8 © WNEWS 3 VERONICA APPIA -HALTON LEARNING FOUNDATION EXPERIENCING INFLUX OF REQUESTS FOR STUDENT NEEDS o vappia@metroland.com y © 2 Halton Learning Fein £ dation receives a lot. . of -- tough phone calls about students in need across the E Halton District School i Board, but ends them all & with one simple answer: "Yes." Whether it's a student in Ss need of five dollars for a = class baking initiative, or someone who is escaping a dangerous home environ- ment, executive director Lesley Mansfield says as soon as HLF members re- ceive a call from a princi- pal, they make it a priority to get the students exactly what they need - and fast. "We say yes to every re- quest and try to turn them around within four or five hours," Mansfield said. This year, she says the foundation has been expe- riencing an influx of re- quests for individual stu- dents, through HLF's Elim- inating Barriers program. Since September, HLF = 2 Canad NMilton has provided support for 170 students across the school board, a 30 per ¢ent increase over this time last year. While Mansfield says it's difficult to pinpoint the reasons for this increase, she knows there are even more students out there * who need the help. "We know the poverty rate in Halton is 10 per cent, according to the Halton Poverty Roundtable," she said. "That means about 6,400 students in the board." The Eliminating Barri- ers program provides stu- dents in need with up to $250 per year for a variety of needs, and up to $100 per year for field trips. Mansfield says even the smallest = contribution makes a difference for stu- dents. "Ten dollars can get you to the zoo. Twenty-one dol- lars can get you to the 'farm," she said. "There are a lot of things that kids want to participate in, but Haurted Hes md ht Saturday a and Sunday l October 27-28 12 noon - Spm Milton Mall Money raised will g | Milton District H Foundation 0 to the Ospital Face painting, silent auction Super Hero meet and gree A! Scary for adults, mild for kids fieldgate Lous insidehalton.com MIO MAL op u¥ere yor Luk oa WILTON HYDRO Media: HLF/ photo Halton District Schoo! Board's director of education, Stuart Miller, speaks at the HLF Benefit Bash fundraiser in 2017. This year's event will be held on Nov. 1 at the Oakville Conference Centre. they may not be able to be- cause their parent or guardian doesn't have the funds." Along with this pro- gram, HLF offers school grants and student schol- arships, which, like Elimi- nating Barriers, are funded ON solely through donations from the community. As Halton District School Board's only chari- ty, Mansfield says the foun- dation has tailored its fund allocations - to accommo- date the growing number of student requests, provid- ing $209,000 to HDSB stu- dents over the past year. "We were seeing a mas- sive uptake in immediate student needs," Mansfield said. "We did a bit of a shift in our office and we said, "You know what? Our school KRISTINA TESSER DERKSEN A NEW WARD, A FRESH VISION WIFE, MOTHER, LAWYER, MILTONIAN Kristina Tesser Derksen Ideally Positioned to Represent Ward One Deep local roots: Born and raised in Milton. Understands Ward One: Raised in the rural area and now lives in town. Professional: Practicing lawyer with world- class education and training. FOR WARD ONE LOCAL COUNCILLOR rants are important do you Know what important? Gettin help to the 11's needed She say HIF tudent we makes it a point to be trax parent with donors to In form them aboyt where their money is going, who it is helping, and the need for it in all areas of Halton "Poverty is not some where that is far, far away Poverty is right here," she said. "Whether you're in the Hills, Milton, Burlington or Oakville, it's there, it's huge and it's hidden." To learn more about the Halton Learning Founda- tion, visit https:// www.haltonlearningfoun- dation.ca/. Halton Learning Foun- ~dation will be hosting its 15th annual Benefit Bash on Nov. 1 at the Oakville Conference * Centre. For further information, visit https://19904.thank- youdcaring.org/2018-bene- fit-bash (bit.ly/2pPeBll). Advocate: Skilled negotiator, representative, and advisor. Responsive: Highly trained listener and communicator. Will speak at Town Hall with your voice. Compassionate: Served Milton families as a funeral director for decades. Community Candidate: Wife and*mother. Investment in our schools, workplaces, and neighbourhoods is worth it! On October 22nd, support the candidate who is uniquely positioned to represent the diverse interests of Ward One. Rr VOTE ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 22° Ra WE EN