Th Ursday May Milton Canadian Champion A Message to the Town of Milton 3 Rev ge, 7 This June marks 10 years that Milton opened it's doors to Erepower. " We chose THIS community because of the community. And we set ou introduce a sport that was almost unheard of. CrossFit. Thank you to the many Miltonians who confidently believed in our vision of "Reconnecting Families Thr to our first month free and are members who continue to join each mo still here a decade later. And to the new nth, we are grateful for » your trust. 4 Thank you to the local busin us when things were tough; esses who supported and encouraged who became family friends at the same time. From Troy's Diner, to the Ivy Arms, to the Tiger family, ety Town Councilors who joined a team for FireFighter Appreciatiet oa to Milton Fire for partnering with us to raise funds for pr FireFighters. We are grateful to all of you and so many more. Thank you to the Milton Champion, TVCogeco, i Sn RT i i to the Cham for sharing our stories. Thank you ll il us Business of the Year, and most recently Entrepreneur of the Year for FirePower Kids. e taken homegrown Miltonians from learning n the world stage. We created an lifelong love of fitness. We've also any Miltonians to support In 10 short years we hav what CrossFit is, up to competing 0 outlet for young athletes to begin a created jobs here in our hometown for m their families. And through it all, we built a Community of Fitness based in 2 encouragement, inclusiveness, fun, love and giving back to 0 community while also paying it forward. Thank you Milton for helping this family business become 10 YEARS CROSSFIT STRONG. Sincerely, 2 " -- wn ASR TT ERIE pp do : 905-864-9941 : Lo i 705 Nipissing Rd, Milton, ON L9T 4Z5 ¢ ' ; ough Sport". The early adopters who came po, OR FR EV TRO I I OT oY ep TT ] Foveanon 2 \ SAIRA PEESKER It's possible to support charities that conduct re- search banned by the Cath- olic Church while still fol- lowing appyoved church teachings, "a Catholic bioethicist told the Halton Catholic. District School Board on May 15. Dr. Moira McQueen, the director of the Canadian Catholic Bioethics Insti- tute, made a presentation that walked trustees through a concept called "co-operation in evil," the idea that good and evil sometimes come packaged together. "The church does not withdraw from all organi- zations where it does not approve of all of their ac- tions, such as the United Nations," said McQueen, a lawyer with a PhD in moral theology. "It supports some motions and rejects --others and has witness val- ue in being a voice for peace and justice." The board has been em- broiled in a controversy surrounding its "Sanctity of Life" motion, which was passed in February and halted school fufidraising or donations for charities that support, "either di- rectly or indirectly, abor- tion, contraception, steril- ization, euthanasia or em- bryonic stem-cell re- search." Students and community members have rallied against the motion, which they say was passed without input. The motion led to a lengthy list of banned char- ities which included the Canadian Cancer Society, which conducts both em- bryonic stem-cell research and adult stem-cell re- search, which is allowed by the church. After much Charity ban not in keeping with church teaching: bioethicist backlash, trustees sus pended the ban May 1 so they could gather meré community feedback. That feedback, which will in- clude McQueen's presenta- tion, is expected to be back in front of councillors in June. McQueen said she had heard views from support- ers of both sides of the issue that don't accurately re- flect Catholic teaching and was hoping to provide some clarity. None of the trustees asked questions when she finished, which she said she found surpris- ing. = "I suspect what I said did not please either side of the motion," she told Met- "roland Media in an email after the meeting. "I was not there to do that in any event, but to ex- pand the knowledge of the ® See MCQUEEN, page 7 KircHENs ¢ BATHROOMS © COUNTERTOPS * VANITIES * B a Vis Our SHOWROOM 439 Maix St. E. Pict if ESSE PRESENT THIS AD FOR SPECIAL PRICING Miron 289-851-202 B00 is Ses Ee 400 Moros: '« SOME CONDITIONS APPLY . --