Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 4 Dec 1873, p. 4

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\ © Gouroneve,-- By a rough knowledge of REI reer HONEY T0 LOAN | fons of digestion snd mutton, and by douse. MORTCACES WANTED. ful application of the fine properties of well- i Ch has HE ' " . selote, coon, Mr. Eppa hus provided. or FUE SST LEE ELEY Teri th done re. | hE chet An at aorug Coumiies tors' ", ay Sore id at the lowest current rates of interest. As we have funds on hand at all times Borrowers candep nd on getting their money with the east possible delay. WANTED TO PURCHASE, Any number of Mortgages for which the high- ost figures will be allowed. 'We arealso appraisers for the Canada Per- manent Building Society, the cheapest and largest Monctary Institution in Canada. Paid up Capital $1,500,000. Instaiments re-payable in from 2 to 20 years. Lands Bought and Sola. Several good farms for sale. JA Agents for several first class Fire In" surance Companies. Collections made and a general agency busi- ness transacted. z& DEBENTURES BOUGHT.-GX. JOHN & DAVID J. ADAMS, General Agents, Office in Mr, Ross' Ontario Buildings, Port Perry. Civil Service . Made simply with Boiling Wateror Milk. Each package 'is labled--¢ James Epps & Co Homoeo- pathic Chemists, London." 5 MastrACTORE or Cocoa-- We will now grea account of the prcess adopted by essrs. James Epps & Co., manufacturers of dietical articles, at their works in the London" See article in Euston I Cass:l's Household Guide. # x DAILY ARRIVING Pert Perry, Oct. 11, 1872, IMPLEMENTS ! AND REPAIRS 20RVPIBRY 7 ITH a view to better accommodating the Farmers of North Ontario, Mari- posa and Cartwright, and to further meet the rapidly increasing demand for the Johnton Self-Raking Reaper, Cayuga Chief Mower, lows, Fanning Mills, &e. As manufactured by Brown & Patterson, of the the Whitby Agricultural Works, and all REPAIRS for these Implements, AN AGENCY Has been opened by Brown & I'atterson AT PORT PERRY, For the regular supply of all the above at the same prices as fhey are rold at the Works. All Repairs for the Johnston Reaper, Cayuga Chief Mower, Plow Points, Land Sides, and all other repairs kept con- stantly on hand, FALL AND WINTER GOODS! Superior Quality! AND WM. JOHNSTON, AGENT. Remember the place, East of Thomp- son's Hotel, Port Perry. Latest Styles ! Having established the above Agency, so as to be fully represented in North Ontario, we have lately appointed Ed. Walker, of Utica, as our Agent, who, with our present Agent, H. 8, Johnston, of Port Perry, will call upon you, soliciting your orders for the coming season. BROWN & PATTERSON. : 41 DAILY ARRIVING AT TRENBRTIS, PORT PERRY. Oct. 1, 1873. Yr OG DIVISION COURTS FOR THE County of Ontario, FOR THE YLAR 1873 --_-- | MONEY! MONEY! MORE MONEY! The Subscriber would inform all in want of Money that he is prepared to negotiate Loans with the Trust and Loan Society of Toronto, for any amount of moncy from $400 AND UPWARDS, On Mortgage Recurity on Town or Farm Property. The interest is only 8 per cent, No Commission charged, and Loans pro- cured without delay. Prot Perry Sept. 24, 1873. 11 2 1 1] 1] 2 {2 |= a dg - 21926125] [15 4{15 3120] [29] |16 516 421 30 7 6]17 | 122 18 18 No.7 121 {23] 19} 19 i Z. BURNHAM, a i 1 ? JupGe. i L | bm Jan. 1, 1873. { THE OSHAWA CABINET CO'Y 'Will pay the highest price, in Casli, for the 'following sizes of LUMBER Delivered at their yard in Oshawa. [Square Edge DPreferred.) Oak or Ash, 1 in, 1{, 2 in, any width. Butternut, 1 in., any width. Rock Elm, 1% in. 1} in, any width. Common Water Elm, 1 in., any width. - Basswaod, 1 in, any width. u 1} in, 5, 8, 10 or 16 in., wide, 1§ in, 12, 14, 17, 18, 20,0r'21, in. wide. Pine, 1in,, 1}, 2 in,, 12, 14 or 16 feet long. Maple, Beech, and Birch : %in,1}in, 1} In, 1} in, :} in, 2 in,, 3} in,, 5in., Plank. 2§x2§, Square Scantling. " W. H. GIBBS. President. JOHN TAYLOR. 47 = Manchester, Nov. 12, 1873. Marriage Licenses, [BY AUTHORITY.] SSUED at Port Perry. House. Oshawa, Feb. 5 1873. Office, the Secugog HENRY CHARLES. CHEAPER THAN E W. H. PARK IS SELLING FURNITURE Of every description Cheaper than ever for Cash or Short Credit. Done on the SHORTEST NOTICE and Caer. BE" Remember the BIG CHAIR directly opposite the Post Office, Port Perry. The highest price paid for all kinds of good Lumber. B&™ A good stout boy wanted to learn the Business. Agent for Toupstoxes and MoNUMENTS. W. H. PARK. Port Perry, Sept. 14, 1874. FIRST CLASS BOTS & HOE Material, Workmanship, and Fit! LE HE Subscriber would, return his sincere thanks for the very extensive and rapidly incréasing patronage bestowed on him since opening business in PORT PERRY; And would embrace this opportunity of as- suring his customers and the public gener- ally that as in the past so in the future will he strictly adhere to using only the best material, employing none but good work- men and scllingat prices--when the quality of the Goods is considercd--which cannot fail to please purchasers. Constantly on hanG lots of Boots and Shoes of my own manufacture, Call and inspect my Stock, gar First block west of the Post Office. RICHARD WARRINER. Port Perry, Nov. 12,1873, MONEY 10 LEND! The undersigned has any amount of Money to lend upon Farm and Town Property, at Unusually Low Rates of Interest! Loars can be repaid in any manner to suit the borrower. Also several Improved Farms, and Wild Lands for sale, cheap. Investments made in Municipal Deben- tures, Bank and other marketable Stocks, Apply to Style 47 JAMES HOLDEN, Official Assignee, Broker, &c." Orricr--Over the Dominion Bank, McMil- lan's Block, Brock st., Whithy. Whitby, April 10, 1873, What all the People Want | CHOICE GROCERIES-FRESE. FIRST CLASS TEAS-PURE. The Best Cuts of the Best Fresh Meat and all of them at the Lowest Possible Price. HE Subscriber in returning his sincere thanks for the liberal share of patronage bestowed upon him since commencing busi- ness at Port Perry, would take this oppor- tunity of informing the public generally that the above conditions may be met at his Store one door west of Thompson's Hotel, Port Perry. pe" FRESH OY STF RS--the best Bree HE, n hand. HOTEL,STORE, and Dwelling For Sale! A Capital Chance for entering upon a Comfortable and Profitable Country Business. QAONS | MUSIC LESSONS! N RS. E. M. PRINGLE, Prince Albert, desires to state that at the earnest so-- licitation of friends she has agieed to give Music Lessons at the homes of several pupils living at a distance from Prince Albert; and as her time is not yet wholly occupied she would be pleased to hear frem those who may wish to receive Music Lessons at their homes. Address, if by letter, > MRS. E. M. PRINGLE, Prince Ales. Music pupils ntways received at my resi dence, Prince Albert. Nov. 20, 1873. WITH THE STREAM. The botel is Somboriable and commodious, in The undersigned would thank his numer- ous customers for the generous and liberal order a does" 8 and ble fi veh a2 Diving hods, Sitios, Dung, So. patronage bestowed upon him in the past; ge hotel | and would beg to inform them and the pub- lic generally that he has OPENED BUSINESS IN PORT PERRY, And that in the future Lis business will be catried on at Port Perry and Prince Albert. He Hiores bY this ent and the ine creased facilities which he has thus secured to be able more fully to meet the wants of the rapidly increasing pepulation of this highly prosperous section of country. YE CHAS, HISCOCKS. 'Baker and Confectioner, | Candies, its, Cikes, Bread, Flour, Oat he Re Cor, Lair, Sardines, Fruits | WEDDING CAKES MADE TO ORDER! HE Subscriber having made up his mind to 15, Shore o comtorabls Dowsing Howse oud on "acre of Land in the VILLAGE OF UTICA! TOWNSHIP OF REACH. MRS. E. M.D. A. BONGARD Port Perry, Oct. 1, 1873, 41 BOGUS MEDICINES, HOLLOWAT'S PILLS AND OINTMENT. I have for a considerable time past considered it to be my duty to advertise the public of the British North American Provinces against buying from unpringy pled dealers medicines emanating from New York, and sold as my " Holloway's Pills and Ointment," in whicl much ingenuity has been displayed in passing them off as my make. It is very difficult in- vies 10 WHICH the pau tice Live Lud "They say, amongst ot ge Jy Lo rae Jabel has been adopted by them, and with bare-faced effrontery caution the public against being deceived by spurious imitations. A poor man by the name of Holloway is employed by the so-called Chemical Compan; in New York, who lends his name for a small wegkly sum. The medicines sold by this Company are palmed off upon the public as my * Holloway's Pills and Ointment," so that were they to injure half the community no diseredit would fall upon the fabricators of these compou! but would considerably damage the reputation of my make. an ery ncur any expe ue tions, or to a very limited extent (inating as they do upon my name), they are in a osition to offer them at a very Tow price in mnAdhy where they are purchased by a few Wholesal Houses that I ean name, and_will name here- after, if they continue to vend the same. The following are the names and addresses ahsomecrhe Houses who get my medicines from direct : . Messrs. Avery, Brow, & Co., Halifax, N.S. Messrs. Forsyn & Co., , N.S, Messrs. T. B. Banker & Soxg, St. Jobn, N. B. Mr. T. Des Brisay, Charlottetown, PEL Messrs. LaxerLey & Co, Victoria, B. C. Messrs. Moore & Co., Victoria, B. C. My Pills and Ointment are sold at the lowest wl net prices, in quantities of pot less than £20 wo! ., 88. 6d., 22s. . per dozen boxes of Pills or of Ointment, tor which remittances must These medicines sent in advance. -- are not sold in the United States. Re Each Pot and Box of my preparmtions bear ) THOMAS HOLLOWAY. 1 Toronto --Elliott and Co., Wholesale Drug- deed to attempt to enumerate the many de-| 533, Oxford Street, W. C., London, Nov. 27, 1873. 49-6m locality, for the sale of LAZARUS& MOR- 5 Celebrated Perfected Spectacles and Eye Has secured the sole Agency in this (Glasses; they are very popular and have been a special manufacture of the above firm for many years. These spectacles will assist the sight most brilliantly, strenghten and pre- serve the eyes,and are very easy and pleasant to wear. We solicit a eall front those needin, 2 alds.to sight. Our full assotment It gold, sil- ver, steel and shell frames, will enable us to fit all conditions of the eye,and give satis to all who favor us with a call. W. H. MCCAW, Jeweler, &c., faction JOHN DIESFELD, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER H* just received a New Stock of Fiun3 WHBEREE. The Elgin Lever cannot. be beat for time, Tie Russell & Son's Celebratsd Time. keepers. The Swiss Watches, All good brands. A really fine lot of Timc- keepers, FINE COLD JEWELRY OF ALL KINDS. CLOCKS as Cheap he Cheapest !'l I- _Repairing donc in a workmanlike manner, and all work warranted. JOHN Opposite G. U. White's C; Port terry, Nov. 17,1873, REMOVAL! The Subscriber would embrace this opportunity of thanking his numerous. customers for their lil support during the past 2 s in which he Las done busi in the vil- lage of Borelin; and now would inform them and the public generally, that he has moved his place of business to the Store lately occupied by Jones 1 in the business centre of PORT PEIRY, Where lie hopes by moderation in prices, superior material, good workmanship, fair dealing, and attention to business, to secure an increased share of public patronage. My stock is choice and complete, consist- ing of Bureaus, Sideboards, Tables, Chairs of all kinds, Pictures, framed and unfiamed, Picture Framing and Repairing Féniture done on the best terms, go Factory, 48 Undertaking in all its Departments, Having constantly on hand a good selec- tion of Coffins made up of Black Walnut, Oak, Butternut, &c,, &c., IT am prepared to supply customers on the shortest notice. Fuyerats fully supplied, and a First Class Hearse provided when required, Suitable Lumber and Produce taken in exchange. Agent for Tomb Stones and Monuments. JOHN NOTT. One Box of Clarke's B 41 Pills S warranted to cure all disch _ the Urinary Orga n either ed or constitutional Gravel and Pains in the Back. Sold in Boxes, 48 6d each, by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors. Sole Proprietor, I. J. CLARKE, APOTHECARIES' HALL, LINCOLN, ENGLAND. EXPORT AGENTS. Burgoyne- Burbidges and Co, Coleman St., London, ¥ Newberry and Sons, 37 Newgate St , London. Barclay and Sons, 95 Farringdon St.Londen. Sanger and Sons, Oxford St., London. And all the London Wholesale Houses. AGENTS IN CANADA. Monreal. --Evans, Mercer and Co., Whole- sale Druggists. Lymans, Clare and Co. [3 gists, Shapter and Owen. Hamilton --Winer and Co. Halifax. --Avery, Brown and Co. - « 'The ry. D.VL.. SINE es GRAND ANNUAL DISTRI ON; » To be drawn Thursday, January" , 1878, © $200,000 00 IN VALUABLE GIFTS! GRAND CAPITAL PRIZE, $20,000 IN GREENBACKS! One Grand Casb Prize, $10,000 in Greenbalks! | One Dash Prize of $3000 in'Greenbaciks ! SC Prines $i 2 f unmnaces: ih Hunting Wateh Silver Lever Hunting Watches (in LO orth from $8 $0 $0 ene) ile Vest Chains, } Soin tad silver-ware, Jewelry, &c. ( § Number of Gifts, 2,000, 'Tickets limited to 100,000. i ats wanted to sell Tickets, to whom Agent emiums will be paid. fe Bi Plekets, $2; Six Tickets, $10; Twelve Tiekeet, $2); Twenty-five $i. g. A full Uist of prizes, & descr] of the manner of draw) ng, and I A sen! Ai otiora must be addressed to Main Office, L. D. SINE, Box 86, 101 W. Fifth St. Cincinnati, 0, ly reliable Gift Distribution in the 2 country. Sb - GA We offer to our customers for the coming Harvest, two distinct Machines, which in style and construction, embrace the latest and most useful improvements of the day. "| Reaping Machine. 5 oe and less failure, than any Reaper Cayuga Junior ded the First Prize and Diploma, at the Provincial Exhibition, held a tition with all the leading Mac REMOVAL! | W Hepinstall, Watchmaker & Jeweler, LATE OF: BROOK L IN, Ls Ta i Would respectfully nou that he dR ah dy ee His numerous customers and the 0 OSHAWA, where in tte future ublic generally, e will be foun most happy to supply thelr wants with anythingin the way of Fine Gold and Silver Watches, . , 8 CLOCKS AND JEWELRY, SPECTACLES OR FANCY GOODS !! © Having now in Stock a la the lowest remunerative prices, and warranted. (= Please remember the place,-- WILSON'S NEW BRICK Osriawa, March 5, 1873. h OSHAWA. rge assortment of beautiful Goods to select from, which 'will be sold at BLOCK, KING ST. EAST, PORT CARRIAG "THE VERY BEST Buggies, Nothing but the best Material used Styles and Best Finish, and prices as low as such wo Thanking my numerous customers a and rapidly incr-asing patronage, facilities for business, I shall promptly. Pout Perry Carrirce Factory, April" 16, 1573. | PERRY FACTORY! ps DESCRIPTION OF Wagons, &c., &c. with First Class Workmanship, Latest rk can be sold. nd the public generally for their liberal "would only add that by still further increased io the future be able to execute all orders still more G. U. WIITE. 4 FIRE & CONFLAGRATION IN SUNDERLAND Notwithstanding the late disastrous fire, ruins, the which left much of our. fair village in Subscriber, J. W. PARRISH, Has again re-opened his Hardware and Tin Shop in the Village of Sunderland, better prepared than ever to supply the such merchandize. very large and increasing demand for { have on hand STOVES of every variety and style, in Parlor, Coal Tinwarr--an endless Stock, cheaper than ever. ing done in good style of workmanship. and Cooking Livery manner of Eavetrough- 0% Pioduce taken in exchange for Goods. REMEMBER the Sunderland fTardware and Tin Shop, is the cheapest place for such Goods anywhere 10 he found cast of Toronto Sunpernasp, Feb. 18, 1873. J. W. PARRISIL PUMPS! Sr PUMPS! 0 OI ------ You can get the best and cheapest Pump in the Province Fe T FORCE PUM Hose and Patent Swing Common Loz Iso BE experie nv Un' ed States, the subscriber feels confident that he can perfectly: satisty all that will favor him with a call. All orders for any of the above, Please Address, Borelia, Sept. 29, 1870. having had long PUEP FAGTO BORE RY INS Yi LIA, 2 --> Prices. - A complete Pump and Fire Engine with pling complete for $25. t Pumps at 50 cts per foot, Pumps at 40 cts per lo I sts per loot, See the Pp r Common turned Su~tion Pumps at 35 ets per foot. Cistern Pumps, a complete Pump, from $3 op to $8. every other description of Pump at a Equally Low Rates. nee 10 Pump-making in the largest. factories in Carada and the whether by mail or otherwise promptly attended to. JOHN IRVIN, Boreria. JOHNSTON'S AWARDED FIRST PRIZE AT ProviNcrar Exur- BITION HELD AT Toronmo, 1870, has more good point in Toronto, 1870, in competitior Province ; and with our recent Jmpro tion and comparison wilh foie tion will convince every unp ced Farmer for 1871, built in the Dominion. Bn WaiTsy, June 22, 1871 M O. DONOVAN 10 (i win #0 | JOHNSTON'S | | SINGLE SILR-RARINGREAPER, The "King of Reap VOTO rere mea at. ah ET fmdle fan we ma Tan of the farmers, warrant us in saying (Tat; 3 A ers." s and less defects, heretofore offered to the public, ip Mower, gar Send for descriptive catalogues. ROWN & PATTERSON. : v 9' PRACTICAL ria Car BRO ik 10f Bnggies constantly on hand jo rn) nor and dispatch. made to order wit 5% ALL WORK WARRANTED. wie, Bh LL NEAR THE TOWN CK STREET, W HALL, © O mii Partictla | Be seratad) 44 ? and has met with more hines manufactured in the ts, hesitati hah investi ne sme) re woke Reg le hi 44 I nd, that we offer the best Mower to the Ma ker ! BITBY | ade from 'best material, Work oi tomtion paid 10 'repairing Jprocrauavioy 1 TO THE INHABITANTS OF NORTHERN REACH ; # J of THE PLACE 'TO Dry Goods, : oo Bea 2 2, i rateful Thousands proclaim Vin- Groceries, EGAR BITTERS the most Do In- Clothing, vigorant that® ever sustained the sinking system. a Boots and Shoes,| * No Person can take these Bitters Hardwa according to directions, and remain ] reware, unwell, provided their bones.are tot de- Tinware, stroyed by mineral poison or other Stati means, and vital organs wasted beyond tationery, repair. : : hd Patent Medicines, &e., Bilious, Remitient and Inters mittent Fevers, Which are so preva- IS AT THE lent in the valleys of our great rivers | thoughout the United States, especially | those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Minar a | Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Avkan- GEO. FLINT. | sas, Red, Colorado, Brazos, Rio Grande, 29 Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, RoZ | anoke, James, and many others, with | their vast tributaries, throughout our | entire country during the Summer and Autumn, and remarkably so during sex. | sons of unusual heat and dryness, ard invariably accompauicd by extensive do- rangements of the stomach andl liver, | and other abdominal viscera, In their | treatment, a purgative, exerting aposws ous oo Greenbank Store. Greenbank, July 20, 1873. i erful influence upon th | gans, is essentially 3 | is no cathartic for tl DR. J. WALKER'S Vi R as they will speedily remove colored viscid matter with which the bowels are loaded, at the same timo stimulating the secretions of the liver, and generally rei the healthy functions of the digc } Tightness of 1 Eructations of t in the Mouth, 13 tation of the I Lungs, Pain in neys, and a hundred toms, are the ofl One bottle w ter guaranteo of its merits than a lengthy ti ment. Scrofula, or King's I Swellings, Ulcers, > Goitre, Serofulous In Inflammations, Me Sores, Eruptions of th TOMLINSON'S COCOASINE FOR PRSERVING AND DEAUTIFYING THE HAIR, AND RENDERING IT DARK AND GLOSSY. - As a hair diessing it cannot be surpassed ! As a preventive for baldness it has no equal ! --- vil, White elled Neck, Indolent ions, Old he In these, as in all TRY LIT TRY IT! TRY IT! eases, W § uve PE 25 cont er ott. So a Manufactured by For Inflamm Chronic WW. McTAGGART, Rheumatism, Go Remit- Medical Hall, Pri Albert. tent apd Intermittent { a the Dlood, Li these Bit are cat 2A DA I 2 FARM FOR SALE. | Subscriber offers for gale that excel- arm, being composed of the South half of lot 18 in the 8th concession of REACH, Containing one hundred acres--70 acres cleared and under a good state of cultiva- tionand well fenced lent On the premises there mame Dwelling House 5 with a first class'cellar, a v new, and a vigor- d. An excellent ng supply of choice 5 within scven-eights ge of Port Perry. are an ex ne Youn Bu Tand a ngver water, The proper of a mile of the v r Worms, 1 thousandsy As the propricter i West, immedi For 'T\ on the pr. the Port I rous of going | : » vermiing sled lot worins sion will be given, | iy to the Subscriber)! Reach, How cither sex may fascinate and gain the love of any person they choose, instantly. -- This simple mental "acquirement ail can possess, free, by mail for 25 cents, together with a Marrisge Guide, ptian Or % i Dreams, Hints to Ladies, &e. A queer, ex-| will follow. citing: book, 160.000 sold" Address T Jee BO. WILLIAM & CO,, South Eighth St., Phila- delphia, Pa. Dru a "Fes THE BLOOD IS TIE LIFE See Deuteronomy, chap, xii i the Blood 2 Irom ., verse CLARKE'S World Famed Blood Mixture. Trade Marlk,--* Blood Mixture." THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER AND LESTORER, For cleansing and cleaving the blood from all impurities, cannot be too highly recom- mended. ? Tor Scgofula, Scurvy, Skin I sores of all kinds itis a nov it cure, s old Sores, res Uleeratad and Sore Legs. slackheads, or Pimples on the fice, ses, and iling and RI MAKES THE WEAK STRONG, MN The Peruvian Syrup, a Protect- ed Solution of the Protoxide of Iron, is so combined as to have the character of an aliment, as easily digested and assimiluted with the blood as the simplest CuresiCancerous Ulcers, "Cures Blood and Skin Diseases. Cures Glandural Swellings, Clears the Blood trom all impure Matter, From whatever cause arising, : As this mixture is pleasant to the taste,( food. It increases the oY. and warranted free from anything injurious of Nature's Own talizi to the most delicate constitution of either Agent, Iron in the blood, ai dex, the Proprietor solicits sufferers to give cures ""athousand ills," simply '| 3t a trial to test its value. orating and by Toning up, Invi, Thousands of Testimonials from all parts, Vitalizing the S Sold in bottlos 2s 2d cach, and in cases riched and vit containing gix times the quantity, "11s,each --sufficient to effect a permanent cure in the great majority of long standing cases, py ALL CHEMISTS and PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS throughout the world, Sole proprietor, I. J CLARKE, Chemist, APOTHECARIES' HALL, LINCOLN, ENGLAND. h NTR <i me ized blood hid repairing damages and wi searching out morbid secre tions, and leaving nothing for discase to feed upon. £17 This is the secret of the won~ derful succéss of this remedy ifs PA Chills and Fevers, Humors, Loss of Constitutional Vigor, Diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder, Female Complaints, all diseases ori; ng 1s Newberry and Sons, 37 Newgate Street Lon don. Barclay and Sons, 95 Farringdon Street. Lon- don. Sanger and sons, Oxford Street London, and all di 'And all the London Wholesale Houses.| @ bad state of the , OF ac= ES AOENTS INCANADA. SMDanies sjsicm, nt Fro | Montreal --Evans, Mercer and Co., Wholesale from form, : Druggists. : i a Lore ote , ~~ Lymans, Clare and Co. lowed orresponding reac- Toronto.--Fillot and Co Wholesale Druggists tion, but, are permanent, infi- , Shapter and Owen. sing st h, vigot, and new Hamilton. --Winer and Co, life into all parts of the system, Halifax. ~--Avery, Brown and Co. : and building wp' an Iron Con The best Boar in the Province! "Thousands have been changed p by the use of this 4 birom weak, sickly, suffering ci v tures, to strong, Vs and happy men and women; and invalids cannot reas y hes= § itate to give it a trial. See that each bottle has PERU< VIAN SYRUP blown in the glass. [HE Subscriber would take 'this oppor- tunity of informing all whom it may 'concern, that he has now for SERVICE, at his place lot 23, in the 11th concession of Reach, one of the BEST" BOARS in the Pro- vince. He is about 5 months old, and isa to $20 per day. Agenis wanled! All large well-bred animal. p@™ Service, One Dollar. air $5 classes of Working people of sither, fox, Or oly, Iucke ore al JOSEPH WILSON, |} 040 i a ae od ./Bamphiotd Free. |, SETH W, FOWLE :& SONS, Proprietors, No. 1 Milton Place, Boston.' SoLD BY DRUGGISTS GENERALLY. us in thei re Im ; Lot. 23, 11th con. Reach. than af anriling alter Particulars fre. Ade Reach, Sept. 21, 1873. dress G. STINSON & CO., Portland, Maine. - \ : / 7 i rp : {/ meates every part of the bodys: curing Dyspepsia, Liveg, Lome,

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