NEWS Gold medalists set to compete at nationals ® Continued frm page 10 medals More thay awards were presented to medalists in select contest areas and categories, as were job offers from part nered organigations at the Closing Ceremony. Gold medalists in select contests are also eligible to represent Ontario at the Skills Canada National Competition June 4-5 in Ed- monton. No matter where they finished, the lives of many young competitors and vis- itors have been positively changed forever - from gaining new self-confi- SHO. 0 In He -------------------------------------------------------- pushing then skills to a higher level, to winning a medal, or simply meeting a new mentor and discovering new career op portunities that they didn't know existed (They) are the future of skilled trades and technolo- gies in Ontario," says lan Howcroft, CEO of Skills Ontario. "Because of the contribution from many in- dustry, education, labour, and government partners, including the Government of Ontario, Skills Ontario is able to help prepare Onta- rio's youth for a highly- skilled workforce of tomor- row through such initia- tives." dencs THURSDAY, JUNE 7, 2018 AA I wv etro Toronto Convention Centre 1B * FREE PROFESSIONAL PHOTO FOR YOUR Linked in PROFILE REGISTER NOW er -------------------------------------- A -------------------------------------- Following Halton students who finished In the top five of their division competition: dre Secondary Schools 1. Luca Patrick - Archi tectural Technology & De- sign 1. Aidan Kolosky - Me- chanical CADD 1. Ofer Weis and Mat- thew Wilson - TV & Video Production Team 2. Karyssa Chan Graphic Design - Presenta- tion 2. Fiorella Granda - Landscape Design 3. Tyler Mcnamee - Auto Collision Repair 3. Nicole Witney - Auto rbajaj@metroland com _-- PLEASE RECYCLE THIS PAPER | & Painting 3. Syed Zain Abb us Jaf fary - Coding 3. Daniel Witson= Elec trical Installations 3. Adiva Saadat - Halton Landscape Design 3. Calvin Mozola and Ansar Khan - Robotics & Control Systems Team Elementary Schools (teams of four) 2. Yasin Elkadri, All Kashkoush, Tajalli Aijaz Josh Wozniak VEX IRQ Crossover 2. Emily Dilauro, i fim $i ny Silvestro, Jacob Yan, Eden Boguslavsky - Lego Robotics 4. Eric Pundsack, Ryan Matutat, Lucas Scilgliano, Mitchell Dunec - Technolo- gy 5. Matt Jushkevich, Oli- '4 < RELAY S147 eV ATI rT < Cancer 4 A BRDISTHEY vid {id CATT Mates, Maxmii ii Mattheu Wd 7' Lego Robot £17 Post Secondary (Sheridan College) 1. Jake Doan - Industri al Mechanic Millwright 3. Scott Powless - PS In dustrial Mechanic wright 5. Bricker Dancey - cision Machining NO ONE SHOULD J Xo)=Re) Ne) A Te) i=) Join us and support the ones you love. Cancer changes everything. So can you. Register today! | 17 Mill- Pre- wo uo}jeyapisul