SEE ------ a all of which wil 'be found excellent quality, and will be sold At Unusually Low Prices: Dress Goods in variety ; Double and Square Shawls; Bed, and Horse Blaukets; Clouds ; Hats trimmed 'and Winocys--all splendid value. Over Coats a large lot just in-- also of Pea Jackets, Heavy * Vests and Pants, Boy's Clothing, well made of good material and very Tow in price. Suits got up to order on the 'Most Reasonable Terms. © &'large lot of Cloths to select from: GROCERIES. Just to hand, a large Jot of Fresh Teas, Raisins, Cureants, and' General Groceries. -- + -&ll of excellent quality and unusually cheap. All kinds of Produce taken in cx SR. the highest prices allowed. _ Cash for Wheat, &c. fh ADAM GORDOX. #.¢ Port Perry Dec. 4, 1873. : orth Putario Ghserber ---------- ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAK JAMES BAIRD, . . . PORT 'PERRY, JAN. 22, . 874 THE BATTLE CRIES. Before another issue of this paper bas yeaohed. our subscribers the clash of politieal arms will have ceas- ed, the combat will be o'er, and the have carried of the spoils ; so that time for action is ; short, there is no time for sloth or slumber, the fight is to be short and let it be sharp | let us throw away the seabbard until victory is secured for the friends of sound, stable, econ omieal government | and the over- throw of the present heterogeneous crowd of policyless tricksters with and without portfolios have been secure; those dodgers who have snatched power on false pretences and who will wield it only for their vietors will PAL SAREE | requesed $0 the re Ge ------ WE Si The Brown McKenzie party, {neither past fior present, eduld ever make, any Headway against Si John's Gavernmont on their policy, and haye alwaystbad resourse to the indefinite well worn howl " corrup- tion" ; but of all the unfair, fraudu- lent cries ever Made nse of by un- scrupulous Brown and his followers the "Pacific Scandal charter-selling" is the most abominable and most. un- truthful. In fact it was Sir Johuls determination not to allow ' the Yankees to get hold of the road that made sucha "ery possible. The truth-telling MeMullen being disap- pointed because Sir John's Govern-- ment would have no Yankee clethent mixed up with the enterprise,placed his elap-trap documents in the hands of some of Brown's flunkics who made a big harrah over them but dare not give their evidence on oath But what is the fact ? why, Brown, McKenzie & Co., are the ones and the only ones who are playing into the hands of the Yankees in this matter--hear their raving now in re- gard to the building of this road which they call the utilization of the Northern Pacific, or in 6ther words their giving to the Yankees the con- trol and profits of the trade of our vast northern regions which appears to have been a part of the programme between Brown and McMullen for mg out the " Pacific Scandal" farce. Brown makes McKenzie say ¢ he will facilitate the branch line from Fort Garry (in Canada) to Pembina (in the United States) and thus ¢n- rich the the American railways and build up American cities with our trade, by giving the American northern men the means of tapping the trade of Manitoba and the north- west and bring the vast trade whieh will yet como from these vast re- gions through the American chan- nels and making it contribute to the building up of 8t. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, and other Anterican citiesto the detriment of our own country and the future of our Dominion ; by thus giving the Yankees a powerful lever which they may apply 'at pleasure whenever they wish to turn theannexation screws. This is what the Brown McKenzie, regime, if fol- lowed up is certain to produce.-- Sueh a course may suit McMullen & Co., but the Canadian who will ac- the part the latter played in bring- |, OEE he Thier Some party of parties unknown asyet dig played gheir - burglaristic {propessitics by making a for¢ible entrance into Mr, Bige- low's Store sometime between Saturday night and Sunday morning last. The burg] lar broke the glass of the door and utting in his arm wabolted tie door, wa cdi ahd. picked dp #nch articles as ap) come in his Way ; and doubtless being admonished by the coldness of the night he-went 1y info the fur trade. He may have. picked vp some five or six hundred dollars worth. A vigilent and unsuccessful hunt had been made after Cargent. So the thief dipped into the fur. We Lope the rascal may be caught, We are pleased to learn that part of thd stolen property, including Mr Lark's hore, has becn traced to Toronto and there secured, eat 8 tee A Forced Trade. On Saturday night fast some party over- anxious to trade horses and not having time to wait for morning or the consent of the owner went to the stables of Mr. John Lark, in the second Con. of Reach, and, breaking the lock off the door, took away one of Mr- Lark's horses and left one in itsstead. One may judge of Mr Lark's astonishment on going into his stables on' Siiay morning and finding that somebody had trading with him while he was asleep. - - -- dos Misfortunes Never Come Single. Just as the free and independent clectors of Onatrio are rejecting. the present policyless crowd of would-be ministers we find Manitoba fuming gainst them to a man, = From ppearance if Brown expéets to hold cortrole over the "government and the country be will have ta order another dissolution as soom as the House meets otherwise bis employ- ces will be driven from power. TN ------------.-- B&F Remember the grand intellec- tual treat to be giveh at Utica, on Wednesday evening next. Rev, W Sthephenson's Lecture in the brick church Utica, Mr Stephenson is decidoly in the front rank of lectur-- ers in' this dominion. Twenty five cents will secure a ticket. Let no one whe can' possibly be present deprive himself of hearing so excel- lent a lecture: "Bhe' committee de- serve the warmest thanks of the community for securing the services of so talen ed a lecturer. The object is a noble one, to wipa-off the debt of the church. (Ses Posters.) eel -- Port Perry Council. The Members elect of the above Council met at their cha nbers on Monday, 19th inst. Mr. McKer sker, the Clerk of the mmmicis pality, took the affirmation of the several members, viz: Mr. Bigelow, Reeve, and Messrs Roberts, White, Davis and Adams i or atdempl e ififor to which the conspirators made such a howl that the government in disgust threw up their portfolios. Mr. Gibbs entered upon his canvass the clap-trap howl had a little weight but on hearing his elear and unanswerable pe feeling entirelytdisappeas will undoubtedly be returned by a larger majority than before. When on and ME; Gibbs NOMINATIONS, This Thursday, 22nd inst., being the no- mination day the free and independant from the various parts of the riding navigating the rain and slush, bent thelr course in inrge numbers toward Sunderland the place appointed for holding the nominations, At 1 o'clock, notwithstanding the unfavorable day, some seven or eight hundred had as- sembled together around the stand, and the worthy Sheriff in the capacity of returning officer took the stand and' calling the meeting to order' read his authority for holding the nominations parties to make what nominatipns they wish- ed_to make with ae little delay as possible. and called 'on The following are the nominations : H Brethour moved and J Baird scconded P A Hurd, Esq ; T C Forman moves and C Robinson seconds Joseph Gould, Esq ; W 8 Sexton moves and P Keenan seconds. WH Gibbs, Esq ; J Gould moves and C Robinson seconds A Gordon, Esq ; W Nelson moves and A W Roberts seconds N F Pattersou, Esq ; T Paxton moves and J Bruce seconds J H Thompson, Esq; N F Patterson moves and M Gillespie Horne moves and H Maybee seconds C Rob- inson, Esq ; A W Roberts moves and W Rowland seconds M Gillespie, Esq. seconds J Baird; G Tae electors now retired to the Town Hall to. hear the addresses of the scveral candidat- 8, the returning officer presiding. It was agreed that the two real candidates have 40 i ch,the other did. 5 mirutes each and the movers and seconders 3 niin. utes each. This fine hall presented an animated app- earance filled np as it was principally by the study, intelligent well-tolo yeomanry of that fine township with a large represent- ation from the neignboring townships. to be fo 0 could not vifice hah of m swear 10 but over | Barley own personal aggrandizement and let the counfry go to the dogs. Were it not vaillanously deceitful and abominably untrue it would be amusing to bear the policyless crowd blathering about "charter selling' and corruption while they know as well as they know thal they secured their seats by fraud that the whole cept of it deserves to be pilloried. Vote for Mr. Gibbs the friend and supporter of good and economical Government, and an advocate for continued British unflinching opponent of Brown Mec- Kenzie scheme of Yankee interfer- ence, in our affairs. men as Gibbs and thus break the connection, an Vote for such charter ery is a base sham and arose |shackels which George Brown is irom the lies of the disappointed Yankees who when Sir John A's Government absolutely refused to allow them to have anything to do with the rdad first . sought to b'ackmail Sir John, and failing in that ose of their number sold their worthless untrathful black mailing documents to Brown McKenzie & Co and this was about the extent of the "charter selling" farce. Again the meaningless theadbare howl corrup- tion comes with very Lad grace from the Brown McKenzie party whose eorrupt practices are notorious over all the continent, whether we regard their letter-siealing, thoir silver mining enterprises, their Proton scandal" their Lartering portfolios for "rats," tlieir. buying up support in general, their wasteful expendi t t t © d rying to rivet on both the nation and its rullers. Vote for such men as Gibbs and hus burst the ring of unscrupulous yrants, Brown Mekenzie & Co, who are seeking to place their heel on our most cherised institutions and rample under foot all we hold dear as children of the most glorious empire on shown. which the sun ever ------------ The Brown McKenzie Trickery Condemned. The. Candidates of the policyless crowd are having a hard time of it, the iniquities of the father are being visited upon their children; precious few of them will succeed in securing cleetion. Mr. Gibbs" campaign in North Ontario has never been loubtfal but tlie experience of every shows that the-electors of this Councilors, the Council, made hy the Reeve, the name of the Reeve appointed G W Dryden, by-law was passed, signed und gealed, The Reeve took the chair and organized Mr Roberts introduced and carried through a by-law to appoint an auditor for the corporation and to confirm the appointment In con.mittee of the whole Mr White being in the chair the blank was filled up with E Worthington and The Committee rose and reported and the tare of public money, their frandu- lent enatebing of office and their , unmitigated impertinence their ty: ranny in forcing a dissolution and then presenting themselves to the country without arag of a policy. -- These arée the men who howl " cor- ruption" and " charter-selling " ; these howls however, are all make. believe, they know that there is not a word ot truth in what they assert ; bat on:the principle of misery loving compary they shout corruption to mislead the public with a view to such support as will enable them to retain their positions long enough to fleeco the country<and en- rich themselves and their relations Gown to 'the' thirth-second cousin. insolence as a govern: go intry without a "Tego a palicy and .seok -te run no the trength of the unfounded ent and their supporters. -- if Canadians are willing to allow themselves to be imposed upon by suoh fraud they are more easily n we took them: to be; and Who ever heard before ofa case of ey can heap on 1he. late. a hd Riding will neither sanc- tion McKenzie's fraud nor Brown's abomirsble tyranny ; their candid ate has ne chance in this ridi ng. ---- 'Well done: West Durham We are pleased to sce that the free and independent of West Durham arc seeking to smap assunder those abominable shackels with which Brown McKenzie and other s of the policyless crowd are striving te bind them. We hope that the worthy sons of West Durham will at this time rise in their might and drive from the riding the flunkies of Brown McKenzy Blake &Co and thus save that fair Riding from the disgrace and infamy of being a pocket constiteuncy for very policyless adventurer, letter stealer, McMullenite "speak mow" office sceker who has no whire else that he can find a place. -- Is not West Durbam tired of being the Grit Pound for every ox or ass which Brown, Mc- Kenzie & Co, wish either to confine or find grub for. Aro the el of West Durh not capable of choosing for themselves ?-- Must it be that Brown, McKenzie & Co, held that noble riding under their despotic heel and throw theme just such: things as mo one #lse cares about having, and poor West Dur-- han must take them.. In thisdegredation to. be perpetuated ? * Will the sturdy. yeomanry of that fair Riding, men :who in- point of intelligence, honor and upright manly bear- ing will compare with any in the Dominion | we ask will these men longer submit that | heir representatives shall be chosen for them Mr Adams introduced and carried through a by-law to appoint two trusteces--Drs Jones and Brathwaite--tor the High School, On motion of Mr Adams Messrs Davis, Roberts and the mover were appointed a committee to investigate the claims of toe indig:nt parties within the corporation and report at next meeting of ccuncil, > On motion of Mr White the council ad- journcd tid! the 21th (inst, then to meet at] the usual time-and place, ------ Annual Meeting. The Annual Meeting of the N OE D Ag- ricultural Society was held in the Ontario Hall, Uxbridge, on Wednesday, 21st inst. -- The President took the chair ats, p. m. The minutes of the last annual meeting were read and aproved, "The Sceretary submitted a communica- tion from the provincial board notifying the Socicty that it would be necessary for them to signify their choice of a representative for the district in the council of the board of agriculture, The Sec'y reported that he bad received reports from the following socicties, viz ; showing the society to bein a healthy con- dition. On motion the report was received and abopted, The Auditors' report was then submitted showing receipts amounting to $2428.79 and an expenditure of $1961 leaving a balance in favor of the socicty of 467,79 On motion the Audito.s' report was re- ceived and adopted. On motiow ¢he Presidente fb the clmir for 15 minutes to reccive membership foes. -- There were in all 40 members joined, The election of.officers was then proceeded with and resulted as follows :+~C Marsh. President, 1J. Gould 1st Vice ;, D McKay 2nd Vice ; TC Forman Treasurer ; R B-Har- man Sec, in room of John Christie, resigned J W € Brown and J Baird Auditors, 'The following Directors were then eleoted Bcugog; I Bateman ; Reach, 8 Netherton ; Port Perry, . Joseph Bigelow; Brock, T H Glendinning and Chas Pascoe ; Scott, A Pil- key and Dafoe ; Uxbridge, J'Shaerard and G B Miller. © : On motion of Mr. Nott the thanks of ~the society were tundered to the several parties who had givon. donations to the society during the year and the Secy was instructed fo communicate th sme 1 he paris son cern 1h On motion, Mr Grabam of Brantford was ded as ber of the Council of Agriculture for this district. On motion of Mr. Gtabam.the mext an- nual meeting was appointed to be huld at Sunderland. > On motion the meeting adjourned, rr ---- 4 ----ete. ! An. Address. of the Brethren of Port 'Perry 'Di' vesion, No. 239,Sons of Temperance, toBro, AE Mallory, ¥ D, CX. , We have only to add that the policyless party were nowhere and it is Loped and ex-| and fut pected that Mr Gibbs' majority will L. largely increased on this occasion. papers the offices also sufiered more or Joss. Penny concerts, penny tender 7 in on tie t The movers and scconders spoke in order as they came after which the candidates spoke in the orderin which they were nom- inated. H TH required no scrutiny to find that at least five out of every six of the eiéctors present were in fuvor of Mr Gibbs, {he deafening and prolonged cheering which greeted him as he procecded with his address was a strong corroboration. From the appearance aad sentiment of the maeting one focls a lit- tle surprised that Mr Gordon proceeds with the contest. We expocted that no one would demand a poll for him, but Mr Gould whether in fun or carnest demanded a poll | for Mr Gordon, 'Want of space prevents us enlarging on the procecdings, and in fact it is unnccessary Only one days' polling. Go early to the polls on the morning of the 29th" and vote for Gibbs and economical Governm nt, -------------- Important Documents Burned. » Loss ovER $1,500,000. We regrot to learn that the old Parliament buildings atOttawa were destroyed by fire on Friday last, they were used as Intercolonial and Paci- fic Railway offices as well as for the government several important plans were saves the total loss is computed at fifteen architects. Though Brock, Reach & Scugog, Mara, Rama, ||undred thousand dollars." Mr. Scott, Thorah and Uxbridge. F Tos an The Treasurer's report was next submitted | Sandford Fleming lost many private Other parties employed in It has 'buen broadly hinted that parties connected with the Brown McKenzie government know a little too much of this unfortunate affair. We cannot, believe without more proof that the policyless Government would dare to sanction such) an act. --eei "Look on this Picture and on That." Vote for Mr. Gibbs and good econ. omical government and continued British conneetion, or vote for Mr. Gbrdon, the candidate of the politi eal tricksters, the enemies to Britain and British connection ; for wasteful expenditure 4 political despotism un- der Geordie's whip. . If the Brown McKenzie.candidate goto the polls' at all it cam only be with certain defeat staring hum in thesfice. all means let us vote for Gibbs and | The vote early. . Ietms: double. his ma. jority this time. By Wehavehad our penny readings, postages &c. . but it De for tho. Standard febiitign to introduce amongst us his vwhistle,alins that boiled vag, | ion andard, | boda ls Thouglr it is squarely hinted. that wide' birth: and 'drive them power, hoe parties eonnected with the Brown McKenzie erowd had warmed their, hands at the fire. whieh. banned the + Pacific Railway charts and papers aud 'that thal warming cust the country over amillion and a. half dollars, however it has nou and per- haps cannot be proven against them Btill it is best to give them a from ' It is now known that the whole was| better or more liberal buyers are a deep. laid plot of disappoint Yarikee spbculdidks whi drivb the John A" Government into a bargain sought revenge by trump- ing up o series of bogus charges' Prices as we which were Jaid pb, Ha cipkove and ant refused any wherein rhe at he mgrkets Y Fork Perry and Manchester and the con- sequence is that these markets justly stand at the head of our best mrkets: 80 to press stand as follow. xr yr FOYE Fall Wheat..." $120 to $1 286 _Ilato 125) en 112t0 112 Oats .. 035to 035 Peas ,. 055to 060 Pork... 600to 650 Butter 018t0 0 20 : 015t0 017 HOY .ooivivsvnan . . 16 00 to 18 00 Geese per 1b. ........ 006to 0 06 Flwrkeysperdlys. i. ..... 008ta 008 eee. Ridiculous Falsehoods. |... * The veracity of the Toronto Globe never being very conspicuous is utterly rotten on matters political and parties taking advantage of the unscrupulous character of that pap- errun upon it to a shameful extent by sending for publication the most worthless trash not even havin z the merit of being founded on fact. Amongst others, who appoar to take delight in running upon the unfor- perhaps the most silly and extrav- agant falsehoods 'which appears in that common receptaele of untruthful rubbish are crdited to Port Perry. Witness 'the ravings which appear from day to day in' that sheet re-- arding the election contest in North Ontario. Take the meeting held at Utica for instance. The blundering Globe correspondent writing--as he pre: tends--from Port Perry but we do not believe that a man in Port Perry would waste his time writing sue stuft as appears to the credit of Port Perry inthe columns of that politic- al mirage' Here follows a speci- min of the imposition which the Globe seeks to palm of on an unsus. Ping public. Speaking of the Jtica meting it says: -- "Inthe course of an earnest addrens, lasting about an hour and a half, Mr. Gordon carried the sympatbies of the great bulk of the meeting and was greetep with T d rounds of cheers while speaking and on resuming his seat. Mr, Gordon's friends af length rose in a body, and left the house to Mr, Gibbs," It would be difficult to guess what acod the Globe can expect to derive from the publication of nonsence ; it cannot be that any one present at that meeting would so far misrepro sent facts as 1o assert "that Mr. Gordon éarried the sympthios of the bulk of the meeting" ~ Every one present at that meeting will bear us out in the statement that at least three out of every four of the eloc- tors present were supporters of Mr. Gibbs. Among the mass of rubbish the communication contains wne truth. Mr. Gordon and his friends being completely discomfitted rose in abody and lett the house." This | was the greatest mistake they could | have committed, for in doing so they | changed what otherwise would have { been only a defeatinto a a route 3 | er they exposed the small {ness of their number; for when they | had Ieft the house, boys and all, the house appeared nearly as fall as it was before they: left. More bosh, this time it is some Uxbridge chap who is seeking to im- pose' upon the unfortunate Globe | whose last glimmering of veracity [its numerous correspondents appear determined to quench ;: the Good wool meeting is the theme of the Uxbridge man's discourse and is about as near the truth as the | Utica farce. The veracious corres- pondent claims at least three-fourths of the meeting as being in favor of Mr. Gordon while the fact is that if the real votes ot the house had been polled the result would have been the other way. But they. may rave away, the safe return of Mr. Gibbs by a large ma- jority is beyond all doubt and our policyless opponents are only mak- ing bad worse by misrepresentation. ------ Dedicatory Services. The new church built by the Wesleyan Methodists at the villag: of Sunderland was dedicated on Sabbath 10th inst' The Dedicatory services were conducted by the Rev E Wood D. D. and Rev Mr Scott chairman of the District. Rev. Dr Wood conducting the moining scrvices and Rew Mr Scott the afternoon and cvening. Fhe church was filled to its utmost capacity at each of tho three services; and the perfect and Jaiversal asention Siren throughout to the eloquent and ly appropriate dis- courses of the ag speakers, was pleas- ant to witness and went far to prove the fru of the propusition, tat if the preacher ly in earnest his congragation each. | filled up with the name of A. I", Johnston. 'Gib' Stooess. Our Markets. Reach Council, We reer. fo have to chitonicle thésu ld n The intelligence: oF tho electors of| The faarkets FT ¢ Perry and | The frstmecting of the New Council took " Tren x A % lect all th, Finis esteemed County 'L'réasurer, XN. Ontario has proved more hand Yon i ah Lt = i ° a on, y 19th. Blobs ect if 5 ars that on the. h match for the claptrap howl $ H : | The Clerk took the Chair and received tho Vy yo 201 or : 1.5 ™ be, high-as 20,000 bushels have been | jecigy {the soveral Members Afi and in his ordinary health, while in the mid- |" Boug) | bouglit in ogo day, onMonday last, | which the "was organized by dle of & sentence, he dropped down dead. | raised by Brown and his followe Hef this qua + was exceeded. No Réeve taking the Chair. Mr. 8t. John moved for leave to introduce | a x Rapport an Agditor for the mun icipalrt; confirm the appointment made by the Reeve and that the by-law be now read a first time and' on motion of Mr. Purdy the by-law was. read &- second and the Council resolved Jat hilo Comittee of the wi Mr. elmanis he chair, : 0 uke of he raha the blank was The egve sppained T.C. Forman, .- OR Soon . he committee arse and reported dw as Amended, * 'Od motion of Mr. Purdy the mort was extvgand pred and toby. aw' read al i e : 1 Mr. Tanboh came before Jhie Couricil ,re- garding compensation for a portion of land which th plity occupies belonging to fm He will to decept $30 includ- ing interest at 6 per cent. for a period of twelve years, The matter was laid on, the table. : « ' 4 > +.On motion of Mr. Pilkey the following sume were ordered to be paid to the following tor services as returning iS Be late municipal ' elections an of pren « ises :--0 Edgar $4, N. Munro $4, AF. John- ston a ih and A, Hud gs Those, x pay $1 each for rooms for bingo bu and those receiving $7 pay $2 each for rent for polling places. > Mr. Purdy moves that the g re- quired for this township for the present year be done at the Osserver Office, Port Perry. Mr. Pilkey moved that the printing be let by-fondorand 30 minutes be given to reccive tenders © ¢ The amendment was putand declared lost. ie % ory for the county of Ontario. Any business tunate Globe wo now and again see | The original motion was then submitted : 4 Port, Perry credited: for ne hand Ho may moved tpt it baleft with gutvded 5 his charge will be carefully at. the kind of rubbish we refer to and | the Reéve A Clerk to Bei fie ng done , 14th inst. the wife eT x opto. wife, 3 LED. In Cnnington; on the 12th inet, Rachel, Bersey, wife of Jas Currie, Esq., aged 28 yrs' In Reach--7th con--<on the I9th inst. | M Jane, wife of Mr. John White, aged 24 'yeas and 3 months. 'A meéfting of the Reeves Députy Reeves of the various Munici of the County of Ontario will be held in the Coun: cil Chamber., Court House, in the TOWN OF WHITBY, TUESDAY JAN'Y 27th, 1874. At 2 o'clock' in the afternoon, in order to form the Cotincil of the Corporation of the aforesaid Courity, H.J. MACDONELL, Clerk County of Ontario. BF" All accounts against the County Council must be rendered' in "duplicate to the Clerk not later than Monday. 26th inst, 'Whitby, Jan 21; 1874, JOHN §, M. WILLCOX, Oo pointed OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE wherever they can wake the best bargain, Tho amendment was put and declared o at. "The origina} motion was then put and declared carried. Mr. Purdy moves for leave to introduce a by-law to appoint certain township officers and that the ssme be now read a first time. The by-law was read a first time. Mr. St. John moved' that the by-law be now read a second time and the Council re- solve itself into committee of the whole thereon. The by-law was read a second timc and the Council went into committee of the whole the Reeve in the chair, | Mr. Holman moved that the blank for the names of Assessors be filled up with the tames of Wm Real and M. Weir --Carried. Mr. Pilkey moved that the blank for li- cence inspecor be filled with the name of Joel Shaw, ; Ms_88. John nibved that the blank be filled up with the name of E. Walker, The name of Mr, Shaw was submitted and declared lost. , The name of Mr. Walker was declared carried. Mr. Birdy moved that the blak for salary of Assessors be filled up wish $100 for each Assessor. t AE Mr. Holman moved: that $120 lie given to each Assessor. Mr, Pilkey moved $110: Mr. Purdy's motion of $100 was put and declared carried, Mr. Purdy moved that the blank for salary of licence inspector be filled up with $7.-- Carried, : Mr. 8t John moved that the committee do now arise and report the by-law with cér- tain amendments. The Committee arose and reported, and on motion of Mr. Holman the report was re- ceived and adopted, the by-law read a third time and pagsed, signed and scaled, Mr. Bt. John moves that all parties desirous of obtaining a license for the sale of intoxi- cating liquors within this municipality do make application to this Council at its sit ting on Friday, February 20th ; and that the clerk do notify the licence inspector instruct- ing him to inspect the several houses of public entertainment within the municipal- ity and report at said meeting, Mr. St. John moved for leave to introduce a by-law to re-adjust the scale of statute ln- bor in this municipality and to fix the rate of commutation therefor and the same be now read a first time. The by-law was read a first time and on motion of Mr. Holman the by-law was read a second time and the Council resolved itself into committee of the whole Mr, Purdy in the chair, The Reeve stated ibat he had taken pains to arrange scale which be considered just and equitable to all. According to the re- quirements of the statute he found that the property of the township would have to be rated much higher then it had hitherto been and in 'order to avoid a corresponding in- crease in the amount of statute labor he had prepared a scale reducing the proportion of statute labor to such an extent {hat the amount of labor required for the increased rate will be about the sameas that required at the present rates, On motion of the Reeve the following scale was adopted : Partics assessed at $300 an¥ under 2 days work ; from $300 to $700, 3 days work ; from $700 to $1100, 4 days work ; from $1100 to $1500, 5 days work ; from $1506 to $2100 6 days work ; from $2100 to $2700, 7 days work ; from $2700 to $3300 8 days ; and so on adding another day whenever it passcs an additional $600. On motion the commutation was 'fixed at 75¢ per day. On motion of Mr. St John. the 'committee arose. and reported the by-law as amended. On motion of Mr. Holman the report wag received and adopted, the by-law read (a third time, passed, signed antl seated. Mr. Pilkey moved for leave '# introduce a bp-law toappoint poor commissioners for this township, and that the same be rvad a first time- : The by-law was read a first thove and on motion of Mr. Holman the by-law was read a second time and the Counci) resolved itself its Committe of the whole} Jr. - Pilkey in the Ir. 7 On motion ) scrted :--Epsom, McGreggor ; Green lint ; « EE On motion $75 was placed to the credit of owing names were in- will catch tho fire, : Someones F exch Mr. Cash and $150 The Feast of the Dedication took piace on | On. the Committee arose and re. ther ve od the ay of hn. coi | vn so ol w er we e q ly lc 4 tainments, physical and intellactual, the or a a tad lol nuinbers present or the financial results, _ On'motfon of Mr. Holman the Clerk was 's services were held in the instructed to notify the late Treasurer J. H. town hall, 8 d ; and this is admitted | Brown, Esq. to deliver to his successor, 8 H by all to have been one of fins aud Se Soe, Sivas to ls succor, and ovr held in that part of the country The | Porporation." Toc" 1o" belonging to this | On motion of Mr. Purdy the sum of $I1 was ordered I to be credited to Mr M Currie on for registration : of births, marriages an deaths, for posting bi . OR prac 4 whoa pls agin cor On 'motion off Pilkey the Council ad: journed till Friduy, February 20th,' tee with take lace, tho residnoce of JW Game ble, Esq., on tho even ot Friday 23rd inst., a "time be éx- pected ------ cordial a a NOTICE. ur unsettled Accounts of Drs Jones & Mallory will remain in the hands of Dr Jones for settlement till the 1st day of Feb- All parties indebted to me previous to the 1st day of July 1872, will please eal} and set- tle before the 15th day of February. Those who pay_off their old "scores" shall have a year, or longgs, if necessary, in which to meet any subscquent Lills that may ac- crue, RK. JONES, M, D. Port Perry, Jan 22nd, 1874. CHURCH OPENING. The New Bible Christian Church AT CAESAREA! Will (D.V.) be opencd for Divine Bervice, ON SUNDAY AND MONDAY, 1st and 2nd February, 1874. Sermons will be preached on Sabbath, by Rev. C. Barker, at 16:30 and 2:30 ; and Rev. Mr. Stewart, of Enniskillen, is expected to preach at 6:30.2 Rev. W. 8, Pascoe will preach on IMonday, at 1:30, after which TEA will be served from 3 to 5:30, A Public Meeting will then beheld in the Church to be addressed by Poscoe and Roberts. TrekETs 25 Cexrs. A Collection to be taken at each service, The Public are cordially invited. W. KINLEY, Pastor. Prince Albert, Jan. 21, 1874, NOW FOR FIRST CLASS F the Town of Whitby, has been ap- Rev'd Messrs. Clarke, Holmes, Hodgson, H moderate terms. LIVERY RIGS, 'W." H. PARK, Jr, AS fitted up a Livery Stable opposite the Post Oflice, Port Perry, where first class Livery Rigs can always be had on W. H. PARK, Jr., Proprictor. Port Perry, Jan. 22, 1874, 5 Lo ORANGE ASSOCIATION B A, An nual Meeting ! The L. 0. County Annual Meeting of North Ontario for the Electin 0 Officers ana other important business connected with the Order, will be held in the Village of Ux- bridge, on Tuesday, the 3rd February next, at the hour of 2, p. m, All Brethren are re-- quested to attend, By order, R. 8. WEBSTER, Cossts Masten; © M. McPHADEN, Skcrerary. Brock Jan, 22," 1874. POLITICAL W.H.6IBBS, ESQ. WILL ADDRESS THE ELECTORS Tuesday, Jan. 27th; 7 p. mii' § ---- The opposing Candidate is respectfully invited to attend the above maetings. MEETINGS NORTH ONTARIO PUBLIC GENERALLY. As matters of the utmost importance are now pressing upon your attention, and fear- ing that Municipal, Political, and Educational Contests, may cause you to neg'ect the more important interests of home. I beg most respectfully to pre- sent my Compliments and Solicit your influence in DISTRIBUTING / AL GOODS! My Stock is large and com- plete and a large quantity of New Goods arc now being or- dered in England for the Spring Trade, which will arrive in March--to make room for these I jutend to SELL AT COST ~ AND UNDER The balan of my. Stock of Winter Goods. Carpets; Blankets, Horse Rugs, 2 er'mi Heavy Cloths, T'weeds, and A 1,1 |! Overcoatings, Fur Caps, Overt' Worl Riding of Oaro || cour woes paar Aste @iovink pis © + Shawls, Clouds, Hoods Searfs, -- &e., will be sold gg ATHERLEY, - Nast ate J Roevé's Hotel, Féiday, Jan. 23rd, 2p. m, | Ladies' Mink Sets, Gennan : Y -- Mink; a4d'Greby. Sits, Gauns RAMA, lets and Lined Kidd will bet Lawrence's Hotel, Friday, Jan. 23rd, 7 pam - sohi less th } gin : =, pr Akon on nied picsott Town Hal, Saturday, Jan, 24th, 2 fm./ it 123, worth more' at' i urday, Jan, | m. wholaale "s of re 4 ; MARA, BRECHIN, nest J i Stone's Hotel, Satinday, Jdn.'2th; 1 p.'m Coe fn a an -- Havers' from 75% Call and secure the. Monday, Jan. 26th, 7 p. m, best: B rpAlng:: ---- + 0G Sugar, Tea; amd! Gén-- CANNINGTON, eral Grocerids, oliemper- than ever: ~ ; RRIE. 9 Jan. 10,1874. Port Peny, Jan, 8th, 1814,