S CHEAP BASH STORE! T PERRY. . _ .. At Unusually Low Prices: : Dress Goods in variety ; Double REE Sha Sod Horse Blan! 433 Pam smi Red, Bick a a Fancy Flaunels. Rian onny ' Tweeds, Sat- inetts, Full Cloths and Winceys--all splendid value. Over Coats a large lot just in-- also of Pea Jackets, Heavy Vests and Pants. Boy's Clothing, well made of good material and very . low in price. Suits got up to order on the _ Most Reasonable Terms. A large lot of Cloths to select from. {Christmas and 1 a \ Happy New Your] ih many | Foturns of and a full par- ticipation in in all the pleasures and advantages of such joyous seasons. Emgrep-- The attention of customers and the FALSE sues, general public is particular] uesed . ) : : following lines of Goods, (A ne oe There could be nathing more ri-i he found excellent quality, and will. be said | diculously absurd than the attompt which is being made by some who are seeking to oppose the election of Mr. Sexton ta thogosition of 'Retve' upon what he is pleased to style of this pavisiney fox the coming! «the happy little band" and find and year. [deserving the name of an attempt has been made to answerany of the charges which have been preferred. Bat of all things it was most amusing to hear.one of the members at the public meeting the other evening, : waxing eloquent "apd testing the capacity of his lachrymal glands over the hopeless degeneracy and absoluto impertinence of those New Cowers who dared to, intyude fault with their nets, He would They ve believe that Mr. Bigelow | have no objection to out siders com- + 'On Monday no¥s + the free. and n 1 to the efforts On motion of Mr Brethouy $1.37 was ro- _ Acho dependent elestory thra t the thus put forth for the and ature fanded to Reynos being exccess of tax ion bo giv province will be called upoh to name wellbeing of the young. On motion of Mr Brethour the Church, Cartw! the men whom they wish to repre- sopt therg at the Council boards for tne coming year. Our readers will perceive that the law has been so far charged that a poll must be demand- ed if more candidates are numinated than are required to fill the offices. Nomination day is an important soason ; it affords electors an op- portunity of ealling representatives S---- The. OBssryrr staff make their best bow and wish our friends and | patronsa Morry Christmas and a happy New Year when it comes. Time's vapid 'and irresistible char- iot has again bronght us face to face with the Christmas season and called | us to witnes the dying. struggle . another expiring year, a year whieh will doubtless | sessed for 100 acres while he has only 85. C Reynos' complains of having been an. was instructed to convey g MrBuck a certatn portion of & side road. so! soon as the necessary certificate has been obtained from Mr Yarnold. On motion of Mr Brethour the monthly allowance of Mrs Gibson an indigent "party was raised to $5 per month at -the urgent request of the par'y with whom she resides. On" motion, Mr Ruan was = to 31st inst. {upa highl, This church never ails in getting | satisfactory entertain- ment and the coming one will be no exception from the rule, They sre providing a holiday tront| i invite all to come and take id in it. Tea at 3 o'clock P. M, After tea a feast of sotelontes and 7 in tie 3rd Con, paid $15 for enjoyment, See Posters, work done or. the side road between lots 6 =v Sluis fbi depc would not be guilty of anything so ing in within the carporation, but contemptibly mean) are making themsplves, busy, circulating around town and striving' to make people believe that the parties supporting Mr. Sexton arestriving to retard tho they must not presume to question the acts of the « happy little band" they must not stir a finger if the heavens should fall. must not whimper whatever wrong New comers to an account for their past acts; 4 for approving of the good and show- ing their disapprobation of 'that whichis bpd, This is a right the public possess and the miserable pet: ty tyrant who would. whine and. hag been big Iwith mercies to our beloved empire over all her extent and throughout her widely diversified interests; but of all the children of the empire 'Canada, her oldestdaughter, has had perhaps the most Lg supply GROCERIES. progress of the village and dwarf may be done or they will bg branded brand people as fault finders because of the gifts of Prork 0; she has Justto hand, a large lot of Fresh Teas, (hor fytupo prosperity. No, more by the "happy little band" ns fault) Foreo0th they dare puin tout the wn been favored wit thle portion ; 3, Raising, Ou and § base imposition could be. sought to| finders. Allnew comers must shape worthy acts of publie servants, is |, overflowing ¢ _ been, placed All of excellent quality and unusually cheap, be tod * L + _| waworthy of the sliglt st measure + : #@ All kinds of Produce taken in ex perpetrated 'on any community, | nat only their acts but their words f oubli hy. inher hands. In this season of re- i en 2d the highen pita allowed: and nothing farther from truth could {to suit their mightinesses or they of public canfidence ; and deserves joieing it well becomes the entiro Shi eA AM Gompox, |e asserted. ook at tho men who will receive the benefit of a half to bo allowed to nurse his priestly family, Great Beitain, our esteemed : Tort Perry Dec. 4, 1873, are suppoyting Mr. Sexton apd say | hour's blather dignified by the name dems at he Thoeto notional Alfa Mater. and her nu- } 3 i £ Hn meee | whether or mot their interts aesre of speech in which the daring pre- Seassliy dor Lm E merous offspring, the common -reci- Jovy fntario Fhserher closely identified with the prosperity | sumption of the unfortunate intrud of Port Perry. Take the Jones Bros. ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR ors shall be roared over in language afirm which has done more {o bring | not only defying classification but JAMES BAIRD, - - - Editor. Port Perry to the front as a commer- outraging every form of speech and PORT PERRY, DEC, 25, I cial centre than any other establish- ment in the place, who have sunk pe every rule of grammar and common 3. sense. Such ravers cither conven To our Patrons and Friends. At this joyous season; 'whpn fabled god steps out of his temple fo review the past and scan the tutare it becomes less favored mortals to copy his example, so far as they atleast.Y, Twelve months ago we fook occasion to thank our patrons their liberal and still seven years during which vime OssERVER had then been owned and published by the present firm. then promised certain alterations and improvements in our paper with a view to making it more worth the liberal support it was then peiving and eraving a still farther in- crease of that support which we hitherto songht to merit and sec How well we have kept our promises is for the public to judge ; we believe ! to the prosperity of the village. Do however that we have more than fulfilled all the promises that then made ; and certainly a discern-- ing public have shown an apprecia. tion of our efforts far beyond most sanguine anticipations, by a largely increased patronage in every department, subscription, advertis- ing and jobbing. these efforts. shall not be withh Ie faithfully as they are apd not as would have them tg be. continue to. gnayd the public in ests against all comers, fearlessly at- tacking and exposing wrong doing wherever fqupd ; no man or set of men shall dgter us from the perform- ance of our plain and obvious | to the public as guardians of their interests. The public acts of public men shall always be handled without gloves, tho good upheld and the eondamned and exposed. If a people. ba. defrauded, wronged ait 2 oppressed it won't, be the fault of the OsservER. We expect that in and private ; but our wa increasing patrorage, over a period of nearly This generously liberal countenance and earnest sup- port lay us pnder additional obliga tions and oall for increased efforts on our pazt as public journalists and As chroniclers of passing events it Jo ods will still be ours to "represght "there We shall future as in the past we. shall bave (and prefer. having) the. Sposition of {he entire Horde of "* mitk saps," And whole tribe of kmaves publig ji is clear "and neither fear nor ior favor will draw Bre "4. un from the faithful performance of " ourduty to the pyblic. The general 8 are widely stom t all the surrounding mup- muffed over it; Tet matters be dis: cussed calmy and fairly it is the interest and ought to be the object of all to enforse wico legislation.-- Let us select the _ best men we can find and it is the duty ofall who have pients of tho bountiful gifts of a bo- neficent Providence, ta review their mercies, recaunt their blessings and offer a united tribute of praise and thanksgiving to the source ot all good and give ovidence of gratitnde by a : > t! ti ttend some twelve or fifteen thousand dol-|iently forget or don't know that eter- oe ne San 8 oo closer walk in wisdom's ways in the i lars jp erecting magnificent build nal vigilenco is tho price paid for) Cong offer themselves, If fygure. And while we enjoy our he continued prosperity, and that the ratopayers who pay but one dollar a year has just as much right to de- ings in which ta earry on a business amounting to somespgventy or eighty thousand dallars a year. These men oppase Mr. Bigolow's return and ean it bo said with any show of reason fend his interests as the greatest na- boh iy the pack, and has no right to be branded as a fault finder because forsooth he dares to call hon. mem- bers to an account far their malad-- ministration of public affairs or cast can that they have any sinister purpase in regard to the well being of the village. Mr. George Currie opposes the re- for the people accept of the offer all right ; if nat the more fools they unless they can get better mon.-- Your anti-fanlt finders,easily ridden, softly driven, swallow-alls, are the greatest enemies to the wellbeing of the country. Let us have matters fairly settled at our Nominations. holiday 'cheer let's remember. those for whom nothing is prepared.-- Lot's bid the hungry orphun be by our abundance blessed, let's invite the wanderer tp our gate and for him spread the couch of rest. Let him who pines in piercing co'd by us be warmed and clad, be ours the blissful task to make the downcast the | turn of Mr. Bigelow and will any one be foolish enough to, asser} that 'he has any simister design ox the village. Took at the costly and hapdsomge business a firebrand amongst "the happy lit- tle band." The new comers will al- ways be found in the vanguard of those who strive for the best inter- We establisments which he has erected in our midst and stacked them, with choice goods, at a vast expense. Would Mp, Rass oppose Mr. Bige- low or any ong else from unworthy motives or because he is indifferent ests and continued prosperity of y of the village. ne- WHOM SHALL WE ELECT had : At the Ftinaons for municipal ure. councilors to, bp held on Monday next the utmost gare ought to be exercised as to the men we nom- not his costly buildings and other large investments in the village prove an additional refutation of the inate to fill the impostant positions in our gift, we should choose none we low price of goods, Tue New Councin.=Mr. Sexton and the other members of our next year's Council will have a good deal to do in straightening tho affairs of the corporation. SeTE------ Christmas and New ¥ea1's Markets, mourner glad, Brock Council. The Municipal Council of Brock met at the Town Hall, Sunderland, on Monday, f 14th inst. Members all present. Reeve in the chair, Minutes of the previous meeting read and approved; ©On motlon of Mr. Brethour $1.40 was or- "On no similar occasion in the history of { dere to be paid to Jas. Stonehouse for plank this locality have there been placed before the public equal inducementfor holiday presents as well for the quantity, quality as That business health and vigor infused by competition, rapid sales and small profits produce results of the and repairipg culyert'on 6th con. On motion of Mr. G. Shier an order for $15 was granted to C. Bt. John for building a bridge on the 5th con. On motion of Mr. G. Shier the Reeve was authorised to write R. A Harrison, Esq., in- structing him to write the Sec'y of the T. & but those upon whom we cgn yely for the faithful discharge ef the duties imposed upon them. Is the selection of Reeves and Deputy Reeves there are which ought, and doubtless will low influence the ehoice. fourncdationless assertion that those who oppose the return of Mr, Bige- low are siriving to injure the vil- lage. Mr. Gordon ais0 seeks to prevent the return of Mr. Bigelow; and those who assert that the opposers of Mr. Bigelow have not the wellfarc of the village at heart have only to point to the extensive business and large capital he has brought to {i.e village and then look at his substan- tit= residence and say whether his prosperity and that of the ville are not mutually dependent on each other. Wha aye our ghief grain buyers--the men who risk most and do most for giving Port Perry ap outside influence, spread its rcputa- tion and extend ite traffic? are not jax Curries, our Rosses, and our Gordons the very men who do this? But why waste time in fighting a shadow, striving to refute that which has no foundation in fact, is not the moral, intellegtpal and fin- ported that Mr. Paxton, the late Mreasurer, ancial standing of Mr. Sexton a|WeS2645 inaerears to the County ; the re- sufficient repudiati of the slander; pos overlie wmadinke vojiscfjon. Since no one knowing anything of that Won:the 2 hae bash, vous +" | by two efficient auditors, and report has it geutlgman but. knows 'that he is that deficiencies to a large Bmount are being incapable.of a mean act, and that soles. np against spe of our Ipte County both by sympthy, intencst, and | officials ; the sum is being placed as high as duty he is bound to forward to the $8,000 against individuals, utmgst of his ability the continued | Some may ask what bas this got to do advancement ofa, village for which | "ith the sn Se Re al pn be has alzeady doue. so mueh and Reeves? In Me say 4 3 every with the pros ity of. which thing to do with it. When Mr. @illespief he is intimately identified moved in' amendment that the $2,613 found the treasurer be not : od vrhicls | bo a org ore a SE he Jae et ar his 'best to advance. Tek the collected till a farther investigation of bis ic. our quality It will be remembered that a eom- mittee from amongst the members of the County Council, consisting of Messrs. Bickell, Gillespie'and others, were appointed to ifvestigate the general accounts of tho county, and that after battling with eyery diffi oo y add tbmoving @¥frran possible the numerons obstacles thrown in their way by interested parties they obtained sufficient insight into the condition of affairs to convince them that all was not right, and that amongst other things the condition of the lato. County Treasurer's accounts was far from Leing Comnte il faut. At the Jue Session of Council of 1873, they and the committee on Finance re- quality, eld. we ie ter uty bad the or the ber of cate of their : fiom 4 deavor ip the ¢oming year to cultivate even a; 'elossy. acquaintance with these mun- i and make the OBSERVER yr inter- it a' still more re welcome weekly of lage npmbars 'Some. 4 Bickell succeeded in carrying & motion p= pointing Mr. Lawder and Mr.Gierson to ex: | smine the late treasurer's books,guing back ® pumber of years. The investigation hag gone on and if on dit is at all near the mark 'megnificenf amounts many thousands of dollars are being hunted up ; and if men would vote agains an jnvestigation, will they not vote to relieve Mr. Baxton from aqy unpleasantness resulting from tho in| vestigation, by fading some quibble by 'which to excuse him fron. paying gny sum which may be found against him. Be cay~ business on the cantinped prosper- ity of the village, are apposed, not so pingh to the return of Mr. Bige* low a8 to a continuance of the tem, which he has ingugurated, 2 .| system which if contipued cold not {fall tp prove destructive #0 the best intengets of the village. With befors them we would ms the twaddle Christmas Beef. would do credit to any community. displageof Superior Beef, Mutton and Veni- son at Prince's is somewhat grand, See onr Advertising columns for all the best and most reliable business places, 1 etimbien Christmas Tree. The he sehool. imp to the p In Dry Goods the newest atyles and best are glways secured. In Groceries constant renewals keep the considerations | stack always fresh and good and the prices ow. The gnpply of the hest quality ofiJewelry and choice Fancy Goods is extensive and old at the lowest possible figur.s. Mr. Hiscocks furnishes everything in the Bakery and Confectionery ling ot the best cheap, whether we take the pember present the excellent order of the children, or the quantity and quality of the entertainment. Rev. Mr. Thom, the pastor of the congregation and su the school, occupied' thé chair, and "| performed the duties of his office to a demonstration, It was an inter- psting sight to see alarge portion ofthe church filled "with a whole host of bright, intellig all conducting themselves ner not only creditable'to. melves, an honor to their far towards proving high degree of efficiency in the management of Mrs, Fhojg and a num- the sghpol ve us a 'generous supply. gem. Ee and, Instrum I Qofintundns guid af by the school children in that school are the best conducted he has ever Miss Shaw and "ities Wherton gave a fine recitation. 3 isle children, replied ¢ Nob | i -- Mrs A. N. Sexton aud Mrs. Thom sang a 'fine duet and did it well. Rey. Mr. Smith was now called and deliv. ered his popular' Tecture ¢ Social talkers." ih 82 Londons and teaches o the school ae doing, a gople yo! 1 OBfEFFIRG A pris pies 5th, con, Our Rutcher's stalls Port Perry Preshyterian Sunday School Christmas Tree held in the church, on Tuesday evening last, was quite a pub- N,R. Co'y. demanding the sum of $100 as T to this for gravel (the property of this municipality) taken by fhe.agents of said Co'y ; and that he (Mr. Hayrisap) before taking further pro- ceedings commppicpte to this Council the! Co'y's reply to the demand. Mr. Brethoyr 'introduced and carried through a by-law for granting a shop license to \ & McRae, Canni The result of {he meeting regularly called to test the voice of the ratepayers of S. S.No. 5. as to whether or not they tesired that said section should be broken up and ivi among the neighl efor the Council, There were 28 for sus- ng the seetion and 19 for busaking itup. ih 'the section must remit, ~~~ --- The reply of the Hon. 0. Mowatt to ques- tions submitted to him by the Reeve under instruction of the Council at its late session, was read to the Council byt found unsatis- factory. The questions were as to the extent {a which mynicipalitiey are hound to provide accommodation, to Division Court Clerks. i, A communijcatign was read from J. H, Thompson, Esq, setting forth that Rev. Mr. Taylor's residence had been assessed contrary to the exemptions provided by law, C. Burgess complained of haying been as., sessed for a dog while he had dope, On motion $1 was refunded. On motion an order for $3 was granted to, Mr. Parrish for repairing' bridges, Mr. Wm. Gordon complained ofbaxing 11 sheep worried by dogs, 6 of them are dead 5'badly tor ; the damage sustained Ly the 6 killed in' "$29, and' the 8 2 $15, inalk $ol. : Mr. H. Amey had 2 killed and set the dam- age at $9. Ms £, 54 John gesinen S dass. age of $2.25 ; Mr. © Sproul, Jr, of $4; Mr, $5; and Mr. Wm. Shier , The Hi + ful affair, tendent of ent, cluldren a man- it going gators of thi 21 hooks has bo made, the amendment was] The 'Suprorentoadsnh gave o are ll destroyed. profmugatins of this OF ® | gted down, only Brethour, Bickell,Graham, | graphic explanation of: ho Mhiey priney 8 grasited i two nent p that all or nearly | Gigs, pcRae, Shier and Smith W. 1B.) ples gb which, thy sel ie he above aR ull oug bysingss men, men who de-{ going for it. ed and the awards He, the| On motion of Shi the taxes of twa pend entirgly for their success in| However before the Council rose Mr. guperintenden compli |indigents wete remitted. ting that fe. Busgan presented 41 an accopnt of $1.75 paid Dr. MoDsrigpts far ptiendance and medicine to ap indigenh party. There being » resolution. on. the books against paying nape Sk fhe amount a on "Brandon's fonce again came up. It was agreed to allow. it to re main till gpring snd that he Or. Brandon) | 4 wap they pele Je wll right. On motion of Mr. '4. Shier an order, for $4.49--tho balance, of a gpecial rate levied om |. the village of ¢ for stcmiky | was given to 8 Baird. : : Baird: & Parsons' account wn wha | | cndered to be paid. - xsl an order was iqen to 8; Baird for $10 being his salary as eer thes le nt motion of A Bhier an order was grant- two hand- : | was allowed the amount, Mr G Shier moves that Mr P Keenan be allowed to take the timber of that part of the 8th con, opposite lots 6 and 7 for the sum of §5. . The Reeve demurred, he said he did not wish to have the township property sold but if it is to be 'sold he would prefer having it regularly advertised so that all might have a like chance to obtain it. The motion was carried. The Treasurer stated that at the com- mencement of the year when he accepted "of the affice of treastirer at $40 it was with the understanding that there would be at least a small amount of funds on hand, but there had been almost nothing on hand and he had been at considerable trouble in attend- ing medtings of Council and he would like| ta be paid for said attendance as he could to lose so much time on so small a salary. He charged for 8 days attendance and lowing amounts were orlered to be paid. Mr. Gil- lespie 8 meetings of Council $13.50, signing debentures $8, going to Toronto after sur. plus $8, ing jurors $1, attend: on division of School section $1.50, in all $35 Mr. Brethour 9 days at Council $13.50 ; going to Toronto for surplus $8. Mr Geo Shier 9 days at "Council® $13,50 ; going to Toronto after surplus $8. Mr A Shier 9 daysat Council $13.50. Mr J St John 9 days at Council $13.50. : Treasurer's salary $10, attending Council 5 days $7,50, Clerk ionary, post and d by-laws $7.50, On motion the Council adjourned sine die We were much pleased to find, on our visit to Sunderland on the 15th, that quite a number of important businoss changes had recently taken place there. Mr: Porritt's handsome new block is naw in full blast. Mr. J. C. Huckins, late of Epsom, has moved into the store in the N. W. corner of the building--this makes an elegant store every way conve- nient, We wish him overy success in his new establishment. Mr, Parrish isdriving an extensive Stove and Tin business in this block. Mr. Wm Gordon's Dry Gooda and Grocery establishment is also in this block. Mr. M. McPhadden has moved bie Stove and Tin busines to Sunderland. Altogether the Village had an act- ive business look about it. Our grain market, and ifany one gets it away from him he hés got to pay for it. eel #0 A $4 mmm B&F Look out for the Cartier Boy and his Address next week, [++ énother Meeting, , : W. 8. Sexton, Esq., the Reeve of Port Perry for the coming year, cal- a public meeting of the ratepayers of the villyge for Monday evening lagt- The meating was held in Dewget's all, but unfortunately Mr. Sexton could not be present in consequence of the death of his sister-in-law. The meeting wags organized by calling Mr. A. Hyrd tq the chair who calted the meeting tqarder in a few judicious remarks. Mr. WRIGHT wag the first to take the stand, and ater apologizing for the unavoidable absence of Mr. Sextonawent into the subject at groat length taking a general survey of the whale: subject and 'nailing his remarks with the authqrity of of statute law, N Mr. BIGELOW followed. Ho de- nied that the lumber transaction a simple matter of purehise by the commissioner who bosyht the lnm- ber fram his firm because he' could £3 it cheaper there than anywhere ne. - That Mr, Bigelow's defence' was lame he himself admitted ore the. close of the meeting. 'Mr. CRANDELL' followed and oocapied the stand for a considerable time but left the subjects at issue at Teast no gloarer, this when he got up. : Me. ROBERTS followed, mt did not seek to detain the meeting with a useless har- rangue. He accounted briefly fot the some- | - What weep taxes of the. present year, 4 . "HURD EE Deputy gReevee. | We find that Boek is 'still good|" Hho maceting that Mr. Pilkey had 'done his #1 w -- a mn; Rey. 8, Philp, At 10:30 po, Yor _and 3) friend Conlin is on his taps in the Presbyterian Church--23 for her two Deputy Reeves, they haye eight votes to spare. Reach also returns Ber © two Depu- ties. eet eee Municipal 1 Blevtjons. On Friday evening last, a, meeting of thie pay in the hood of Epsom, was heid in the Centre. Hotel, for the pur: ascertain it @here were any charges against 'being properly organized, Meri P. Christi R. Dobson, Xx. Smith, J, Hookins, and. A, Munro were brought to their feet by nomina- tions, There being no charges against their representative, und -1t 'being tbe apinien of duty the present year. It wan moved by Mr. John Hockins, seconded by Mr, Munro, that Mr. J. C. Pilkey be the candidate for the office of Councilor the engiing year, the others leaving the way for Mr. Pilkey who pose of sclecting a candidate for that locality je for the coming municipal election) and to . ONDERLAWY, ON NEW YEAR'S EVENING. as excellent Quadritle Band wn supply oKickets, One +. Yous pln Sherr . Chinese AH : Rrgresd Glas» WORTHINGTON'S, their yrensn vpsematbe. he need in number oi the icpayol . be nominated for the Perry, for the yeat ore Tbivesopentod to do so, and beg to annoumcd ma gandidate for that position, ¢ and would there- for most respectfully solicit. yor votes and influence in my behalf, ~~ . i. 1 shall take occasion at public meetings to explain my views oh matenof local in- terest. Seti ating you for' yoith support and The Markets. Fall Whe at, . 8 3st . Ilate 1 1 1 0 0 5 0 0 # Turkeys per Wc eneine ---------- BIRTHS, At Manchester, on the 10h inst., the wife of Mr. ¥', Hawkins, of a daughter. In Rpach--3rd Con.--on the Lith inst.the wife of Mr. Sunley of a son. + At Prince Albert, on the 12th inst. the wife of Mr. R. Hugo, ofa daughter. At Greenbank, on the 20th inst , the wife of Mr. I, Craig, jr, ofa daughter: In Reach--8th Con. the wife of Mr. John Harrison of a son, DIED, In Whitby, on Saturday, 20th inst, Olive Hill, relict of the late Samuel Hill, Esq. and sister of Mrs. W. 8, Sexton, aged 65. y ews. / SUNDAY SERVICES. PORT PERRY. Crieh of Ascension.--Rev. Dr, Mitehell, and 7 p. mn. ak AE Church,--Rev. das. Them, 10:30 a. m, and 6:30 p. m. M. E, Chureh.--Rev, Mr. Denike, At 10:80 a. m. and 6:30 p, m. Rapist Church--B ev. Mr. Bates. At 10:3) a mm. and 6:50 p. mn. Apostolic a ~10 a. m, and 5p. m. PRINCE ALBERT, Pretis teran Church.--Rev. Jas Thom, At At BblpChsian Church. Bev. Mr. Kinley. At MANCHESTER, P, M. Church.--Rev, T, Amy, At %30and 6:3) UTICA. 30 and 6:3), Wesleyan Church.-- EPSOM. Wesleyan Church 230 p. m. P. M. Chureh,--10 a. m. and 6:3) p. m, GREENBANK, Wesleyan Chureh.--10:30 a. m. P. M. Church.--2 and 6 p, m. SAINTFIELD, P. M. Church.--10 &. m. and 6 p. m. GO TO , FOR THE BEST oLipay Confectionery, Fancy Breads | AND Toys for Children | OPPOSITION THE 'LIFE OF TRADE t "The Sulbichibor how on hUtkl the Larges Bert, most Fi Fashionable and Cheapest Stock. FURNITURE My Stock consists reaus, Sofas, of Tubler, ¢ Souches Cupboards 3 Buty oe i 5 Brod ep of mig of hiteside's make) the beat fn} in ar hg inh Adi Ba a fine ine logo Gite nes on Ca Picturés framed: 09. the, Sty Uindertnkin g Departme : Et In this departiment my stock is of All orders in ghis line promptly and: cares fully attended to and charges as | dow... any on eatablishment, ay aon ROT: Port tory D5: 24th 1777, Chairman of Meeting } At h HISGOGE-S i i HA variety of the "Beit ian eu g 8, i tows, nd wile uadlemsalds by An was a contract, asserting that it was | one: Special attention is directed to my Stock ] A cordial «| visit our Galleries and inspect our Stock. is now fairly bolus the pryers again. for and hoping to bei retdtned at the the office of Councilor ead of Tames axxey, |" pol ota 1 have the honor to be, Gentlemen, . Your obediont servant, WwW. 8. SEXTON. | Port Perry, Dec. 10, 1873, © li)a SOHOOL - TEACHER vim, ANTED, for, "School "Becti \Utica, a male Teacher, hol cond Class Certificate. Apply to either of the undersigoed. Rou J. DAFOE, D. CHRISTIE, pu J. MEED, 3 Utica, | Dec. 18, 1813, TENDERS FOR: [ip BUILDING : Wor aie up to Jan'y ist, next, for Cnurck in Port Perry, 38x62; ed by the 15th August ne: Stone on the ground, all other be furnished by Contractors. 4 'Lenders may be fer the enti work for the Masonry and Plasteri Including: for C ter" Joiner works and Painting and (Hazing separately, Plans and Specifications and pray ef Pay-, ment at the office of tor GEO. CURRIE, | Secretary, "| Port Perry, Nov. 25, 1873. HOLIDAY FOR ALL Ww a view to mecting lthe rapidly increasing demands of his customers, and of providing vainable, attractive and Fashionable. "Holiday . Presents For all classes of the!'community, old and: young, the Subscriber has added largely to. his valuable Stock, and would lly Evite all to come'and INSPECT HIS GOODS! Fine Gold Watches; Superior Silver Watches, of sizes suitable ladies and WEL E JEWELRY! A large and choice display" of SILVER. WARE Lots of beantifil Fancy Goods. "The Book and Stntioncry, depaitment welt stocked, .- En Yeo, Repairing of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry: executed swith neatness and dis COME FOR YOUR Holiday Erehents? oattin MCR W, W. A. McCAW. Port eddy, Die, 1873, otha 6s variety, i res welcome is extended to all to MoKENZIE & SCOTT. of Port Perry, Dec. 10, 1873, I vy ------