---------------------- a ---------------------------- ae " NEWS The latest addition to tlie myMILTON mobile app may save users money and time. Milton is adding street parking exceptions and parking ticket payment fea- tures to the app. If residents, their guests or contractors need to park on a Milton street in excess = of five hours or overnight be- § tween 2-6 a.m., they can now s register their parking excep- tion through the mobile app, up to a maximum of 18 street nadian Champion | Thursday, Apriff 19, 2018 | 8 Milto NOTHING EEEI'S'BETTER THAN] MILTON [FIARDWOBD FLOORS." MILTON HARD D ELOCORS / parking exceptions per plate per year. ; Paying a parkingticket now possible using the ay rather than visiting town hall. Recent upgrades to the town's parking systems soft- ware have also contributed to an improved online expe- rience on the website. Since the app was first re- leased in July 2017, more . than 6,000 unique users have downloaded the app, with to- tal page views surpassing Hard Maple, or Wire Brushed Ash SHOP ONLINE! miltonhardwood.com 53 Steeles Ave. E. Milton, ON * Oil, It's true Canadian Red Oak, Town adds features to myMILTON app 180,800. The app also features a click and fix photo toal to re- , port and submit service re- quests, such as traffic light outages, graffiti incidents and bylaw.issues. Additional features include access to- the Milton Public Library catalogue, a transit trip planner and Halton Region's waste schedule. The my- MILTON mobile appis avail- able through the iTunes and | Google Play oss per sq ft While quantities last 905.876.7671 that we can lube, fix everything under the : SPRING - SUMMER MAINTENANCE OFFER* and filter ® Tire rotation e Comprehensive multi- point visual inspection We are fully authorized to perform warranty-approved maintenance on new vehicles. For the air we breathe insidghalton.com ! -' Bob's Auto Service 18 Commercial Street, Downtown Milton 905-878-7926 bobsautoservicemilton@gmail.com Another High Five accreditation for Town of Milton Town recognized for its children's programming The Town of Milton has once again been recog- nized for its dedication to providing exceptional rec- reation and sport pro- gramming for children by becoming High Five ac- credited. High Five accreditation 1s the benchmark for ex- cellence in children's rec- reation and sport pro- gramming. It distinguish- es those organizations that focus on healthy de- velopment of children, re- sulting in programs of the » highest recognized levels of quality and safety. The town has taken sev- eral steps to align its sport and recreation programs with the principles of High Five. A number of these initiatives were recog- nized through the accredi- tation process, including: . The use of "parent cards" to help establish fa- miliarity and foster posi- tive relationships between staff members and parents of participants . Co-ordinated training sessions with camp and aquatic staff to provide a higher level of safety for children in the pool environment . The creation of Move More Sports, an affordable programming option The Services we perform are now covered for 2 years or 40,000 km! The NAPA 24 Months / 40,000 Km North American Peace of Mind Limited Warranty is a NAPA AUTOPRO exclusive! It covers you, the vehicle owner, for up to 2 years or 40,000 km (whichever 'occurs first), on qualifying services and repairs. No matter where you may travel, the NAPA Peace of Mind Warranty will be honoured at more than 17,000 NAPA authorized facilities throughout Canada and the United: States! NAPA AUTOPRO summer aimed at the development of fundamental movement skills High Five is Canada's quality standard for chil- dren's recreation and sport, committed to assist- ing children along the path of healthy child de- velopment by ensuring that recreation and sport practitioners develop a high level of knowledge and expertise in child de- velopment; helping par- ents. to make informed choices and providing practitioners with the tools for enhancing and maintaining a high level of program quality. To learn about the Town of Milton's recre- ation and sport offerings, visit www.milton.ca. S5SYEARS UNDER THE HOOD