2 Omtario Votes . As part of its comprehen- sive coverage of the provin- cial election, the Champion invited each of the Milton riding candidates to weigh in on a particular issue. This is the final instal- ment in a three-part ques- tion-and-answer with your local candidates. INTERMODAL: CN Rail is proposing to build an intermodal hub in Milton. While rail is feder- ally regulated, develop- ment of an intermodal that would see 1,600 daily truck trips to and from the pro- posed facility would direct- ly impact the riding and its constituency on matters that extend beyond rail. The Region of Halton and its municipalities have banded together in an ef- fort to ensure oversight on the project. Where do you stand on the issue? Parm Gill PC As the only candidate who attended the recent public meeting, I have been vocal about standing with the region and municipali- ty against the CN Intermo- dal. I have met with local stakeholders, town- staff and Mayor Gord Krantz to discuss the project and how best to support the le- gal action currently before the courts. This proposed develop- ment of 400 acres (growing to over 1,000 acres in the fu- ture) would have long-last- ing, negative ramifications for Milton and those who live closest to it. To have seen no action by the Liberals, until days ro PERCE TT] Te Rey : nih before an election is disap- pointing. For many, this is the single biggest issue in Milton, and I am unwaver- ing in my stand against the CN Intermodal. Eleanor Hayward Green "1 appreciate this is a complex issue with many stakeholders; T've paid at- tention since the 1990s, when the word around town was this x intermo- dal plan in the rural south of town. I note the region was assured this was not the case in 2008 as reported by councillors, published in the Champion. As such the regional and municipal transportation planning process has accordingly not prepared for this high- intensity impact. Ontario's current tran- sit services leave many people reliant on automo- biles to get around the GTHA and. heavy truck traffic through residential areas will not be efficient for either profesSional or personal motorists. In theory the Green par- ty and I support regional transportation hubs, to fa- cilitate essential freight movement, favouring rail over roads especially when electrified with renewable energy sources as part of a more sustainable delivery system. However, with most vehicles still depen- dent on fossil fuels, up to 12 kilometres from major highways, the Milton Lo- gistics Hub would exacer- bate carbon emissions en- hanced further with re- gional gridlock. This project is not in a favourable location to Gallin MILTON MILTON af 77 1967 a nice place O85 MAIN STREET E., MILTON serve this community. I support local governance and the vital health and safety of our people and businesses. Indira Naidoo-Harris Liberal As a long time resident of Milton, I care deeply about this community. It's my home, and I have always been committed to: making sure that the con- cerns of Halton residents are heard and addressed. I have been monitoring the developments of CN's proposed intermodal hub for some time, especially the response of our com- munity. : I have serious concerns about how this project will impact the quality of life of families who live near the proposed hub." Since it is a federal mat- JSINESS Metroland photo composition The provincial election candidates for the Milton riding include, from left, Parm Gill (PC), Eleanor Hayward (Green), Indira Naidoo-Harris (Liberal) and Brendan Smyth (NDP). 0 & A: We asked, Milton candidates answered ter, I wrote to the federal minister of transport some time ago, expressing my concerns and have asked him to consider and ad- dress the local communi- ty's perspective. There have been calls for the province to get in- volved in this issue. I am pleased to say that the province of Ontario has de- cided to intervene. This initiative could have a serious impact on the lives of local families. Community voices are es- sential to good develop- ment. It is my expectation that these community con- cerns are listened to and strongly considered by fed- eral regulators. I will, as I always have, fight for the interests of our # See MILTON, page 29 Balingensss k (fe, uoidwey) uepeuen IN @ 8102 '1& Ae 'Aepsuny) | wo' uo}|eyapisul