fy THURSDAY APRIL 26, 2018 Champi Accepted * Written Drug Info. Available Province investing $90M to create new campus Wilfried Laurier University and Conestoga College will be partners DAVID LEA ; dlea@metroland.com The Province of Ontario will invest $90 million fo create a Wilfrid Laurier Universi- ty/Conestoga College partnership campus in Milton. Minister of Advanced Education and Skills Development Mitzie Hunter and Hal- ton MPP/Minister of Education Indira Nai- doo-Harris made the long awaited an- nouncement during a news conference held at the Milton Education Village (MEV) Inno- vation Centre on Wednesday, April 18, The campus will be located on 150 acres of land set aside by the Town of Milton. A 50-acre parcel will be located in the pro- posed Milton Education Village site, next to the Mattamy National Cycling Centre. ® See INSTITUTION, page 19 CONNECTED TO YOUR COMMUNITY INSIDEHALTON.COM JARY. ACCESS. LOCAL CO (IK; {. GOOD JOBS. EDUCATIC (PERIENCE. POSTSECON ARETE hs MYT RN ll Town of Milton photo Minister of Advanced Education and Skills Development Mitzie Hunter announces $90 million provincial investment to create Laurier/Conestoga partnership campus in Milton. TOP 1% IN CANADA! | , ™ CNEL a -- ) 647 ils 3066 SALES REPRESENTANTVE NN. 3 ALI REALTY SPECIALISTS INC. BROKERAGE . ve M oF Le ABN Ing Nn. ee. SSE "At Zak's We Care About Your Health" 70 Main St. E. 875-2424 ONLINE at insidehalton.com News, events and information on your desktop, laptop or mobile device Events Calendar 1 14 17 25 CID Cl ED 13 24 A , 5 See what's happening by visiting our online community calendar. www.Insldehalton.com/ events Contact us ~~ editor@miltoncanadianchampion.com #i facebook.com/InsideHalton \-§ Miiton_Champion ° & www.insidehalton.com R : / AE gt i 6901 DERRY RD W MILTON (905) 878-8536