Milton Canadian Champion |' Thursday, March 29, 2018 | 2 2 » Improvements planned for roads, public transit, active transportation TIM WHITNELL Milton's Transportation Master Plan will get the green light to map out short and long-term im- "provements to its roads and public transit. On March 19, Milton council's committee of the whole endorsed the Trans- portation Master (TMP) in pringiple, pend- ing final apprgval by the full council at a public meeting on April 9. Once approved, a 30-day public review would begin April 10, in accordance with the requirements for a municipal class environ- mental assessment. It appears the Town of Plan THe TMP sets a long- term visiorr for tyansporta- tion within Milton, provid- ing strategies to balance all modes of transportation - walking, - cycling, public transit and vehicular traf- fic. The the town says * TMP's objectives include viable transportation choices, 'travel that is de- signed for all users, an in- tegrated network of trans- "portation routes, safe and efficient travel and connections and outside Milton. options, within The plan's strategies ad- - dress active transporta- tion, transit, road net- works, goods movement and © transportation de- mand management. The TMP also identifies con: ceptual road connections for the next urban expan- sion on the Sustainable Halton lands. The TMP report notes several significant poten- tial facilities have been identified, such as an ex- Metroland file photo Milton Council's Committee of the whole has endorsed in principle the Transportation Master Plan. panded storage and maih- tenance facility for transit vehicles, for which the cost is expected to be ev later this year. In addition to the capital projects and operating cost changes identified in the master plan, other require- ments are noted related to population growth and the renewal of existing trans- portation infrastructure and services. Growth-related costs in- clude the - infrastructure previously forecast by the town to complete areas such as the Boyne Second- ary Plan, potential parking facilities, as well as the costs associated with the town assuming responsi- bility for the maintenance of local roads that will be built by land developers. "The TMP is intended to provide practical guidance ° to achieve a balanced transportation system for our growing community. It will provide input into the next Official Plan review and provide direction on polices that can serve to better manage conges- tion," states a Town of Mil- , ton press release. "The TMP informs deci- sues, Town close to adopting a Transportation Master Plan sion- aking but it does not address . site-specific is- detailed design or construetion," noted the press release. However, some projects, such as road/lane building or expansion are listed in the TMP along with esti- mated capital and operat- Ing costs. The town says road net- work improvements rec- ommended in the TMP are largely based on when fu- ture development occurs. Some roads will be con- structed by land develop- ers as greenfield (undevel- oped) sites evolve; other roads 'will be constructed by the town, supported by development charges in ac- cordance. with provincial legislation. ' "The TMP draft plan has identified some road im- provement projects as far out as 2031, with two alter- native charts consisting of six projects each with some ® See ROAD, page 11 'The Mississauga Halton Central West Regional Cancer Program In collaboration with our partners, community stakeholders and patients we have launched a new Strategic Plan that aims to create a better cancer system for everyone. Exceptional, compassionate care for people impacted by cancer Together, we will improve cancer care in our region For more information about cancer services in your community and to read our 2018-2020 - Strategic Plan, please visit' 4 Mississauga Halton Central \¥ Trillium : ® West Regional Cancer Program X7" Health Partners (on | G) Health Cae Centr Meath Sy eo Lori : : Better Together Healthcare ea 1 System in partnership with Cancer Care Ontario : jr | ----