16 B NEWS | Don't be a LitterBug! Please keep our community clean # QUARRY PROPOSAL UPDATE MEETING SET FOR OCT. 24 ACTION (Association of Citi zens Together In Our Nassaga weya) will host a public meeting on Wednesday (Oct. 24) at 7 p.m in the Conservation Room of Mohawk Inn & Conference Cen tre with updates on their oppo sition to the Reid Sideroad Quarry in Campbellville All Milton residents are en couraged to attend Since James Dick Construc tion Ltd. applied for this large underwater quarry, over 1.000 residents and more than a dozen organizations have filed Letters of Objection with the Ministry of Natural Resources and For- estry. The Town of Milton and. the Region of Halton have requested additional time to study the pro posal. Cautioned town councillor and ACTION board member Cindy Lunau, "Lest Milton con- sider this a rural issue, the fact is that the Kelso well servicing over 20,000 residents in urban Milton, is located in close prox- he, imity." oa ; Mh More information on AC- : TION and the Reid Sideroad Quarry proposal can be found at www.actionmilton.ca. Th OQ g Milton Canadian Champion | FINANCING PURCHAS Ne aa MORE SMART REASONS TO OWN A 2018 ESCAPE TITANIUM: BEST BUY CORRECTION NOTICE FordPass™ Con ® | NEWSPAPER RETRACTION FOR THE 143 : 1 : BEST BUY OCTOBER 12th 3 : CORPORATE FLYER Be 4 ; a ; FST Rod \ In the October 12th fiyer, page 14, the Klipsch me _- iw - subwoofer (Web Code: 12653526) was advertised Co with an incorrect product title. Please be advised that this product is a powered 12" 400-Watt Subwoofer. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused our valued customers BEST BUY CORRECTION NOTICE NEWSPAPER RETRACTION FOR THE BEST BUY OCTOBER 12th CORPORATE FLYER y In the October 12th flyer, page 15, the Delangelo | VE oY TO Power Reclining Love Seat (Web Code: 12481 762) : ; was advertised with an incorrect price. Please GET INTO A FORD be advised that the correct price for this product is $1499.99 with $500 savings, We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused our valued customers. BEST BUY CORRECTION NOTICE NEWSPAPER RETRACTION FOR THE BEST BUY OCTOBER 12th CORPORATE FLYER in the October 12th fiyer, page 6, the Samsung Tab S3 Tablet (Web Code: 10589705) was omplete details or call the Ford Customer Relationship Centre at 1-800-565 il offers not combinal h any CPA/GPC or Daily Rental incentives. the fi to € } dithed retail custor OX hase fina fuel fi Ors when you nase lease t (other than small fieets with ar nditions and may require a higher cold inft ceive $1,000 toward the ¢ hicle purchase or lease pe np ter amount is deducts Lo compatible 4G network av when 3GB of data is used which ag] P re 2 W p functionality vary by ly. Optional Navigation system m voice-operated systems when possible: dor ountries. Android Auto is a trademark of narks of SiriusXM Radio Inc and are with a keyboard. We sincerely apologize for any inc 'onvenience this may have caused our valued cust mers E 0 Q Cc S = w £ @ o %