. $2.00 | NATHAN HOWES Travelling by plane may be convenient for those leaving the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), but not for some who reside there. From noise levels and in- creased traffic to specific routes and emissions, Halton residents brought their air- plane concerns and questions to Nav Canada and Greater To- ronto Airports Authority (GTAA) officials April 5 dur- ing a community open house held at the Milton Sports Cen- tre. This is why GTAA and NAV Canada began exploring noise mitigation options, in June 2015, with GTA communities. Feedback provided by resi- dents helped identify opportu- nities for noise reduction in residential areas, leading to the inception of the Toronto Noise Mitigation Initiatives Engagement Plan. Also called the Six Ideas, the plan underwent technical analysis to determine the im- pacts and benefits for munici- palities and feasibility of im- 'Plementing the initiative, giv- en the demand forecast for To- ronto's Pearson International Airport. 0)" Jee CONNECTED TO YOUR COMMUNITY INSIDEHALTON.COM of Airplane noise issues raised at forum" "When we look at a certain flight path, we look at how many people- this is going to impact. Is there a way to im- pact fewer people? The things we're proposing, on balance, impact fewer people," said Jon- athan Bagg, Nav Canada man- ager of public affairs and com- munity relations. The Sik Ideas include night- : time approaches, nighttime departures, increased down- wind speed, continuous de- scent operations, summer weekend runway alternation program and preferential run- way system review. For Milton, nighttime ap- proaches and continuous de- scent operations, in particu- lar, will have benefits, Bagg ex- plained. The approaches were de- signed to better avoid populat- ed Milton areas, resulting in fewer aircraft at night, while continuous descent operations allow aircraft to use a much quieter profile. The advantage of the latter for local residents is twofold, he added, including improved flight paths to avoid the area and aircraft flying on the new" approach paths will do so at ® See NIGHTTIME, page 38 Your Smart Shopping App * View Plyers From your local retailers + Create custom shopping lists » Earn cash back an groceries + Get the best price, always! Graham Paine/Metroland Milton fire crews work to haul a rescue basket, guided by fellow firefighter Shane Robinson, up the escarpment face at Kelso Conservation Area April 6. The first responders were taking part in a joint research and rescue training exercise at the Conservation Halton park. For more photos, please turn to page 20. @ THURSDAY APRIL 12, 2018 , : 2019 RAM 1500 TI i di TE A, flr us T Ef add 14 ONLINE at insidehalton.com News, events and Information on your desktop, laptop or mobile device Events Calendar L 4 Jf. 22 oz 13 24 4 15 4 31 11 25 ED Go CED GE See what's happening by visiting our online community calendar. www.Insldehalton.com/ events Contact us Eo editor@miltoncanadianchampion.com facebook.com/InsideHalton Milton_Champion ® www.insidehalton.com MILTON TOWN ns Te COUNCILLOR £ simiiti Tel: 416-821- Pir * rick@dilorenzo.com f fackbook.com/rickdl ® ¥ twitter.com/rickdilorenzo