dian Champion | Thursday, Septathber 20,2018 | 8 4 Milton C;, irkidehalton.com MILTON Notice of Adoption: Offical Plan Amendment OWNER: Corporation of the Town of Milton FILE NO.: LOPA 03/17 DATE OF DECISION: September 10, 2018 DATE OF NOTICE: September 20, 2018 LAST DAY TO FILE AN APPEAL: October 10, 2018 TAKE NOTICE THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Milton passed By-law 093-2018 on the 10" day of September, 2018, which adopted proposed Official Plan Amendment Number 52 under Sections 17(21), 22 and 23 of the Planning Act, R.S.0. 1990, c.P.13, as amended. " AND TAKE FURTHER NOTICE THAT the applicant listed above applied for this amendment and as per Section 17(23) of the Planning Act, R.S.0. 1990,c.P13, as amended, notice shall bé given to any prescribed person or public body who has the right to appeal this by-law. if you choose not to appeal this by-law, no further action is necessary. Purpose and Effect of Official Plan Amendment Number 52: To enhance public notification provisions * for development applications beyond what is prescribed in the Planning Act. At this time, there are no planning applications affected by this amendment. All public comments received were considered in the decision rendered on this file. The proposed official plan amendment is exempt from approval by the Regional Municipality of Halton. The decision of Milton Town Council is final if a notice of appeal is not received on or before the last day for filing a notice of appeal. No key map is provided as this amendment pertains to all lands within the Town of Milton. Appeal Process: Only individuals, corporations or public bodies may appeal a decision of the municipality or planning boare-to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal. A notice of appeal may not be filed by an unincorporated association or group.= However, a notice of appeal may be filed in the name of an individual who is a member of the association or the group on its behalf. No person or public body shall be * added as a party to the hearing of the appeal unless, before the plan was adopted, the person or public body made oral submissions at a public, meeting or written submissions to the council or, in the opinion of the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal, there are reasonable grounds to add the person or public body as a party. if you intend to appeal, a Notice of Appeal must be filed with the Town Clerk, Corporation of the Town of Milton, 150 Mary Street, Milton, ON, L9T 6Z5, no later than 20 days from the date of this Notice and shall include: 1. The reasons for the appeal and the specific part of the proposed official plan amendment to which the appeal applies. 2. A completed A1 Appellant Form. This form is to be completed by the appellant for appeals relating to the official plan amendment and is available on the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal website at http://elto.gov.on.ca/. 3. Afee in the amount of $300.00, pursuant to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal Act, 2817, 5.0. 2017, payable by certified cheque or money order to the "Minister of Finance". Thedast day for filing a Notice of Appeal is 4:30 pm on October 10, 2018. More Information: A true copy of Oficial Plan Amendment * Number 52 and By-law 093-2018 is available for to the public for inspection at the Planning and Development Department, Town of Milton, 150 Mary Street, Milton, ON, L9T 625, Telephone: 905-878-7252 x2398 between the hours of 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, Monday to Friday. Barbara Koopmans, BES, MCIP, RPP, CMO Commissioner, Planning and Development Dated at the Town of Miltonon. September 20, 2018. PD-DR18-007 wn ey Twitter/ EstherThePig "We just got off the phone with OVC, Esther is officially cancer free!!!! The margins are all good, and the oncology team agrees that chemo and/or radiation are not required. _#BreastCancerSurvivor," Walter and Jenkins wrote to Twitter. ESTHER THE WONDER PIG SHEDS LIGHT ON ISSUES WITH VERONICA APPIA vappia@metroland.com "Esther is officially can- cer free!" : Steve Jenkins and De- rek Walter, who own the Happily Ever Esther Farm Sanctuary in Milton, took to social media on Sept. 10 to publish celebratory posts about their 650- pound companion pig, fol- lowing her oncology re- sults relayed by the Onta- rio Veterinary College. The famous pig was di- agnosed with breast cancer on Aug. 9 following a first- of-its-kind CT scan her owners fought for months to bring to Canada. The equine scanner, which is being given per- manent home at the Onta- rio Veterinary College in Guelph this month, will be instrumental in aiding oth- er sizable animals, too large to be scanned by tra- . ditional equipment. Esther underwent a suc- cessful surgery on Aug. 28 to remove the cancerous lump, but at that time, Jen- kins and Walter were faced with a larger issue - the in- ability to provide Esther with chemotherapy, should that be an avenue she required. "We've been. told if she requires chemotherapy, which would be the next CFIA CHEMO REGULATIONS step if the cancer spread at all, she isn't allowed to re- ceive it because of CFIA (Canadian Food Inspection Agency) regulations," said Jenkins. The regulations state, that it is illegal to adminis ter chemotherapy to ani- Anals that the CFIA deems to be used for food. "My mind was blown when 1 started to realize the scope of the problem and how many people are dealing with the same problem," Jenkins said, adding that he also has a chicken on his farm that had been diagnosed with See - page 39