eS Milton Canadian Champeor NEWS 1 can't Save on ® inued f pa your home . GEN 1 " F : ' ment when asked if Nn gardening with thought it was fan | would love to share but I can't share a thing she told Metroland Media NF IN Zhe tos Merean The reprimand may not seem like much, said fel low trustee Anthony Quinn, but it's the stron- gest sanction available to the board under the legis- lation. "Our board has not had to censure a trustee in the memory. of current trust- ees," he wrote in an email. "Il am personally vexed and disappointed to have to go through this process. "But it is important to do it, so as to show our stakeholders that we take breaches in our code of conduct seriously." During the May 15 meet- ing, Quinn attempted to amend the censure motion so Michael would effec- tively be barred from an Canada's destination for digital flyers and coupons. ~~ -- ave more at - ~, [| oe 4 a Apple and the Apple logo are trademarks of Apple Inc, registered in the US. and other countries. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc, registered in the U.S. and other countries. Google Play and the Google Play logo are tralemarks of Google LLC =f aveca fiers. Rupr: shopping lists. share a thing": trustee. Halton Catholic District School Board Trustee Jane Michael additional board meeting. Chair Diane Rabenda did not allow Quinn's motion, saying the proper proce- dure was simply to public- ly confirm what had hap: pened in the private meet- ing. "You want her to be away June 19 ... I know ex- actly what's happening," charged Rabenda, in one of many heated exchanges HUDSON'S BAY ofeach one between trustees ' during the meeting. June 19 is when the board's final 2018/2019 bud- get will be approved. The board's controver- sial "Sanctity of Life" poli- cy, which stopped schools from donating to charities that violate Catholic prin- ciples, is also expected to resurface around that time. SUPPORT MEN IN THE FIGHT AGAINST PROSTATE CANCER WD) DAD $21 from the sale $34.99 Black Brown 1826 plaid shirts will be donated to the HBC Foundation to support Prostate Cancer Canada's Plaid for Dad. ofl our exclusive Prostate Cancer