B® COMMUNITY SHOWING HER ARTISTIC SIDE Milton Canadian Champion | Thursday, August 9, 2018 | & PROUDLY SERVING MILTON SINCE 1860 WE WANT YOUR Graham Paine / Met Metroland Eight-year-old Maria Ramzi works on colouring her one-of-a-kind water bottle during the latest Milton Mall Kids' Club event, with a Boe More' theme. Children made their own water bottles EVEN IF YOU DON'T WANT ONE OF OURS a pe For over 60 years Gorrud"s has prided itself on : oy delivering quality vehicles to our customers. SE) A Many of these vehicles are purchased from local cy residents who maintain their vehicles to the very high standard Gorrud"s was built on. any menu item present this coupon & receive $2 off any menu item n,m om on en Tl i a me ol Vaid ontymtJIhe Chopped Leal Milon. Not valid + with any other discount or promobion. No cash value. One coupon per person per visit Expires August 17, 2018 If your vehicle is in nice condition and you know - its service history, we want it and are prepared to . pay a premium for it whether you buy a vehicle igen RUE e i aTe1d See us today or visit us online for a written, guaranteed appraisal. Ata FF J \ a Sai oAuter INDUSTRY LEADING | 4f \ Be Wi nds Ei oni LOYALTY PROGRAM | \ senssacnom GORRUD'S AUTO 1S A PROUD Kags A mew 2 SUPPORTER OF THE MILTON -- Tees MYAutoRewards.ca So. # | DISTRICT HOSPITAL FOUNDATION Desir Rater B COMMRNETY THCARE ~~ : Tests Arranged ~~ ibs VIEW St me "OUR ONLINE : ont ours Soar ~~, CALENDAR WWW.GORRUDS. COM 905-878-8311 | usm Price Subject to Change Without Notice