a ---- N ey WE ARE PROFESSIONAL GRADE 2018 GMC SIERRA 1500 , DOUBLE CAB 4X4 rani. _UPTO i ra J i : 4 Cie - COMPLIMENTARY 2-YEAR/ 5-YEAR/160,000 KLI ~ GMC PROD GRADE CLL IgE bh DEN VY TH S LIMITED WARRANTY * Toto! Veloe Eligible 2018 GMC Sierro Double (ob Flevation Edition 4x4: Offer ovailable to qualified reted customers in Canada for vehicles purchased between Margh | and April 2, 2018. Limited time only S11 000 Total Yolo is o combined total credit vale for (ash purchases 00 eligible 2018 GM Sierra Double (ob Bevation Edition 414 induding 54,150 manufoctural'to- dealer delivery edi (fox exclusive), § Option Package Discount (redit (bax exdusive) $1,000 GM Card Application Bonys (offer applies to individuals whe opply for o Scotisbank GM Visa Cord (GM Card) or current Gi Card cardholders) (tax inclusive) ond $3 550 momuhucturer to. desler delivery credit (tax exclusive) Limited time offer whch may nol be combmad with certain other offers General Motors of (anode (ompony may modify 500 monutacturer-fo-decher Truck Month Credit (1x exdsive] $750 % AVAILABLE ONSTAR 4G LTE 48,000 KM LUBE-DIL-FILTER POWERTRAIN (@) WITH BUILT-IN WI-FI HOTSPOT" (3 6GB/3 MONTH TRIAL) mony focturer 1o- dee exiend of ermmete offers in whole of in part of amy hese without notice Londrhont ond laigt dealer for detesls. *(Lowse) Eigible 2018 GMC (onyon SLE Crew Cok Lnese based on saggested retail price of $41,295, indudes $750 menctactures to consumer GM Cord Applcation Bonus (offr apphes to indrviduals who apply for o Scotiobank GM Visa Card | GM Card] or current GM ord cardholders) (tax indhwsive), $500 monufuchurer-to- dealer lease cosh (ax exdusive), $500 manctactvrer to dealer Delivery (rod (tax exchusive) ond $750 momutacturer-to- dealer Truck Math (redit fax exclusive) lower ¢ the ese of an lige new 2018 GUC Camyun SLE Crew (ob Short Bax x4 of participating deokes. Bi-weekly payment i $175 for 48 maths of FX interest rate on approved credit to qualified retell customers by GM Financial 3.360 down payment 1s required. Total sbligution is 521,593 plus opplcoble taxes Taxes bense, imsuronce wgriraiion ond apphcable foes, levies, duties and, except in Quebec, dealer fees (ol of which may vary by decler ond spon) ore extra. Option lo $19,364 See Tor deta. Discounts vary by model Dealer may sell For ess. Limited time offer, which may not be combined with certain other offer General Motors of (aneds (ompany may modify, extend of terminate of fars whole oi par of ony time without nofce. (saditions ond liiabons apply. Offers may not be redeemed for cash and may nt be combined with cariain other coc mer incentive: Eligible 2018 0 Double (sb Devation [dition xd Offer available to qualified retail customers in (aneds on select oew 2018 Sierra 1500 Doll (ob Elevation Edition 414 from March | 2018 ond Apel 2. 2018 0% porches financing (2.28% APL oftered on approved edit by TD Auto Finance Services, Scotisbonk ® or RBC Royal Bank for 72 months oo chigible 2018 Qi models: 2018 Sierre lenders ore subject to change. Rates from other lenders will vary. Down payment rode and/or sacurity depesit may be required. Monthly payment and st of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down peymen,/ rade Example: 539 420 financed of 0 nominal rate (2.28% APR) equals $547.50 monthly for 77 months inchodes SJ 550 manuf schurer- fo deol (sh credit (ux exchusive may modity, extend oc fermingte offers im whola or in part of any me without notice (onditions pd lemitation: apply. See dealer for detork El ogrstered rodemark of The Bank of Nova Scotia. 18( ond Royel Bonk or regrsiet od trademarks of Royal Bonk of (anode € time without natice. (onditions and lmmitations apply Offers may not be redeemed for cosh and may not be combined with cartoin other consumer wcentrves. Sllogrstered trademark of The Bonk of Nowe Scotia { (Finance) Eligible 2019 Sierra 2500 Deas HD Crew (ab 42d with Duromax Diesel Engine: Offer available to qualified retail customer in (anoda for vebucles financed ond from between Morch of RB{ Royal oak. Porticiputing lender: ort sabiect in change. Lates from other lenders vill vary Representutive finance example based on « oww 2018 Sierra 2500 Danek HD Crew (ob 414 with Dursmax Diesel Engine. Suggested reted price i S89 790. $0 down payment of equivalent irode-m required. 89,790 financed of 1% (0.2% APR) equoks $1,162 per month for 72 months. Tote! Vokoe consists of $1 27 (rodit {vex exclusive), $500 mambuchures-to-dealer Finance (ish tax exchsive), ond $1,000 mensfacturer to-comsumer GM Cord Application Bonus (offer apples to individuals wha apply for «Scotiabank GM Visa Card [GM (ard o current GM Cord cordholders) (jax indhusive). ast of borrowing i 50 for o total obligation of $43 433. Taxes, § 100 Fresght ond PDI. $100 oir 80 wry by eich, device, conditions o wll 2 peor apical ond ncheicl resricions. Devic date commechion required. ~ besed an Words. co 2011 Sma Pika segment sds compat formation ovale fe of pci Excludes other GM vebices. + Lit of four complimentary (ube 0d Filter services in tote. Fhid hg off, inspections, ie rotation: hee! chynmen. Tire. Conon ond lmvtotions ppl see your dealer bor defor v Vest omster cu for vehicle evedabiity Services end connectivity vary by model Condoms 0 well os Yoographical and techeacal restrictions. Leguires active Onli service ond data plan Dato plas provided by ATL] or its local service provider 9% interest role on 2018, April 2, 20 31,500 mance cash, § nay very by vehade dover approved edit to qualified retard customers by GM Fingnoal node (ompany may modify, extend of termunate offers m whole 8 Financing provided, on approved credit by TD Auto Finance Service: 1 manvtuchurer-o-desler Delivery (edit (tax exclusive), $1 000 manufacturer fo-deale: | pu Dhegrstered irdemark of The Bonk of Nove Scotia. - 0% Purchase Finan ng fo 00 Dowble (ab Elevation Edition 414. Othe irises may have effective rate: wei Ngher than 0%. Participet $00 momutocturcs-fo- dealer Truck Month Credit (tax exclusive) § Apphcation Bonus (offer apphes to indrvidusts who apply for Scotiabank GM Yisa Cord (GM Card] or current GM Card cardholders) (vax insive) phe S750 OPD Cradit. Cast of borrowing k $0 for o total oblgation of $19,149 Pring! and ow charge (5100, f spplicable) indoded. License, insurance, registration, PPSA, applicable faxes and desler foes nol included Dealers ore froe 1a sef individual prices. Limited time offer which may not be combined with orton other offers General Meters of andiions as well 01 geographical ond lechmedl restrichons. Dev me fouteres may require o paid OnStar service plan Features and capability Is ond belong, #1 ere nof cover od (ondiions ond lertutions apply See your deater hor detosd mode equrres Sierra Double (od took Wachee: come hase of lease end month ' Sy ease) Hgble 2018 GM( Camyon SLE Crow (ob Loose based on suggested retail price of S41 295, include ) manwhecturer-lo-comsumer GM (ord Application Boays (offer opphes 10 indrmduats who apply for 8 Scohobenk GM Ya (ard (6M Cord) or current GM Card cardholders) (ex inclusive), $500 mamwfackrer to-dealer lowsa cash (tux exchusive), $500 momutuctures to- desler Delivery (rod (lax excisive) ond $750 manufacturer to-dedler Truck Month Credit (ia exchsive) Vows fhe lease of an eligible new 2018 GMC (soyon SLE Crew (ob Short Box 4x4 of participating deslers. Bi weekly peyment is 175 for 48 moths of . required. Total oblgofion i $21, 597 phos applicable taxes Taxes hoemse, imsaronce registration and spphcable fees, levies, duties ond excep! in Quebec desler foes (oll of which may vary by decor ond region) are exe Opto is purchase of lows end is 519.364. Soe docker for detods. Discounts vary by model. Dealer may sell for les Lisncied time offer, which may not be combined with certain other offers General lator: of 3,360 down payment. trabank ane ho ack Month conditioneng char pe (where applicable) PPA icomse, insurance egriirahion and opphcable foes, levies ond dubes (all of whech moy vo by regen snd dealer) ore extra. Dealers are free to sof individual prices Limited time financing offer, which may not be combimed with certoin other offers Gl (onada may modify, extend or terminate offers in whole o in pert of an fine wilhou! notice. (ondiions ond hanitotions apply. Sen desler for deteils. @ Registered trademark of The Bonk of Nove Scot. RBC and Ravel Bonk ore fegrsierad rodemerks of Royal Bank of (onda. f Sierra's S670 kg (12,5001) rating (oh Short Box 4x2 with 6.21 Ecole? YY engine and Max Tradlering Pockoge Before you buy o vehucls or esa t for wrong carehally review the trading saction of fhe Owner's Manuel The weight of passengers, corgo ond options or scressaries may oduct the amount you (on low. 1 Fill nctionslity requires compatible Bloetooth and smertphone; and USB connectivity for some devices Date rates may apply. Comparison based on wardsawte com 2017 Smell Pickup segment! ond latest Competitive information swdable of the time of posting. Exchdes otber GM vebuckes 2 efore you buy o vebicl or wt if for rodering, carly review the iralering saction of the Owoer's Manes! The weight of passengers, Targe and options or accessories me doce the amount you cam tow. | Available oa select Apple® and Android ™ devices. Some features may require a pad Onter service plea. Features and (opability "tired. ©) Comporson besed oo wards. com 1017 Smal Pickup sopmoen and es competi iormation vainble of ho me of posing Excludes other GM vehicle: > Bgfore you bey a vebicke or se i for raddering, corehylly view fhe irailering section of the Owner's Manual. The wesght of passengers, corge ond options or czessaries my reduce fhe smovat you cam low } Available on select Apple® ond Androad™ devices So ov v BLOC '62 yoiep 'Aepsunyy | uoidwey) veipeues uoliw Wo2 uo eyspisul w --