B NEWS DR. BRIAN WATADA NAMED REGIONAL FAMILY PHYSICIAN OF THE YEAR JULIE SLACK jslack@metroland.com MILTON - A Milton phy- sician is one of seven Onta- rio doctors being recog- nized for his excellence in family medicine. Dr. Brian Watada has been named a 2018 recipi- ent of the Ontario College of Family Physicians' (OCFP) Regional Family Physician of the Year Award. Nominated by their peers, the award is present- ed annually to. Ontario family doctors - one from each region of the province - who provide exemplary care to their patients and are passionately involved in activitieS that contribute to excellence in family medicine. Watada is the award re- cipient for Mississauga- Halton and Central West. 'He was presented the award at the OCFP awards ceremony, held earlier this month in Toronto. A list of all awardees is posted on the OCFP website. "Dr. Watadahas dedicat- ed himself to lifelong learn- ing, and has been a magnif- icent educator to future generations of family doc- tors," said Dr. Nick Cube- C--O 005 WONDERING IF YOU ~ healthy; rovic, Emergency Depart- ment Medical Director at the Milton District Hospi- tal. "He provides selfless and exceptional care to his patients and practice popu- lations, and I see him not only as a role model to our future generations, but al- so a role model to already experienced prac itio- ners." The announcement came during Family Doc- tor Week in Canada, which ran from Nov. 12 to 17, and is an opportunity to ac- knowledge the vjtal work family physicians do to help keep Ontarians this includes working in primary care, hospitals, home and com- munity care, long-term care and public health, as well as in research and aca- demia. A well-regarded family physician for more than 20 years, Watada provides ex- ceptional and skilled care- to his patients and their families in his community practice, as well as in his roles as staff family medi- cine and emergency physi- cian at Halton Healthcare's Milton District Hospital and Investigating Coroner for North Halton, states the OCFP. In asking any of his nr rept ee PB A REE ON College of Family Physicians phote New OCFP President, Dr. Jennifer Young presented Dr. Brian Watada with the Regional Family Physician of the Year Award at the 2018 OCFP Awards Ceremony in Toronto. "Dr. Watada has dedicated himself to lifelong learning, and has been a magnificent educator to future generations of family doctors." patients about him, they would describe him as "making you feel like you're being attended to by a friend with real concern about your problems" with "compassion beyond com- pare." As a devoted lifelong learner and educator, Wa- STILL HAVE MICE? (G0 Make Sure You Catch Them All... Give Us A Call! FACT: 10,000 Mice can be "reproduced from one mouse in ONE YEAR if not controlled. | Tel:905.876.1941 is HALTON REGION | Followus on Fi GintoHmPC fg Pest Control SPECIALISING IN RESIDENTIAL PEST MANAGEMENT | «J Follow us on m6 GHRPC. nfo A ------------ fo ET =r. Nick Cuberovic tada trains residents and students from the Rural Ontario Medical Program and is a peer assessor through the College of Phy- sicians and Surgeons of Ontario. After the hospi- tal's Program Director po- sition was discontinued, he organized speaking rounds BIGGEST BOXING WEEK SALEEVER! > and course recertification for hospital staff. On his own initiative, Watada also educates colleagues on the trends he sees as a coroner - meeting with front-line workers and emergency department staff to inform them about fentanyl over- dose guidelines, and with lab services to have fenta- nyl added to their toxicolo- gy screening. "Dr. Watada's commit- ment to delivering compas- sionate care and sharing learnings so others can benefit has made him a be- loved family physician in his community," said Dr. Glenn Brown, OCFP presi- dent. "Whether through SAMSUNG FREE LY) WITH ANY TV PURCHASE! #110588 / #110155 SAVE $200 his own practice, in hospi- tal or as a coroner, he has had a tremendous impact on his patients, peers and future generations of fami- ly doctors. It is a pleasure to acknowledge his contri- butions and achievements through this award." The OCFP represents more than 13,500 family physicians across the prov- ince. SIGN UP FOR OUR WEEKLY NEWSLETTER AT INSIDEHALTON.COM aK SMART UHD 134 lll q 'Aepsuny] | uoidwey) uepeue) vou | Ly 8102 'LZ Squads wo uojjeyspisul {