NEWS Report exploring admin support options ® Continued from page 14 to Dec. 3, 2018. For the new term of council beginning in De- cember 2018, not including any increases through a salary review, the mayor's salary would be $99,579 with councillors getting $39,045. Municipal politicians also receive a separate sal- ary for sitting on Halton regional council. Part of the staff report on council compensation also addreSsed ways to po- tentially increase adminis- trative support for council- lors. Town staff sent a survey to 12 area municipalities, some with similar ward sizes per councillor to Mil- ton, to get feedback on sev- eral areas where adminis- ° trative support is given to for councillors in the works councillors. The municipalities sur- veyed were Oakville, Bur- lington, Barrie, Ajax, Cam- bridge, Caledon, Guelph, Halton Hills, Newmarket, Richmond Hill, Waterloo and Whitby. Nine municipalities re- sponded to the administra- tive support survey. The nine offer an annual office budget for councillors ranging from $1,525-$9,000. In terms of conferences, the nine give their council- lors between $1,500-$3,500. Milton gives $1,500 per councillor. For newsletters, seven of the responding munici- palities provide them for councillors via the munici- pal budget. As far as home internet 'coverage, eight of the re- sponding municipalities don't provide it while the MILTON other offers it with no lim- it. Eight of the municipali- ties provide councillors with a laptop or desktop computer or a tablet. | ; All nine municipalities have provisions for mobile phones for councillors at PT ATTN LAL ILENE 9 4 2 e ONLINE HOEDOWN met JPR SHOWDOWN TALENT __CONPETION_ GRAND PRIZE VALUED AT OVER $25,000 IR $1,500 IRIE $1,000 A [A FA showdown AURORA RIBFEST - BEVERLEY MAHGOD METALVORKS STUOS | AMAGNA NEGHEOURIOOD NETWORK + SPINMISKC - PPERCANAB = YAMAHA Town of Milton logo the municipalities' ex- pense. Seven of the responders have some sort of office space that may be shared. As for staff for council- lors, eight of the nine mu- nicipalities that answered the survey have some ded- VAL] Gorgeous ZAC LER GT > Sunday PR icated staff for their coun- cillors, mostly shared. One of the eight provides one staff member for each councillor. The Town of Milton cur- rently only provides its councillors with coverage for conferences and shared office space. Among some of the du- ties performed by adminis- trative staff on behalf of councillors at some of the surveyed municipalities are responding to constitu- ent inquiries, scheduling and event management, tracking their budgets, ar- ranging open houses, dis- seminating correspon- dence and keeping council- lors informed of gover- nance practices. At the June 18 council . meeting, councillors dis- cussed the survey and what it might mean for - w ny | uoidwey) ueipeued Low them. rf Most seemed wary of a spending more taxpayer - = dollars and also making a £ decision before a new slate « of councillors is sworn in 3 later this year. ® "This is going to cost taxpayers a lot more mon- ey if we have a lot more staff," Ward 5 Coun. Ar- nold Huffman told his col- leagues. ~ Ward 6 Coun. John Pol- lard noted that even with current minimal direct support from town staff, councillors are still able to perform their duties. Councillors narrowly approved asking staff to develop administrative support options for coun- cillors. That report, in- cluding the financial im- plications, .is expected as part of the town's 2019 bud- get process later this year. Milton & District Horticultural Society's The Secret Gardens of Milton Tour Sunday, July 8" from10 am to 5 pm Buy your $15 tickets at » La Rose Bakery, 327 Bronte Street, Milton 141B Main Street, Milton « The Trail Eatery, 35 Crawford Cres., Campbellville | «On Sunday only, at garden #1 554 Moorelands Cres., Milton « The Flower Mill, Vist: www.facebook. com/MiltonDistrictHorticulturalSociety nor the website www. Wwoo°uoyjeyapisul