$2.00 Man charged in fatal Guelph Line crash KEVIN NAGEL knagel@metroland.com Halton police have laid charges in connection with a fatal motor vehicle collision in Milton in February. The incident occurred near - Guelph Line and Limestone Road in Milton at approximate- ly 5:30 p.m. on Feb. 7. James Bradley Patterson, 51, of Campbellville, is charged with dangerous operation causing death and impaired op- eration causing death. Patterson is scheduled to ap- pear in Milton Court on June 18. = Police say an SUV operated by a 74-year-old Rockwood man was travelling northbound on Guelph Line when it collided with a southbound pickup truck. The Rockwood man was pro- nounced dead at the scene. CONNECTED TO YOUR COMMUNITY INSIDEHALTON.COM THURSDAY 248 208 MAY ILTON 2 ian Champion. Clayton Hackenbrook Broker Serving Milton Since 1980 905-878-7777 www.hackenbrook.com ONLINE at insidehalton.com News, events and information on your _desktop, laptop or mobile device Events Calendar CID Orn EE EE 13 24 4 15 ES i Ene Serbs ee meses weawndi ER BE ERE SEs SLOT TE GED See what's happening by visiting our online community calendar. www.Insidehalton.com/events PERE Contact us #8 editor@mittoncanadianchampion.com Ei facebook.com/InsideHaiton "4 Milton_Champion &® www.insidehalton,com Quin Vertolli photo Michelle Hawk checks out some of the plants and herbs on offer at the Robert Kujawy Farms booth with a little help from Robert Kujawy during the Milton Farmers' Market season opener May 19. Operated by the Milton Chamber of Commerce, the market runs Saturdays from 7 a.m. until 12 (noon) on Main Street, where more than 40 vendors set up shop. Start & Grow Your Business in Discover support services & funding opportunities RAIL «& 1B 9 - S/R ERR iIVEEi LU v/ i n/ EB sey atin An Initiative of Milton Economic Development ~ i MEV WES" Innovation | Cid 21 ~AHalton ZY Centre MERTON ... Te