©w Milton Canadian Champion NM NEWS I'm proud of what we were able to accomplish": Naidoo-Harris & ® Continued from page 7 B T Fos urs She encouraged sup porters to think about all the good things that were accomplished, including a new hospital and a univer sity campus on its way. "I'm proud of what we were able to accomplish .... the list is long," she added. "We spent money when it was needed and I will al- ways be proud of that." She said the people of Ontario benefited from four years under the Liber- insidehalton.com al government. "Don't let anyone make you feel that wasn't the case." Thanking her family, she: said her husband Randy has always been by her side, along with her children and her father, who taught .her from a young age toalways do the right thing. "He's the sign warrior," she said, referring to put- ting up new signs when others were damaged. "He didn't complain her when the Light was on, and I was going to bed at 2g the morning, reading my bind ers and getting up to go to work again at 5 in the morning. Not a complaint, just encouragement, and 1 have someone amazing be- side me." In closing, she also thanked Kathleen Wynne, who she called a true lead- er. Despite holding on to seat, Wynne an- nounced she is stepping down as Ontario Liberal leader. "There's no one like the premier," said Naidoo-Har- ris. "She has integrity and she has worked hard, she cares about people. Sheis a true leader. She [ays works hard to do the ¥ight thing. "It has been one of the proudest moments of my life to sit in her cabinet and work underneath her." Finally, Naidoo-Harris thanked her Queen's Park team. | "I don't know finer peo- ple. You are the best, all of CAMPBE Conservation Halton is embarking on an exciting process to update the Master Plan for Kelso Conservation Area/Glen Eden, that will set an important vision and role within the Conservation Halton parks system and a unique contribution to the Niagara Escarpment Parks and Open Space System (NEPOSS). The purpose is to engage and receive input ~ from the community. The site analysis, policy frameworks, stakeholder and public engagement summary, market analysis, conceptual designs, and improved servicing will be presented. Conservation ae Halton APPLEBY LINE Julie Slack/Metroland Indira Naidoo-Harris speaks to supporters following election night results at Splice Bar and Grill in Milton. ' you. You've all worked so hard to put up the good fight," she said. "I will never forget how hard you worked for me," she said, her voice break- ing. Meanwhile, Gill said, "It's obviously never fun LLYILLE ROAD TREMAINE ROAD STEELES AVENUE #8 Halton Conservation Land Project Boundary BELL SCHOOL LINE ASummer when you're not on the right side. But.I've been there on the winning side and I've been there on the losing side and totally sym- pathize. "Regardless of how the media might have por- trayed Doug Ford, we had complete confidence be- cause we were talking to people at the doors." Naidoo-Harris won the 2014 election by a roughly 5,000 margin (33,724-27,937) over longtime PC incum- bent Ted Chudleigh. It was her second run at+* the riding, having lost by about 3,000 votes in 2011. It had been a PC stronghold for well over a decade, go- ing back to early '90s when Nole Duignan and the NDP got the surprise win. "~ with files from Saira Peesker. 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE ---- Proudly Serving Milton -- Air Sonditioning Tune up Special Prevent an emergency this summer! Cool this 52,500 in Rebates REA NYY LL AERERRER TC) Air Conditioners CLL)