11 | O akville B eaver | T hursday,A ugust 22,2019 insidehalton.com delmanor.com Delmanor Glen Abbey is more beautiful than ever. Call today to book a tour to see our stunning renovations and award winning gardens. (905) 469-3232 1459 Nottinghill Gate, Oakville Come see our new look! We are moving! Bigger & Better Location Across The Street! September 3rd 263 Speers Rd,Oakville A financial adviser's role is to help clients work to- ward their financial goals. Finding a qualified adviser you feel comfortable withyou feel comfortable withy requires careful evaluation. Last week this column discussed hiring a financial adviser based on the servic- es provided, and the cost of those services. Today we will consider some specific questions you might want to ask a potential adviser. Their answers will help you determine if they are a good fit for you.fit for you.f Communication is the key to any good relation- ship. How does the adviser communicate with their cli- ents, and how often? You will also want to know what topics they discuss with their clients. A common complaint I have heard over the years is that communication with a prospective adviser was ex- cellent during the selling process. But unfortunately, in some cases, after deciding to work with that specific adviser the level of commu- nication deteriorated. Will you be communicat-Will you be communicat-W ing with the main adviser or with members of a team? If there are team members, it would be helpful to know their qualifications and ex- perience, as well as those of the lead adviser. Understanding the type of clients an adviser works with can be useful informa- tion. Do the clients have fi- nancial issues and concerns similar to yours? It would be helpful if an adviser had ex- perience working with oth- ers similar to you so there is a good depth of experience to draw on. It is also critical to under- stand the investment philos- ophy and the types of invest- ment strategies and prod- ucts that are used. What re- search or evidence was used to assist with the develop- ment of a specific invest- ment approach? To have success withTo have success withT your personal finances, twoyour personal finances, twoy things are important. A good relationship, with on- going communication that addresses all of your finan- cial needs and priorities. And secondly, a good invest- ment approach. A good in- vestment strategy will en- able you to successfully im- plement your financial plan. Peter Watson, of Peter Watson Investments, MBA, CFP, RFP, CIM, FCSI, offers a weekly financial planning column, Dollars & Sense. He can be contacted through www.peterwatsoninvest- ments.com. OPINION QUESTIONS FOR A POTENTIAL FINANCIAL ADVISER COMMUNICATION IS KEY, WRITES PETER WATSON PETER WATSON Column