Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 4 Dec 1873, p. 1

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A 0 OBS ANE GENERAL ADVERTISER. VOL. X VI, NO. 50.¢ - PORT PERRY, PROVINCE OF ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DEC. 4, 1873. WHOLE NO. 827 Porth Ontario Observer. \ A WEEELY POLITICAL, AGRICULTURAL, AxD FAMILY NEWSPAPER, 18 PUBLISHED AT i; PORT PERRY, EVERY THURSDAY MORNING, BY BAIRD & PARSONS. TERMS. --$1 per annum, if paid in ad- . vance ; if not $1.50 will be charged. No subscription taken for:less than six months and no paper discontinued until all arrears are i in RATES OF ADVERTISING. For each line, first insertion ........$0 08 Subseguentinsertions, per line . 002 Cards, under eAlines, per annum ..,.. 5 00 REF Letters containing money, when ad- dressed to this Office, pre-paid and regester- ed, will be at our risk, J Adverti t by Pp and. charged according to the space they oupy. Ad qd ac- iv. 4 for without specific instructons, will be inserted until fordid and charged" aiccodingly. No advertisment will be taken out until paid for # liberal di t allowed _ and others who advertise by half-year, p&@5™ These terms will in all cases be strictly adhered to. q Heat the year or Job Department. Phamplets, Hand Bills, Posters, Pro- grammes, Bill Heads, Blank Forms, Receipt Books, Checks, Books, Circulars, Business Cards, Ball Cards, &c., of every style and color, executed promptly and at lower rates than any other establishment in the County. gé5™ Parties from a distance getting hand Dills, &c. printed can have them done to take fiome with them. J. BAIRD. H. PARSONS. Cavs. Physicians, 'Professional RS. JONES & MALLORY, Surgeans und Accoucheurs, ' Port Perry. Office, over Allison's Drug Store, Queen-st. R. JONES, M. D., CORONER, | A. E. MALLORU, County Ontario. © M.D, 0D, D¥ BRATHWAITE, Port Perry. R. WARE, Coronor for the County of Ontario, Physician, Surgeon and Ac- coucheur, . Prince Albers. DE MARTIN & DEGRASSI, o_o - Lindsay. RY, MoGILL & RAE, Physelans, Surgeons, D &e., &c, Office and Residences, King sti, : Oshawa, WM, M'GILL, M.D. FRANCIS RAE, M,D. MR McBRIEN, M.D, M. BR. Hospital, London, England. 0, H. Lay y CR, Guy's The Lye R. Oshawa, TY, LI. I, Conoty Crown niario, Barrister, Attorney, tary Public. Office lately oe- Cochrane, sq., Brock street, Whitby. FE. FAREWE ») . Attorney for Solicitor, and oupied by 8. I. YMAN I. ENGLISH, LL.B. Solicitor in Ohaneery, Attorney, Conveyancer, &c. Gshawa. OfMce--Simede street, opposite the Post OfMce. WwW. T consisting in part as follows : COOKING STOVES, Port Perey, September 18, 1873. A GOOD PROVIDER ALWAYS LOOKS OUT AHEAD FOR ARTICLES. HE MAY WANT TO SEE WHERE HE CAN GET THE BEST AND CHEAPEST, AND AS PARRISH 'always, and Intends to have the name of Selling Goods in his line CHEAPER THAN CAN BE GOT AT ANY OTHER PLACE! Parties will do well to call and see the largest stock of Stoves to be scen ia the County, 9, Columbian, 5 hole, No. No. 9, Western Home, No, 10, Extended, [No, 8. Western Home, Black Giant, No, 9, Extended, [No, 9, Huron, a6, Black Giant, No. 9, Cook, No, St. Clair, 30, Black Giant, No. 10, No. 8, St. Clair, 25, Black Giant, No, 10, No. 9, Panama, 21, Black Giant, No. 9, No. 4, Queen. 18, Black Giant, No, 9, No. 8, Queen, Forester, No, 10, No. 4, 'Conquest, Ironside, 25, No. , 8, Conquest. Peerless, 25. No, &, Noo 9, ° PARLOR COOK STOVE. COAL STOVES. No, §, No. 9, or wood, | Pearl, American best, No. 8, or wood, Fireside, Burners, No. 9, , 5 hole, '|Ruttan Heaters. | Lively Times, &e,, j&e. Sole Manufacturer of Boulton's Hot Air Drum, also Round Elbows. Special attention paid to Job Wo.k and Putting up Stoves. N. B. Parties wishing Bavetroughing will do well to give me a call, Ww. = BOX STOVES. T. PARRISH. Professional @arvs. DENTISTRY. wn ED H. L. HARNDEN, L.D.S., Surgical and Mechanical Dentist, Of Twelve Years Experience, rr over Mr. Gordon's Store, | { Queen Street, PORT PERRY. RESIDENCE--PRINCE ALBERT. October 29, 1873. fi W.E. YARNOLD, i i P. L. SURVEYOR, |i { i 4 { ISIN {1 g&&™ Terms, $6 per day."@l CHAINBEARER EXTRA. { YOUNG SMITH, LL. I, Barrister, At- X. torney-at-Lnw, Solicitor in Chancery, and Insolve vY, ary Pu RC. Office--MeMiilan' lock, Brock street, Whitby. AMERON & MACD( NNELY, Barristers and Attorneys at Law, Solicitors' County Council, Outario. Offices : Court House, Whitby. M. C, CAMERON, I. J. MACDONN A. HURD, Attorney at Law. and Solicitor . In Chancery. Office inthe Royal Arcade, Port Perry. AMES LAMON, Attorney at Law, Solicitor ®) in Chancery," Conveyaacer, &e.--Land sont, fo Uxbridge. Officesin Parish's Block, Maln Street, Uxbridge. Law, Solicitor in Chancery, Notary Pubiie, "onveyancer, &c. Office over Ross' Store, Port erry. JO BILLINGS, Bauristor, Attorney at QO. N. VARS, L. D. 8. [EETH inserted on all the latest princi- i Liv of the art, and as cheap as the cheap- est, and as good as the best. Teeth fill with Gold and Bilver. Teeth extracted EMBER of the Veterinary Institute, N Chicago, Ill. Gold Medalist for the Dest examination on Horse Practice. Author of a First Prize Fssay on Shoeing. Gradn- ated Scpt. 16, 1867. Dr. Thorn begs to announce that he has "| taken up his residence at' Port Perry, and is now prepared to treat all cases entrusted to his care in the most skillful and scientific manner. All-orders left at the Medical Hall of Mr Allison, will receive prompt attention. p&y™ The Veterinary Stables may be found on Lilly street, opposite Cossitt's Factory. Port Perry, Oct. 28, 1873. HENRY GRI PATENT SOLICITCR AND IRAUGRTSI:N, OTTAWA, CANADA, Transacts business with the Patent Office and other departments of the Government Copyrights and the Registration of Trade Marks and Designs procured. Drawings, without pain by producing local ansmsth- esia. entical Rooms--in Cowan's new block, over Atkinson's Drug Store, King Btreet, Oshawa. C. D. WAID, TURGEON DENTIST, Uxbridge Village, d wi , and other 1 neces. sary to secure Patents of Invention, prepared on receipt of the model of the Invention. Auctioneers. J. C. PILKEY, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO! pirat Omid Y OULD inform the public gencrally Auct "All 'Dental operati p the utmost skill' and care, arianinl to give \ 'whic millon 2 1 ES eRe: Eger Rersugsces.--H, P. Greggs, Port Hope; Rey. J. T. Byme, Whitby ; Jos. Gould, Esq. Uxbridge. : ' REMOVAL. ed iibscriber would fake this oppor- of thanking his numerous cus- tomers for the large measure of patronage EE a BoA 1 rod years in w! e 8 ion 2 DE TIST in this locality, and would in- Dishea ana to give satisfaction. $n J. D. COTTINGHAM. Port Perry, October 15, 1873. that he has resumed the business of i Thanking his friends for their liberal patronage in the past, he hopes by strict attention to business and a Sale Bills drawn out and Blank Notes fur- nished free of charge. All orders addressed to J. C. Pilkey, Ep- som P, O,, or left at the Omserver OrricE, Port Perry, will be promptly attended to. J. C. PILKEY. Epsom, Sept. 9, 1873. 38 CROTHERS & WILSON L A for the of Ontario, AE prepared to conduct Sales anywhere in the County. gy Parties placing their Sales in our hands may rely i the utmost attention being given to their interests, G. Crothers is also Agent for all kinds of ultural Implements. 4 o =| Allorders addressed to G. Tp ah OL be 'Wm. Gordon, W.M. W BE S to thank his public generally, , 1 intend, in Collecting, &e. careful attention to free of charge. Arrangements cg at the Onsen Office, Port Perry AUCTIONEER. ¥OR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO. | AND TOWNSHIPS OF MARIPOSA & CARTWRIGHT, , for the liberal patron- age bestowed upon him for the past five years. g now given up the li whole time to the business of Auctioneer, It will be my endeavor, by prompt and satisfaction to all who may favor me with their Sales or Collecting. Bi'ls draughted and Blank Notes furnished Prince Albert, Oct. 25, 1873 ILLCOX, ES VSED many friends and the busi of NOTHING LIKE % NorIcE! LB Ld County of Ontario, } Is hereby given that : TO WIT : the County Court aud General Sessions will be holden in and for the e r u County of Ontario, in the Court House, in » ¥ the Town of Whitby, . ---- On Tuesday, December 9th, 1873, At the hour of 12 o'cl noon, of which all Coneorne Wil take motco and govern therm. notice an rn them- selves 'accordingly, of gove; ° of his business to His JN ew Premises ! : 4 Built tor the purposé, in PORT PERRY, Now presents to the public the largest and best stock of BABRNBEY SADDLES, WHIPS, TRUNKS, VALISES, And everything in his line, ever offered to the public in the North Riding of Ontario. He is determined to sell as Cheap as any other House in the Trade. 23 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Thanking his customers for the liberal support accorded to him during the past cighfeen years, he will do his utmost to DAVIS &3 Caper Factory! JOHN ROLPIL STEAM PORT PERRY. NELSON G. REYNOLDS, Sheriff, C. O. Sheriff's offlee, 'Whitby, Nov. 12, 1878. 48 PORT PERRY LIVERY STABLES, C. M'KENZIE, * PROPRIETOR JHE Subseriber having now fully equipped his new and extensive Livery Stables with a supply of superior Horses and Carriages, is prepared to furnish first class LIVERY RICS On Moderate Terms. C. MRE NTE Port Perry, Aug. 6, 1873. Port Perty, June 18, 1875. y THE ONTARIO FARMERY Mutual Insurance Company. This Company is now fully organized and is prepared to accept risks on Farm Buildings and their contents, country School Houses and Churches, These wishing to insure and thereby support a Home l Comy have now an opportunity of doing so, either by applying to the Head Office, or to any of the local Agents of the Company. Our rates will be found as low as those of any respon- sible Mutual Insurance Company in Canada. Head Office--Opposite the Royal Hotel, Brock St., Whitby. L, FAIRBANKS, Jr, HE Subscribers always keep on hand (and are ly facturing more) a_large Stock of just such FURNITURE! As the community requires ; suitable for all classes of purche . All of Croce Ma- TERIAL, the Best Workmaxsmp, and at sven Prices as cannot fail to suit. Secretary. o 'ee o W. BURN HAM, Clerk of the Third Divi- : UNDERTAKING 3 « sion Court. Office in Bigelow's Block, . In all its departments promptly : Port Perry, ' attended to and charges moderate. | Office hours from 1 a. m, to 3 p. m.. COFFINS of all sizes kept con © stantly on hand. : : e me Stbscriber having removed the whole Mrs. St. Aylmer's Diamonds. Av dare you attempt to deny it? Mrs. St. Aylmer was looking with stern eyes at the graceful little figure before her, whose elf brown locks were hiding two flushed cheeks and a quivering mouth. . ¢ Bessie Brown, answer me !-- hore have you concealed my jew- $7 The flashing brown eyes uplifted for a momeiit, then, falling with tears, sought refuge behind the long lashed, blue veined eyes. ¢ You're sullen, then, are you? Very well, since I cannot make you confess, perhaps Mr. Archibald can. The haughty even tones of Mrs. St. Aylmer had not varied in the least; and now only a more intensi. fied gleam in her eyes betrayed the anger sho was too proud to acknow- ledge. With a graceful little ges- ture, sho pulled the silken tassel that swung idly beside her, watch- ing the girl closely all the while. ¢ Don't--pleaso don't, Mrs. St. Aylmer! Please don't call Arch-- Mr. Archibald!' That unlucky slip of her tongue did not escape the lady's attention, she turned like a tigress upon Bes- sie. 'What! You dare speak of Mr. Aylmer, my son Archibald, by his first name? You, a miserable charity child, who Las betrayed the kindness of ten years by robbing me of my diamonds !--You are a well principied young woman, I really think I' Her clear, ringing tones, so cut- ting in their sarcasm, lent a deeper glow to Bessie's check than her thoughtless words had called up.-- For a moment she did not speak. Then she raised her face--not a pretty} face at all, nor a face that one man in a thousand would have looked at the second time--a thin, sharp-featured countenance, lighted by a pair of elfin brown eyes, shad- ed by tangled hair, beautiful only by a small red mouth, enclosing white, perfect teeth. But if the clfin brown eyes wore a far off hatred and anger in their depths, 1t was for the cruel, harsh mistress, whose harsh bright eyes ately future, to devote my: | business, to give fall | SHROUDS of all sizes and : Rye CANADIAN HOTEL, + newest styles. i CASKET OR BURIAL CASE + procured on short notice. PORT PERRY. HENRY FOY, = PROPRIETOR. RA hn v The American e oO The Subscriber having leased the above + Hans CY WG style Hotel has fitted it up in a style in keeping with the rapidly increasing business and . Also Bill Stamps always on hand. | | be made for sales &e., | Office, and at the Standard » W. M. WILLCOX, | THOS, H. will be pun: lected in ( prompt remittances WALSHE, eer, uningion, or WALSHE. ioneer for the (Township a & Rama in| ,in the County | Canuington, Brock. t at this office, or at his residence | col-! made, Re the North Ontario Auction- | ably furnish MARBLE ONUMENTS, eterics, by J ranted. January 10, 1872. John Mc Donald,! NEWCASTLE, Stones of great variety, with every de- scription of Marble Work, suitable for Cem- supplied at short Peterhead and Aberdeen Granite, pe Parties will find it to their advan-| 9 | tege to withhold their orders until called on Satisfaction guaranteed, and all work war- PEALER ! ONT. Tomb-Tables, Head- notice. Also . C. WILLIAMSON, AGENT. 3-r terest. November, 21, 1866. MONEHKY [Private Funds,) To Loan on good Farms, at 8 per cent in- LYMAN ENGLISH, BarmisTer, &0.y awa, QIN TENNANT'S KENTE'S HOLLAN A general assortmen AS IMPORTED ! HERIDWVMALIADI EQ H*s Received a further supply of And ALE in Stone Jars. HENNESSY'S JULE ROBIN & Co., and OTARD'S BRANDY. PORT and SHERRY WINE, ALSO ALD. WELLS' TORONTO ALE. WALKER'S Extra MALT and RYE. WITH Codfish, Oan'd Fraits, Fish, &o.,&o. Port Perry, Sept. 8, 1873. gING XXX PORTER D and OLD TOM. t of Teas, Sugars, PPLICATION will be made Session of the Legislature of Ontario, for an Act to construct a Railway from Port Perry to Goderich by way of Uxbridge, New- market and Orangeville, and also powers to the Bowmanville, 5 n, pd CE at the next further Lindsay and L &e. 3 ; the Pownship of Brock, Uxbridge, i Bi + Yama, Mara, Mariposa : a 3. Parties entrusting Jets Sales to me R. RICHARDSON, To Tt tannte, using given SSUER of Marriage Licenses ZOffice-- A WM. GORDO Lot 10, in the 1st concession of Brook. 2s ON ik. ; ' Sa or inthe County of D Act of Incorporation. Sept: 23, 1873; B WB Fr power to construct a Branch from some point way, in the County of York, and to change its name, and for amendments to its y, and for urham to the Northern | of public patronage. | The Queen's is conveniently situated a prosperity of the Village and neighborhaod, |". oie. rE ny and with direct reference to the comfort and convenience of the public. Strict attention paid to the Table and the ar. Comfortable Stables and attentive Ostlers. Neither labor nor expense will be spared in making the Royal Canadian Hotel worthy J. W. DAVIS & SONS Port Perry, Nov. 26, 1873. 4 JEWELRY, BOOK, STATIOKERY AND FANCY GOODS - EMPORIUM, FYRVRBUABYE er Subscriber in tendering his hearty Port Perry, June 16, 1869. pit PERRY HOUSE, PORT PERRY. - JAS. V. THOMPSON, - PROPRIETOR. The above House i d, and G thanks to his numerous customers for their liberal patronage, would inform them and the public ; rally, that his stock has just been replenished with a choice sel , | tion of Goods of the latest styles, patterns and best qualify which he offe the Iu west possible figures at which goods can he sold. ow most comfort- s are cared for in the Home Sty Good Liquors and Cigar: also, fivst cl abling and good Ostle | Additions have been made which make: the largest and best House in this section of country. Fare $1.00 per Day. T at such Ear-Rings, Finger-Ri Goldine #nd Fancy Jewelry in great variety TN BOOKS Large Family Bibles and every variety of Beautiful Bibles, Prayer . Books, Hvmm Books, &c., &c. All the best authors in Poetry, History, Biography, &ec. A large and complete assortment of SCHOOL BOOKS. An excellent variety of Albums. In Stationery :--Ledgers, Journals, Day Books, &c., &c. A large assortment of Legal rs, Brooches, &e., &e. 1 ree HOTEL, PORT PERRY. JAMES DEWART, - PROPRIETOR. The Subscriber having leased this excel- lent Hotel and fitted it up with a view to the comfort of guests and the accommoda- tion of the general public, will be glad to welcome old friends and new to take part in the hospitality of the Queen's. The Table carefully supplied, Choice Liquors and Cigars in the Bar, the Yard and Stables punctually attended to. 3 Forms such as Blank Deeds, Mortgages, Leases, &c., &c. riting-Books, Paper and Inks of the best quality. Fancy Goods in great variety. Berlin and other fine Wools. Everything on stock will be sold at the lowest possible figures, The best Sewing Machines in the Domin- jon furnished at prices which defy competi- tion. = Eadies' Work Boxes. I am Agent for the famous Instruments few rods west ot the Post Office. JAMES DEWART. Port Perry, Nov. 11, 1873. A SOLOAHERIOY HOTEL, PRINCE ALBERT, ONT. WM. BADGEROW, PROPRIETOR. Sy 3 Te , The above comedions hotel has been | Ooncertinas, &c., of the best description. : a hl thr omdlices, | CopCeE ign mber the place--Allen's Emporium, opposite the Ontario Bank, Port Perry. 3 e Toronto Mam--daily and weekly --and tlie Toronto Grose--daily and weekly for Sale. and has ample accommodation for the re- ception of guests, It supplies & most con- venient point for Commercial travelers, Comfortable and roomy stabling and at- tentive ostlers, THOMAS ALLEN. Port Petry, September 24, 1873. _ WESTERN ASSURANCE COMP'Y TORONTO. nea MANCHESTER, J. TENNYSON, - PROPRIETOR, Having purchased the above Hotel, has furnished the Bar with the choicest liquors ad cigars, Every attention paid to guests, | tages to and from Uxbridge call daily.--| : Careful Ostlers always in attendance. ass J 2 {Capital - $400,000. Pree HOUSE, x t etn : ont..... Hou. John McMurrich, UTICA. ice-President. +...U. Magrath, Fsq. J. DAFOE, PROPRIETOR. rOiEy «pp ar Haldas, Esq, Good lac Careful JA PRINGLE; to the requirements of travelers and guests. General Agent. 'The bar supplied with the best liquors and cigars. Good stabling. wises; Yi (TRE HOTEL, # [ADVERTISEMENT] Agents Wanted Everywhere | BAINTFIELD, 0 BLL OR J. JENNINGS, - PROPRIETOR, NEW MAP - OF THE J [BION Hote, Dominion of Canada. : WRIThY. ea from Ivo dred to three hundred A. MASON, - PROPRIETOR, yy eaf. r : % 'This Hotel has undergone a thorough Te. 32 King St. East, Toronto. novation and been fitted up with a view to ne ; | ciding upon the answer 1 1 In FINE GOLD JEWELRY; Chains, | pow came from J and was were piercing her through through. If the sweet mouth mingled tenderness in the struggl- ring smile she felt deep down in her | heart, that Mes. S ylmer eonstru ed as a defiant laugh. That tender ness for one whose name had so uu- | guardedly lett her lips--the name of' | her idol and ideal. Would Le cen- | sure her? "Well, Miss Defia nce, are you de- on shall g nearly | give ?2--You've been sulki three seconds.' | Aud Mrs. St. Aylmer held her her band, open watch in | air of particula | chafed impatient, ie. ~My answer is what it has been lever since you missed your jewels. {1 know noth about them. And I am not accused any longer of the theft, when I am as innocent as yourself!' Her eyes shot fire now, regardless of the little increda j that st. Aylmer's with an lips. «Indeed! Be good enough to teil {me what you propose doing, then? {1 may be able to assist you in your contemplated departure.' «You are cruel, Mrs. St. Aylmer! You think I don't understand what you mean. You think don't know that you refer to my removal us a branded thief! Mrs Aylmer, do you treat me as an ignorant child, when 1 am sixteen years oid ?' She spoke very passionately and tossed back masses of hair from her face. «Yes, rejoined the lady softly, ¢you are a young lady of sixteen who has stolen my diamonds, and who is trying .to steal my son's heart. Poor, pitiful focll' Her cold, fiendish manner almost maddened Bessie, and she sprang towards her like a lioness. A firm, strong arm caught her, and faced her about. ¢ What is all this? Mother, you are wrong. Dessie, what do you aon 2 Nhatte dla. weakbus 8 Archibald St. Aylmer glanced from the pelo wrathful face of his mother to the glowing cheeks of the girl. 'Mean? It means that this girl is a low-born thief--' Bossie raised her hand with a commanding gesture, and a light in her eyes the lady dare not oppose by a further speech. Then she turned to the young man, her eyes fixed steadily on his wondering face, and a forced calm in her quiet, dig- nified tones: ¢ Your mother accuses me of wil- fully stealing or hiding the set of diamonds you gave her a fortnight ago. Not satisfied with that, she insults me by saying I--I am sevk- ing to--to-- ; Her cheeks flamed hotly, and her voice quivered. Then, bursting into tears, sho turned away. ' Finish it, young lady! Tell him I say you are dead in love with him, that you are scheming and planning to entrap him into a marriage, or the comfort and convenience of the traveling public. Every attention paid to the table and bar, while obliging and attentive OHN CHRISTIE, TOWNSHSP CLERK, hing worse ; that--' ' Mother--enongh | You speak JOHN FOWLER. ; 42 'Whitby, June 20, 1870. Office--Manchester. Ostlers will have charge of the stables, Tesuer of Marriage licens & 0 va of y &e. You stab that child ' {every time you utter a word, and quivering with pain, there was al, But there was a kindling of his grave eyes, and a flushing of his dark cheeks, as he glanced at the bowed graceful head weeping in the corner. ' Bessie, child, tell me. Did you take the jewels? Answer me in God's truth. Look at me, child!' 'Archibald St. Aylmer was twen- ty seven, and he never dreamed that his mother's little dependant was aught more than a foolish child, ready fora game of romps or a doll, but now she lifted her eyes-- those deep wells of woman's love--and met his earnest, sorrowful glance.-- Perhaps her gaze confirmed his mother's words ; perhaps a revela- tion lay in those amber brown depths. = At any rate, Archibald St. Aylmer felt a strange thrill quiver over him, and he knew that his face glowed as he turned away from her. Hor clear voico followed after her cyes. Mr. St. Aylmer, I never so much us saw the diamonds since the first night your mother wore them.-- I did not know they were gone till she accused me of stealing them.' A scornful smile wreathed Mrs. St. Aylmer's lips. 'Suppose you keep on, Miss Brown, and inform us if the other charge be true?' > «Mother !' and Mr. Sf. Aylmer spoke sternly; but Bessie, with glowing cheeks and misty eyes, stepped proudly forward. «I am not ashamed to confess it. [ am going away, Mr. St. Aylmer, and yowll never sce me or hear of me again. I'm nobody but a poor unknown orphan your mother re ceived through charity, and treated as a sort of confidential dependent; and therefore it's a shame for any one to think or care ab me. But I am a woman, Mr. St. Aylmer,' as her voice grew tenderly low and musical ; "and I have learned to love you, I can't help it. You'll forgive me, and forget my folly. But I'll never forg you, fi with all my heart, all my strength, all my life. TI, poor Bessie Drown, your mother's humble dependent.' She caught his hand, kissed it passionately, and fled from the room borhood. After that, [when Mrs. wondered why Archie was so d silent, she did not dream for pi for the strange, ecc ch wor did he himself remer that pity is akin to love And tho diamonds! Never were missing goods enveloped in a more impenetrable shade of mystery These were not found, and Dessie's character was the reposi- tory of the burdensome stigm Nine o'clock of a sunshiny winte morning, and the elegantly laid t a-tete table in the breakfast parlor of the Jermyn mansion in Grosvenor Square, yet undisturbed by the two ladies sitting opposite cach other. 'Stella T thought ydung Lord Fitzjames would not wait long b fore he asked permission to call. -- Here is a very piteous note, entreat- ing your sovereign favor. He's ev dently in love with your dark ey Evremond lau: ul stately Bis Ler proud little Y an i Mes, in the know 1 disapprove of iirting should encourage Lord F he could only be disappointed end.' ¢And don't you ever int marry anybody Toasl friend and visitor, Miss Evrem There are a dozen of discon end to your decision,' Miss Jermyn's black eyes gazed thoughtfully at the glowing fire in the grate. ¢ You know my reason, Jessie, for for not marrying, Never until 1 accomplish my selfimposed task-- never till the one I love, "and only love, asks me to be his wife, will 1 ever think of it.' Jessie Lvremond's merry laugh rippled daintily forth as she sipped her chocolate. 'You are an enigma, Stella; you always were; I fear you will always be. As for mo waiting for the loved ane tn como, why Stella, my idol has been enshrined these three months.' Jessie's soft blue eyes lighted up as she spoke, half saucily, half shy. ly, 'Your cousin, Iord Fitzjames, perbaps ? You are so interested in his welfare.' Miss Jermyn suggested the name quietly, without looking up. ¢ No, indeed! I mean--you'll never tell, Stella, darling ? but oh, if you knew how I worshipped Arch- ibald St. Aylmer!' A gray, fierco light shot out of Miss Estelle Jermyn's brown eyes, which innocent Jessie did not no- tice. ¢ At the Fitzjames' last night, he was go attentive; and at tho con- clusion, ho said he never enjoyed a dance in his life like that Woh re- dowa. Iwas a partner, you know. Oh, Stella, I die for that man!' The gray shade had passed. from: lla Jormyn's fuce, and she was herself again. tA 'Yes, Mr. St. Aylmer is a fino] man, a handsome man. Every one admires him.' : you insult me.' es, I love youl -- from the house--from the ncigh- _ diamond . un A lovers waiting for you to reverse! Jeuts' his name was dropped; and when one of the two ladies made merry in in her heart by the speech and re- petition of his name, the other was striving to conquer the religious adoration and agony in Lers. * * * * * . . «I am going to bring her to see you to-morrow, mother. You will love her; you can't help it; she is so beautiful, so ladylike, so intelli- gent.' 4 Mrs. St. Aylmer wae proudly gaz- ing upon her son. . ¢ For your sake, my boy, I, shall both admire and love her. But Archie, has she promised to marry you? ¢No, not in words, yet her oyes declare it; her whole manner en- dorses her affection. But if she re- fuse me--' ¢ Refuse you my son! The woman never lived who could do that!' He laughed. ¢ You are my mother, you know, and prejudiced, 1 fear. However, I hope Miss Jermyn will agree with you.' ¢ Miss Jermyn is the lady then? I have met her once or t She is very rich then; but sh serv- ed, stately, with a Ma in ber style. ¢ When in comp 3 alone, oh, mother, is not the same woman--so unspeakebly ten- der i ! yes, when, And Jd for vour o , her lot ushould mar ift to her be the « you gave me to replace | the ungrateful B {curious, Arche, we never | {her, Hark! there is the kt bell. | Alone in her iJermy was sittin iant eyes fixed upon the ro her. 1 iradiem with love had never heen as rewd the | that Lore Arche an Lwalmer Ave {my g sie er led velvet purple mond j Las appoint Ci homes ble I yd hist mother yesi luded retiremout. Mea [in most He had ist anguish w An clizant the door apartment. Don't speak, she waved hi | Bessie Brown of oti led your diam land in returning you to love me as Very fair and be there and then w eratitude at the restorc { which would bring loxu | Mrs. St. Aylmer perceived her fate in the person bu +, Lind stolen her diamonds for tl needtul time ---that fate in the person of Estella Jermyn. restored them even while stealing her son's heart and name. It was acearding with the will of wer deceased uncle, Mr. Finoud Jermyn, that she had adopted the name which misplaced that of Bes- sie Brown, and in so doing she had inherited a fortune of twelve thous- and a year. ra Pn pnt A good motive--Locomotive, True to the core--a good apple. ow to get into a serape--go to the barber, Sydney Smith 1 vided Lim to take stomach, wit. id EJ physician ad- & Walk upon an cmp) «Whose stomach 2 kot "How does your husland get along?" inquired a friend of an undertaker's wife. "Nothing to complain of, thank the Lord, Le hed twelve funerals yesterday." 2 a strike among the doctors in one of the Swiss Cantons. The people are exceedingly 1:1, nud at last accounts all of them were in perfect health, | : + dw "To holdin' a post mortim examinasbun on a hoss who afterwards recovered; $1.50 © was one of the items in a horse doctor's bir paid by an Oregon stock owner. ue Serenading is carried to such un extent in Bloomington, TIL, thet the cid poopls never Sh of ong ie vat witout aking a load. gun wi m, end stuffing full of carton, A Western genius: has an iden yi bi an iden. He proposes to ariwnge Heats on pivots, so the devout dl Sho spoke very quietly, and then z

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