ot "A EDUCATION Resolution 'significantly restricts' / fundraising activities: court document ® Continued from page 14 a judicial review hearing at the Milten courthouse. The hearing is set for Wednesday, May 9. Harvey was hoping for a sus- pension of the February motion NEWS N Municipal election nominations now open Calling all council hopefuls and incumbents. Nominations for this fall's mu- nicipal elections opened Tuesday (May 1) at 8:30 a.m. for the Town of Milton, Halton Region and school board trustees. Nominations close on July 27 at 2 p.m. y The election takes place on Monday, October 22, with ad- vance voting from October 8 to 14. The Town of Milton will elect one mayor, four regional coun- cillors (one from each ward) and four town councillors (one from each ward). Halton Region wil elect one regional chair. School boards trustees will be elected for English and French boards. "A person may be nominated for office if he or she meets all the requirements: candidates must bel8 years of age or older, a Canadian citizen, a resident of the Town of Milton (or an owner or tenant of land in the Town of Milton or the spouse of such a person) and eligible to vote. Candidates must file a nomi- nation form, along with the fil- ing fee, before incurring any ex- penses or collecting any money; two pieces of identification must be presented, showing name, qualifying address and signa- ture. Forms are available at www,MiltonVotes.ca and Mil- ton's Town Hall (Community Services counter). Filing fees are $200 for Mayor or Regional Chair and $100 for all other offices. Candidates are encouraged to contact the Town Clerk's Office until consultation concluded, but the board passed a motion in- stead, as a response to delega- tions. It referred the matter to a fu- "ture meeting to coincide with a senior staff report on the feed- - to book an appointment to file their nomination paper. Ap- pointments are available Mon- day taFriday, 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. and it will take approximately 30 minutes to complete the nomina- tion filing process. The Town Clerk's Office has relocated; nominations will 'be accepted at the Community Services count- er, in the main lobby of Town Hall. od There are specific require- ments that must be followed by third party advertisers, which includes individuals, trade " back and consultation process on HCDSB's school fundraising ac- tivities policy (W004). Harvey is now seeking an or- der quashing resolution 61-18, passed by HCDSB on Feb. 20, or one that prohibits the HCDSB 7 3 or from enforcing the substance or resolution until it has completed a "meaningful, process of com- munity consultation and adopt- ed a revised fundraising policy," stated in the application. HCDSB board chair Diane Ra- % CONNON | -- NURSERIES -- THE PROFESSIONAL'S CHOICE GROWERS OF QUALITY PLANTS & TREES FANE GROWER DIRECT ____ PROGRAM + Serving Landscape Professionals Ontario - wide ol 1s Y -- - co. ONNoN ASA -- hr orm, » Also open to the public daily from 9am! « We are the Growers of over 250 ACRES of nursery stock t WWW.GBINOR. Ca Bon. or --_-- ' $e = unions or. corporations that place an election-related adver- tisement to be seen by the pub- lic. Advertisements include a: message in any media, such as newspapers, billboards, radio, etc., that are for or against a can- didate running in the munieipal election. Third party advertis- ers must register in each munic- ipality where they plan to adver- tise. - The newly-launched elec- tions website www.MiltonVotes- .ca contains ward maps, nomina- tion forms, election guidelines, | « Visit one of the largest dispiays of plant material anywhere! Robson Production Sales Yard 656 Robson Rd. Waterdown ON tel 905 689 7433 requirements and legislation, third party advertising regula- tions and other resources for candidates. For voters; the web- site holds voting information, in- cluding voters' lists and loca- tions. For those seeking employ- ment opportunities, job descrip- tions and applications for working during the election will be available in August. ~ For more election informa- tion, visit www.MiltonVotes.ca or contact the Town Clerk's Of- fice at 905-878-7252 x2253 or townclerk@milton.ca. benda acknowledged on April 24 it has recejved the notice of ap- plication for a judicial review on. the motion and is working with legal counsel to determine the next steps, said a statement. "Fundraising at the school level is an intégral part of the ed- ucational experience for our stu- dents and we remain committed to seeking feedback from our parents, students, staff and rate- payers on this matter," said Ra- benda. "All stakeholders have an op- portunity to share their feed- back on these amendments through the policy consultation process, currently underway." She added, "In the interim, we continue to encourage our schools to participate in fund- raising efforts that meet our cur- rent requirements." The board's resolution pro-- hibits financial donations to charities and nonprofits that support, directly or indirectly, abortion, contraception, steril- ization, euthanasia or human embryonic stem cell research. The list initially consisted of 100 groups, including Halton Women's Place, Toronto's Sick Kids Hospital and the Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation, but was shortened to 30 after the March 20 board meeting. In the court document, Har- vey claims resolution 61-18 "sig- nificantly restricts" which char- ities schools and councils, par- ents and students are permitted to raise funds for. As well, he argued the views of school councils were not con- sulted by the board prior to passing the resolution, and be- cause they weren't, neither were the parents. In addition, he claims the mo- tion was also passed in contra- vention of the procedures: set out in HCDSB bylaws and proce- dures. The Halton Catholic school board's consultation on the mo- tion is open to stakeholders un- til 11:59 p.m. on Friday, June 1. Comments can be submitted at www.hcdsb.org/Board/Poli- cies/Pages/Policies-under-con- sultation-forml.aspx. However, resolution 61-18 is still in effect during this time, so school fundraising efforts may only be directed to charities and/or nonprofit organizations that meet the requirements out- lined in the February motion. 5 woo uojjeyapisul 2102 'c Key Kepsinyl | uoidwieyn ueipeued) olin]