= 5 % 1 5 -D* BRATHWAITE, ; * 'Currie's Store where he . Bubsequent insertions, per line VOL. XVI, NO. 48.1 ah of PORT PERRY, PROVINCE OF ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOV. & A GOOD PROVIDER ALWAYS LOOKS OUT AHEAD FOR ARTICLES. HE MAY Forth Outurin Obseruer + A wemax POLITICAL, AGRICULTURAL, axp FAMILY NEWSPAPER, 18 PUBLISHED AT PORT PERRY, EVERY THURSDAY MORNING, BAIRD & PARSONS. TERMS. --$1 per annum, if paid in ad- vance ; if not $1.50 will be charged. No subscription taken for less than six months; and no paper discontinued until all arrcars are paid. RATES OF ADVERTISING. 'For each line, first insertion ........$0 08 0 02 Cards, under 6 lines, per annum... o BE Letters containing money, when ad- dressed to this Office, pre-paid and regester- ed, will be at our risk. Advertisments measured by Nonpareil, and charged according to the space they ac-- cupy. x Advertismentg received for publication, without specific instructons, willbe inserted wntil fordid and charged aiccodingly. No advertisment, will be taken out until paid for A liberal discount allowed to Merchants and others who advertise by the year or half-year. | These terms will in all cases be strictly adhered to. Job Department. Phamplets, Hand Bills, Posters, Pro- grammes, Bill Heads, Blank Forms, Receipt Books, Checks, Books, Circulars, Business Cards, Ball Cards, &c., of every style and color, executed promptly and at lower rates than any other establishment in the County. 3a Parties from a distance getting hand bills, &c. printed can have them done to take home with them. . J. BAIRD. ¥ = RS. JONES & MALLORY, Surgeans and Accoucheurs, Port Perry. Office, over Allison's Drug Store, Queen-st. TM. PARSONS. Physicians, 'WANT TO SEE WHERE HE CAN GET THE BEST AND ; CHEAPEST, AND AS Ww. T. PARRISH Has always, and Intends to have the name of Selling Goods in his line CHEAPER THAN CAN BE GOT AT ANY OTHER PLACE ! Parties will do well to call and seo the largest stock of Stoves to be seen ia the County, consisting in part as follows : COOKING STOVES, No. 9, Columbian, 5 hole, BOX STOVES. No. 9, Western Home, No, 10, Coronation Extended, [No. 8. Western Home, Black Giant, No. #, Coronation Extended, (No, 8, Huron, 36, Black Giant, b 9, 5 Hole Giant Cook, No, #, St. Clair, 30, Black Giant, No. 10, Chief Cool, No, 8, St. Chir, 25. Black Giant, No, 10, Majestie, No. #, Panama, 21, Black Giant, No. 9, Provincial, No. 9, Queen. 18, Black Giant, No, 9, National kxtended, No. 8, Queen, Forester, 0. No, 10, National Iixtended, No. 9, Conquest, Ironside, 25, No, 9, Home Guard, No, 8 Conquest. Pecrless, 28. No, ¥, Home Guard, + No. 9, Homestead. PARLOR COOK STOVE, COAL STOVES, No, 8, F stead, : No. 9, derfection, coal or wood, Pear], American best, No. &, Perfection, coalor wood, Fires de, Burners, No. 9, Forest Beauty, 5 hole, |Ruttan Heaters. Lively Times, &e,, [&e. Sole Manufacturer of Boultor's Hot Air Drum, also Round Elbows. Special attention paid to Job Wok and Putting up Stoves, N. B. Parties wishing Bavetroughing will do well to give me a call w. T ' PARRISH. Port Perry, September 18, 1878. F. JONES, M. D,, CORONER, | A E. MALLORU, County Ontario. MD, CM, ort Perry. --_-- R. WARE, Coronor for the County of Ontario, Physician, Surgeon and Ac- coucheur, Prince Albert. n= MARTIN & DeGGRASSI, . Lindsay. = RS. MCGILL & RAE, Physelans, Surgeons, &o., &e, Offioe und Residences, King st, i Oshawa, WM. M'GILL, M.D. FRANCIS RAE, M,D. -- M. F. McBRIEN, M.D, M. R. C. 8, Guy Hospital, London, England. The kyeR. 0, H. L,, E. FAREWELI, LL. B, County Crown . Attorney for Ontario, Barrister, Attorney, Solicitor, and Notary Public. Oflice lawely oc- supied by 8. H. Cochrane, Esq., Brock street, nithy. -- YMAN L. ENGLISH, LL. B, Solicitor in Chaneery, Attorney, Conveyancer, &c. Oshawa, OMce--Simeoe street, opposite the Post Office." YOUNG: SMITH; LL. B,, Barrister, At- , torney-at-Law, Bolicitor in Chancery, and Insolvency, Notary Publle, &e. Omce--McMiilan's Block, Broek street, Whitby. ------ AMERON'& MACDONNELI, Barristers and Aftorneys at Law, Solicitors County Council, Ontario. Oflie urt House, 7 Whith] ' MM. 0, CAMERD! I, J, ACD A. HURD, Attorney at Law, and Solicitor + in Chancery. Ofiice in the loyal Arcade, Port Perry. J LAMON, Attorney at Law olicitor in Chancery, Conveyaacer, &e.~Land nt, 80, Uxbridge. Officein Parish's Block, tredt, Uxbridge. Taw, Solicitor In Chancery, Notary Public, onveyancer, &c. Ufflee over Ross' Store, Port Perry. Jay BILLINGS, Barrister, Attorney at 0. N. VARS, L. D. 8. EETH inserted on all the latest princi Yo of the art, and as cheap as the cheap- est, and as good as the best. Tecth filled with' Gold and Silver. Tecth extracted without pain by producing local anmsth esia. Dentical Rooms--in Cowan's new block, over Atkinson's Drug Store, King ftreet, Oshawa. : '0, D. WAID, ~URGEON DENTIST, Uxbridge Village. wi | LICENSED AUCTIONEER LC H. L. HARNDEN, L.D.S,, Surgical and Mechanical Dentist, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, ¥OR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO. Of Twelve Years Experience, AND TOWNSHIPS OF MARIPOSA & CARTWRIGHT, : EL , gE over Mr. Gordon's Store, 1 EGS to thank his many friends and the ) public generally, for the liberal patron- Queen Street, PORT PERRY. age bestowed upon him for the past five years. Having now given up the i of Bailiff, I intend, in future, to devote my whole time ta the business of Auctioneer, Collecting, &c. 3 It will be my endeavor, by prompt and careful attention to business, to give full satisfaction to all who may favor me with their Sales or Collecting. Bi'ls draughted and Blank Notes furnished RESIDENCE--PRINCE ALBERT. October 29, 1873. PORT PERRY LIVERY STABLES, ape 4 C. MKENZIE, PROPRIETOR. THe Subscriber having now fully equipped a hs Hi and oxtensive Livery Ta es with supply of superior Horses and Carri 1s prepared to furnish first class gos = LIVERY RIGS On Moderate Terms. C. MCKENZIE Port Perry, Aug. 6, 1573. Bo THE ONTARID FARMERY Mutual Insurance Company. This Company is now fully organized and is prepared to accept risks on Farm Buildings and their contents, country School Houses and Churches, Those wishing to insure and thereby support a Home Insurance Company have now an opportunity of doing so, either by applying to the Head Office, or to any of the local Agents of the Company. Our rates will be found as low as those of any respon- sible Mutual Insurance Company in Canada. Head Office--Opposite the Royal Hotel Brock St, Whitby ik i ? L, FAIRBANKS, Jr., Becretary. W. BURNHAM, Clerk of the Third Divi- « sion Court. Office in Bigelow's Block, Port Perry. Office hours from 10 a. m, to 3 p. m. IMPORTANT NOTICE. To Whom it may Concern. WOULD beg to state that having pati- ently waited for the payment of my outstanding accounts and notes till parties had an opportunity of selling their grain, I expect that immediate payment in all cases shall now be made ; and those filing to do so will incur costs as they will have the Bailiff to deal with. The accounts are to be paid into the hands of John Billings, Esq., Solicitor Ontario Bank, Port Perry. The Notes must be paid to myself in Lindsay. Moncy can be sent with perfect safety by means of Post Office Orders. C. E. MARTIN, M.D. Lindsay, Oct. 14, 1873. 4 SERVANT GIRL WANTED PPLY AT THIS OFFICE. Port Perry, Oct, 22, 1873. 44 Liea W. I HL.CAV, : A PRACTICAL Watchmaker and Jeweler ! -- T FAS now opened out in his place of busi- ness, 5 BIGELOW'S ROYAL ARCADE! i PORT PERRY, [rer Ono of the Finest and most Reliable Stocks ever offered in the County, consisting of Watches Fine Gold and Silver JEWELRY of the Best Quality and Latest Styles 11 SILVERWARE of the best description !! CLOCKS | CLOCKS ! and an endless variety * of Fancy Goods | Writing desks, Dressing Cases, &c., &c., for Ladies and Gentlemen, IN BOOKS. Bibles, Hymn Books, Prayer Books, and a full éssortment of School Books. IN STATIONERY! A Large and varied Stock, all choice quality. The st British and and American Maga zines and other Periodicals, PRICES : The vay lowest at which such Goods can be sold, REPAIRS. Watcher, Clocks and Jewelry of every description, repaired with neatness and dis- patch, and warranted. W. H. McCAW. Port Perry, Aug. 27, 1873. 3 NOTHING LIKE = ips = : her! ---- gL Subscriber having removed the whole of his business to hotels ROTAL CARAPIAY HOTEL, PORT PERRY. HENRY FOY, - PROPRIETOR. The Subscriber having leased the above Hotel has fitted it up in a style in keeping free of charge. Also Bill Stamps always on hand, i Arrangements can be made for sales &e., | H at the Onserver Office, and at the Standard | i / Office, Port Perry. 4 ! W. M. WILLCOX, | I} 5ar" Terms, 86 per day. "Bu {1 | prince Abert, Oct. 25,1873. 1 3 lw a CHAINBEARER EXTRA. i THOS, H. WALSHE. IOENSED Auctioneer for the Township 4 of Brock, Thorah, Mara & Rama in North Ontario ; Mariposa, etc. in the County of Victoria. Residence--Cannington, Brock. Orders left at this office, or at bis residence S. THORN, VS. N EMBER of the Veterinary Institute, V1 Chicago, Il. Gold Medalist for the best examination on Horse Practice. Author lected in Cannington, or otherwise, and | of a First Prize Essay on 8hoeing. Gradu- prompt remittances made, Remember-- | ated Sept. 16, 1867. WALSHE, the North Ontario Auction- } Dr. Thora begs to announce that he pag} 25 i taken up his residence at Port Perry, and is now prep] ty treat abies oh ed fo John Mec Dona 14 » his care in the my skillful anc ific 3 o N manner. All orders left at the Medical Hall MARBLE DIALER ! of Mr Allison, will receive prompt attention. g&@5" The Veterinary Stables may be found on Lilly street, opposite Cossitt's Factory. Port Perry, Oct. 28, 1873. NEWCASTLE, ONT. ONUMENTS, Tonfb-Tables, Head- A Stones of great variety, with every de- scription of Marble Work, suitable for Cem- cteries, supplied at short notice. "Also Peterhead and Aberdeen Granite, BEF" Parties will find it to their advan- tage to withhold their orders until called on ENRY GRIST, PATENT SOLICITOR £ND DREUGHTSHAN, by SC WIRLTONN OTTAWA, CANADA, ne Aaskr. Transacts business with the Patent Office | Satisfaction guaranteed, and all work war- and other departments of the Government | ranted. Yrs Copyrights and the Registration of Trade Marks and Designs procured. Drawings, Januwry 10, 1872, 2f Specifications, and other Documents neces- sary to secure Patents of Invention, prepared on receipt of the model of the Invention. ------------------------------ MONEY . [Private Funds,] To Loan on good Farms, at 8 per cent in- terest. rr -- auctioneers. J. C. PILKEY, LYMAN ENGLISH, BarrisTER, &O0., Oshawa, 14 QINTIND November, 21, 1866. FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO! OULD inform the public generally that he has resumed the business of . Thanki All Dental operati the utmost skill and care, warranted to give Ain ction or no charge, and at prices which - competition. #E&~ Dealer in all kinds of Jewelry, Fancy Goods, &c. : Rergreyops--H, P. Greggs, Port Hope; Rev. J. T. Byrne, Whitby; Jos. Gould, Esq. 'Uxbridge. REMOVAL, : es Subscriber would take this oppor- _ tunity Sf tanking his numerous cus- mers for the large measure of patronage stowed upon him during the past Ten that over will be happy to wait on all who may require his tal operatic 'ished and warranted to give wr J. D. COTTINGHAM. AS IMPORTED ! HENRY CHARLES H* Received a farther supply of his numerous friends for their liberal patrorage in the past; he hopes by strict attention to business and a constant regard to the interests of his patrons, to secure a still further extended patronage. Sale Bills drawn out and Blank Notes fur- nighe? free of charge. All orders addressed to J. C. Pilkey, Ep- som P. O., or left at the Opserver OFFICE, Port Perry, will be promptly attended to. J. C. PILKEY. Epsom, Sept. 9, 1873. 3 --_-- CROTHERS & WILSON Licensed Auction for the County of 0, TENNANT'S XXX PORTER And ALE in Btone Jars, HENNESSY'S JULE ROBIN & Co, and OTARD'S BRANDY. KENTE'S HOLLAND and OLD TOM. PORT and SHERRY WINE. - Lib ALSO ALD. WELLS' TORONTO ALE. WALKER'S Extra MALT and RYE. | WITH A general assortment of Teas, Sugars, Codfish, Can'd Fruits, Fish, &o.,&c. Port Perry, Sept. 8, 1873. NOTICE. ATELICATION will be made at the next a AZ Drspared to conduct Sales anywhere in County, Parties placing their Sales in our hands may rely on the utmost attention being given to their interests, G. Orothers is also Agent for all kinds of Agricultural Implements, Port Perry, October 15, 1873. Session of the Legislature of Ontario, for an Act 1 Sopateust a Balvey fiom Port Perry to Godericl way of Uxbridge, New- market and Orangeville, and also farther powers to the Bowmanville, Lindsay and Bobcaygeon Railroad Company, and for ower to construct a Branch from some point nithe County of Durham to the Northern Railway, in the County of York, and to All orders addressed to G. Crothers, Epsom P. 0., will receive pi attention. ee emma i rdon, Wm. , Valuator, &e. 1 Au FoR oi ot Bt, Uxbridge, Scott, Whorah, ama, Mara, Mariposa and Eldon, rely on the u to their interests. Act of Incorporation. JOHN FOWLER. Sept- 23, 1873. 22 change its name, and for amendments to its His New Premises ! Built tor the purpose, in PORT PERRY, Now presents to the public the largest and re The Wrong Baby. -- "Such a conceited idiot!' said Mr. Chatterleigh complacently. 'The baby's well enough; I don't say it isn't; but to compare it with our baby | And he gave a contemptous puff, as if to blow away ab ROXi idea like a tft of thistledown. Mrs. Chatterleigh shiled as looked down at 'the rosy, sleep: infant on her lgp. ¢ Tent that she too thought little Harry could not possibly be improv od upon by any other mortal baby whatsoever. ¢1 say, Belle,' went on Mr. Chat- 'erleigh, as he drank his second cup of coffee, 'I'd just like to take the boy over there, you know--to let em see for themselves beforo they leave town.' ¢In this weather ? Mrs. Chatter- leigh cried out. ¢With the ther mometer below zero, and our dear little cherub just recovering from the mumps? Henry, are you crazy?' "I don't believe it would hurt him,' said Mr. Chatterleigh, some what discomfited. <I couldu't think of such a thing,' said Mrs. Chatterleigh. ¢My love, will you ring for Sarah ta come and put fresh coals on the fire ?' So Mr. Caleb Chatterleigh went to his office, inwardly cogitating on the insane folly of Mr. Sylvester, who actually thoughs he had the finest baby extant. You see it was Mr. Chatterleigh's first baby. The illusion had not worn off yet --the charm yet hung like a golden haze over the nursery horizon. And as for any oue else presuming to suppose for a single [instant that his offspring could equal that velvet headed, azure-eyed nestling, why, Mr. Chatterleigh hadn't any patience with such arrogance and vanity. Nor had these meditations entire- ly vanished from his mind when he entered the nursery that evening. best stock of with the rapidly increasing business and prosperity of the Village and neighborhood, | and with ditect reference to the comfort and | And ev convenience of the public. Strict attention paid to the Table and the Bar. Comfortable Stables and attentive Ostlers. x Neither labor nor expense will be spared in making the Royal Canadinn Hotel worthy of public patronage. Port Perry, June 16, 1869. pour PERRY HOUSE, PORT PERRY. will be punctnally attended to. Debts col- | JAS. V. THOMPSON, - PROPRIETOR. ably furnished, and Gue the Hop ood Ligue also, first ¢ tabling and good Additions have been made which mal the largest and best House in this sec country. Fare $1.00 per Day. Ne HOTEL, PORT PERRY. ' JAMES DEWART, - PROPRIETOR. The Subscriber having leased this excel- lent Hotel and fitted it up with a view to the comfort of guests and the accommodas tion of the general pul ¢ the hospitality of the Queen's. The Table carefully supplied, Choice Liquors and Cigars in the Bar, the Yard and Stables punctually attended to. The Queen's is conveniently situated a few rods west of the Pest Office. JAMES DEWART. Port Perry, Nov. 11, 1873. ee eee A Seo AUERICAY HOTEL, PRINCE ALBERT, ONT. WM. BADGEROW, PROPRIETOR. The above commodious hotel has been newly renovated and furnished throughout, and has ample accommodation for the re- ception of guests. It supplies a most con- venient point for Commercial travelers, Comfortable and roomy stabling and at- tentive ostlers. RE HOUSE, MANCHESTER, J. TENNYSON, ~- PROPRIETOR, Having purchased the above Hotel, has furnished the Bar with the choicest liquors and cigars. Every attention paid to guests. Stages to and from Uxbridge call daily.-- Careful Ostlers always in attendance. ~*~ Pree HOUSE, UTIOA. . J, DAFOE, PROPRIETOR. , Good accommodadions. Careful attention to the requirements of travelers and guests, The bar supplied with the best wines, liquors and cigars. Good stabling. (ETRE HOTEL, : SAINTFIELD, J. JENNINGS, - PROPRIETOR. - -- ATEN HOTEL, WHITBY. A. MASON, - PROPRIETOR. novation and been fitted up with a Whitby, June 20, 1870. will be glad to! knowled, welcome old friends and new to take part in! This Hotel has undergone a Shorough 15. to EE NT BEES 88 SADDLES, WHIPS, TRUNKS, VALISES, hing in his line, ever offered to North Riding of Ontario Ie is determined to sell as Cheap as any other House in the Trade, AT SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Thanking his customers for the liberal support accorded to him during the past cighteen he will dé his utmost to merit a continuance of the same, JOHN ROLPH. Port Perry, June 18, 1873. 17 CARD. 0 The Subscriber embraces this apportuhity «with thanks the liberal and stowed upon him in whic he has | tion of country, tis hls pre and has now numerous pa J the public ge y that in eons sof his vel xtensive and rapidly incres practice he finds himself compelled to admit a partner into the business and also e ; an assistant, so that in future style and firm of DEN & PATTERSON. oN has a thorough pi of every department of the pro. feysion and is one ol the most advanced skill- ful Dentists In the Dominion. Pr. FENTON, our assisiant, has a perfect understanding of ail the departments of the most approved . ystems of practical Dentistry. As heretofore our v shall all be war- ranted to give entire satisfaction; nothing but the very best material shall be employed and the lowest possible charges made. The Subscriber is not unaware of the mean, contemptible and unprofessional course adapted towards him by a certain disappointed unsueeessful rival in order if possible to in" Jure las business. The Subscriberds always willing to give, and never asks more than a fair field and honor- able competition, but when an unsuccessful rival will descend so low as to circulate false and groundless reports in order to injure the practice of a rival, if he were not beneath con- tempt, he ought to be exposed to universal ridicule, However, such a course never fails in securing that punishment which is certain to follow--the utter contempt of an intelli- gent community. The Subscriber would further state to his patronsanl friends that when a spiteful, un- successful rival tells them, that Harnden is about to leave this locality or insinuates that his charges are exorbitant (he dares not per, In dread ofa that 's work is not all that it should be.) Tell him that so far from having the slightest intention of leaving the locality, Harnden has just com pleted by which his facilities for business shall be vastly increased and that he will be better prepared thanever to supply the wants of his numerous patrons with greater promptness and dispatch, and as to charges he knows that such work cannot be got at a lower rate anywhere else in the Pro- wince, and that Hiirden's prices ave even lower than those charged for the stuff which pass through the hands of this disappointed rival. MH. L. HARNDEN. TORONTO. - Imeerporated......... ceraen 18810 the comfort and convenience of the traveling| President...... .'Hon. John McMurrich. public. Every attention _ to the| Vice-Presiden ...0. Magrath, sq. table and bar, while shiisiog and attentive .Bernard Haldan, Esq. Ostlers will have charge of the stables, shall be conducted under the | vestor sat Port Perry, Oct. 29, 1573. 15 ee eer WESTERN ASSURANCE COM?'Y Capital - $400,000. <Oh, I'm so glad you've come] dear,' said Mrs. Chatterleigh.-- ¢ Sarah has gone out, ana I do so want to run round and get that] Gabrielle pattern from mamma.-- | You won't mind staying with des | little Mla will you ?' ¢Not a bit,' said he. And away tripped his wife, un- consciously leaving the coust clear for the secret machinations of her better half. «Now's my time!" thought Mr. Chatterleigh as the door closed with | a resonant clang behind his wife's | departing footsteps. + Belle won't be back for half an hour. I'll just voll up the boy in r just for fifteen minutes, his cloak, and run over. Humph!|Sylvester, himselt ne asure in informing I'll show Mr. Sylvester what a baby is.' Mr. Sylvester was strapping a right, Marianne. trunk in his apartment. Mrs bonneted and sl was making her own arrangements, | baby in his arms, its head came while a plump baby lay kicking his worsted stockings on the sofa. ¢« Hallo, Sylvester I' cried Chatter- leigh, complacently, 'I've brought him over. ¢So that's the baby, is it ?' «This is the baby,' said Mr. Chat. terleigh, proudly unrolling his son und beir, ¢« A decent-looking child enough,' said Mr. Sylvester, after a moment's survey. 'Look, my dear.' And Mrs. Sylvester took a little, staring threc-month-old one on her lap. ¢ A nice little baby,' said she, pat- ronizingly ; ' not so large as Bertie, but. 2 ¢Large!", echoed Mr. Chatter- leigh. 'I'll wager he weighs three pourds more than your boy.' ¢Blue eyes; so are Bertic's ;) said Mrs. Sylvester, 'only not so dark.' «I like blue to be blue, and not grey,' said Mr. Chatterleigh. , But sce how much futter dear little Bertio is,' said Mr. Sylvester, laying the juvenile Chatterleigh on the sofa along side of the heir of his own ancient name and hneage. ¢ That may be,' said Mr. Chatter- leigh, 'I don't care much about adipose tissue myself. These fat babies always remind me of pork.' veste, 'Idon't know what--"' rushed in. «Pardon, monsieur et madame, Pooh I! {himself on" his homeward way, in'ifs orib, when Mrs {shall I do? Syl- | there's a deur. wled, | reading the last pages of a fascinat-|a true prophet; ctieal | ing volume, and the French -nurse «Pork indeed!' cried Mrs. Syl- But at this instant, fortunately, perhaps, for the maintenance of future friendly relations between the respective families of Sylvester and Chatterleigh, the French nurse she cried, breathlessly, ¢ but the cab | sense of honor, and as likely to rob the pub- He treasury as to repudiate a debt fairly It may be conceived, therefore, how earneste yy, and the bag. LY oSilente wus u game upon which hung cys + + 3 Louise's haste proved infections | poi ihe very start luck set in against the to the other travelers, and in ive | most confirmed bachelor of them all--a gens minutes Mr. Chatterleigh "found | tleman thoroughly at homie in society, and much admired by the sex, but as d-eply op- posed to matrimony as Decimus Roach of St.Simoon Stylitcs, He was no mean play er, cither, but he played against fate. High low, Jack and the game avoided him as 80« ciety does a convict, and as his last opponent. went out on a turned Jack, Lis band came down on the table with a crash, and a shout, half groan, "It's just my lick by r : ht rather dissatisfied; if tho tenth must be told, with the result of his visit. Ho had just time to lay 'the baby ; nM Chatterleigh ave That was his only complaint, however. 3 tay SD ld He took his loss as quietly as usual, May ly ; and Mrs. Chatterleigh proceeded |p 'vd a fow more g asses ot beer, and to light the gas, and hurry around | qt a little later over the fireplace at night. in various preparations for the even- | May be his laugh was a trifie less cheery, ing event of undressing and 'bed. and the haggard look about his eyes more ding down,' so to speak, the infant | frequent, but he made no moan. Sympathy heir, was proflered him in abundance, but he' put Dear me,' said she, stopping: it quictly aside. A half dozen good parties . were suggested to him, but he gave the jest- short, how came this strange cloak | 1 to i, that he achat to here ?' choose his own wife, and there was a sort of «Isn't it the--the baby's ?' falter-- {savage look about his eyes that rendered ed Mr. Chatterleigh, jesting uncomfortable. "Why, no! Baby's is trimmed Nobody knows as yet where his choice with quilted silk, and this is swan's | 2" full. And,ibs grieal Tapreselor 5 that when the time draws near he will select down. And--oh, my goodness, gra- a half dozen names and "cut" for it. The cious, Caleb!' 1st of January is the day sct for the wed= Her voice rose to a crescendo of ding, and it will be our mournful duty to horror. ! Her husband rushed forward. Bella, my darling ! what is the matter ?' «Oh, don't you see? don't you sco ? there's a strange baby in theo wuite his obituary. -------------- The Danbury Husband in Trouble Again. When a woman puts three mack- (crel to soak over night in a dish-pan crib! Ob, where's my sweet, dar=| jose sides aro eight inches high, ling, precious angel of a cherub and leaves the panon a stairway, she child?' : {has accomplished her mission and And Mrs. Chatterleigh went into" gould go hence. This is what a hysterics, while her husband, seeing Division street woman did Friday through the strange mystery, ran to Inight- Filled the pan at the pump, the telegraph office: +1 picked up the wrong baby,' he uttered to himself. ¢ And wherever our baby is by this time, Providence only knows.' Mrs. Sylvester had just settled land left it standing on the steps to [he stoop, while she went into the | next house to see how many buttons would be required to go down the front of a redingote. And a mighty ¢d important affair that was to be sure. herself cosily in the express train, | yy; there was her husband tearing with a shawl wrapped around her}. ul, the house in searchof a feet, and a traveling cushion adjust- | handkerchief, and not finding it, of ed beneath her shoulders, when eontse. And then he rushed out Louise brought her the baby. into the yard, wondering where on "If Madame will kindly hold lel, i} that woman could be, and petite ange until I make to arrange |g ted down the steps without see- myself," sho said, and Mrs. Sylvester {ing the pan or dreaming that any extended her maternal aras. [one could be so idiotic as to leave it ¢ Come to mamma, my own §Weet Of course he, stepped on it; rosebud,' she murmured, estatically, ' 4 joc. that is the supposition: ¢ My darlingest, prettiest--oh Poterl' ' : ¢ Eh, my dear ?' Mr. Sylvester started from a doze. It isn't Bertic at all---it's that as the neighbors who were brought "out by the crash which followed, saw a horrified man, and a dish pan, and Cl leich child!" three very demorlized mackerel a PU child shooting across the garden, and railed e wife of his bosom. | : i wailedithe wil of los. bosom {smashing down the shrubbgry.-- «My dear, you're dreaming. 'I'm not dreaming,' cried Mrs. Sylvester excitedly. 'Look for yourself. Oh, Peter, Peter, Peter, Low could Louise make such a wic- ked, horrid blunder? Ol, what Oh. somebody take the other child away i And he w unhappy on a nice sight, was that nan, when they got him his feet. There was't a dry thread on him, and his bair was full of bits of mackerel, and one of hig shoulders was out of joint, and his coat was split the whole length ot "te buck, nua he appeared to be out of his Lead. He ried into the house by some of the men, and laid on a bed, «We shall stop soon,' smd Mr. Sas. of v as much CWo'll get out It will be all Now don't fret, | 5 . ap flurried as his wife. then and go back. | while others went after a doctor, and sixteen women assembled in the front room, and talked in whispers about the inscru-- table ways of Providence, and what a warning this was to people who never looked where they were go- In this case Mr. Sylvester proved for as he stepped from the carriage with the wrong smartly in contact with that of the he: right baby. «Hallo? said Mr. Chauterleigh, {Here's your boy. A queer mistake | | Pa, ha, ha!' | And here's yours, said Sylvest : And amid Lo of shrill infan- (YOURS Montana chip got en board tine voices, the latter scrambled | OF train, aud said, "see here Mr. back, nearly upsetting Louise, who | Conductor, 1 Want one of your best was following with baskets, bundles | Penks for this your woman and Had rss |one for myself individually. One - A confoundedly awkwardly blun- will do us when we getto the Bluff der to make,' said he, 'but how | ~ hey, Maria ? (Here he gave & Chatterleigh can Suppose his baby | Playful poke ta Maria.) For you could possibly be mistaken for ours Sco We aro going 10 'get mnthion at y Mariar's uucl's. We might a'big married at the Montanuy but we took a habit to wait till we got to the Bluffs being Mariar's uncleis a Minister, and they * charge goshfired price for hitchin' folks at Montan- ny." . ¢ Maria" was assigned one of the best ¢ bunks." During the stop= page of the train ata station the voice of John was heard in pleading accents, unconscious that the train had stopped, and that his tones could be heard throughout the car. « Now, Mariar, you might give a feller jes ono." oi « John, you quit or Ill git out right here, and hoof it back to Mon: tanny in the snow stg mst 0 « Only one little kiss, Mariar, and 1 hope to die if I don't," oi « John--1" 13 re At this, a headed © put out is el outof his berth the other end of the car, and out :--¢ Marriar for God' give John one kiss, so that W em en cemeees Love in a Sleeping Caz. The amorous youth of the west is iirly sketched in the following, vom an Iowa correspondent; -- A -- While Mr. Chatterleigh sped back to the vacant nursery with his own olive branch, to the rejoicing moth- er. ¢ A nice child that of Sylvester's' said he; 'but how any one can com- pare 1t with ours, I don't know.' And so both parents were more than satisfied. -- Playing Seven-up for a Wife. The epedemic of weddings which has pre- vailed in Covington for the month past, has given rise to an incident that has awakened ouch commisseration among the gentle- men. Three young Kentuckians iad gather- ed for a game of whist, and while awaiting the fourth, fell to talking of marrying and giving in marriage, each bantering the other to join the loving caravan, and each one promptly declining any partion for himself. Finally, it being agreed that they owed. one sacrifice to their country, it was deter- mined to play a game of " seven up," the loser to marry within six months. Solemn | go to sleep some time to-night pledges were exchanged and the game com- John didn't ask for any menced amid the most profound silence.-- delicious little lip busi They were all gentlemen of the beeut| during thegreuing ; Macias 5 poac : '