SE ---- ot ------------------------ ------ "30 1 COMMUNITY . August 2, 2018 - x / insidehalton.col #ilton Canadian Champion | Thurs SUMMER FUN Clockwise, from right: Willy Tallon Jr., 6, gives it his all as he pulls ahead of the competition and peddles towards the finish line in the kids pedal tractor pull event during Country Heritage Park's Summer Fair and Farm Expo Saturday. The event, complete with the 19th annual All Colours Antique Tractor Show, featured a kids' zone, pedal car tractor pull and more. Willy Tallon, shows his frustration in the vintage tractor pull event, when the 1948 Cockshutt 40 tractor he was driving kept popping out of gear, giving pulls of mere inches. Two-and-a-half-year-old Gwenhyvar Dotto takes a big bite out of her ice pop as she takes in the tractor pull event. Millie Tian, 5, and her brother Raymond, 8, work as a team to get their paddleboat across the miniature lake at the kids zone. Graham Paine / Metroland Financial solutions are around the corner. Brett J Strano, CFP®, FMA, CIWM Financial Advisor \ Carlee MacQueen 330 Bronte Street South Suite 217 Suite 103 Milton, ON LOT 7X1 Milton, ON LOT 1P4 905-864-9969 : 905-864-6959 215T ANNUAL | SUHAA SHOW FREE CONSULTATION Night Guards / Implant Dentures / Sports Guards - [ Immediate Dentures /f Repairs in'1 Hour 4 Same Day Relines -[/ House & Hospital Calls if Dental Insurance Accepted \ DOORS OPEN <r Largest FASHION SHC aay 210 E700 GEG RDN, - i ~ Financial Advisor 310 Main Street East Edward J on es Member -- Canadian Investor Protection Fund MAKING SENSE OF INVESTING 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE Now available "od -- <-- ie G.T. Trenton DD and Jill Stevenson DD, 160 Mill St. (Downtown Milton) | 905-876-2000 After hours emergency - 905-854-7100 , |