13 = = wn Milton Canadian Champion | Thursday, July 5, 2018 insidehalton.com Halton compost to be trucked to London while Hamilton compost facility is closed Burlington street site closed by city after massive stench ~~" at Arkells concert ALEXANDRA HECK aheck@metroland.com Halton Region's com- post waste is being divert- ed to London, Ont., after the city of Hamilton shut down their Burlington Street operations. The City of Hamilton chose to shut the site down after what has been described as a 'crippling stench' creeping into in parts of the downtown over the past two weeks. I t came to a head on last Saturday night at the Tim Hortons Field, where-the Arkells played a concert. Hamilton Coun. Sam Merulla urged the city to close the site, saying he was swamped with com- plaints about the smell. He even said that he is seeking punitive damages for the odour. Halton has a contract to send nearly '2,600 tonnes of compost there annually, which is 35 per "cent of the facilities ca- pacity. "Food waste does often have odour issues," said Jim Harnum, Halton's commissioner of public works. Harnum says that the region's food waste will now be trucked to Orga- ~1in 4 women experience abuse. Ne $5, text RUBY tc 45678 to help. YOUR DONATION CAN CHANGE LIVES. world in London while the Ministry of Environment tries to figure out exactly what the problem was. The Region of Halton, as well as Niagara Region send compost to the site. Both the city of Hamil- ton and Halton Region have committed funding to reducing odour at the facility through up- grades. ** "Typically, this facility is run quite well," said Harnum. "But with food waste you do end up with upset conditions at times." Harnum is not sure how long the Halton com- post will be trucked out to London. But the City of Hamil- ton and the contractor are working with the Minis- try of Environment to Metro Creative photo Halton Region's compost waste is temporarily being diverted to London, Ont. come up with a solution. 2 "Any cost that is in- curred, the contractor is responsible Harnum. "There won't be any for, said PENWOOD) X ATG-cantTes FURNITY 4 ci additional cost to Halton residents." Additionally, Halton's contingency plan would be to store the compost at their own waste transfer station while they wait for the Hamilton site to re- open. "Food waste doesn't stop," said 'Harnum. He explained that compost services are available to all residents in the re- gion, save for homes in ru- ral Milton and Burling- ton. The program has a 90 per cent engagement rate in the region. Halton Region has nev- er considered in-house composting services, as Harnum says the market has the capacity, and is much more feasible to outsource. RTL NE Cm 30-60% OFF! sorcawvss TO DONATE GO TO WWW.RUBYCAMPAIGN.CA dle - =a \ ' re-- / RUBY <_ CAMPAIGN Dy 2018 2" Halton Women's Place Healshy Relationships + Healthy Communities NS" LAE FOR ADDITIONAL DETAILS {1 FAE Ei LLG GO SHOPPING » »PENWOODFURNITURE.COM MORRISTON - ANCASTER - OAKVILLE