Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 20 Nov 1873, p. 2

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a : , reduced the value of the prize to the steamer ; the ratepayers present at such meeting and and prisoners, The Tornado, with her prize| the majority of the Trustees cannot come to in tow, arrived at Santiago de Cuba. The|an agreement ag to the site, in such case that steamers with steam up blew their whistles. | meeting cannot legally adjourn until each All rung bells, and several crews cheered. | party bas appointed an arbitrator, and should On boayd the Virginius at the time of her | such meeting adjourn withéut appointing capture were 163 men all told, but could| one then thd law provides that the Schqol not eope for a moment with her captor the | Inspector shall be the sole arbitrator in the Tornado. matter. Havaxa via Key West, Nov..15--~The| . The law, of course, makes a palaver about Ren spare that a Tn t poh a ol Fi yo poh ers it fn 2 : If there be one thing more than jancther which tends to enshrine the 1873. {name and remembrance of 'an in- stitution in the very inner chamber of the human mind it is that chief of of all graces, CoARITY. The Reward of Enterprise, apart for the sinking fund, and that he invest, See Jones Bros'. new adverti; this latter sum in favor of this municipality in another column. Lots of choice in satisfactory county. or township deben-, row Fruits, Now Teas, extra value tures, Finnon Haddies, &e., &e. 'By DomintoN TELEGRAPH FROM 1OsHAWA, Nov. 19th.--At the Cedar Dale Works, this morning, a large grindstone burst severely injuring | gen "The first Report of the Diréctors | of the Brown & Patterson Manufac- turing Company, Whitby, is now before us and exhibits a highly grati- fying state of affairs. The report covers a period of six months and ¢ half--from Feb'y 17 to Sept 1, 1873. ---- ae Port. Perry Council. The municipal council of Port Perry met at their Hall, on Thursday, 13th inst, the Reeve in the chair, Countyof giierio Is horeny. ren TO WIT the Filling up ihe Ranks. ral Sessions will be on in and i ouse, in inutes of the previ ting were | two workmen, M. O'Connel and W. (Ly of aria, Hy the Courtefi ; : hy be: of th n Institutions The assets of the Company arc | Gilowing account of the events at Santiago! the Inspector acting with the arbi ator pe approved, * ant binds TRA the Town of Whith, © members © new £OVOrn imay rise and tickle the ear with shown to amount to $100,025, 'anc [de Cube have Been reecived hers it On) which fla trustecs moy same, but then the read : y kon o ll : : On motion of Mr. Roderts, Mr. T. Allen's account of $4 for selecting jurors for 1872 went are in a fearful stew, they have, their sounding titles and dazzle the and the Liabilties to £98,181; lea Aincautionsly grabbed the bait and eyo with their glittering [agonn!ry, ing a balance of $9,845 in favor o now they are at their wits end to 4, may even succeed for a timo inf, Company, i. e. & net proft | in 6} _ know what to do; they hate awful-' carrying off the popular mind ; but | months of $9,845. ii execution, which was ordered for thut' the Inspector. : | J afternoon, Captain Fry, a noble-looking ly to be deprived of the coveted port- jf its foundations are x0t laid deep | mhgameunt of paid up capital is| gq man, fully a head taller than the rest of folio and they scarcely dare risk an &40,961; so that this amount Leing | the crew, when he went to the men on the election contest, certain defeat star- in business 6} months has gained | wharf previous to their march to prison, * ingthem in the face. Poor Cart-| | paratively short duration ; its Splec, $0,845; that is over 24 per cent pro- saluted them all. The salute was returned . wright is asgood as beat already ; dor will scon become dimmed, and it In 61 months. This is cortainly | With affection. At4:5 pm, Captain Fry| he will likely regard discretion the [when it ceases to dazzle it will & hundseme profit, showing, 4st. and the thirty-six men and officers were better part of valor and subside ere | cease to oxist. ? ? | publicly shot, despite the protest of all com- the head, but O'Connel's injuries are first serious was ordered to be paid. jSangeross This is the On motion of Mr. Crandell the Reeve was | accident at the Cedar Dale Works | instructed to sell the Debentures of the Cor-| since their establishment. | poration amounting to $6,000, and place the I a 0° { procecds in the hands of the Treasurer of the Ger Reapy Your Snoorivg Imons.--It The Standard scribblers have been at their | Corporation. i be soon 7 i i; Wit Canadian' On motion of Mr. Roberts the amount due 1 youl Worl of stoning ask week, Tuey | Mr. Curtin for brick for Town Hall was or- Hotel, Port Perry, has made the most ample stole two mortal columns from the Globe and | preparations for a rand Pigeon shooting made a palaver over it as if it had heen every match to come off on Wednesday 26th inst. Friday morning thirty-seven of the crew of | Inspector is to have t vo votes for the other's the Virginus..were brought on shore and one, which in that case would leave the' taken to the prison to remain there until choice of the site entirely in the hands of At the hour of 12 o'clock, noon, Coroners, Justices of the } concerned will take notice selves accordingly. NELSON G. REYNOI ¥ Shortt ¢.0. len 'which all He and aif ope theme Short s ofllec, More Stealing. Whitby, ee 12, 1873. land fast in the glorions principles of charity its glitter will be of com- dered to be paid. On motion of Mr. Roberts the sum of $100 See adv, and bills, Not so with these A the election comes off. noble institutions on the chief dia Laird's chances of success in his 'dem of whose crown is indellibly election'aro splendid, if the last horse | written, in letters of gold, " Brothor- does; the excellence and popularity | of the machines and implements manufactured at these works, and exhibiting also efficient and skillful petent foreign authorities, The marines were seven minutes killing the wretched prisoners ; it seemed as if they would never finish, word their own, while the fact is that every syllable of it was stolen, pilfered, prigged.-- We refer to the gorggous biographical sketch | | was ordered to be paid to Mr. Spence on ac- count of work on Town Hall, On motion of Mr, Crandell the sum of $40 was ordered to be paid Mr, D7 Hpckins for iit esses. Brown & Ross' new advertisement will be found in this issue. Large arrivals of new goods; $5" Moss THE EXAMINATION OF CANDIDAYES PUBLIC STHOOL TEACHERS Sccond and Third Class Sorusieaton; n will be held (D.V.) in the Town of Whitby, : Commenéingon Monday, 15th December, 1873, At 1:3) P. M., for Second Class, and on Tuesday 16th December, at 9 A. M., for Third Class. The examination of Candidates for FIRST CLASS CERTIFICATES Will be held at the same place, commencing At last the sailors were marched off | of the members of the Ottawa Government | and tho troops filed past the long row of s-------- corpses. Then the dead carts were hurried! Municipal Council of Brock. and loaded indiscriminately with the man led remains." 18 to be made the winner. Some of ly Love, Relief and Truth." And 'the otliersare mot worth opposing | should. that day ever come when the and they will be let alone; in fact handof the oppressor shall be raised the more of such the government | {against . such an institution thou- : has the wealer it becomes. sands and tons of thousands of brave Ifthe new government ever come {hearts and strong arms will rush to together, atall it willbe when they the reseme exclaiming, «Tyrant cannot help it; for it is more than spare that tree, &c." probable that when the boys return | And in these days of darkness, with the portfolios which his Excel- want and woe amongst the fever } lency gave to amuse them a stricken inhabitants of=Memphis + little, he will pat their heads, take land Shreveport wo find the 1.O.O.F\ the portfolios from them saying"that [stepping nobly into the breach, not will do' now, boys, you may go! | with vapory, meaningless express. home, we want business to go, lions of sympthy and commiseration work done on side-walks and tank pumps. On motion of Mr, Crandell, Mr. E. Mun- Ao; dy's printing account of 24 dollars and 14 The above Council met at Speiran's Hotel, | cents was ordered to be paid. Valentyne, on Tuesday, 11th inst; the | On motion of M~. Crandell the following MORE SPANISH BARBARITY. Reeve in the chair and merabers all present, | accounts were ordered to be paid: viz, E. New York, Nov. 17.--The World's Wash-| The minutes of the previous meeting were | Williams, team work on street, 831.75 ; Win ington despatch says: An official confirma- (read and approved. Taylor, for pine timbers, $75. 60; Wm. tion was received to-night, Sunday, hy thei On motion of Mr. Shier the following ac- | Spence, in part contract, $50 ; H R Barber, Government, of the execution of fiffysseven ' counts were ordered to be paid: A. Brown, |on account of salary, $50; Chas McClue, more of $he Virginus prisoners on the 12th $2.50, for advertising Court of Revision ; D. | work on streets, 4 dols, Inst, of whom seventeen were British sub- Lindswy, $2, returning officer police village On motion of Mr. Roberts the Council ad- Joots, The Bri Legation is in receipt of of Cannington; A. McPhaden, 50c for repair- | journed till 27th inst. the same intelligence. ing scraper. | mT ree Thus the American flag has been | On motion of Mr. Brethour the following Complimentas ry Supper. insulted, trampled in' the vary gut- | accounts were ordered to be paid: Jonnie) ters and made to wrap the staff on Thompson, $24; James Baen, $10; M. Mc- | the prices speak for thomselves.-- management on the part of the Presi- [Read their adv.] dent and Directors. These works are not only a credit but a very material assistance to the town of Whitby, STEALING BY THE WHOLESALE.-- A thoroughly organized thieving expedition passed from Strettonville Err. on the evening of Wed- nesday 12th inst, and made a clean sweep of all they "coveted in all the outbuildings on the way. The stole a set of single harness from J. Davidson: two collars from D. Delons ¢ a buffalo robe worth $16 and a sheepskin worth §5 from Wm, Hart; a set of harness worth $45 from C. Cook ; a pair of horse blan- kets from Jas. Stewart, and an over- coatirom 8. Burgess, at T. Munro's, * Landlord's 'Sales. Our village has been somewhat annoyed during the past week by having a portion of the Stocks of {wo of our respected mer- chants, (Mr. John Nott and Mr. E. Worth- ington) placarded all over the Village, as being seized for rent. Itis but right and proper that the public should know that the rent referred to is not due from cither of Mr. H. H. McCaw | having resigned the | position of Post Master of the Prince Albert a » . Phad 3 ; C. Payne, 0, Xa 1 LOSSATY A AY, o on and can't afford to spend any | "but with purse in hand and |these gentlemen, They having paid up {which the Spanish flag 'foated.-- on dae, wih a niin | Post Office, and being about to move to Po t|1lsq. Comment is unnecessary. 'At a ry, DIUENULE, more time in nonsease; we must othor tangible manifestations of their rents to the last cent, and are prompt | American subjects have been bratal- Bridgs, Perry, a uumber of the friends of that gentle- B&™ Sco Mr. Dicsfeld's new advertise- Pasi . i and honorable in all their payments. The rent for which their goods are seized is rent which the proprietor, owing to his twisting, claims to have been due before these gentle: men rented the premises, and which he It is that C: should notify the County Ingpector: not later than the 20th November, of the intentionte present themselves for examination. JAMES McBRIEN, ly mardered within a store cag of the American capital and bere are tho apologies ofsome of the chiefs of the army for standing cooly by i man regarded this as a fitting opportunity for testifying their csteem and regard for him personally as a kind, affable neighbor and worthy townsman, ani to manifest their ment--Large arrivals of splendid Gold and Silver Watches, fine Gold md, &e, &e, cheap, On motion of Mr. G. Shier the sum of $18 | was ordered to be paid J. Poole for Road | Scrapers furnished to the municipality. On motion of Mr. G. Shier the following | place the portfolios in the hands of {notherly love. We are not aware thoso who can use them." «Now |ofalodge of this order in tho pro- there's good boys, go home, and it | vince of Ontario that bas not contri- you live other twenty years we will buted more or less to reliove the BIRTH. alified approval of the courteous, oblig- LP. 8, Co. Ont. posit : hy were ordered to bo paid: G. St. John, $50 | Jia Y S ons, At the Port Perry House, Port Perry, on | Raglan, Nov. 15, 1873. S let you carry them around again for suffering ones: The lodges have secks now to collect from them, and letting the nation bo degraded [oC eth on); dnnes Dixon for work | ins and faithful manner in which he bad | g),¢ poi inst, the wife of Mr. J. V. Thomp-| oor So aweek or so." contributed sums varying from = -- by a lot ot Spanish invaders of the discharged his duties as post master, and, in . i ying son, Ls, of a son, MARRIED. At the residence of the bride's mother, Prince Albert, on the 19th inst., by the Rev. Me. Denike, Mr. Wm. Paxton, of Port Perry, to Miss Sarah Ann Bell, At the M. E. Church, Port Perry, on the 19th inst, by the Rev. Mr. Denike, Mr. Sidney Turner to Miss A. Ray. both of Port Perry. At the Church of the Ascension, Port on 3rd can, $15 ; and $150 tor improvements | in Canuington. On motion of Mr. St. John the following | sums for damage sustained by dogs destroy- | ing sheep : N. Broughton, $1; H. Brethour, $18; A. Acton, $6; J Speiran, 84; G. Shier, | $1.50 ; M. Gillespie, $10; Wm. Shier, $8; McGurnor, $3.33; A, St. John, $3.33 ; Wal. ington Shier, $9.. 33, Leing only 'tworthins of the damage sustained in cach case. The canine brutes must have thought it FROM EUROPE. Our glorious dear old Britain sits com placently above the strife and din of Euro- pean political strife and confusion. The -} Cuban soil. New York, Nov. 17--A Wasington des- patch reports Admiral Porter, who has ro- turned there, as saying that sur navy was unprepar-d for war, and could not cope with Spain's. The 7vilune's Washington despatch re- ports General Sherman as saying it was ab- surd to talk of going to war on this Cuban question, Sir John A. McDonald, in his ac- | twenty to two-hundred dollars cach customed magnanimity, has politely | land by their noble example are declined the seat in the Commons | | saying to others, ¢" Go and do like- for Toronto West. He does not wish | wise." to make a spread by accepting of = ¥ nore this = onl while oP Towa Too Sharp by Half. sons and daughters of toil sweat and tug i heads = . |away grumbling betimes but still tucki; that he can only hold one. This is | In theso days of sharp business practice |, AYE Pe he Helin into the labor with strong hands and willing not the manner of some who will {it not unfrequently happens that we find a aaa i ait J happ; Et] py cf scrape together all the seats they | men too sharp by halt either for their own ! pry an on hha ow | fact, all the other public duties devolving on rn during his long residence in the village. With a view to secure the object desired 1t | was determined to entertain Mr. McCaw tu a | complimentary supper. But as Mr. Emaney was also moving to Port Perry at the same {dimer his numerous friends resolved on man- ifesting their regard for him as a valuable townsman and ncighhor and of testifying their appreciation of his uniform upright GRAND SHOOTING MATCH ! A Grand Pigeon Shooting Match WILL COME OFF AT See Ly He thought there was no danger can secure, by any means, and after good or that of tho community. This is wards doll them out to their hang-| only make ends meet, The great and im- | passible gulf which formerly divided the of war, and indeed the United States could not go to war, as the military force is entire- 1p inadequate for our own purposes, a remark | especially the case with some of our Whole- ers on, in reality robbing these con- | sale establishments ; stituencies of their franchise. These | they will keep their nation into four or five classes is not being vais sets Sa in which the Attorney-General concurs, bridged over it is true, but it is neither so Well done the General, he seems was Christmag when they went in for a $101.61 mutton bill at one haul. Thé town- ship pays $67.84 of it and the owners lose $33.87. and manly bearing as a business man. And as the friendship was mutual all round, it was resolved to entertain both gentlemen at the same time. The supper came off at the on Perry, on Tuesday, 18th inst, by the Rev. Dr. Mitchell, Mr, William Jordan, sccond son of Francis Rain, Esq., to Miss Ann, sccond daughter of Christopher Hunter, Esq., all of the township of Reach. FOY'S HOTEL PORT PERRY, | di d d crea. Anglo-American Hotel, Prince Albert, rumimers running up an own over - 'Why not make the dog tax $10 a head ? Monday evening, 17th inst, On motion of Mr. Brethour the following | By 3 deep nor so wide as it once was, In France the tricky dipomats are at swords points, totally indificrent as to the fate of the nation if they can only secure their personal ends, At the Church of the Ascension, PortPerry, on Tuesday, 18th inst, by the Rev, Dr. : Mr. Wright occupied the head of the table |'Mitchell, Mr, Heory Dukes, to Miss Frances were ordered to be paid : M. Gillespie $25, having - es hs a igen, abeth, second danghter of F Francis Rain, for moving fence between lots 20 and 21 in! > 3 Erman hislft, MrT. © : , all of the township of Reach. the 12th con., and G3c for abstract of title as oy Sid ; 7 Courtice oct]. ay, maringes both taking place in the regards broken land, I stil unfortunate constituencies supposed | they were chosing a fish, but they ve them a ser vent ; while they | | parties into giving them orders, assuring 8 I | them that the payment is of little conse- voted for bread and they got a stone. | | qence, and that every chance will be given ON WEDNESDAY, 26a NOV. $&™ A lurge number of Pigeons have been secured for the sport, hopeful that the ciuel Spaniards won't come and take their capital and drub them whether or no. That looks grand! Ile had better put | tion begging, coaxing and almost bullying For particulars see posters, The valient generals to fl . Church at the same time added considerabl i : ; the nation under the protection of The spread was, the first made by the ly : i f the occnst : dal H, Foy; Dncompromising. |as to time; and this sort of pressure if | whose courage and skill (over the loft) the he Cyl 3 Mr. G. Shier moves that when this coun- » a i othe Interest of «1c oucasion, and 0 1aT88) Port Perry, Nov, 19,1873. a8 * the Cuban patriots. a i ! {young host, Mr. Badgcrow, since taking! and respectable company avas in attendance _ | brought to bear with an intensity all the [nation is indebted for her humiliation and cil adjourns it stands adjourned till Monday + | posses ssion of theAnglo. ser an, and it cer- Yt g it th hi i ! : 5 tr di . oe ; ie --_-------- 5 0 wi ie highly interesting and impor- Boreas in his usual despotic, un- Yromrer in proportion to the youth and in-| degradation at the fect of a foreign foe, are b the 15th day of December, then: to meet at | tainly reflected the fa 2 D compromising style has swept in| amongst us with a suddenness which, | ' to say the least of it, is not in very | . "good taste. Ie 'has cast his icy | mantle over our Scugog, arrested the | progress of the Dredger for a time, | and bade the Sorkmen couse ; and | has even attempted to put a veto "P¢ on the completion, during his reign | which is mds hier course at home and abroad and at least, of some forty or fifty thou- june safety as businass gn, : J lua some master hand seize the helm sand dollars worth of buildings now |, Wehavea striking illustration of this in nothigg..con_axcet the impending in course of erection in this vilage. | the case of Mr. James Lund, a carcful, activo [ADVERTISEMENT.] Agents Wanted Everywhere TO SELL OUR NEW MAP oF THE Dominion of Uanada. Prefit fiom two hundred to three hundred dollars per month, Permanent empldyment, TROY & CO, 32 King St. East, Toronto, zhest cretit on both host and hostess. Both matter and manner | in highest degree in to the! trance to cach the first glimpse of the ap- Anglo-American as now conducted ; and. go proachinz party. far to prove that mine host of the Anglo, i On motion of A. Shicr the sum of $0 Was | kaows how to eater for his guests, |, out Gdelock, p. m., the stir around the doors indicated the approach of the wedding ordered to be pa"d to G. Shi, being the | The cloth being removed the charm, oth being ren airman amonnt. expended by him on the side ine | jntrogtuecd the seen port of the prensa. (Ton. Bully both parties male thet: 3 i, | appearance, the bride, Miss Hunter, leaning | between lots 6 and 7 in the 13th con. lings in appropriate style, after which he : " x 5 on the arm of the groom, Mr. Rain, By the As Mr. Leatch was on his way On motion of Mr. G. Shicr, the sum of | proposed the usual opus and patriotic toasts; west door the bride, Miss Rain, entered lean- + 2 vas Cre 0 4 i ] @: from Princo Albert to Port Perry, ki or ted to 3 2 to James Shier | which w The next tons as ing on the em of the groom, Mr. Dies. about 5 o'clock of the morning or selecting Jurors and postages, The clergyman, Rev Dr. Mitchell, had of : Mr. G. Shier the 18th inst, when he had got to through 2 Trdaw already taken his Hace at the altar and at Not for -Spread. We are exceedingly sorry to be called upon to récord a real (not one of the make-believe sort) acci- dent which took place on the sum- mit of Mars' IIill, on Tuesday morn. ing last. nes | tant ceremony, and many anxious and | watchful eyes were turned towards the en- the Town Hall, Sunderland. --Carried, On motion of Mr, St. John tne sum of 87 was ordered ts be paid to A. St. John for gravel, | experience of their prospective customer, (again seeking their way to the front, Mac Mahon of Sedan notoriety already occupies the highest position in the land, and others | until they succeed: in getting the inexperi- | enced retail dealer fairly into their meshes, : i ! are getting white-washed as rapidly as pos-- sible. Spay. --This country isin a sadly muddled and then Mr, Drummer turns over his vie- tim to the tender mercies of his cmployer.-- "oung and inexperienced retail Merchants Hn % 5 5 Young 1 condition, slie is Leing torn to picces by cruel, barbarous intestine ially ought to gt | rd against this rock war, Savagry | ecidedly prolific of mischief to their ¢ | 4 The guests ied | the clad introduced and ca national setting out the several | compl Er destruction the top of Mars Hill, the side walk | Polling Divi 1 i | a %. a . 1¢ toy Mars ) de wi olling Divisions and appointing returning | and manly virtues of Loth g S. {ing and attrctive maniage ceremony pecu-- av cnceessfi ro | 9 ent, ir] encral Merchant of the ' a . a 5 8 " How far he may be successful we {integers niet Se ? Germany is in the midst of her distribu- | being somewhat slippery he slip- | officers fr the Municipal Elections for 1874. | The toast was well received and ably re- ! lar to the h of England ; a ceremony are not prepaired to judge, but we Village of Uxhridge, who has just becu tion, amongst themselves, of the plunder they thrashed out of France, The 1 Div. 1 in evi ery on the Tk ws were filled up as follows: ker's School House, culated to impress deeply spondo hy ; : + i [spondud fo »f the contracting parties their A. Black | puny co ped and fell heavily, breaking both Sons bones of his left leg about nine : : The entire com- know that quite a number of the driven into making an assignment while | iE i of the-chair- mutual obligations and responsibilities ; their buildings are out of his power, we | really in a perfectly solvent condition, Ar. ne - $nehesunder the knee. Me. John Returni y . j= a m gz their re ges, duties wad i to their neighbor, their should judge that all the residences | Lund in common with a large majority of Div. 2, Orange Hall, Vicomanton, Jumes {at { ntlemen from the | country andticir God. And that mind must UNITED STATES. ston hearing his cries came out and in course of crection are beyond his | pei t ii i in wishi be los h a luty | young merchants had dealings with scveral Speiran Returning Officer, j vill ed in wishing them | 8 Jost to all of honor and duty who assisted hi i i ns Medi AEE a, 4 ns a : will 1n aftér cars. forget the gclemn and control : and we have not the slight- | wholesale houses and ran accounts with all Our neighbors have got into aq " in iia A nn ol a i gil their ¢ Say ak ih J ER a est hesitation in asserting that there |of hom. Had his account been kept in genuine rumpus. within a very short time the fractur-| On motion of Ps ier the stm of $4 was | WTC some capital | the holy alt it is no other willage or town in the oy one or at most two such hor his| Tt will be remembered that the [ed limb was fely within the much | ordered to bespaid to Peter Baker being Lal | speakers were| The bead g marriage : Domminion in which there Are 50 | crodit would bave been as firm and wnshaken | goa ship Virginius las boen a|needed eplinters. The patient is|anes ofa t of 815'for taking out stumps | > Alderman, Bates, 5 i Ben many handsome, expensive residen- to-dny as ever it was or as that of any other | yp 0 (ho cde of the Spanish bar | hOW doing well, on the ™ cen. So | a hostess: wad 5 ALI "bilities, ces in course of erection or drAWInNg, | ant in the trade, But with view to barians for several years past during dor Dr On motion of G. Soon he Clerk way LI Dr. Harnden and inet a bane and 2 of the Rev. Ir, Mit- igeomplation sears now i be fred | supplying his customers with the greatest | hich time the Spanish war v i Change of Tact. siznsied So wii vis Twos. of Selon vom the entire company, | Cons they poses ap additional charm. We in this village. What may be the i SNR ik Section No, 5, advising them to call a public meeting of the ratépaycrs of said section as | Tay 1 had almost sail that it is a pity that all were Ske mh Tarot he divi : 5 Ei = 1 hal got to its meridian ini arried ina simili ¢ ifne variety and latest styles of goods, he divided | aco hoon constantly on its track.-- | According to a notice in the Standard of n in! not married ina similiar me: nner, and ifnecd J OHN DI 18 ELD, . . Y 3 i here the © no be have the ceremony repeated now and 1) J 4 . ! his account among several wholesale Houses | Several times it would have boen [last week, two of the main stays of that|to the advisability of doing away with said relue trntly broke up; r i i - ih again by Wawel reltosane the minds of PRACRIOAT not; but one thing is certain that | aed ! thus, to a certain extent exposed him-| nabbed but for the interference of |botched rag--Messrs." Spread and Make. | section ; and to lay the result of said meeting I XPressed | ios as to their duties: fate of our'public buildings we know | Boreas has got the builders in aj ' tight place, and it they attempt to) A one of the very smallest of them > We would not be at all surprised to |Pounced suddenly and yenpectielly, apna 4 800 his Boreaship create quitea rum. | him demanding the amount of lis ac: "pus inthe camp. Very likely some | | count which only amounted fo $172 one may just be inquisitive enough | [an told. This sum not being immediately to enquire'who i is to blame for carr y- | torth coming the too severe wholesale man themselves highly Pleased with the even- ing's proceedings, pee lh elf eens At a regular meeting of the Port Perry L. 0. Lodge, N n their Hall, Port Peny, l'on Wednesday evening, the 5th of Novem. ber, the Most Worshipful Master in the chair, it was unanimously resolved,-- "That the election of Louis Riel as repre- sentative for Provencher, is a disgrace and reproach to the loyal inhabitants of Ontario, self to the eaprice and tyranny of the small- Believe--have changed their tact, they now recommend that a poultice be applied to the head and fect of their victims; they have formerly applied the poultice to the pocket But finding that they have extracted all that the process of poulticing can bring, they have determined to apply the lancet to the pocket ahd the poultice to the head so that by softening the latter the victims may fool- ishly submit to a pretty severe depletion of the tormer. before this Council at its"session on Decem~ ber 15th, On motion of G. Shier the Clerk was in- structed to write Thos. Graham directing him to complete the road so as to enable him to get to the concession line, as the parties interested request that it be done at once, On motion of Mr. G. Shier the sum of $15.85 was ordered to be refunded to John the American flag which hovered over and protected tho coveted and hated vessel. Tho Jirginius is a splendid fast steamer and fi equently fooled the Spanish blood hounds by running round them and carrying n and material to the struggling Cubans who are doing their best drive rom their island the | These wero the first marriages celebrat-d by the Rev. Dr. since his arrival in Canada, and all who wimessed the pleasing and af- fectionate manner in 'which he performed his duties on this «ccasion feel certain that many who wish this important ceremony perform- cd will seck toil Dr. for its performance, We wish both couples a long, happy and prosperous life, est minded of them. And it so happened WATCHMAKER H*® just received a New Stock of gaat PE WARSHBQ, The Elgin Lever cannot be beat for time, ---- The Markets. ing the completion of so valuable | at once threw the estate into insolvency, : -- i Chambers for the unexpired term of his | and that we would learn with indignation of Fall Wheat. ... $1 15 to $1 20 TRL & Son's Celehaisd Time- od ONT : s i as . 5 reign Span, sh tyrants, T--------t i -- lice se | from October to March], Mr. Cham- | hj ee I05to 10 i buildings into mid-winter, and it | thns compelling the young man to make an oreigin.sy : y ! h : his presence amongst us, while he is virtually h ar Rugs hg ye et hen The numerous feats of the Vir To Correspondents. bers having given up the sale of spiritous | charged with the murder of one of our loyal 1 10 fo 1a Foe aime) lot of Titne- ; >. ale ap oy si -- liquors, Brothers, Thomas Scott, We protest i 7 > ¥ . | ginius fairly maddened Jer pursuers ; 1 rollers, as . protest against 065 to 0 60 | keepers, pect a somewhat definite reply, E. Major, Esq, was Sppefuied Injetio As but they ne could catch Ler in Scioor. May --The lately amend-| On motion of Mr. Brethour the sum of | such a scandalous outrage and hopo that the 550 to 600 AE co , something more than a supercilious | signee. The interim Assignee with that the act of landing supplies though | ©d ( bungled) school-law gives the |863 was ordered to be paid James Ruddy for | House of Commons will vindicate the honor Lite 223 LD JEWELRY shuffle will be looked for. And if | promptitude and energy which characterises Non 2 PP 80 | etiving Trustee equal power with | work done opposite lots 4 and 5 in, the 2nd |of Cuada by aving the murderer brought fis SRA 07 AL} KINDS: 'blame is to lieany where an attempt | ail his acts went to work at once and ar- y ; re than once come so tho. ether instabers of the! Board )oom: to justice and punished for the foul crime Cros an Chel) | as tho Cheapest 111 * 3 will be made to place it on the the estate as to the| NCAT it that they got hold of the th On motion of Mr. St. John, John Jones, an | of which ha is charged." done in a workmanlike manner, ranged the affairs of the estate as to the lies which ; right up to the ¢lose of the sehool|, .. ; and all work ome Jn supplies which were landed ere the |right up indigent party, was allowed $2 per month to shouldiers at the earliest pos. | gy coo fo 0 bilities, and found i : ) pel Go to Davis and Sons, for Good, JOHN DIESFELD, ; i Cubans had time to také them away. | year . commence November 1st. " ; 5 : sible moment should it oven break ed the liabilities br T : » > 'Durable and cheap Furniture.-- Opposite G. U. White's Carriage . ¢ E thotainastoprcts that the assets exceed abilities by no | hig novel hide and seek continued| The old law forbade the retiring| On motion of Mr. Brethour the sum of $6 {See thelr new. advertisment acstiy HERERY bid on 0 Port Ferry, Nov. 17, 1873, i ut pacebim hors du combat for all | °® Sun than $2,345. And this is the | with but short intervals tilt the 30th{ Trusteo from logislating on.any im-| was placed in the bauds.of Mr. T H Glens : paying x fia oy a0 Diton or Wi Pac : : = estate thrown ihto insolvency for the paltry sum of $172, causing a world of trouble, ex- | pense and loss while the estate in reality was perfectly sound and solvent. Such practice may be sharp but it is decidedly in sane and cruel. 'We sympathise with the young man who, we consider has been unfairly dealt with by being ily d to p \ y Yoo, adnopance sud 10sa of credit by being winter is Sus of a doubt. The been good and prices 'are abundant and Both » all over the coun- portant matter connected with the school after the first day of October of the last year of his term, All these restrictons have been done away with by the new act, and the retiring Trustee has now equal of October last, when the Virginius was observed steaming out of a port of the island of Hayti, flying the American flag and bound for Cuba, And in the words of the telegram : "On the same day the Spanish consul at Kingston advised the Governor at Santiago, dinning, to be applied to the support of the family of Samuel Wixin, On motion of Mr. Brethour the Reéve was instructed to consult R. H, Harison, Esq., regarding the T, & N. R. Co'y's taking gra- vel, the property of this corporation, on the 5th con,, and on the side road of the 3rd con. authority in every thing ¢ ted with the school, up te the last day of his term of office, with the other Trustees. 3 who in turn informed the Captain of the Spanish man-of-war Tornado. The latter started in search of and soon discovered the Virginius, This was on the 31st: The chase of this hip, and also to write the Hon. 0. Mowatt for information as regards this corporation providing dffices and safe for the Clerk of the Division Court, from his pocket. week.) ---- More Letter Stealing. The Free Press says :--%An M, P, from the Pacific Slope informed our Reporter to= day, that a duplicafe despatch and a politi- cal letter bad in some way been removed This being an age for prig- ging letters, he thinks they may have been stolen by a member of the Opposition." Meaning of course the now late Opposi- oy any i due the Sra wn Paxton & ones, as t-proper! ib collect tho same, 7 e WM, JONES, formerly of Paxton & Jones, Pott Perry, Nov. 19, 1873. 48 CARPET LOST OST on Wednesday, 1 12th inst., between L Greenbank and Pon Perry, a i KIDDERMINSTER CARPET. New Fall and Winter PORT PERR The Subscriber has received and is in daily Goods | GORDON'S CHEAP CASH STORE! Y. the public Fa he quantisies of New Sow Soils» suitable been. Noon UNUSUALLY WELL Bova or they will be sold at UNUSUALLY. ow 8 of On motion of Mr. Brethour the sum of The finder will bo suitably rewarded fomadinio making sb sw bp y the Tomado going | Somoqu Sirs, wYour premises ave comoct | uy) yyy orien to be paid 10 dob Brown | We ears Fromm on meshinein Sms That. wagers | leaving the sama st this Ofics. or siviny ii iil geent vanity of Jas. raally PERRY Solvent 40d in food oon | ot ie i a, ot Fie sk ibn oa your conclusion. | so soon as the fence is placod on tho Proper | are now being offered in Toronto that tho | *V°h etormaton i wil ead bs ie recovery. | Dsews Goods, very rich Shaws p + on e e e nce m Parti ¢l 3 dition, ic OU the ion, Sh be Rabe. por thet n chops Hou She angie I i A Silos med SAE sail bs Hon. George Brown dare not take the field in ot retaining after this date will be| value in Steam and Factory the waters and made the forms of both ves- Yi, desired, then it becomes the duty of the Trustees to call a special meeting of the West Toronto against Sir John Macdonald, and if he does that he will be beaten two to one. What a commentary on the late arti- cles that have appeared in the Globe. Bad as that journal makes Sir John to be, the Port Perry, Sd 19, 1873. 830. John Holm for mending road scraper. Mr. A. Shier moved that $1 be refunded. to John Chambers, he having been assessed fora dog while he had none, sels distinctly visible. The chase lasted until 10 o'clock at night and by tis time || the Virginius was within canton shot of the Tornado, the latter then fired a gun as sum- 'We are pleased to know that Mr. W, Pem~ late foreman of the Journal" office, has gone into business there on his own account under the most favorable pote Peray, Nov. 18,1873, Twelve months! her date date I promise to sum of | made os mons for the surrender, but no notice was a reasonable number of the ratepaycrs, refuse On motion of Mr, Brethour the Clerk was Hon. Geoige dgre not face him in his own on Dare, he No. am et omont son taken, three or four ottiors followed and the | to call such meeting, then the School In- [instructed to uotify Messrs John McKay and city in an election contest. Tiity Bolan, rnd ! pate 8 capture was complete, and efiected within | spector, on being asked, has authority tocall | Wm. Brandon to move their fences and all e Cash and Ready -- system, all and well up in every necessary qualification voy short di 'of the Tarius BE i other obstructions from Tots 2 and 3 on the air Of Bob-Sleihs Lost ! iH JOHN 'X MoTAGART. goods wil do sou a the smalicst possible Sieh The commander of the Tomado gives it at 'Any special mecting called for the purpose 1st concession line within one month from Wisse, F.D : MARK, sistent honest trading, or 20 miles. Not the sligl was | of deciding as to the 1 of a school | the date of notice, aud that if not so moved | Taken from the prem of the Subcribe, NOTICE. SEE OUR COTTON Sas ak offered by those on board the Virginius, "A site hae tho power of deciding where gaid | within the time specified the pathmaster will | about the 10th inst., a Pair of Bob-Sleighs, | This is to forbid all parties from purchas- SEE OUR COTTON ¥. | were made prisoners and brought on board | site shall be ; but in the event of a majority be emp d to take the for single Loves, i leg wero i capital eo or in any way negotiating the above SEE OUR SUGAR 13 LBS, R$ A the Tornano, During the chase the Vir-|of the ratepayers present at eaid meeting ings against them as tho law directs, mg Lo Ting jon A ro wit py value for it and CA OUR motey Sohn ; will be seen by |ginius threw overboard everything that desiring one site and a majority of the On motion of Mr. G. Shier the Reeve was the subscriber or at as will 'lead not pay Cash TE ny Sed Just to hand wt 53 : would help to lighten the vesxél, and hams, | School i the to receive from the Treasurer the to their recovery will be suitably rewarded. 'Wheat 5 en i were used for fi E each party shall then and JOHN X MCTAGART. Selsgred we Tory of Whi!) the vain edeavar to weap. This hus "appoint amount necessary to pay the interest on thé ; and if a majority of 7 Debates, and also the sum' set Prince Albert, Nov. 19, 1873. ROBERT MyKINLEY. MARK. Masigun, Vov. 19, 1873, = 48 Port Perry Sept. 11 1818. 43 GORDON,

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