Do you have a project that helps Waterloo celebrate being more livable, inclusive, safe and vibrant? Community-based groups can apply for funds to carry out community-initiated projects. This grant program gives grants of up to $3,000 which you must match. That means for every $1.00 you request, you must put in at least $1.00 of cash, donated professional services or materials, or volunteer labour. Application deadline: 4 p.m. on March 31, 2017. If you would like to learn more about the neighbourhood matching fund program, visit: email: or call: 519.886.1177 ext. 27271 WATERLOO NEIGHB OURHOOD MATCHIN G FUND P. 519.886.1550 TTY. 1.866.786.3941 16 • WATERLOO CHRONICLE • Thursday, March 16, 2017 By Bill Jackson For the Chronicle They call it don Giovanni -- donny G or dG for short. But no matter the name, they're making sure it's not stuffy. The two-act opera written by Wolfgang amadeus Mozart back in the 18th century might mean a lot of things to lot of people, but for dylan Langan, what's most important is that it's accessible, affordable and enjoyable. "We kind of wanted to go for a wider appeal," said Lan- gan, a Wilfrid Laurier uni- versity musical composition graduate who founded the Vera causa Opera -- a grass- roots group that aims to bring opera to the mainstream here in Waterloo region. Langan, a baritone singer, grew up in a musical family. he plays the bassoon, baritone sax, euphonium, piano and guitar. Though it wasn't until uni- versity that he encountered opera. "I was really taken with it as an artistic process and to work with someone in that environment to try to create a production is something really unique," Langan said. yet what he soon discov- ered is that opera can be dif- ficult to stage. Three years ago, after writ- ing one of his own, Langan said there wasn't anyone will- ing or crazy enough to put it on, so a group of colleagues decided to perform it for small gathering at the Button Fac- tory in Waterloo. " P e o p l e w e r e r e a l l y engaged and we thought, 'This is working,'" he said. "I've never had so much fun." The group returned for a second show and doubled its audience by bringing in residents from local seniors' homes. Members then sat down to carve out a formal organizational structure with a board of directors, treasurer and co-ordinators for fund- raising and sponsorship. With the help of donors and a team of volunteers, they haven't been back to the But- ton Factory since. That venue is actually a little bit too small now, Langan said. however, the plan is still to keep opera intimate. Vera causa -- Latin for "truth in purpose" -- has gone on to perform several shows in front of audiences of 100 to 150 people at the cam- bridge centre for the arts, and recently gained charitable sta- tus that will allow it to apply for financial assistance. It's bringing the dress rehearsal of don Giovanni to the Kitchener Public Library next Thursday evening at 7 p.m. The performance is free and the public is welcome to give local opera a try. "Nine times out of 10 we're trying to just give people a chance to experience opera for the first time," Langan said, adding that dG will be performed in cambridge the following evening for just $10 per person. There's not much in the way of opera locally, profes- sional or otherwise. "We thought we could fill that void, but we really want to do it differently," Langan said. Continued on page 17 Laurier grad making opera digestible for the everyman NOTICE NOTICE OF A FORMAL PUBLIC MEETING ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION Z-17-03 DOUGLAS W. GRIFFIOEN - 54 ALBERT STREET WARD 7 - UPTOWN Monday, April 3, 2017 At a time to be determined Council Chambers, City Hall, Waterloo City Centre, 100 Regina St S Take notice that the Council of The Corporation of the City of Waterloo will hold a Formal Public Meeting on Monday, April 3, 2017, at a time to be determined, in the Council Chambers, 3rd Floor, Waterloo City Centre, 100 Regina Street South, Waterloo, to consider the above noted application to amend the Zoning By-law pursuant to Section 34 of the Planning Act. The Applicant is requesting to add "office" as a site-specific permitted use at 54 Albert Street. The lands would retain the existing General Residential Two A "GR2A" zoning in By-law 1108. The purpose of the amendment is to allow an office to occupy approximately 150.5 square metres (1,620 square feet) of existing ground-floor space within the building. This meeting shall constitute the formal public meeting required under Section 34 of The Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990, as amended. It is expected that Council will decide whether the application should be approved, denied or amended. A copy of the staff report will be available prior to the Public Meeting. If Council approves the application, a by-law to amend the Zoning By-law will be passed. For further information regarding the above matter, please contact the City of Waterloo Integrated Planning and Public Works, 2nd Floor, Waterloo City Centre, Waterloo, Ontario, by calling Natalie Hardacre at 519.514.0225 or email Any person may attend the Public Meeting and/or make a written or verbal representation either in support of, or in opposition to the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment. If you wish to make a presentation to Council or would like more information about the meeting, please contact Lissy Mackinnon at 519.747.8549 or by email at A written summary of the presentation should be filed with the City Clerk prior to the public meeting. We encourage the public to provide input into this important Zoning By-law Amendment application. Individuals may submit written/electronic comments. The public is informed and notified that names, addresses and comments may be made public. If a person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the Corporation of the City of Waterloo before the by-law is passed, the person or public body is not entitled to appeal the decision of Council to the Ontario Municipal Board. In addition, if a person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting, or make written submissions to the Corporation of the City of Waterloo before the by-law is passed, the person or public body may not be added as a party to the hearing of an appeal before the Ontario Municipal Board unless, in the opinion of the Board, there are reasonable grounds to do so. Olga Smith, City Clerk, City of Waterloo P. 519.886.1550 TTY. 1.866.786.3941