Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 15 Jan 1874, p. 3

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-s oe -- ~~ owe ee > - A Pas mn [0 ES Very Important Notice ! Z T This space, which has Sgually Yoon occupied with FrEsn advertisements from week to week, belongs to J ONES BROTHERS', POAT PERRY. nd bted to the above firm will d settle their accounts by the ary, 1874, as all unsettled must be placed in other hands D. A. E. MALLORY, M.D.C.M. , Jan, 1st, 1874, a Since the opening of Fall Trade, the greit demand for their Cheap Goods and the crowds con- . Gimp Subscriber i Soh %, Zouk, ume Sug in tinaally thronging their Stores, have rendered it improssible to renew it for some {ime. 2 hata Sal, vo Sho expenses and take : ; ] +1) 1 himaway. ROBT. SWIFT. : = They would now request the special attention of . Reach, Jan. 1, 1874. 2 . AT THE ibis LADIES CHOICE ©. XMAS WINES. ih | i me Sr rmmt-- "PORT PERRY. pins ihe in i000 Mammerh MILLINERY GOODS! NEW £00DS Yaasi's Golden Sherry, t Chinese Preserved Ginger. Last year, at this season, they found it impossible to meet the extraordinary demand for (heir STYLISH HATS AND BONNETS \ TT WORTHINGTON'S, £ORT PERRY. : This Season, they have made timely provision, wold are now showing an Immense Stock of i 4 1 or x Ward robe trimmed Goods, adapted to the varied EAL, and tastes of all classes. E AND Ae i Res OPPOSITION is CALL AT THEIR SHOW ROOM. Br py THE LIFR OF OF TRADE! Dec. 4, 1873. JONES BROTHERS. . The Subunsiior vam on hand {he : QUEEN STREET, Beat, most Fashionable and Cheapest Stock Low Prices FURNITURE : fy in tu fin} and will not be undersold by any y] ice : . "Ea RN nL Stock consists of Tables, Chairs, Bu HOLID AYS ! PORT PERRY. | 3 1 tenus, Sofas, Couches Cuphoards, Stands, and , u - everything else necessary for comfort ii in way TEAS." Green, Black; and Assam Teas, of Furniture, AT Special attention is directed to my Stock of § e fea (ete i ---------- |Buffalo Robes, Buffalo Robes. : SUGARS I Re | i" ARE, 8 Bh Mohtseal Refined 5 4 ; "Pictures ffafned on the shortest notice, A L ADIES' = ---- . Cuba Sugars, a) Undertakin i K\ New York White Sugars, Department oy Lh ae AXD THB PUBLIC GENTRAL (i He CHRISTIANS, === Zn . . . A 2 T'S, In this department my stock is complete. ° GERM iv MINK SE 75, Y. ! 8 : . ep J All orders in this line promptly and care Gr and D isplay WHITE CONEY SETS, HE Subscriber having received the ; fully attended to and charges as low as at greater portion of his SY wikis Selablichinen), SONY Nore The Subscribers are offering GENTLEMEN'S : FALL & WINTER sTOCK : ; Port Perry, Dec. 24th 1773, "|Special lines for the Holidays BEAVER CAPS, OTTER CAPS, COFFERS . fe -- ' ~~ at much below the usual prices. ONT SEA, SPdL CAS TB Gent BOOTS AND SHOES | ¢ styles and prices. Y Old Government Java, RATA the best fact d being con L aracaybo, Lagu Dozens of Trimmed and Untrimmed Buflalo Robes, No. 1 Skins. santly 'making up w vork i, snd a MAN CH ESTER. | LL , and yra Coffees. oR . Also just in Jou ina position to call the attention of 4 == > MANITOBA OVERCOATS, he public to his immense Stock which for 3 ) ys OYERCGA Variety, Bhi oni Ana Good Work. 1] ~ | Ge d Al ik M X - nN 24¥ OVER, ATS, Cannot be excelled in his or joining Beantifu ly Strip' aska Min BEAV. x S. Cqunties. His facilities for purchasing, to- J * . 3 ; J BEF Seve iece: e t f--New Velvete, & g®her with a life-long experience of the m-- T - 3 9: Sets at $3.25, evoral pieces; more of our Chien Ap Waterie 7% 2 etye os qualities of this description of Sook: sires . OBACCOS. - wEbns IN EXCHANGE for Goods any quantity of Butter, Eggs, ' him an advantage over those who mix this Caddies' 3 EHOLID AY \ El WAN 23 O Poultry, York, Cran of all kinds, and 500 Cords of Wood | branch of the ey with others. Boots and H Pri i Dwr Tél ees, : | for which the very highest prices will be paid. k Shoes being considered by ' 'em o minor ¥ nce of Wales, and Fine Cut: " | importance, their attention being priteipally Tar PHOTOGR APHS ; ET. C. I'ORM AN, dirocted to the selection of Dry 'Goodrang | My Stock is now very com- v $ . = Groceries, it gives the wholesale dealer in let in eve D t ¢ FOR ALL, AND PERFECT PICTURES 5 oa Prince Albert, Jan. 1, 1874. Boots and Shoes an opportunity of disposing plete 1 very epartment ; . + SECURED AT Nicely" trimmed Ladies' Hats At work 4s vegan manificisol the | having been assorted by farge, ya * . h . 2 article cou! no duce 0 purc! on M°KENZIE & SCOTT'S at 81, $1.50 and $2, worth a| = 'Q) ] 3 od any terms. Let all, then, who are in want | Additions of new and Choice : nilarvo arriage orks Jr im, ee aa PHOTOGRAPH GALLERIES! great deal more money. ) = Ru BOERS, ry anything pertaining to | G00ds of every description and SYRUP ¢ Opposite Foy's Hotel, Port Perry | Bod tt ht ga fromthe Best Markets. Ae ot Colinton : | i El Tey article combined with the least possible ad- J BUITABYE NOR THE SEAN PORT PERRY. vance on Cost is any inducement for them 7 Wha the view ow efshpplyiig the great 4 . fo purchase, a sale will be effected. Being: Photog diand for their much admired (Choice patterns in Ottamun determined 'that the Wants of oe public steel} 3 hs, the Sul {} 1 oe] d- . . . ted in thi icul has made less a a] jig ve Cpa Strip'd Shawls, Rainbow fring'd. pus; Jrubyutiber 4 fakes this Soper; ty of thanking his numerous customers for the liberal | hn andl only pe ar will and introduced such Instruments as will at * aud c y patronng bestowed upon him Sing the many years in which |bo made, and all NEW STYLES OF RAISIN all times secure PERFECT PICTURES he has been in t I ng having of premises | 300 /)8 as they appoar, will be received re- 1 A Their Hhopugh knowledge of every de- . fe neccessary, 1 have gularly, giving Rin for i 1 have also lowered the oxes Valontia Rig] T : nt of the A 1 f th : Y FASHIONABLE ARTICLES equal to t| ns--off stenr, / Ge Worm n shu of fhe . MO V ED 1 0 PO RT PE R R Y, residing in our large towns. Your Ahn prices of all classes of Goods 5| Boxes Sultanus, __, lo goods of Loose Weve ih fol rin oni hn ig pe Lo 2 Largely exteuded my premises and secured greatly increased facilities for business on ar, nan fi ion eo 10 iii on and purchasers may rest assured Bozea Layer, and tal. oh for for producing those beautiful Photo New Clouds, New Scarfs, now prepared more promptly i meet the increasing demands of customers and Stock is used, aud for neatness and durability of getting as good value for their mired by all who see them. New Collarctis. ~ to fill odors on the shortest notice. will be found equal to anything that can be geilingas g e for heir Sy skilfully wetonching Aras 8 He e C ARRIAGES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, i iy Ble SOURS Ha consid money as at any other H ouge a cosine Dress Goods, CUTTERS, SLEIGHS, ues wm Eire Fhe trade, N seortment of First Class Albums, Picture M ( BUGGIES, WAGONS, built of the best material in the best style and by first class ran he expects shortly to be able to attnolrice ) Fi GG MW : Frames, Sierenenpis Touma the }inest i ant Cs, Orders for Blacksmithi lly attended.to Old Carriages repaired with neatness and [that those cfforts have been crowned with § " . 14 h nos Pp fA end. 2 4 o |dispatch. Wood-work ironed and Carriages timmed for the trade at reasonable rates. success, 2s ny vy welcome Is extended fo ail to] 12dies' Wool Vests, Ladies'|- Waterproof SUitsy| nen. Come and inspect our Works, EY Ta oon! s Wellington Boats from as to Boxes Figs--NEW FRUIT. 3 18 E NEY. es' rom One ar visit our Galleries and inspect our Stock. Skirts, and a large Stock of M illinery Port Perry, Dec. hh Five Dollars. Boy's and Girl's wear, in McKENZIE & SCOTT. : ' ; every variety, to suit all classes of customers, Port Perry, Bec. 10, 1873. 51 Fancy Goods suitable for " oI Wanied immediately four first-class Christmas Presents. Clouds, Fully orks gto won a at smatorment 2g an e Wag - N 0 T I C E. N t . woe prefer one to make sewed wotk. Fi PPLICATION will be made at the next ubias, Cash for any quantity of Hides arid Tallow, ™ Session of the" Joga of Ontario,' . ; J. Walon, 1 for an Act to construct # Rai fl Port Fist yy Reiman Som Yor Sil Shawls in tartan, and : Port Pers, Nov. 1, 1815. Whites, Teo, Labrador Hontngs, market and Orangeville, and also further A choice Stock of Cloths magnificent stripe -- ra " Fresh Sea Hertings, powers to the Bowmanville, Lindsay and itable for O C Sui gn pe re wm] ; 2 a | y, and for| Suitable for ver. oats, Suits, Deanties, LOOK OUT FOR Prone Lote | to construct a Sr frém some point | & t tl duced pri ers, Salman Mncersly of Jone c., at greatly reduced prices. Sardines. n the County of Durham to the Northern " L - Railway, in the County of York, and te ; i Steam Loom, a a SPECI AL ' Codfish, tc . poy. [ai name, on 3 fou amendments to its 5 Cotton, ?ha 0) ti : i n MEW ADVERTISEMEN x ORY : 8 : JOHN FOWLER. : ) I ABNEY . wre Ag Rept: 23, 1873. 42 a WE gs Shirts, plain and fancy : PORT FERRY. he 5 a | Ta : Boots and Shoes, & » €. y id ot 5 HE Stbacrion gina always keep ow hund Br ndi oh. 1 INEXT WEEK T nto meg | Tho bast Fastary Goicn i a ie y : : {1 £ : 4 . - Stock of just such th y 12 2g fond vised olgaitncl Dia uldedtolim . wa J. W. PARRISH, large Oa ng pes yard: CASES Henrteod§. Minten, Jules Robin, Pes o FURNITURE ! Sunderland, Dec. 78, 1873, Seal : As the community requi suitable for all | A large Stock of fresh Gro ; classes of kh "X01 of uoren. Mac ceries at very low prices. : Totes the Dave Wontiotme, and as. | / Prions as cannot fait to suit. 1 | , And in addition to my Sook of general ; fide i UNDERTAKING 3 12'1bs Rright Sugar for $1. GROCERIES : fis \ - t nai Xo departments if : 0d 1 wi Si 2.0, CORFING of ll sis kept on- | s ¥ 11 41 : i rA0r 0 o8 aud z ALA 2 AR Saco and Tout Shc; Hoth ay or"s o re, SHROUDE of all wiser ai & a Wines, very old ; Janderman's and: Tk meena' 1 wl Fig on' a #5 Sr have just refed amotio of that de- : . Wh A W C HE: E S T 5 Ri lm p if CASH CASKET OR BURIAL CASE : on short notice. z IE Subseriber wonld eximios the of. stomers for the| | he An Style or : : liberal Eo ing busi at b+ hester, and has : Hearse. Also anordinarystyle :. | : . . stating, vil and: he! © of Hearse. = * i - 3 CTE AY RERALL Sa pn EER oe Bate niin d pail for Wheat, Basleys Pons} hl My Stock of Dry Goods, usu, xe. i 5:2 405, ons, Pork, se : oe Ed SR re ap HOC ERIES, &C. 50 LABORERS WANTED, of q qo q Ts It ¥] . Sr Fiigm tire satistiction of both ii sa Al Goods marked very Tow firongh Pus with EE Tr ati customers a) =) kas = i S : H iv. RIS : N ds |The Newest "Styles of Dry Goods, &e., F SE Wd Soagauit emsloraval 1 deriand XL Besty a geitpanl dP viva edt of Sagisiy And choice and Fresh GROCERIES constantly supplied and ¥, at such prices as cannot| Apply at Campbell's Hotel, 8 A.W. ROBERTS. | fail te satisfy 3 : A EDWA ) BUTCHERS. : = : roms vol Yu Manchester, or Sud ists. a a SON TATioR Stnderland, Dec. 15, 1878 3_[ Manchester, Nov, 11, 1873. RP Fort Perry, Dee. 1%, 1673. #

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