n Canadian Champion | Thursday, July 5, 2018 | & S = = 2 Kelso/Glen Eden area getting an updated master plan Public information night on June 20 TIM WHITNELL twhitnell@metroland.com More than 1,100 acres of prime environmental and recreational land is under review with an eye to shap- clude Town of Milton lands site with the recreational Halton says it is currently beach area and 16 downhill through self-generated rev- ing its uses for the near fu- at the southeast and Coun- and educational opportuni- not providing the survey's ski slopes. enues from park admission ture. try Heritage Park at the ties for the community," results at this time. Kelso is at the junction fees and services, with the The 2002 Kelso Conser- northeast end. said Robin Ashton, manag- . "It is our hope to receive of the Niagara Escarpment exception of capital and vation Area/Glen Eden Master Plan is being updat- ed with the focus on the sustainable management and development of the M. Jasmine Sweatman B.A, J.D., LLM, TEP, CS., EPC, CPCA park over the next five to 10 years. Conservation Halton is currently in Phase 2 - Con- ceptual Design - of a three- phase approach to master planning for the area, which is bounded by Hwy. 401, Appleby Line, Steeles Avenue and Old Tremaine Road. Adjacent properties in- A Public Information Centre is scheduled for Wednesday, June 20, from 6 to 8 p.m. It will be held at Kelso's West Lodge, 5234 Forgotten Bank Accounts Kelso Rd., in Milton. Conservation Halton will present the site analy- sis, policy frameworks, im- proved servicing plan, mar- ket analysis and draft con- ceptual design plans for the park. "The (master) plan will be developed to balance the ecological and environ- mental sensitivities of the er of marketing services for Conservation Halton. ."The planning process was structured to satisfy the legislative require- During the course of estate administration sometimes small things can be missed, including bank accounts or other "unclaimed balances". An "unclaimed balance" includes deposit account, bank drafts, certified cheques, deposit receipts, money orders, GICs, term deposits, credit card balances, or travellers cheques. If there is no activity in relation to an unclaimed balance for a period of 10 years and the owner cannot be contacted the financial institution cah transfer the unclaimed balance to the Bank of Canada at the end of the calendar year. The Barik of Canada will hold balances under $1,000.00 for an additional 30 years and balances over $1,000.00 for an additional 100 years. Once the holding period expires and the balance remains unclaimed it. is transferred to the Receiver General as revenue. According to the Bank of Canada at the end of December 2013 they held 1.4 million unclaimed balances worth $532 million. The oldest balance dates back to 1900! Search unclaimed bank balances on The Bank of Canada website. Found unclaimed funds, contact us to assist you in claiming your forgotten accounts. Law Firm : *Sweatman Law Professional Corporation 101-245 Commercial Street Milton, Ontario L9T 2J3 I: 905.875.2400 www.sweatmanlaw.com ments of the Niagara Es- carpment Plan and the Conservation Authority Act, and has included ex- tensive consultation with the public, sgpkeholders and related agencies," states "the Conservation Halton website. Er A public survey was un- dertaken and closed on Jan. 15, 2017. Conversation input from the public and stakeholders to further re- fine and shape these con- cepts as we move into the more detailed design," said Ashton. < Phase 3 will be the actu- almaster plan that outlines detailed areas for develop- ment and the intentions for the ongoing management at Kelso and Glen Eden. The master plan is part of the Niagara Escarpment Parks and Open Space Sys- tem and will be reviewed "and approved by the Niaga- ra. Escarpment Commis- sion. Conservation Halton's website says it acquired lands in 1960 for flood-con- trol and 'water-manage- ment purposes within the Sixteen Mile Creek water- shed. The day-use recreation- al park is open year-round with more than 22 kilo- metres of marked trails, a and Sixteen Mile Creek. The Niagara Escarpment rises about 70 metres above the creek, providing a unique combination of geo- logieal and ecological fea- tures. The tablelands are pre- dominantly covered in de- ciduous forests, oresta- tion fields, wetlands, talus slopes and creeks. Signifi- cant environmental fea- tures include the présence of ancient cedar old-growth forest, exposures of provin- cially rare geological for- mations and a diversity of HR RRR NRIs Rds escarpment plant and ani- mal species. Annual park visits are about 500,000 recreational users, including approxi- mately 160,000 summer vis- itors and 338,000 winter ski- er/snowboard enthusiasts. Park operation costs, in- cluding maintenance and capital expenditures, have + traditionally been funded maintenance costs for flood control facilities, which are supported through munici- pal tax levies. Halton's seven conser- vation areas receive more than 750,000 visits annually and essentially function as a regional park system. "However, without addi- tional funding for capital and servicing upgrades, this park system is chal- lenged to meet both cur- rent.and anticipated visita- tion demands," states the Conservation Halton web- site. STORE-WIDE SAVINGS ON SELECT PAINTS, STAINS, IN-STOCK LIGHTING AND IN-STOEK FURNITURE. 840 Main St. E, Milton 905 878 1239 WWW. HERITAGEMILTON.CA " BERGSMA'S PAINT&S& DECOR "SATURDAY JULY 7.2018 194 MAIN STREET EAST, DOWNTOWN MILTON insidehalton.com 905-876-4922 © BERGSMASPAINT.COM