Milton Canadian Champion Ee. TE SIRI Av LLL] @ wyYunonar le inI IRA 30; n ' Ultimate model shown ¢ ; ; Ultimate model shown ¢ Ultimate model shown ¢ 2018 TUCSON Nols (OLA 2019 KONA SIS }e 2.497, Step up 2019 ELANTRA $45 1.99: Step up hn Step up VA & more! +5 ACN R a! & more! & more! Year" ; Warranty z ; : U 7 GHT "Learn more at Active and veteran Military personnel receive up to $1,500 That's the H-Factor \ in price adjustments* bl NZ eh SA ORR A 905-875-1120 | 1285 Steeles Ave. East, Milton ON LIT 0K2 FN: Mitten Oris! MILTON HYUNDAI IS A PROUD SUPPORTER OF THE MITON DISTRICT mAh saps Fondation HOSPITAL FOUNDATION & COMMUNITY HEALTHCARE. ves, leature names, images and slogans are trademarks owned of licensed by Hyundai Auto Canada Corp. All other trademarks are the property of thew respective owners For further détails, terms and conditions visit www. or your local dealer, Finance offers available 0.A.C. from Hyundai Financial Services based on new in-stock 2018 Tucson 2.0L FWD/2018 Tucsoh 2.00 Prarium 1 names, leature names 5 and slogans 18¢ rks owned o yu \ C ¢ */RThe Hyundai name, logos, produ : E FWOVZ019 Blanitta £ scantial manual models with an annual finance rate of 0%/0%/0%. Weekly payments are $65/872/$10 for 84/84/60 months. §2,845/82,845/80 down payment required. Trade-in value may be applied to down payment amount Selling price 1s $26,679/$29,120/$18, 329. Cost Borrowing ts $0/$0/50, Finance offers include Delivery and Destination charge of $1,805/31,805/$1,705, levies and all apphcable charges (excluding NST). Finance S offers exchude reg strat surance, PPSA license [es and dealer admin. fees of up 10 $499. Fees may vary by dealer. Leasing offers available O.A.C. from Hyundai Financial Services based on a new 19 Elantra Essential manual/2019 Elantra Preferred manual/2019 Kona 2.0L Essential FWDO19 Kona 2.0L Preferred FWD with an annual lease rate of 1.99%/1.99%/2.49%/2.49% Weekly lease payment of $45/850/$55/$60 for a 60/60/60/80-manth walk: c away lease, Down payment of § $1,095/82, 145/214 and first monthly payment required. Trade-in value may be applied to down payment amount. Total leese obligation is $12,802/$M,M1/$16,520/$17,791. Lease offer includes Delivery and Destination charges of §1,708/81, 705/81, 805/818, levies and all applicable charges (excluding HST). Lease offer excludes registration, insurance, PPSA, license fees and dealer admin. fees of up 1a S499, Fess may © vary by denen, $0 security deposit on all models. 16,000 km allowance per year apples. Additional charge of $0.02/km. *0 payments (payment deferral) for 90 days is available on finance offers of in-stock 2014, 2019 Hyundai models. Payment deferral offer ponbes yl rumabairlince offers on approved credit. if the payment deferral offer is selected, the onginal term of the finance contract will be extended by 2 months (60 days)™Hyundial Auto Canads 0 Corp. will pay the interest during tha first 2 months (60 das) of the finance contract, after which the purchaser will pay all principal and interest owing in equal installments over the remaining term of the contract. Payments on finance contracts are paid arrears. "*For finance contracts payable on a weekly and bi-weekly basis, purchasers who select the payment deferral offer may have to Toke thes Fwy o bi-weekly payment sooner than 90 days 5 from purchase. Down payments are not subject | ythe payfbent deferral offer, and are due on the date the contract is signed. Hyundai Auto Canada Corp. reserves the night to amend of terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any bime without prot not Additional conditions and imitations apply, Ask Milton Hyundai for details. ABaxing Month Bonus of up . $1,000 available on select in-stock 2018/2014 inventory vehickes oly, on lease, RRC Scot @ purchase. Bonus is applied before Lares. Offer is non-transferable snd cannot be assigned. Model inventory for which the bonus is applicable may vary from dealer to dealer and from region to region. See Milton Hyundai for furthe details and applic able mel imventory. OPrice of model shown: 2018 Tucson 1.6T Utimate AWD/2019 Elantra Uttimate intense Blue/2019 Kona 1.6T Ultimate AWD Tangerine Comet is $40,237/$29,387/$33,887. Price inchuces Delivery 3 and Destination £harges of $1,805/41,705/81 805, levies and all applicable charges (excluding HST). Prices exclude registration, insurance; PSA, license fees and dealer admin. fees of up to $499. Foes may vary by dealer. [1**0*A( teres available for a bed time and subject to change or cancellation without notice. Vehicle colour is subject fo avarlability. Delivery and Destination charge includes freight, P..1. and a full tank of gas. Dealer may sell for lass. 2 Twsniary i limited, dealer order may be required. Offer cannot Le combined or used in conjunction with any other available offers. Offer non-transferable and cannot be assigned. No vehicle trade-in required. Visitwww. or see Milton Hyundai for complete detads. ftHyundai's Comprehensive Limited Warranty coverage covers most vehicle components against defects in workmanship under normal use and maintenies conditions. " FF A AE SA A A A 5 A484 8 A886 08060800 42 vy aa pH } ' ety 4 Cs G3 ) i 2 A 2 ALE : . §8 '. 2 8 4 ¢ 2 8 8 8 4 4 4 0 8 8 0 0 £2 EEE EO EYL OED fs {, 850 pr NARA RAR IN PL MN IR AR A »% WN sh ? . Na a 4 op . : 2 JA AA ARAL $ B® COMMUNITY y J 34 ao or A LN" ' i ¥ of ¥ 1 ¥./Y Nikki Wesley/Metroland Fawra Reaka and Archana Giridharan ride the ferris wheel at last year's Miracle on Main Street. MIRACLE ON MAIN STREET TO CELEBRATE DECADE OF GIVING ANNUAL FUNDRAISER SET FOR DEC. 10 AT TROY'S DINER Amusement rides, live enter- tainment, sports celebrities and a towering retired wrestler with a championship belt dressed up as Santa. All can be found at Troy's Diner (295 Main St.) this coming Mon- day, Dec. 10 -- as Miracle on Main Street celebrates its 10th anniver- sary. The Tiger Jeet Singh Founda- tion fundraiser -- held in conjunc- tion with Halton Regional Police Service's Toys For Tots -- runs from 6:30 to 9:30 a.m. and is free to those of all ages. All organizers ask is visitors bring a new unwrapped toy to help brighten a child's holiday. Gifts will be loaded into Troy's trailer, while cash and lifestyle product donations will also be accepted. Along with foundation heads Tiger Ali Singh and father Tiger Jeet Singh, Maple Leafs alumni and Hamilton Ticats will be on hand. There'll also be the opportunity to have photos take with members of Halton Regional Police and the Milton Fire Department. Downtown Main Street will be closed to traffic during the event. Miracle on Main Street sup- ports the Salvation Army, Halton Women's Place, Halton Learning Foundation, McMaster Children's Hospital and the Toronto Hospital for Sick Children. :