself, and it was before we ever saw you, and please, please forgive him and me, bow any ha alone which 80 W( 'me (a With gla heal for you know you like him! There now.'-- came to me radiant, holding the Jeter in And when the answer came back, Bell |

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