COMMUNITY Sargént Farms expands with new chicken hatchery Sargent Farms iS branching out. - The Milton-based cick en processor and producer has partnered with Que- bec's Boire & Freres in a new state-of-the-art chick- en hatchery in Woodstock that opens in early May. The joint venture, which will operate as the Thames River Hatchery, is the first independent, _ large-scale chicken hatch- ery built in Ontario in more than 30 years. 0 The $15-million project will create approximately 30 jobs and have capacity to produce 20 million chicks per year. "We're looking forward to providing high-quality chicks to farmers across the province," said Sargent Farms vice president Bob Sargent. "This facility fea- tures the most-advanced technology on the market, which will allow us to en- hance quality, animal care standards and sustainabil- ity." The hatchery's location, on a greenfield site in an in- dustrial park, offers prox- imity and convenient ac- cess to highways and trans- portation links to reach a large network of chicken farms across southern On- tario. "We've had tremendous support and encourage- ment fr onythe community and officials in Woodstock as we moved this project forward from the planning stages to reality," "said Claude Boire, president of Boire & Freres. "Were thrilled to get to the pro- duction stage and play a role in further developing Ontario's dynamic and growing chicken industry." Sargent Farms and Boire & Freres are both family-owned and operated companies with long-stand- ing reputations for commit- ment to quality, innovation, It's all fun until someone loses an "i"! * AUDIENCE TICKETS $15 Avajlable in person and online @ In support of Learning Centre ' § Serving Georgetown. Milton & Acton To enter a team please email a hadultieaning, ca Canadi [ontario "natural fit," Monday, May 14, 2018 7:30pm FirstOntario Arts Centre Milton | MinMaxx Hall 1010 Main St. East, Milton Helping Our Community Prosper 905-873- 2200 _ customer service and com- munity involvement. "The partnership be- tween our companies in the new hatchery was a says Kevin Thompson, CEO of Sargent Farms. "Both organiza- tions share similar values and philosophies when it comes to business practic- es. We're glad to work to- gether on this project and provide farmers top quali- ty chicks, supported by su- perior service." In addition to its invest- ment in the hatchery, Sar- gent Farms is also carrying out a $10-million project to enhance and retrofit its ha- lal chicken processing fa- cility in'Milton. This coincides with its . 75th anniversary. The retrofit will be car- ried out 'In stages over three years, primarily dur- ing off hours, allowing the plant to continue operating throughout the project. L ] oh oud Ming 0 n to Mito Bronte We st CONDOMINIUMS FEATURING: - Large Spacious Suites * Next to Milton District Hospital - State of the Art Efficiencies - Low Condo Fees = Affordable Living « High Value = Difference that Matters 4 : ' : t . #4 > " J v g REGISTER NOW A Howland reen Beyond Net Zero ILLUSTRATION IS ARTIST CONCEPT. FEATURES AND SPECIFICATIONS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE E.&0.E. . Ca . Sedu LAr LA 3 Q 810Z 'c Ae Aepsiny) | uoidweyd ueipeues uo | a re LL 4 < bl oh Wo uoyeyepisul a &* ul isn