BB COMMUNITY SWITZERLAND ADVENTURE AWAITS CRAIG KIELBURGER TEEN KAPAR EXCITED TO BE PART OF ROTARY EXCHANGE PROGRAM STEVE LEBLANC Sudu Kapar can't wait to be awestruck by the Alps, get famil- iar with the art of yodelling and savour some exquisite chocolate. The Milton teen will experi- -ence all three -- and much more _, -- over the coming year, with Switzerland serving as her tem- porary home. Recently-accepted into the Ro- tary Exchange program, the 16- year-old Craig Kielburger Sec- ondary School student has always enjoyed family trips back to their native Nepal or to various desti- nations in the U.S. That wanderlust was further fuelled a couple of years ago by a science supply teacher, whose own exchange student experienc- es in Europe left a lasting impres- + Protect your Home and Family Call us now . 905.876.1941 sion on Kapar. So when she came across a poster for the Rotary program last year, the opportunity was too in- triguing not to pursue. "I'thought 'Why not?'" recalled the Switzerland-bound youth, who heads out on her Grade 11 ad- venture in early August. "I love absorbing new environments and seeing something different." The travel bug is certainly an ideal characteristic for someone with an eye toward making a ca- reer of humanitarian work -- something inspired by her aid worker father. Continuing that family tradi- tion, Kapar is among the leaders of her school's Youth in Action club, following in Craig Kielburg- er's goodwill footsteps. The honour roll student is also a member of the Milton youth ad- ,visory committee and an active volunteer-with Grace Anglican Church. = A gifted artist -- whose cre- ativity is often seen around CKSS through fundraising posters -- have up to 800 wasps * Populations "explode" in mid-August : - © Wasps start feeding un carbohydrates found at your picnic table in mid-August * Wasps do not produce honey, keep children away from active nests Follow us on ® @HRPC info Follow us on [J @infoHRPC ALT&N REGION SPECIALISING IN iy PEST MANAGEMENT Halton Region Pest Control has been g.otecting Families Lj Milton for over 30 years -available once she arrives to help a poet experience." rs WAHHDTRENH (AY WASP SEASON? "WASP FACTS" e Nests are built in wall cavities, house soffits or in trees and could Kapar recently earned the Paint- ing a Path Award at the fifth an- nual Milton Youth Awards. Following her acceptance into the exchange program, she at- tended Rotary's Camp Wanakita in Haliburton, where she met stu- dents from countries like Taiwan, France and Peru. "It was amazing ... other than it being in February and freezing," quipped the local youth, who's currently leaining to speak Ger- man (primary language in Swit- zerland) and will have a tutor make her more fluent. "Getting to know the exchange students on a personal level was great." - Kapar will be living near Swit- zerland's capital of Bern and can't wait to see all the country has to offer. = "I'm anxious to see the Swiss Alps, and they're known for their great festivals. I'm kind of-ner- vous. Leaving home, I'll probably be homesick at first, but once I settleinit'll be fine. It's going to be But then | wonder... ~ | think so. 20 kilometres? Why not? Si a Te ML [0 CAN'T RUN A MARATHON... YET | know a few people who have run marathons, but cannot imagine being able to trun one myself. Can | run to the end of the street? Probably. | And if | do that often enough, could | move up to running around the block? Maybe. Is it possible then that | could eventually run | for<a couple of kilometres if | keep persisting? If | maintained my training, could | then run 5, 10, So, again | ask, can | run a marathon? Not today, but if | start with what | can do and keep working | at it and improving, there's no reason why | can't. What do you want to do that seems impossible right now? Start small. Begin today. Partner with God and you would be surprised what you can | accomplish. Learn more - visit > local place of worstip\ this week. Meeting times and locations are published ; in the Religious Directory to help you. Submitted. by Rev. Dan Rogge, Pastor of | Milton's New Life Church Pr Kapar photo Sudu Kapar visits Indigo in preparation for her trip to Switzerland as part of the Shotary Exchange program. Bay N INI NEW LIFE CHURCH FOR GENERATIONS TO COME Everyone Welcome Two Sunday Morning Services 9am & 10am Revelation Sermon Series flor BEAST A Look at Revelation 13 cYe Children's & Youth Centre rR : Pastor Dan Rogge 824 Thompson Road South 905878 3358 woo uojjeyepisul w - 8102 'Z isnbny 'Aepsuny] | uoidwey) ueipeued vou \ ¥