~~ December 27, 2018 | 38 » ' insidehalton.com Milton Canadian Champion | Thursday, Get all the news from Milton, Oakville, Burlington and surrounding areas quiddy and ~~ conveniently online and on your schedule. winnw.insidelalton.com halton.ca 311 vy I 0 «8 n _AHalto ---- REGION Milton New Year's Day Household Waste Collection Notice Please note collection day changes: Sunday Monday Wednesday Thursday REY Saturday Tuesday Christmas Tree Collection Area A: Place Christmas trees at the curb for ; collection on Monday, January 7 and 14. Garbage Tag Exempiion Your first garbage collection after Christmas Day (December 25) does 'not require garbage tags. The six garbage bag/can limit still applies. Add AAA oslo asain sian ss aisesine ais us siaieeveeniacs ss srnasienssansnssesnssissessesssnssssrsssNrsrsssvasessissnssrrassanssssasoncrnsrzsnsrrssnsgrnesesinsssnsrasiy Areas B: Place Christmas trees at the curb for collection on Wednesday, January 9 and 16. There is no tree collection for Areas E & F. Remove decorations, tinsel, tree stands and plastic bags prior to collection. Regular Operating Hours Monday to Saturday: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.. 5400 Regional Road 25, Mitton Dae nanaaensestssnessasssssnsnsisnanssssnsssssnssssssnssnvrsssssstsrrnsssssnapenvessvsrssnnsrzeersensarassnsrasnceecrtssnsavessstvayanseccaian. Waste Collection Calendar Reminder: Your 2019-2020 Halton Region Guide & Waste Collection Calendar will be delivered at the end of January 2019. Manage your waste online or from your mobile Aid Visit halton.ca/waste or download the OneHalton app to: - View your personalized waste collection calendar. « Access Halton Waste Management Site information and fees. - Sort your waste using the Put Waste in its Place tool. + And so much more! 'Reduce your household waste with these tips Small actions, like putting waste in the right place, can make a big difference. Here are some simple household waste tips that can contribute to community waste reduction: 122714 « Put paper plates, coffee cups, tissue paper and napkins in the Green Cart. . Rinse and empty plastic bags and food containers before placing in the Blue Box. - Reuse gift bags, ribbons, bows and gift wrap. - Donate clothing, toys and books to Reuse Centres and local charities. Thank you for working with us to reduce our waste all year round! Visit halton.ca/waste for more tips. Gary Carr - Regional Chair Meetings at Halton Region, 1151 Bronte Rd.,, Oakville, L6M 3L1 Visit halton.ca for full schedule. ~ January 16 930 a.m. Regional Council » OPINION FAMILY DOCTOR/PATIENT RELATIONSHIP AN IMPORTANT ONE IT COULD SAVE YOUR LIFE, WRITES DR. NADIA ALAM NADIA ALAM Column Family doctors work with un- differentiated disease, the zone of medicine, separating life-threatening illnesses from theless so. To do that, your fami- ly doc not only has to know med- icine, but also you and what is normal for you. I spent one summer training with Dr. X in Summerside, PE.I. He was a Jack-of-all-trades fam- ily doc - office practice, anesthe- sia, minor procedures, in-pa- tient care and so on. His patients would speak of him with pride, and vice versa. One day, a middle-aged man, otherwise healthy, booked an urgent appointment. His con- cern: Headaches. As the medical student, I went in first, took a _ thorough history, did a physical and then - the hard part - told Dr. X what I wanted to do next. Headaches are one of the top 10 reasons why someone sees their family doc. The vast major- ity of the time, headaches are managed with lifestyle changes and when needed, medications. Rarely are headaches a sign of - something serious. _ Eighteen years of studying and practising medicine, I've di- agnosed something -serious twice. The first time was >that day in Summerside. "Normally, we don't order CT scans fara headache," Dr. X said. "Why this time?" The reason? The story didn't fit. He was an avid. cyclist, his physical exam was normal but for the past week, he kept falling off his bike. Dr. X added, "I've known this .man since he was akid. He never complains, 'never worries. For him to come in, something is go- ing on." Turned out, the man had a brain tumour. We saved his life. This story is important. For one, it shows how a family doc- tor's job is to spot the one time a headache isn't just a headache. For another, it really matters that your family doctor knows "you. Knowing you takes years and can change medical 'deci- sion-making. That kind of familiarity, that relationship, is even more chal- lenging in a system as fragment- ed as ours. Think about it: When you're worried about an illness, options include your family doc, a walk-in clinic, the emergency department, Telehealth, a virtu- \ al doc, ete. Of those, your family doctor is the only one who knows what's normal for you. Next time you're weighing your options, consider saving your visit for your family doctor. Knowing you might just save your life. Nadia Alam is a Georgetown physician and president of the Ontario Medical Association. She can be reached at na- dia.alam@oma.org. Please keep our community clean!