EVENTS FRIDAY. DECEMBER 26 E2 young engineers lego® stem winter camp at cirque du play WHEN: 9:00 a.m - 4:00 p.m WHERE: Cirque Du Play, 525 Main St E, Milton CONTACT: 1-855- 980-1881, annie@e2youngengi-, https://mil- view/1204995 COST: $56 Calling all master builders! Stu- dents will lean physics and science while building a motorized LEGO® model during this fun and ¢ educational Winter Camp held in an indoor playground. Tal Chi 1 WHEN: 10:00 a.m - 11:00 a.m WHERE: Campbellville Church Hall, 132 Main St. North, Camp- bellville, Milton CONTACT: Mary, 905-854-0314, mrhansell@hot- All welcome. Re:Soul Youth Centre WHEN: 3:00 p.m - 9:00 p.m WHERE: Re:Soul Youth Centre, . 900 Nipissing Rd., Milton CON- TACT: (905) 876-0368, info@yfc- Drop-in for high school students in grades 9 to 12. For more in- Visit for cur.selec- tion of this month's featured online events: Home for thé Holidays. Next month, we'll feature Things to Do in a Canadian Winter. - Visit and hit the. 'POST YOUR EVENT button to submit these or any other community event! formation,.visit Re:Soul on Face- book, Twitter and Instagram. Elf The Musical Jr. WHEN: 7:30 p.m WHERE: FirstOn- tario Arts Centre Milton, 1010 Main Street Street E. CONTACT: 905-878-6000, https://se- b_otix.asp?cboPerfor- - mailc- es=12318&cbokE- vent=783&perf- count=4&width=1263 COST: 25 This hilarious fish-out-of-water comedy follows Buddy the Elf, a young orphan, who mistakenly crawls into Santd's bag of gifts and is transported to the North - Pole. The would-be elf is raised, unaware that he is actually a human, until his enormous size and poor toy-making abilities cause him to face the truth. Buddy embarks on a journey to New York City to find his family and to ~ discover his true identity. Faced with life's realities, Buddy is "determined to win his family over, remembering the true meaning of Christmas. Tickets: $25, Senior/ Child: $20Price includes box office charge and HST. SATURDAY. DECEMBER 29 Christmas activities at the farm WHEN: 9:00 a.m - 5:00 p.m WHERE: 7256 Bell School Line, 7256 Bell School Line, Milton CONTACT: 905-878-4908, https://thehear- activities-at-the-farm/ COST: 6 Get into the holiday spirit with Springridge Farm's annual Christ- mas activities on weekends! " MONDAY. DECEMBER 31 Breastfeeding Clinic WHEN: 10:00 a.m - 1:00 p.m WHERE: Milton District Hospital, 725 Bronte Street South, Milton CONTACT: 905-878-2383 OHIP-covered one-on-one breast feeding clinic with a certified lactation consultant. New Year's Eve Hoopla WHEN: 5:30 p.m - 9:00.p.m WHERE: Mountsberg Conservation Area, 2259 Milburough Line, Campbellville, Milton CONTACT: 1 905-854-2276, https://www.con- tails?eventiD=112 COST: 6 Families will love the play bam, *farm animals, tasty treats, wagon rides, night hikes, and puppet show! Some of Mountsberg's amazing raptors will make an appearance and we will try out * New Year's Eve traditions from around the world. Milton Rotary Club WHEN: 6:30 p.m - 8:00 p.m WHERE: Community Living North Halton Meeting Room, 917 Nipissing Road, Milton, ON, Milton CONTACT: Weekly meeting of the Milton Rotary Club. This is not a dinner meeting. Visit www.miltonrotary- for details. Breastfeeding Clinic WHEN: 9:30 a.m - 12:30 p.m MONDAY DECEMBER 31+ : WHERE: Milton District Hospital, 725 Bronte Street South, Milton CONTACT: 905-878-2383 OHIP-covered one-on-one breast feeding clinic with a certified lactation consultant. / Senlors Pllates WHEN: 10:00 a.m - 11:00 a.m WHERE: Campbellville Church Hall, 132 Main St. North, Camp- bellville, Milton CONTACT: Zhanna, 905-220-9768, zhanna.pi- All welcome. Dancers with Parkinsons WHEN: 1:00 p.m - 3:00 p.m WHERE: The Dance Class, 8750 Regional Road 25, Milton CONTACT: Linda or Ken Green, 289- 851-8655 COST: $5 The Parkinson's Support Group of Milton hosts Danc- ers with PD. Dance or move (some done while sitting in chairs) for the first hour followed by an hour-long social get-together. Class is open to anyone with mild to moderate movement issues who wants to keep moving. Annual Mayor's New Year's Levee WHEN: 1:00 p.m - 3:00 p.m WHERE: Town of Milton, 150 Mary Street, Milton CONTACT: 905- 878-7252, https://mil- -- se whe | view/12082 72 COST: Milton Mayor Gord Krantz and members of Milton Council will ~ host the Annual Mayor's New Year's Levee at Town Hall WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 2 Holiday Camp at ice Cream Lab WHEN: 9:30 a.m WHERE: Ice Cream Lab, 212 Main Street East, Milton CONTACT: 905-876-2522, http://www.downtownmil- ice-cream-lab/ COST:*$60 Olaf in a Snow StormRice Krispies SnowballsCinnamon Sugar Snow- flakesFoam Cup Snowmen. Choice of lunch: Make their own pizza, grilled cheese, or pasta. 8102 '® Jequaceq eG | vordweyd Bepeue) vou | op Miiton Film Forum #5: Puzzle WHEN: 7:30 p.m WHERE: First Ontario Arts Centre Milton, 1010 Main Street Street E. CON- TACT: (905) 875-5399, https:// online/b_otix.asp?cboPerfor- mances=1258&cboE- = vent=798&per- count=1&width=1349 COST: $9 Agnes, taken for granted as a n suburban mother, discoversa passion for solving jigsaw puzzles which unexpectedly draws her into a new world - where her life unfolds in ways she could neyer have Imagined After Christmas - v At Christmas, we will often receive gifts that we like and gifts that we don't like as much. We appreciate that friends and family members spent valuable time and resources to find just the right thing to give us - the right size, the right style and the right colour. So, we strive to be thankful for each expression of love. We release an attitude of gratitude upon opening each present. Yet, deep inside, we wonder what to do with those you shouldn't have gifts. .| After Christmas, we have a few choices of what we can do with those gifts that we really do not like. We can re-gift them to someone else, put them on E-bay or Kijiji or take them back to the store to replace them with something that we prefer. We. il fiona: 289-293-0691 What to Keep and What a Rid Of past them in our anxiousness to move on to the he can keep what we want and let go of what we don't Why is it so easy to do this with presents, but not other, more important aspects of life? Why is it that we so often keep the things that we don't need, but so easily let go of the things that we .do? We hold onto criticism, letting the words poisan our attitudes. Yet we deflect compliments, refusng to accept that they may true. We hold onto painful memories, focussing a them as we replay them over and over again in ourminds. Yet too easily, we forget the good times, 'ushing NEW YEARS' EVE 5:00 pm- "TUESDAY JANUARY 1%, 2019 NEW YEARS' DAY 9:00 AM AND 11:00 AM All Masses are celebrated at Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Elementary School located at 709 Bojingbrose Drive in Milton. 11 289-878-3118 [BRS VALAVY IE) ca HAVE A BLESSED CHRISTMAS! Father Jim Petri Pastor next activity. After Christmas, as we consider which gifts to keep and which to let go of, let's do the same with our memories. Let's hold on to the good ones and let u go of the bad - realizing that the power to choose |= is ours. Choose today and ask God to help you with what is too difficult to handle on your own. Visit a local place of worsfip this week. Meeting times and locations. | a are published in the attached directory to help. Submitted by Rev. Dan Rogge, Pastor of Milton's New Life Church NEW LIFE CHURCH | 4 FOR GENERATIONS TO COME Two Sunday Morning Services 9am & 10am Family-Friendly Gatherings AFTER CIRSTHAS cYe Children's & Youth Centre Pastor Dan Rogge 824 Thompson Road South - WoJ'ucjjeyepisu|